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  • PATRICK CONNOLLY VS CHRISTOPHER ZOUMALAN Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death - Uninsured Motorist (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • PATRICK CONNOLLY VS CHRISTOPHER ZOUMALAN Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death - Uninsured Motorist (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 LAW OFFICES OF JOHN A. HAUSER By: AMY K. PENNINGTON (238489) 2 One Pointe Drive, 6th Floor 3 Brea, CA 92821 Phone: (714) 571-0407 / Fax: (877) 369-5799 4 Direct Line: (714) 371-2310 E-Mail: 5 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2282, Brea, CA 92822-2282 6 Attorneys for Defendant CHRISTOPHER ZOUMALAN 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - SPRING STREET 10 11 PATRICK CONNOLLY, an individual, CASE NO. 19STCV41104 12 Plaintiff, [PROPOSED] JUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANT PURSUANT TO 13 vs. GRANTING OF MOTION FOR 14 SUMMARY JUDGEMENT CHRISTOPHER ZOUMALAN, an Electronically Received 06/07/2021 03:09 PM 15 individual; and DOES 1-20 , Date Action Filed: 11/14/2019 16 Defendants. Trial Date: None Set 17 18 [PROPOSED] JUDGMENT 19 On May 27, 2021, Defendant, CHRISTOPHER ZOUMALAN’s (“Defendant”) Motion 20 for Summary Judgment came on regularly for hearing and consideration in Department 29 of the 21 above-entitled Court, the Honorable Serena R. Murillo, Judge, presiding. Amy K. Pennington, 22 Esq. appeared on behalf of Defendant. Carlos A. De La Paz, Esq. appeared on behalf of 23 plaintiff, PATRICK CONNOLLY (“Plaintiff”). 24 After full consideration of the evidence, and the written and oral submissions by the 25 parties, the Court GRANTED Defendant’s Motion for Summary Judgment and found that 26 Defendant is entitled to judgment as a matter of law for the following reasons: 27 Defendant has met its burden of showing that Plaintiff’s cause of action for Negligence 28 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ [PROPOSED] JUDGMENT FOR DEFENDANT PURSUANT TO GRANTING OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGEMENT