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  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN, AN INDIVIDUAL VS RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, AN OHIO CORPORATION, ET AL. Other Employment Complaint Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 JANINE MENHENNET (SBN 63501) Of Counsel CIELO & DEI VOLUNTAS PC 2 LUCIANO STANZIONE (SBN 281476) 3 CIELO & DEI VOLUNTAS PC 1968 S. Coast Hwy, Ste. 1415 4 Laguna Beach, CA 92651 5 Telephone: 949.556.3677 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff Jason Christopher Toothman 7 8 9 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 10 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 11 12 Case No. 13 JASON CHRISTOPHER COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 14 TOOTHMAN, an individual, 1. DISABILITY DISCRIMINATION 15 Plaintiff, 2. FAILURE TO ACCOMMODATE DISABILITY 16 vs. 3. FAILURE TO ENGAGE IN THE 17 INTERACTIVE PROCESS 4. AGE DISCRIMINATION 18 RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, an 5. HARASSMENT, HOSTILE WORK ENVIRONMENT 19 Ohio Corporation, ROSIE 6. RETALIATION, REQUESTING 20 AVUNDZHYAN, an individual and ACCOMMODATION 7. RETALIATION 21 DOES 1 THROUGH 10, inclusive 8. FAILURE TO PREVENT 22 Defendants. DISCRIMINATION, HARASSMENT AND RETALIATION 23 9. WRONGFUL TERMINATION IN VIOLATION OF PUBLIC POLICY 24 10. UNLAWFUL RETALIATION IN 25 VIOLATION OF LABOR CODE § 1102.5 26 11. UNLAWFUL DISCRIMINATION 27 AND RETALIATION IN VIOLATION OF LABOR CODE § 28 6310 COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -1- 12. UNLAWFUL RETALIATION IN 1 VIOLATION OF LABOR CODE § 2 6311 13. FAILURE TO PAY OVERTIME AND 3 DOUBLE TIME 4 14. FAILURE TO PAY ALL WAGES UPON TERMINATION 5 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 6 7 8 9 INTRODUCTION 10 This is an action brought by Plaintiff JASON CHRISTOPHER TOOTHMAN 11 (“Plaintiff”) against RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY, an Ohio Corporation, ROSIE 12 AVUNDZHYAN, an individual, and other as of yet unnamed Defendants (hereinafter 13 collectively “Defendants”). Plaintiff seeks damages, attorneys’ fees, and costs of suit. 14 THE PARTIES 15 1. Plaintiff is a former employee of Defendants and a resident of the 16 County of Los Angeles, State of California. 17 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges that Defendant 18 RALPHS GROCERY COMPANY is an Ohio Corporation, registered to do business in 19 California, and doing business in the County of Los Angeles, State of California. 20 3. On information and belief, Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN is, and at 21 all relevant times was, a competent adult residing in Los Angeles County, California. 22 4. On information and belief, Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN at all 23 relevant times, was a director, officer, and/or managing agent of Defendant within 24 the meaning of California Labor Code section 558.1 and California Civil Code section 25 3294. On information and belief, ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN, at all relevant times, 26 exercised substantial discretion in her decision-making such that her decisions 27 ultimately determined policy of the company. On information and belief, ROSIE 28 AVUNDZHYAN, throughout the relevant liability period, subjected Plaintiff and COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -2- 1 other aggrieved employees to the unlawful working conditions described in this 2 Complaint. 3 5. At all relevant times each and every Defendant was the agent, 4 representative, employee, servant or affiliated entity of every other Defendant and, 5 in doing the acts herein alleged, each Defendant is liable and responsible to Plaintiff 6 for the acts of every other defendant. 7 6. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and on that basis alleges that, at all 8 relevant times, each such fictitiously named defendant was and is responsible in some 9 manner for the occurrences herein alleged, and that Plaintiff’s injuries and/or 10 damages were and are directly and/or proximately caused thereby. Plaintiff is 11 informed and believes, and on that basis alleges that each such fictitiously named 12 defendant is directly and/or indirectly liable for one or more of the causes of action 13 set forth herein. 14 7. Plaintiff is informed and believes and on that basis alleges that, at all 15 relevant times, each of the defendants, including each fictitiously named defendant, 16 was the agent, servant, joint venturer, authorized representative and/or employee of 17 each of the remaining defendants, and, except as provided herein, in doing the acts 18 and things hereinafter alleged, was acting within the course and scope of said agency, 19 joint venture, representation, servitude and/or employment, consent, approval, and 20 subsequent satisfaction of each of the remaining defendants. Each of the Defendants 21 were authorized and empowered by each of the other defendants to act and did act as 22 the principal, employee or agent of each of the other defendants. Plaintiff is further 23 informed and believes, and on that basis alleges, that, except as provided herein, each 24 defendant was acting within the course and scope of his/her/its authority in 25 performing the acts herein alleged, and that the acts of each defendant as alleged 26 herein were authorized and/or ratified by the other defendants. 27 /// 28 /// COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -3- 1 GENERAL ALLEGATIONS 2 8. This Court is the proper court and this action is properly filed in the 3 County of Los Angeles and in this judicial district because Defendants do business in 4 the County of Los Angeles and because Defendants’ obligations and liability arise 5 therein. 6 9. The true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate, 7 or otherwise, of DOES 1 through 10 are unknown to Plaintiff, who therefore sues the 8 DOE Defendants by fictitious names. Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to show 9 their true names and capacities when they have been ascertained. 10 10. On information and belief, each and all of the acts and omissions alleged 11 herein were performed by or are attributable to all Defendants, each acting as agents 12 or employees, or under the direction and control of each of the other Defendants, and 13 that said acts and failures to act were within the course and scope of said agency, 14 employment and/or direction and control. On information and belief, Defendants 15 were and are the agents of each other. 16 11. Plaintiff further alleges that Defendants complained of herein operated 17 as a joint employer and/or integrated enterprise with another defendant or other 18 defendants, each such defendant is jointly and severally liable as an employer. In the 19 event that any defendant was acting as the alter ego of another defendant or other 20 defendants such that there is or was such a unity and identity of interest between or 21 among each and all said defendants that adherence to the legal fiction of separate 22 existence would, under the particular circumstances that exist or existed, would 23 sanction fraud or promote injustice, it would be an inequitable result to fail to 24 disregard any such separateness of legal personality. 25 12. On information and belief, Defendants DOES 1 through 10 are the 26 partners, owners, shareholders, or managers of Defendants, and were acting on 27 behalf of Defendants in the payment of wages to Plaintiff. 28 /// COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -4- 1 FACTS COMMON TO MORE THAN ONE CAUSE OF ACTION 2 13. Plaintiff worked for Defendants from around December 2023 to 3 February 2, 2024, initially as a Cook in the Deli Department. Throughout his 4 employment, Plaintiff was a good performer, and was assigned more tasks and 5 different responsibilities by Defendants. 6 14. After beginning to work for Defendant’s, Plaintiff noticed multiple 7 unhealthy food handling practices, including but not limited to: employees not 8 washing their hands before manipulating food; cross contamination; raw food being 9 mixed with cooked food; liquid emanating from chickens and other foods 10 contaminating the area and possibly other foods; numerous other unsafe practices; a 11 general lack of care for customer’s health and safety. 12 15. Plaintiff complained to Defendants repeatedly about, including but not 13 limited to: mishandling of the food; food being sent out for customers consumption 14 that could be dangerous/unhealthy; a general unhealthy work environment; 15 employees not washing their hands before manipulating food; cross contamination; 16 raw food being mixed with cooked food; liquid emanating from chickens and other 17 foods contaminating the area and possibly other foods; numerous other unsafe 18 practices; a general lack of care for customer’s health and safety; Defendants 19 fabricating issues about his performance after complaining; Defendants not paying 20 Plaintiff all hours worked; and others. 21 16. After lodging his complaints, Plaintiff began suffering harassment and 22 retaliation from Defendants, including but not limited to: subjecting him to a higher 23 level of scrutiny; treating Plaintiff poorly; threatening Plaintiff with termination; 24 reducing Plaintiff’s hours and overtime; making comments about their ability to 25 terminate Plaintiff as he was in “probation”; unnecessarily reprimanding Plaintiff; 26 and using pretexts to suspend and terminate Plaintiff. 27 /// 28 /// COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -5- 1 17. The harassment and retaliation suffered by Plaintiff generated a hostile 2 work environment severe enough for Plaintiff to develop stress, anxiety and physical 3 manifestation of the discomfort and distress he was being subjected to. Plaintiff was 4 prescribed off work by his doctor and requested medical leave and accommodations 5 from Defendants. 6 18. Plaintiff was released back to work with restrictions related to his stress 7 related disabilities. 8 19. On or around February 2, 2024, Plaintiff was terminated. 9 20. During Plaintiff’s employment with Defendant, Plaintiff was permitted, 10 required or suffered to worked in excess of eight (8) hours in a day or forty (40) hours 11 in a week without receiving all earned overtime and double time pay for all overtime 12 and double time hours worked. Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN had direct control 13 of Plaintiff’s overtime, clock in and clock out times, and related aspects of Plaintiff’s 14 records. 15 21. Plaintiff filed an administrative complaint with the California Civil 16 Rights Department. On April 21, 2024. The Civil Rights Department issued Plaintiff 17 a right to sue letter, attached here as Exhibit A. 18 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 19 (Disability Discrimination – Violation of Govt. Code §12940(a)) 20 (Plaintiff against All Defendants 21 Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 22 22. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 23 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 24 23. At all times relevant to this Complaint, the Fair Employment and 25 Housing Act (“FEHA”) codified in Government Code §12900 et seq. was in full force 26 and effect and makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee 27 because of the employee’s actual or perceived disability/medical condition. 28 24. Pursuant to Government Code §§ 12926 and 12926.1, Plaintiff has an COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -6- 1 actual or perceived disability, was limited in major life activities, had a record of a 2 disability, and was regarded as or treated as having a disability by Defendants. 3 25. Defendants engaged in unlawful employment practices in violation of 4 the FEHA as described herein. 5 26. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the actual or 6 perceived disability was a motivating factor in Defendants' termination of Plaintiff’s 7 employment. 8 27. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 9 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 10 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 11 28. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 12 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 13 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 14 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 15 29. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 16 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 17 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 18 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 19 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 20 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 21 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 22 30. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 23 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 24 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 25 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 26 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 27 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 28 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -7- 1 31. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 2 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 3 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 4 (Failure to Accommodate Disability – Govt. Code §12940(m)) 5 (Plaintiff against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 6 32. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 7 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 8 33. Government Code §12940(m) provides that it is unlawful for an 9 employer to fail to make a reasonable accommodation for the actual or perceived 10 disability of an employee. 11 34. Defendants failed to make reasonable accommodations for Plaintiff's 12 actual or perceived disability. 13 35. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 14 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 15 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 16 36. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 17 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 18 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 19 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 20 37. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 21 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 22 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 23 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 24 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 25 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 26 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 27 38. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 28 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -8- 1 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 2 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 3 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 4 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 5 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 6 39. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 7 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 8 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 9 (Failure to Engage in the Interactive Process - Govt. Code §12940(n)) 10 (Plaintiff against All Defendants 11 Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 12 40. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 13 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 14 41. Government Code §12940(n) provides that it is unlawful for an employer 15 to fail to engage in a timely, good faith, interactive process with the employee to 16 determine effective reasonable accommodations, if any. 17 42. Defendants failed to engage in the interactive process with Plaintiff in 18 order to accommodate Plaintiff’s actual or perceived disability. 19 43. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 20 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 21 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 22 44. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 23 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 24 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 25 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 26 45. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 27 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 28 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. -9- 1 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 2 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 3 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 4 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 5 46. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 6 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 7 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 8 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 9 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 10 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 11 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 12 47. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 13 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 14 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 15 (Age Discrimination – Govt. Code §12940(a)) 16 (Plaintiff Against All Defendants 17 Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 18 48. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of the 19 above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 20 49. The Fair Employment and Housing Act ("FEHA") codified in Government 21 Code § 12940 makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate against an employee 22 on the basis of the employee's age. 23 50. Defendants engaged in unlawful employment practices in violation of the 24 FEHA by discriminating against Plaintiff because of his age. 25 51. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each of 26 them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 27 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 28 /// COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 10 - 1 52. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each of 2 them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of emotional 3 distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other general 4 damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 5 53. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 6 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 7 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 8 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 9 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an award 10 of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. City of 11 Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 12 54. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with malice, 13 willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full knowledge 14 of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights guaranteed 15 under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of deterring 16 such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ conduct 17 described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing agents for the 18 Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 19 55. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 20 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 21 FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 22 (Harassment, Hostile Work Environment – 23 Violation of Cal. Gov’t Code §§ 12940(j); 12923) 24 (Against All Defendants) 25 56. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 26 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 27 57. The Fair Employment and Housing Act codified in Government Code § 28 12940 makes it unlawful for an employer to harass for engaging in protected activity. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 11 - 1 58. The Fair Employment and Housing Act codified in Government Code § 2 12923 sets forth the Legislative intent with regard to application of the laws about 3 harassment contained in the FEHA, including that harassment cases are rarely 4 appropriate for disposition on summary judgment. 5 59. Section 12923(a) states, among other things, that harassment creates a 6 hostile, offensive, oppressive, or intimidating work environment and deprives victims 7 of their statutory right to work in a place free of discrimination when the harassing 8 conduct sufficiently offends, humiliates, distresses, or intrudes upon its victim, so as 9 to disrupt the victim’s emotional tranquility in the workplace, affect the victim’s 10 ability to perform the job as usual, or otherwise interfere with and undermine the 11 victim’s personal sense of well-being. 12 60. Section 12923(b) states, among other things, that a single incident of 13 harassing conduct is sufficient to create a triable issue regarding the existence of a 14 hostile work environment if the harassing conduct has unreasonably interfered with 15 the plaintiff’s work performance or created an intimidating, hostile, or offensive 16 working environment. 17 61. Section 12923(c) states, among other things, that the existence of a 18 hostile work environment depends upon the totality of the circumstances and a 19 discriminatory remark, even if not made directly in the context of an employment 20 decision or uttered by a nondecisionmaker, may be relevant, circumstantial evidence 21 of discrimination. 22 62. Defendants and each of them and/or their agents/employees engaged in 23 a pattern and practice of unlawful harassment in violation of California Fair 24 Employment and Housing Act of California Government Code §12940(j). 25 63. The harassment was sufficiently severe or pervasive as to alter 26 conditions of employment and to create a hostile or abusive work environment. 27 64. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 28 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 12 - 1 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 2 65. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 3 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 4 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 5 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 6 66. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 7 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 8 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 9 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 10 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 11 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 12 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 13 67. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 14 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 15 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 16 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 17 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 18 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 19 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 20 68. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 21 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 22 SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION 23 (Retaliation, Requesting Accommodation – 24 Violation of Cal. Gov’t Code §12940(m)(2)) 25 (Plaintiff against All Defendants 26 Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 27 69. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 28 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 13 - 1 70. Plaintiff engaged in the protected activities of, but not limited to, 2 requesting a reasonable accommodation and requesting leave for an actual or 3 perceived disability. 4 71. Defendants retaliated in violation of the FEHA by engaging in unlawful 5 employment practices as described herein. 6 72. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 7 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 8 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 9 73. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 10 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 11 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 12 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 13 74. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 14 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 15 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 16 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 17 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 18 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 19 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 20 75. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 21 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 22 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 23 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 24 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 25 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 26 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 27 76. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 28 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 14 - 1 SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Retaliation – Violation of Cal. Gov’t Code §12940(h)) 3 (Plaintiff against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 4 77. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 5 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 6 78. Plaintiff engaged in protected activities as described herein. 7 79. Defendants retaliated in violation of the FEHA as described herein. 8 80. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 9 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 10 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 11 81. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 12 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 13 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 14 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 15 82. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 16 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 17 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 18 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 19 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 20 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 21 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 22 83. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 23 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 24 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 25 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 26 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 27 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 28 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 15 - 1 84. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 2 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 3 EIGHTH CAUSE OF ACTION 4 (Failure to Prevent Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation – 5 Violation of Cal. Gov’t Code §12940(k)) 6 (Plaintiff against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 7 85. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 8 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 9 86. To Plaintiff’s knowledge, no meaningful or adequate disciplinary action 10 has been taken against any employees who discriminated and/or harassed and/or 11 retaliated against Plaintiff. 12 87. In violation of Cal. Gov. Code §12940(k), Defendants and each of them, 13 and/or their agents/employees, failed to take all reasonable steps necessary to prevent 14 and investigate unlawful discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation from 15 occurring, and to remedy such discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation. 16 88. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 17 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 18 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 19 89. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 20 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 21 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 22 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 23 90. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 24 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 25 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 26 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 27 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 28 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 16 - 1 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013). 2 91. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 3 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 4 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 5 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 6 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 7 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 8 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 9 92. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 10 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 11 NINTH CAUSE OF ACTION 12 (Wrongful Termination in Violation of Public Policy) 13 (Against all Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 14 93. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of 15 the above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 16 94. Plaintiff’s employment was terminated as a result of Defendants’ 17 violation of fundamental public policies. It is against fundamental California public 18 policy to discriminate and retaliate against an employee on the basis of actual or 19 perceived disability, or for requesting accommodations. It is also against fundamental 20 California public policy to fail to engage in the interactive process and to fail to 21 accommodate an employee with a disability. It is against fundamental California 22 public policy to discriminate and retaliate against an employee for engaging in 23 protected activity. 24 95. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 25 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 26 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 27 /// 28 /// COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 17 - 1 96. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 2 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of 3 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 4 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 5 97. Pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure §1060, Plaintiff requests this Court 6 to issue a judicial determination of the rights and duties of the parties. A judicial 7 declaration is necessary and appropriate such that Defendants may also be aware of 8 its obligations under the law to not engage in discriminatory practices. Plaintiff 9 believes and thereon alleges that Plaintiff is entitled to declaratory relief and an 10 award of reasonable attorney’s fees and costs under CGC section 12965(b). Harris v. 11 City of Santa Monica, 56 Cal. 4th 203, 241 (Cal. 2013) 12 98. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with 13 malice, willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full 14 knowledge of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights 15 guaranteed under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of 16 deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ 17 conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing 18 agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 19 99. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 20 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 21 TENTH CAUSE OF ACTION 22 (Unlawful Retaliation in Violation of Labor Code 1102.5) 23 (Against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 24 100. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of the 25 above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 26 101. California Labor Code section 1102.5 (a) states that an employer shall 27 not make, adopt, or enforce any rule, regulation, or policy preventing an employee 28 from disclosing information to a government or law enforcement agency, to a person COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 18 - 1 with authority over the employee, or to another employee who has authority to 2 investigate, discover, or correct the violation or noncompliance, if the employee has 3 reasonable cause to believe that the information discloses a violation of state or 4 federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance with a local, state, or federal rule 5 or regulation, regardless of whether disclosing the information is part of the 6 employee's job duties. 7 102. California Labor Code section 1102.5 (b) states that an employer shall 8 not retaliate against an employee for disclosing information to a government or law 9 enforcement agency, to a person with authority over the employee, or to another 10 employee who has authority to investigate, discover, or correct the violation or 11 noncompliance, if the employee has reasonable cause to believe that the information 12 discloses a violation of state or federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance with 13 a local, state, or federal rule or regulation, regardless of whether disclosing the 14 information is part of the employee's job duties. 15 103. Labor Code section 1102.5(c) prohibits an employer from retaliating 16 against an employee “for refusing to participate in an activity that would result in a 17 violation of state or federal statute, or a violation of or noncompliance with a local, 18 state, or federal rule or regulation. 19 104. Plaintiff engaged in protected conduct as described herein. 20 105. Defendants violated sections 1102.5(a), (b) and/or (c), at a minimum, 21 when it retaliated against Plaintiff through all of its actions as described herein. 22 106. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that the protected 23 conduct was a contributing factor in Defendants' retaliation against Plaintiff. 24 107. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 25 of them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 26 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 27 108. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each 28 of them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 19 - 1 emotional distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other 2 general damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 3 The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with malice, willfulness 4 and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full knowledge of their 5 unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights guaranteed under the 6 law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of deterring such 7 unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Plaintiff has suffered in 8 excess of eighty thousand dollars in damages and is entitled to punitive damages for 9 the purpose of deterring such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless 10 conduct, or any combination thereof. 11 109. Defendants’ conduct described herein was engaged in by officers, 12 directors, and/or managing agents for the Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, 13 and/or managing agents. 14 110. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 15 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 16 ELEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION 17 (Unlawful Discrimination and Retaliation in Violation of Labor Code 6310) 18 (Against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 19 111. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of the 20 above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 21 112. California Labor Code § 6310 prohibits employers from discharging, 22 constructively discharging, retaliating, “or in any other manner” discriminating in the 23 terms and conditions of employment against any employee for making any oral or 24 written health or safety complaint, or complaint regarding working conditions to a 25 governmental agency or their employer. Section 6310 also prohibits an employer from 26 retaliating against employees whom they suspect will file a complaint related to 27 workplace safety. 28 113. Plaintiff engaged in protected conduct as described herein. COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 20 - 1 114. Defendants violated Labor Code § 6310 when it retaliated and/or 2 discriminated against Plaintiff through all of its actions as described herein. 3 115. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each of 4 them, Plaintiff has suffered and continues to sustain substantial losses in earnings 5 and other employment benefits in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 6 116. As a proximate result of the wrongful conduct of Defendants, and each of 7 them, Plaintiff has suffered emotional distress, physical manifestations of emotional 8 distress as defined by Internal Revenue Code Section 104(a)(2), and other general 9 damages, in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 10 117. The actions of Defendants as alleged herein were carried out with malice, 11 willfulness and/or reckless indifference to the rights of Plaintiff, with full knowledge 12 of their unlawfulness, and with the intent to deprive Plaintiff of rights guaranteed 13 under the law. Plaintiff is entitled to punitive damages for the purpose of deterring 14 such unlawful, malicious, oppressive and/or reckless conduct. Defendants’ conduct 15 described herein was engaged in by officers, directors, and/or managing agents for the 16 Defendant or ratified by officers, directors, and/or managing agents. 17 118. Plaintiff has incurred and continues to incur attorneys' fees and legal 18 expenses in an amount according to proof at the time of trial. 19 TWELFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 20 (Unlawful Retaliation in Violation of Labor Code 6311) 21 (Plaintiff against All Defendants Except Defendant ROSIE AVUNDZHYAN) 22 119. Plaintiff restates and incorporates by reference each and every one of the 23 above allegations as though they were fully set forth herein. 24 120. California Labor Code § 6311 states that no employee shall be laid off or 25 discharged for refusing to perform work in the performance of which this code, 26 including Section 6400, any occupational safety or health standard or any safety order 27 of the division or standards board will be violated, where the violation would create a 28 real and apparent hazard to the employee or his or her fellow employees. Any employee COMPLAINT Toothman v. Ralphs Grocery Company., et al. - 21 - 1 who is laid off or discharged in violation of this section or is otherwise not paid because 2 he or she refused to perform