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  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY VS HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, A CALIFORNIA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, ET AL. Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


20SMCV00235 Assigned for all purposes to: Santa Monica Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Elaine Mandel ~ SHORELINE Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 12:00 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by B. McClendon,Deputy Clerk 1 SH RELINE, A Law rporation ANDREW .I . HALEY SBN 202 00) 2 1299 Ocean Avenue, Suite 400 Santa Monica, California 90401-1007 3 Tel phone: (310) 451-8001 Fae imile: (310) 395-5961 4 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES - WEST DISTRICT 10 SANTA MONICA COURTHOUSE 11 12 RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, a Delaware Case No. 13 limited liability company COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES FOR: 14 Plaintiffs, 1. BREACH OF WRITTEN LEASE; 15 v. and 2. BREACH OF GUARANTY OF 16 HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LEASE LLC, a California limited liability company; 17 EID IA SANTA MONICA STUDIO 0001 LLC, a California limited liability company; 18 ALEXANDER AND ARISTOTLE BRENTWOOD STUDIO 001 LLC, a 19 alilornia limited liability compan ; MARGARET JIANG an indi 1dual, and 20 DOES 1-20, inclusive, 21 Defendants. 22 Plaintiff RCP Holdings II, LLC ("RCP") makes the following allegations for its 24 Complaint against defendants. 25 THE PARTIES 26 1. RCP is a Delaware limited liability company and is the owner of an office 27 building located at 240 26 th Street, Santa Monica, California 90402 (the "Building"). 28 2. Defendant Harvard Tutors of Brentwood, LLC ("Tenant") is a California COMPLAINT 2843539 I - 22008.097 .. SHORELINE 1 limited liability ompany doing business in lhc County of Los Angeles, Stat' of Cal ifornia . 2 /\s alle > d forth ~r b low, Tenant lea ed premis from RCP c nsisting r I. 'i82 r ·ntabk 3 quan.: re ·L n the cc nd floor flh Building and I nown a: SuiL · 2 (lhe "Premise·"). 4 3. cfondant Alexander And ArislotJ Brcntwo d Studio )0 I LL (' /\l xandcr"·) 5 is a ~aUfornia l.imit ·d liability company and is believed to be cl ing busine ·s in lhe C mnl 6 o[ Lo · Angeles Stat of Califi rnia. RCP i informed and belie es and based lher on al leg ·s 7 tln.l Alexander i' the alter-ego of Tenant. 8 4. o,f.,ndant Eidia anla Monica tudio 0001 L --Eidi a '), is a alil' m,ia 9 limited li ahilit compan and is b-licved t be doing busin~ss in th Count ol'Los /\n°cl~s. 10 , tall! of alifomia. R [-> is inform ·d and belie i.:s and ba ·cd lber on alleges that L.: idia is the 11 aJt r-eg of T nant. 12 5. Defendant Margaret Jiang 'Guarantor' ) i an individual d ing busin ·ss in and 13 b lieved to be r siding in the aunty o[ Los Angel ~s State of alifornia . RCP is i.nfwrn d 14 and belie cs and based U1 reon allege that Guarantor is a memb >r >f' Tenant. As alleged 15 below. Guarun tor signed a wrilt -n Guarant of L ~as . 16 6. Defendant designated as Does 1 to 20 are unknown to R P wh therefore ucs 17 tho c defendants by uch fictitious names. R P will ·eek leave to amend U1is omphint to s t 18 forth their true names and capacitie wh -n tl1ey have b en ascertained. RCP is informed und 19 beli that at all times p rtinent Doe 1-5 hav1;; been U1e alter-eg of' ·r ·nant b cause: a Lher • 20 has · xisted uch a unit of intere t and own rship between them· (b) Tenant is a sh -ll entity that 21 is cnnlrolled dominat d and used by D cs 1-5 r r th onduct or ils business s lei as a d ·vice l a id pers nal liability; (c) Tenant do 'S not operate scparal ' iy from the business condu Led 22 by Docs 1-5; d) the scparatenes · of Tenant and Does 1-5 did not exi t during the leasing Lhul is 23 U,c subject of this action; (e) Tenant has not observed or followed coqmrat--- frm11alitics; (f) 24 assets of Tenant nre (or were) commingled with those of Docs 1-5; and/or (g) Tenant was and is 25 undcrcapitaliz d. Any indi idualily and separateness betwe n Tenant and Docs 1-5 has ccas cl 26 and each f lh "ID is th all reg of the ther. Adherence l the fiction of separat e, isten · · or 27 Tenant and Doe· 1-5 ,,vould permit an abu ·e of an privi lege afforded trul separate pcrs ns 28 2 COMPLAINT 2843539.1 - 22008.097 .. SHORELINE 1 and entities and would sanction fraud and promote injustice in that Does 1-5 may seek to 1 immunize themselves from liability for certain of Tenant's actions, which caused the damages _ sustained by RCP. 4 THE LEASE 5 7. In or about December 2018, RCP and Tenant entered into a written Lease 0 Agreement (the "Lease") for the Premises. A true copy of the Lease is attached as Exhibit l. 7 8. On or about December 21, 2018, Guarantor executed a written Guaranty of the s Lease (the "Guaranty"). A true copy of the Guaranty is attached as Exhibit 2. 9 9. The Lease commenced on June 21, 2019 for a term of 62 months. A true copy 1o of the Commencement Letter is attached as Exhibit 3. 11 10. Public records show that on or about August 30, 2019, Margaret Jiang (the 12 Guarantor), formed two new limited liability companies: defendants Alexander and Eidia. In 13 the Articles of Organization for Alexander, Ms. Jiang listed the business address for 111 Alexander as being the subject Premises that had been leased by Tenant. Ms. Jiang listed the 15 mailing address for Alexander as being 2425 Olympic Blvd, Suite 4000W #23, Santa 16 Monica, California - which is the same mailing address as listed in the Articles of 17 Organization for Eidia. Ms. Jiang's husband, Anthony Mendez, is further listed on Harvard 1s Alumni networking rosters as being the Managing Director for Eidia. 19 11. Four days before filing of the above referenced Articles of Organization, :rn Anthony Mendez sent an email to RCP's representatives bearing a subject line reading 21 "Introduction to our new company." The email stated in part: "I'd like to introduce you to 22 our new company: Alexander and Aristotle. Harvard Tutors of Brentwood LLC will no JJ longer be active or used for any matters, and the new brand will be the one we will interact 24 with you through." Mr. Mendes even requested that "On existing exterior signage containing 25 'Harvard Tutors' could you please change to the new company ... " 26 12. A web search for Harvard Tutors shows that there is an affiliated entity called 27 Harvard Tutors of Naples, which apparently was the original company founded out of 28 Florida. The web search redirects the searcher to the web page for Eidia, where the home 3 COMPLAINT 2843539. I - 22008 097 ~ SHORELINE 1 page states: "New Name, Same Commitment to Results." The home page further states that 2 Harvard Tutors is "proud to continue ... now under the banner and resources of a national 3 leader in college admissions and academic tutoring, Eidia." 4 BREACHES OF THE LEASE AND GUARANTY 5 13. Base rent is payable on the first of each month. Tenant breached the Lease by 6 failing to pay monthly base rent of $14,633.50 for the Premises commencing in August 1, 7 2019 1 and continuing thereafter. 8 14. Additional unpaid operating expenses and late fees are due for the months 9 commencing on and after June 1, 2019. 15. Guarantor breached her Guaranty by failing and refusing to pay the amounts 11 owed by Tenant to RCP which were guaranteed by her. 12 16. On or about January 17, 2020, RCP served a Five-Day Notice to Pay or Quit 13 on Tenant. 14 17. In response, on or about January 21, 2020, Tenant vacated the Premises and 15 returned possession of the Premises to RCP. 16 18. As of January 31, 2020, Tenant owes to RCP damages for, among other things: 17 unpaid base rent, operating expenses, late fees, parking and leasing commissions. RCP's 18 damages are in excess of $219,212.00 and continue to accrue each month; plus interest. The 19 foregoing amount includes the unamortized amount of Abated Rent, which damage remedy 20 is provided for in Section 4.E. of the Lease. 21 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 22 (Breach of Written Lease against Tenant, Eidia, Alexander and Does 1-10) 23 19. RCP realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation set forth 24 25 1 The Lease called for abatement of base rent for the second and third months of the Lease (which were July and August 2019 . However, Tenant did not pay base rent for the first 26 rn o nLh of the Lease (whi ch was Jun 2019). Pursuant to an email exchange between Tenant and R P, RCP agre d to apply the abatem nt earlier (i.e., towards the June 2019 base rent), 27 sm.: h (hat Tenant s base rent abatement would be for the first and second months rather than the second and third months of the Lease. Accordingly, Tenant was required to commence 28 paying base rent on _A ugust 1, 2019. 4 COMPLAINT 2843539. 1 - 22008.097 ~ SHORELINE hereinabove. 2 20. RCP performed all obligations on its part to be performed under the Lease. 3 21. The consideration for the Lease is adequate and the terms of the Lease are just 4 and reasonable. 5 22. Tenant and Does 1-10 breached the Lease by failing to pay to RCP the base 6 rent and other monetary amounts due under the Lease (collectively, the "Rent") as alleged 7 above. 8 23. The Lease provides at Section 19 .B that RCP shall recover damages equal to 9 the sum of the following: "(a) all Rent accrued through the end of the month in which the Io termination becomes effective; (b) interest on all unpaid Rent from the date due at a rate 11 equal to the lesser of 12% per annum or the highest interest rate permitted by applicable 12 Law; (c) all expenses reasonably incurred by Landlord in enforcing its rights and remedies 13 under this Lease, including all reasonable legal expenses; (d) Costs of Reletting; and (e) all 14 Landlord's Rental Damages. In the event that Landlord relets the Premises for an amount 15 greater than the Rent due during the Term, Tenant shall not receive a credit for any such 16 excess." 17 24. As a proximate result of the breach of the Lease by Tenant and Does 1-10, 18 RCP has suffered damages in excess of$219,212.00 through January 31, 2020; plus interest; 19 plus damages that continue to accrue each month, all according to proof. 20 25. The Lease contains a prevailing party attorneys' fees provision at Section 25. 21 Due to Tenant's breach of the Lease, RCP has been forced to retain attorneys to represent it 22 and has incurred, and will continue to incur, attorneys' fees and costs. Accordingly, RCP 23 also seeks an award of its attorneys' fees and costs. 24 26. RCP is informed and believes and based thereon alleges that Tenant, Eidia and 25 Alexander are alter-egos of each other, and, accordingly, Eidia and Alexander are liable to 26 the full extent of the liability of Tenant on the obligations under the Lease. 27 28 5 COMPLAINT 2843539. 1 - 22008 .097 .._ SHORELINE SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Breach of Written Guaranty against Guarantor and Does 11-20) 3 27. RCP realleges and incorporates by reference each and every allegation set forth 4 hereinabove. 5 28. RCP performed all obligations on its part to be performed under the Lease and 6 Guaranty. 7 29. The consideration for the Lease and Guaranty are adequate and the terms are 8 just and reasonable. 9 30. Guarantor and Does 11-20 breached the Guaranty by failing to pay to RCP the 1o Rent and all other sums due under the Lease that are guaranteed by the Guaranty as alleged 11 above. 12 31. As a proximate result of the breach of the Guaranty by Guarantor and Does 11- 13 20, RCP has suffered damages in excess of $219,212.00 through January 31, 2020; plus 14 interest; plus damages that continue to accrue each month, all according to proof. 15 32. The Guaranty contains a prevailing party attorney's fees provision. RCP thus 16 seeks an award of its attorney's fees incurred in enforcing the Guaranty. 17 WHEREFORE, RCP prays for judgment against Defendants, joint and severally, as 18 follows: 19 1. For general and special damages in excess of the minimum jurisdiction of this 20 Court according to proof; 21 2. For attorneys' fees and costs, as allowed by contract against Defendants; 22 3. For interest and late fees pursuant to the terms of the contract; and, 23 4. For all other relief that this Court deems just and appropriate. 24 DATED: February 11, 2020 SHORELINE, A Law Corporal.ion 25 26 By: -------1-------"----..,.-::=:.---+---- -------'--- -- - 27 /\tl rn · RCP HOL II, LLC 28 6 COMPLAINT 2843539.1 - 22008 097 EXHIBIT 1 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("LANDLORD") and HARV ARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, a California limited liability company ("TENANT") 2585239 I - 22008017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE LEASE AGREEMENT This Lease Agreement (this "Lease") is entered into between RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company ("Landlord''), and HARVARD TUTORS OF BRENTWOOD, LLC, a California limited liability company ("Tenant"), effective as of the date set forth below Land lord's signature (the "Effective Date"). 1. Basic Lease Information. Key business terms used in this Lease are defined as follows: A. "Building": The building commonly known as 240 26 th Street, Santa Monica, California 90402, and more particularly described on Exhibit B. B. "Rentable Square Footage of the Building" is 6,006 rentable square feet, subject to Landlord's right to re-measure pursuant to Section 2.A below. C. "Premises": The area shown on Exhibit A to this Lease, located on the second (2 nd) floor of the Building and known as suite number 2. The "Rentable Square Footage of the Premises" is 1,582 rentable square feet of space. D. "Base Rent": Monthly Rate Monthly .Months of Term Per Rentablc Square Foot Base Rent 1-12 $9.25 $14,633.50 13-24 $9.53 $] 5,076.46 25-36 $9.81 $15,519.42 37-48 $10.11 $15,994.02 49-60 $10 .41 $16,468.62 61-62 $10 .72 $16,959.04 * Subject to the provisions of Section 4.E. below. E. "Tenant's Pro Rata Share": Twenty-six and thirty-four one-hundredths percent (26.34%). Tenant acknowledges that for internal accounting purposes, Landlord may designate a different Rentable Square Footage of the Premises from time to time, but during the initial Term only, Tenant shall be deemed to have a 26.34% Tenant's Pro Rata Share for the Premises based on the Premises being deemed to contain a total of 1,582 rentable square feet. F. "Term": The period of five (5) years and two (2) full calendar months starting on the Commencement Date and ending on the Expiration Date, subject to the provisions of Section 2.A. The first "month" of the Term shall commence on the Commencement Date and end on the last day of the first full calendar month occurring after the Commencement Date (i.e., the calendar month in which the Commencement Date occurs if the Commencement Date is the first day of a calendar month and otherwise the period between the Commencement Date and the last day of the first full calendar month following the calendar month in which the Commencement Date occurs). G. "Commencement Date": The date that is 120 days from the Delivery Date (as defined in Section 2). - 1- 2585239 1 - 22008017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE H. "Expiration Date": The last day of the sixty-second (62 11 d) full calendar month following the Commencement Date, provided, however, to the extent the Commencement Date occurs on a day other than the first day of a calendar month, then the Expiration Date shall be the last day of the calendar month in which the sixty-second (62 nd ) anniversary of the Commencement Date occurs. I. "Permitted Use": Tenant shall use the Premises solely as a retail office providing tutoring services and lawfully permitted uses incidental thereto. consistent with a first class mixed use project. J. "Security Deposit": $33,918.08. K. "Parking Pass(es)": Tenant shall have the obligation to lease two (2) unreserved, undesignated parking passes. L. "Notice Ad,lresses": Landlord: Tenant (vrior to Commencement Date): RCP HOLDINGS II, LLC Harvard Tutors of Brentwood, LLC c/o Redcar Properties Ltd. 17 I 9 Franklin St., Santa Monica, CA 90404 PO Box 531847 Attn: Anthony Mendez Los Angeles 90053 Phone#: (239) 315-2539 Attn: Asset Manager Email: contaclus@ Phone#: (310) 395-5151 Email: jm(lti,redcarltd. om Tenant (after Comme11cem•nt Date): At the Premises Attn: Anthony Mendez Phone#: (239) 3 I 5-2539 Email: contactl(s« M. Rent is payable to the order of RCP Holdings II, LLC, as set forth m Section 4.A. below. N. "Guarantor": Margaret Jiang, a married woman. Concurrently with Tenant's execution and delivery of this Lease, and as a condition to the effectiveness hereof, Tenant shall deliver to Landlord a Guaranty executed by the Guarantor in the form of Exhibit I attached hereto. In addition to the terms defined above, all capitalized terms used in this Lease shall have the meanings set forth on Exhibit G or as otherwise expressly set forth in this Lease. 2. Lease Grant. Landlord leases the Premises to Tenant and Tenant leases the Premises from Landlord, together with the right in common with others to use the Common Areas. Tenant shall have access to the Premises at all times. 24 hours per day, every day of the year, subject to an emergency, a requirement by Laws or a specific provision of this Lease. Tenant's use of the -2- 2585239 I - 22008017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE Common Areas shall be subject to all applicable Law and Regulations and any reasonable, non- discriminatory rules or regulations affecting other portions of the Project. A. Rentablc Square Feet. The "rentable square feet" of the Premises and the Building shall be deemed as set forth in Sections 1.C and 1.B, respectively, above. The rentable square feet of the Premises and the Building are subject to verification from time to time by Landlord's space planner/architect and such verification shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Section 2.A, provided, however, absent a physical increase or decrease in the size of the Premises, the Building or the Project, the Rent payable by Tenant shall not change. The determination of Landlord's space planner/architect shall be conclusive and binding upon the patties. Landlord shall confirm any such modifications in writing to Tenant. 3. Term; Accepta nce of Premises; Ea1·l y E 11 t1y. A. Term. The Term of this Lease shall commence on the Commencement Date, and shall terminate on the Expiration Date, as set forth in Section 1.G, above, unless this Lease is sooner terminated or extended as hereinafter provided. Landlord will use commercially reasonable efforts to deliver the Premises to Tenant in the Delivery Date Condition (as defined in Section 3.B) on or before February 1, 2019 (the "Estimated Delivery Date"). The actual date of delivery of the Premises to Tenant in the Delivery Date Condition, whether such occurs before or after the Estimated Delivery Date, shall be referred to herein as the "Delivery Date". If the actual Delivery Date is delayed beyond the Estimated Delivery Date, such delay shall not be a default by Landlord, render this Lease void or voidable, or otherwise render Landlord liable for damages and Tenant's sole and exclusive remedy for any such delay shall be a resulting day for day postponement of the Delivery Date (and a corresponding day for day postponement of the Commencement Date, i.e., an increase in the number of days between the Delivery Date and the Commencement Date). If requested by Landlord within ninety (90) days after the Commencement Date, Tenant shall execute, within 10 business days of Tenant's receipt, a commencement letter agreement substantially in the form attached as E xhibit D, failing which Tenant shall be deemed to have agreed with the matters set forth therein. B. Acceptance of Premises; Delivery Date Condition . The Premises are accepted by Tenant in "as is" condition and configuration, subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. Tenant agrees that Tenant has approved the condition of the · Premises and the systems and equipment located in and/or serving the Premises and that the Premises are in good order and satisfactory condition and that neither Landlord nor Landlord's agents has made any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the Premises, the Building or the Project except as specifically set forth in this Lease. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord hereby represents and warrants to Tenant that as of the Delivery Date, the Premises shall be in the following condition (the "Delivery Date Condition"): (i) the Premises shall be broom clean, and (ii) free from any building code violations which would prevent Tenant from commencing the Tenant Work (as defined in Ex hibit ) or from operating a general retail business from the Premises. C. Early Entry. Tenant shall be permitted access to the Premises during the period from and after the Delivery Date until the Commencement Date ("Early Entry"), subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, for the purpose of performing the Tenant Work described in the Work -3- 2585239 , 1 - 22008 ,017 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE Letter, installing furniture, equipment or other personal property. Tenant's access to the Premises during the period of Early Entry shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, except that Tenant shall not be required to pay Base Rent or Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses during any such days, provided however, Tenant shall pay for parking charges, separately metered utilities to the Premises, if any, and the cost of any other Building services requested by Tenant. Prior to any such Early Entry, Tenant shall provide Landlord with certificates of insurance or other evidence reasonably acceptable to Landlord evidencing Tenant's compliance with its insurance obligations, and Tenant shall have delivered to Landlord the Security Deposit (as defined below). D. Option to Extend. Landlord agrees that so long as Tenant is not in default under the Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure periods at the time Tenant exercises its option, Tenant shall have the option to renew the Term of this Lease for the entire Premises for one (I) period of five (5) years ("Renewal Term"), such Renewal Term shall commence at the expiration of the initial Term. Tenant shall, if at all, exercise its option to renew (the "Renewal Option") the Term of the Lease by delivering written notice ("Tenant's Renewal Notice") of such election not earlier than fifteen ( 15) nor later than twelve ( 12) months prior to the expiration of the Term. (l) Any renewal of the Lease pursuant to this Section 3.D shall be upon the same terms and conditions of the Lease, except (i) Tenant shall have no further right to renew this Lease beyond the Renewal Term, (ii) the Base Rent during the Renewal Term shall be calculated on the then-current Rentable Square Footage of the Premises and shall be equal to the Market Base Rental Rate (as defined below) as of the date the Renewal Term commences; provided, however, in no event shall the Base Rent during the Renewal Term be less than the monthly Base Rent payable during the last month of the initial Term (as determined on a per square foot basis), and (iii) the Premises shall be provided in their then-existing condition (on an "as-is" basis) at the time the Renewal Term commences, without any obligation on the part of Landlord to furnish, install or modify any leasehold improvements or to provide any allowance or credit therefor. (2) Landlord shall give Tenant written notice of its good faith determination of the Market Base Rental Rate for the Renewal Term not later than thi1ty (30) days after Landlord's receipt of Tenant's Renewal Notice. In the event Tenant disagrees with Landlord's determination of the Market Base Rental Rate, Landlord and Tenant shall endeavor on a diligent and good-faith basis to agree upon the Market Base Rental Rate for the Renewal Term within thirty (30) days after Tenant's receipt of Landlord's written notice. If Landlord and Tenant fail to agree upon the Market Base Rental Rate by the expiration of such thirty (30) day period (the "Negotiation Periotf'), then the Market Base Rental Rate shall be determined by arbitration in accordance with this Section 3.D.2. Each of Tenant and Landlord shall, within five (5) business days following the expiration of the Negotiation Period, appoint a commercial real estate broker, licensed in California and with no less than ten (I 0) years' experience in leasing retail space in Comparable Buildings (each a "Qualified Broker"), and provide written notice to the other party specifying the name and address of the Qualified Broker so chosen. No Qualified Broker may be a former or current employee of Tenant or Landlord. The two Qualified Brokers shall meet within five (5) business days after the second Qualified Broker is appointed and together appoint a third neutral Qualified Broker (who shall not have been retained by Landlord or Tenant or their respective affiliates in the previous ten (10) years) whose name and address shall be given to Landlord and Tenant. If the two Qualified Brokers cannot agree on the third Qualified Broker within five (5) business days, then either party, -4- 2585239 l - 22008 Ol 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE by written notice to the other, may request such appointment by JAMS/Endispute. The three Qualified Brokers shall meet to determine the Market Base Rental Rate within ten (I 0) days after the third Qualified Broker is appointed. The Qualified Brokers shall, by majority vote, select either Landlord's determination of Market Base Rental Rate or Tenant's determination of Market Base Rental Rate, whichever determination the Qualified Brokers decide most closely resembles the Market Base Rental Rate at the time of such determination. Jn no event shall the Qualified Brokers have authority to make an independent determination of Market Base Rental Rate. Upon final determination of the Market Base Rental Rate for the Renewal Term (whether by mutual agreement of Landlord and Tenant or by determination of the Qualified Brokers, as set forth above), Tenant and Landlord shall execute a written agreement or acknowledgement confirming such Market Base Rental Rate; provided, however, notwithstanding any such detennination of the Market Base Rental Rate, in no event shall the Base Rent during the Renewal Term be less than the monthly Base Rent payable during the last month of the initial Term. Landlord and Tenant shall each bear all costs and expenses incurred in connection with their own Qualified Brokers, and Landlord and Tenant shall each pay fifty percent (50%) of the fees incurred in connection with the third Qualified Broker. (3) The term "Market Base Rental Rate" shall mean the renewal rental rate then being charged to tenants for space of comparable size, locations and quality in Comparable Buildings, fmther taking into consideration the following: the location, quality, and condition of the Building; the location, size and floor level(s) of the space in question; the definition of "rentable area"; the extent of leasehold improvements (other than those already installed by Tenant in the Premises); leasehold improvement allowances; abatements (including, with respect to base rental, operating expenses and real estate taxes, and parking charges); the inclusion of parking charges in rental; lease takeovers/assumptions; relocation/moving allowances; space planning/interior architecture and engineering allowances; refurbishment and repainting allowances; club memberships; other concessions or inducements; extent of services provided or to be provided; distinction between "gross," "modified gross" and "net" lease; base year or dollar amount for escalation purposes (both operating expenses and ad valorem/real estate taxes); any other adjustments (including by way of indexes) to base rental; credit standing and financial stature of the tenant; term or length of lease; the time the particular rental rate under consideration was agreed upon and became or is to become effective; the payment of a leasing commission and/or bonus fees in lieu thereof, whether to Landlord, any person or entity affiliated with Landlord, or otherwise; and any other relevant term(s) or condition(s) in making such Market Base Rental Rate determination. If the Market Base Rental Rate is determined to be lower than the Base Rent for the last month of the initial Term, then the Base Rent for the last month of the initial Term shall be deemed to be the Market Base Rental Rate. (4) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein or in this Lease, at Landlord's option, and in addition to all of Landlord's remedies under this Lease, at law or in equity, the option to extend the Tenn hereinabove granted to Tenant shall not be deemed to be properly exercised if, as of the date of Tenant's delivery of the Tenant's Renewal Notice, Tenant is in default under the Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period. Jn addition, Tenant's right to extend the Term is personal to the original Tenant executing this Lease ("Original Tenant") and any assignee who is an Affiliate or Permitted Successor, and may not be assigned or exercised, voluntarily or involuntarily, by or to, any other person or entity, and shall only be available to and exercisable by the Original Tenant (or such Affiliate or Permitted Successor assignee) when the Original Tenant (or such Affiliate or Permitted Successor assignee) occupies the entire Premises. -5- 2585239 1 - 22008.0 I 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE A. Paymcu ts . Base Rent and Landlord's estimate of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses shall be due and payable in advance on the first day of each calendar month without notice, demand or setoff except as otherwise expressly provided herein, provided that the installment of Base Rent for the first full calendar month of the Term shall be payable upon the execution of this Lease by Tenant. All other items of Rent shall be due and payable by Tenant on or before 30 days after billing. Base Rent and Tenant's Pro Rata Share of any Operating Expenses for a partial month shall be prorated on a daily basis. Tenant's covenant to pay Rent is independent of every other covenant in this Lease. Until notice of some other designation or electronic wiring instructions is given to Tenant in accordance with the provisions of Section 26 of this Lease, Base Rent and all other charges shall be paid by remittance to or for the order of RCP Holdings Tl, LLC by electronic wire or ACH transfer in accordance with the following electronic wiring instructions to be provided to Tenant prior to the Commencement Date. B. Operating Ex penses . On or about January 1 of each calendar year, Landlord shall provide Tenant with a good faith estimate of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses for the coming calendar year. If Landlord determines that its estimate of Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses was incorrect, Landlord may provide Tenant with a revised estimate, but not more often than twice per calendar year. Thereafter, Tenant's monthly payments shall be based upon the revised estimate. If Landlord does not provide such estimate by January I of a calendar year, Tenant shall pay monthly installments based on the most recent estimate delivered until Landlord provides Tenant with the new estimate. Landlord shall have the right, from time to time, to equitably allocate some or all of the Operating Expenses between or among different tenants of the Project (the "Cost Pools"). Such Cost Pools may include, without limitation, the office space and/or retail space tenants of the Project. Such Cost Pools may also include an equitable allocation of certain Operating Expenses within or under covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the Project. In addition, Landlord shall have the right from time to time, in its reasonable discretion, to include or exclude (acting equitably) existing or future square footage or buildings in the Project for purposes of determining Operating Expenses and/or the provision of various services and amenities thereto in any such Cost Pools. (1) Allocation of Ope rati ng F.-xpcnscs to Building. The parties acknowledge that the Building is part of a multi-building commercial project consisting of the Building and the Other Buildings and such other buildings in the Project as Landlord may elect to construct and include as part of the Project from time to time (to be included within the definition of "Other Buildings" once constructed) and that certain of the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the Project (i.e. the Operating Expenses) as reasonably determined by Landlord shall be shared among the Building and such Other Buildings, while certain other costs and expenses which are solely attributable to the Building or any such Other Buildings, as applicable, shall be allocated directly to the Building or any such Other Buildings, respectively. Accordingly, as set forth in Section 4(B), above, some Operating Expenses shall be determined annually for the Project as a whole (with the Building being allocated its percentage share of such expenses), with a portion of such Operating Expenses to be allocated to the Building as determined by Landlord on an equitable basis and some of the Operating Expenses, which portion shall be determined by Landlord on an equitable basis, shall be allocated only to the Building (as opposed to being allocated collectively to the Building and the Other Buildings) and all such po11ions so allocated to the Building shall be the -6- 2585239 1 - 22008 0 I 7 DocuSign Envelope ID: 4F1A4224-82F6-43A7-A309-0A574F7A35FE amount of Operating Expenses payable with respect to the Building upon which Tenant's Pro Rata Share shall be calculated. C. Reconciliation of Operating E. penses. As soon as practicable after the end of each calendar year, Landlord shall furnish Tenant with a statement of the actual Operating Expenses for such calendar year. If the estimated Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses allocated to the Building or Project, as the case may be, pursuant to Section 4(B), above, paid by Tenant are less than the actual Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses for such calendar year, Tenant shall pay the difference to Landlord within 30 days after demand, and if such estimated Operating Expenses are more than actual, Tenant shall receive a credit for the difference against Rent next due, or, if no further Rent is due, refund such overage within 30 days following Landlord's determination thereof. Notwithstanding the immediately preceding sentence, Tenant shall not be responsible for Tenant's Pro Rata Share of any Operating Expenses attributable to any calendar year which are first billed to Tenant more than two (2) calendar years after the earlier of the expiration of the applicable calendar year or the Expiration Date, provided that in any event Tenant shall be responsible for Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses levied by any governmental authority or by any public utility companies at any time, including following the Expiration Date, which are attributable to any calendar year (provided that Landlord delivers Tenant a bill for such amounts within two (2) years following Landlord's receipt of the bill therefor). D. Adjustment. If the Building is not I 00% occupied during any full or partial calendar year or if Landlord is not supplying services to 100% of the total Rentable Square Footage of the Building during a full or partial calendar year, Operating Expenses for such calendar year shall be determined as if the Building had been 100% occupied and Landlord had been supplying services to 100% of the Rentable Square Footage of the Building during that period. E. Abatement of Base Rent. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, provided Tenant is not in default under the Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period, Landlord hereby agrees to abate Tenant's obligation to pay monthly Base Rent for the Premises for the second (2 nd ) and third (3 rd ) full calendar months of the Tenn (collectively, the "Abated Rent"). During such abatement period, Tenant shall remain responsible for the payment of all of its other monetary obligations under this Lease, including without limitation, Tenant's Pro Rata Share of Operating Expenses, parking charges and any other Building services requested by Tenant (e.g. utilities, janitorial, HVAC). Jn the event Landlord terminates this Lease due to default by Tenant under the terms of this Lease beyond any applicable notice and cure period, then as a part of the recovery set forth in Section 19 of this Lease, Landlord shall be entitled to recover the unamortized amount of the Abated Rent (amortized over the Original Term). F. Landlord's Right to Purchase the Abated Rent. Upon notice to Tenant, Landlord may deliver to Tenant the value of any Abated Rent which Tenant has not yet enjoyed ("Abated Rent Purchase Price") by paying such amount to Tenant in cash or by check. Upon such payment of the Abated Rent Purchase Price by Landlord., the provisions of Section 4.E of this Lease shall be deleted and of no further force or effect. G. Audit Righ