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  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY VS ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, AN UNKNOWN BUSINESS ENTITY, ET AL. Other Non-Personal Injury/Property Damage tort (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 JENNIFER T. SANCHEZ (191548) MURPHY SANCHEZ PLLC 2 4040 Civic Center Drive, Suite 200 San Rafael, California 94903 3 Telephone: (628) 386-1805 4 Facsimile: (215) 799-9349 Email: 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff, 6 USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o ALLESANDRA CADMAN and KYLE CADMAN 7 8 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 (UNLIMITED JURISDICTION) 12 USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE Case No. ________________ COMPANY a/s/o ALLESANDRA CADMAN 13 and KYLE CADMAN, COMPLAINT 14 Plaintiff, 15 [$64,197.05] v. 16 ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & 17 RESTORATION, an unknown business entity; JUSTIN RODRIGUEZ, an individual; and 18 DOES 1 – 20, Inclusive, Complaint filed: Trial Date: 19 Defendants. 20 21 Plaintiff USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o ALLESANDRA 22 CADMAN and KYLE CADMAN (“USAA”) hereby complains and alleges against Defendants 23 ALLOY CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION, JUSTIN RODRIGUEZ, and DOES 1 through 24 20 as follows: 25 PARTIES 26 1. Plaintiff USAA is now and at materials times was authorized to do business in 27 California, and at all material times was the insurer of Kyle and Allesandra Cadman (collectively 28 “Cadmans”). COMPLAINT Case No. __________________________ 1 2. At all relevant times, the Cadmans owned the residential property located at 1253 2 and 1255 S Rimpau Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90019 (“Property”). 3 3. Plaintiff is informed, believes, and alleges that defendant ALLOY 4 CONSTRUCTION & RESTORATION (“ACR”) is an unknown business entity and is doing 5 business as a general contractor in Los Angeles County. ACR acted as the general contractor at the 6 Property with Contractor License Number 1054043. 7 4. Plaintiff is informed, believes and alleges that defendant JUSTIN RODRIGUEZ at 8 all relevant times was the owner and sole operator of ACR and who is an individual residing 9 and/or doing business in Los Angeles County. 10 5. The true names of Does 1 through 20 are unknown to Plaintiff. Plaintiff is informed 11 and believe that each of the Defendants are in some way responsible for the events alleged in this 12 Complaint and for causing or contributing to damage to Plaintiff. Plaintiff will amend this 13 Complaint and insert the correct names and capacities of these Defendants when they are 14 discovered. 15 5. At all relevant times, Defendants, and each of them were the employees, agents, 16 ostensible agents and/or contractors of each of the remaining Defendants, and were at all relevant 17 times acting within the purpose and scope of that employment, agency and/or contract. Each 18 Defendant had also given prior approval and subsequent ratification for the conduct, acts, and/or 19 omissions of each of the other Defendants referred to herein. 20 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 21 6. At all relevant times Defendants were in the business of providing home 22 construction, repair, remodeling, and/or maintenance work. 23 7. On or about June 5, 2020, the Cadmans and Defendants entered into a Home 24 Improvement Contract for remodel and construction work at the Property, which included among 25 other things, to waterproof doors and windows. 26 8. On or about December 20, 2021, the Cadmans suffered damage to the Property 27 when rain water leaked through the windows and doors at the Property causing substantial 28 damage. COMPLAINT Case No. __________________________ 2 1 9. Prior to the damage described in this Complaint, Plaintiff USAA issued its policy 2 of insurance whereby it agreed to indemnify the Cadmans against loss of or damage to their 3 property. 4 10. Because of the damage to the Property, Plaintiff USAA’s insureds made a claim 5 under their insurance policy with USAA for repairs, loss, and damage, water remediation services, 6 and other losses. Plaintiff USAA has paid to or on behalf of its insureds at least sixty-four 7 thousand, one hundred ninety-seven dollars, and five cents ($64,197.05). USAA’s payments were 8 required by the terms of the insurance policy and USAA did not make such payments as a 9 volunteer. Neither USAA nor its insureds were responsible for causing the damage. USAA has a 10 right of subrogation against Defendants for its payments. 11 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 12 Negligence Against All Defendant 13 11. Plaintiff incorporates here with like force and effect as though set forth fully here 14 each and every allegation of paragraphs 1 through 10 above. 15 12. Defendants had a duty to exercise reasonable care and to perform their work in a 16 professional and skilled manner and to undertake work that was not defected and that was in 17 compliance with all applicable building codes and regulations and compliant with manufacturer 18 guidelines and regulations. 19 13. Defendants breached their duty by performing work that was defective, was not 20 performed in a professional and skilled manner, and failed to comply with applicable codes, 21 regulations, and manufacturer guidelines and recommendations. Defendants improperly installed 22 doors and windows, incorrectly installed unpermitted roofing, improperly repaired stucco and 23 plaster that caused cracking and damage, and performed other improper and defective work. 24 Defendants’ improper defective work was the proximate cause of water intrusion which caused 25 damage to the Property. 26 14. As a direct result of Defendants’ negligence, Plaintiff was damaged in the amount 27 of at least $64,197.05. 28 / / / COMPLAINT Case No. __________________________ 3 1 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 2 Breach of Contract Against All Defendants 3 15. Plaintiff incorporates here with like force and effect as though set forth fully here 4 each and every allegation of paragraphs 1 through 14 above. 5 16. Plaintiffs’ insureds entered into a Contract with Defendants, a copy of which is 6 attached as Exhibit “A”. 7 17. Defendants breached the Contract by failing to perform construction and remodel 8 work at the Property in a skilled and professional manner and, as stated in the contract at 9 paragraph 16(b) in a “workman-like manner and in compliance with all building codes and 10 applicable laws.” 11 18. Defendants performed work at the Property that was improper, defective, and 12 faulty. 13 19. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants breach of the Contract, Plaintiff was 14 damaged in the amount of at least $64,197.05. 15 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 16 Negligence Per Se Against All Defendants 17 20. Plaintiff incorporates here with like force and effect as though set forth fully here 18 each and every allegation of paragraphs 1 through 19 above. 19 21. Defendants’ work at the Property violated the Business and Profession Code, the 20 Building Code, the Los Angeles County Building Codes, and the Los Angeles Department of 21 Building and Safety Regulations by failing to obtain permits as required. 22 22. As a direct and proximate result of Defendants’ breach of applicable codes and 23 regulations, Plaintiff was damaged in the amount of at least $64,197.05. 24 / / / 25 / / / 26 / / / 27 / / / 28 / / / COMPLAINT Case No. __________________________ 4 1 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 2 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against the Defendants, as follows: 3 1. For Plaintiff’s damages in the amount of at least $64,197.05, according to proof; 4 2. For prejudgment interest pursuant to California Civil Code § 3287 or § 3288; 5 3. Attorneys’ fees to the extent allowed under California law; 6 4. For Plaintiff’s costs of suit herein; and 7 6. For such other and further relief as to the Court may deem just and proper. 8 Respectfully submitted, 9 Dated: July 3, 2024 MURPHY SANCHEZ PLLC 10 ________________________________________ 11 Jennifer Tomlin Sanchez Attorneys for Plaintiff, 12 USAA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANY a/s/o ALLESANDRA CADMAN and KYLE 13 CADMAN 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 COMPLAINT Case No. __________________________ 5