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  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC VS AMRITA MULTANI, AN INDIVIDUAL DBA SUBWAY, ET AL. Unlawful Detainer/Commercial (not drugs or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


BOWMAN AND BROOKE LLP Anthony Parascandola (SBN 140217) Electronically FILED by Michael Chung (SBN 243204) Superior Court of California, 970 West 190th Street, Suite 700 County of Los Angeles Torrance, CA 90502 7/03/2024 12:36 Phone: (310) 768-3068 David W. Slayton, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, Fax: (310) 719-1019 By A. Ilieva, Deputy Clerk Attorneys for Plaintiff SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES — SANTA MONICA COURTHOUSE 10 11 SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC., a CASE NO. 245M CYO3S236 Delaware limited liability company, 12 Hon. Plaintiff, Dept. 13 vs. 14 COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL AMRITA MULTANI, an individual dba DETAINER 15 SUBWAY, SURJIT MULTANI, an individual dba SUBWAY, and DOES 1 16 through 10, inclusive, 17 Defendants. 18 19 Plaintiff Subway Real Estate, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“Plaintiff”), 20 alleges as follows: 21 1 Plaintiff is and at all times herein mentioned was, a Delaware limited liability 22 company, duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Connecticut. Plaintiff 23 has recorded, filed, and published all statements required by California law. 24 2 Plaintiff alleges that at all times herein mentioned Amrita Multani and Surjit 25 Multani (“Defendants”) is and was doing business in the County of Los Angeles, State of 26 California as a Subway franchisee. 27 3 The true names and capacities, whether individual, corporate, associate, or 28 otherwise, of Defendants Does 1 through 10, inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiff who 29902768v1 1 COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER therefore sues said Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will amend this Complaint to show the true names and capacities of Defendants after the same have been ascertained. 4 Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that at all times herein mentioned each Defendant was the agent and employee of each Defendant and was acting within the scope and authority of such agency and employment. 5 Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that Defendant did agree to perform the acts hereafter described and that Defendant performed and continued to perform such acts pursuant to the agreement or agreements. 10 6 The real property, possession of which is sought in this action, is situated 11 at 2601 South La Brea Avenue, Unit C, Los Angeles, California 90067 (“Premises"). 12 7 On or about September 4, 2012, Plaintiff leased the Premises from 13 Jacko | LLC (“Landlord”) pursuant to a written lease (the "Master Lease"). A true and 14 correct copy of the Master Lease is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 15 8 The Master Lease was subsequently extended to cover the relevant period 16 of this Complaint. 17 9 On or about December 28, 2012, Plaintiff (as Sublessor), on the one hand, 18 and Defendants (Subtenants), on the other hand, executed a written sublease for the 19 Premises (the "Sublease"). A true and correct copy of the Sublease is attached as 20 Exhibit B. 21 10. Paragraph 3 of the Sublease provides that Subtenants agree to sublease 22 the Premises at the rental called for in the Master Lease, including all charges relating to 23 the Premises such as common area charges, maintenance, insurance, tax, and rental 24 escalations. 25 11. Paragraph 4 of the Sublease also provides that Subtenants agree to 26 perform and observe all of the obligations of the Sublessor under the Master Lease and 27 to make all rental payments directly to the Master Landlord in the manner set forth in the 28 Master Lease. 29902768v1 2 COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER 1 12. The Master Lease provides that the tenant shall pay monthly rent and additional sums. 13. Defendants entered into possession of the Premises under the sublease and continues to occupy the Premises. 14. Defendants have failed to pay rent and other charges in the amount of at least $40,179.04 to the current Landlord of the Premises as required by the Sublease and Master Lease. 15. On March 19, 2024, Plaintiff, caused to be served upon Defendants a ten- day written notice to pay or quit (“Ten-Day Notice”) setting forth the nature of Defendants’ 10 default and requiring Defendants to cure same or to deliver possession of the Premises 11 within ten (10) days thereafter. The amount stated in the notice for past due rent and 12 other charges was in the amount of $40,179.04. A true and correct copy of the Ten-Day 13 Notice is attached hereto as Exhibit C. 14 16. Defendants were not excused from paying the full amount owed. 15 18. Defendants have not cured the default or vacated the Premises to date. 16 Based on current information and belief, the current outstanding past due rent and other 17 charges owed to Plaintiff by Defendants is approximately $40,179.04, with penalties 18 accruing daily. 19 19. Except as excused by law or the conduct of Defendants, Plaintiff has 20 performed all the terms, covenants, and conditions as required by the Sublease. 21 20. Plaintiff is now entitled to possession of the Premises. 22 21. Defendants continue to be in possession of the Premises without Plaintiff's 23 permission and consent and contrary to the terms of the Master Lease and Sublease. 24 Such detention is willful, intentional, deliberate, and obstinate. 25 22. Damages have accrued and will continue to accrue so long as Defendants 26 remain in possession of the Premises. 27 23. Section 8.1.5 of the Sublease provides that “If Subtenant fails to pay 28 Sublandlord any installment of the Rent or Additional Charges when it becomes due and 29902768v1 3 COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER payable and fails to make such payment within ten (10) days after written notice thereof by Sublandlord to Subtenant” is a default of the Sublease. As noted above, Plaintiff has served Defendant written notice, providing Defendant the ten (10) day period to cure. 24. Paragraph 6 of the Sublease provides that “The Sublease agrees to pay to the Sublessor upon demand, as additional rent, any fees, costs or charges, including attorneys’ fees and legal costs, incurred by the Sublessor in enforcing any of the terms or provision of this Sublease.” WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows: 1 For forfeiture of the Sublease and immediate possession of the Premises; 10 2 For past due rent of $40,179.04 and other charges, and statutory damages 11 pursuant to CCP Section 1174; 12 For damages at the daily rate according to proof; 13 For reasonable attorneys’ fees incurred herein; 14 For costs of suit incurred herein; and, 15 For such other and further relief as is just and proper. 16 Dated: July 2, 2024 BOWMAN AND BROOKE LLP 17 yf 7 sn 18 By: “ 19 Anthony J. Parascandola Michael Chung 20 Attorneys for Plaintiff SUBWAY REAL ESTATE, LLC 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29902768v1 4 COMPLAINT FOR UNLAWFUL DETAINER EXHIBIT "A" SAUS| — PAN Id Peenrerrrs gale Leave Beretsanned AIR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION STANDARD RETAIL/MULTI-TENANT LEASE - NET 1 Basic Provisions ("Basic Provisions"). 1 Parties: This Lease ("Lease"), dated for reference purposes only September 4, 2012 4 is made by and between Jacko I LLC, a California limited liability company ("Lessor") and Subway Real Estate, LLC ("Lessee") (colictively the "Partios*, or naivdually a "Party". 1.2 Premises: That certain portion of the Shopping Center (as defined below), including all improvements therein or to be provided by Lessor under the terms of this Lease, commonly known by the street address of 2601 S. La Brea Avenue, Unit C located in the City of Los_Angéles , County of Los Angeles , State of California , with zip code 90016 , 48 outlined on Exhibit A attached hereto ("Premises") and generally described as (describe briefly the nature of the Premises): an inline space consisting of 1230 SF as and where shown as Retail Space 1 on the site plan attached hereto as Exhibit A In addition to Lessee’s rights to use and occupy the Premises as hereinafter specified, Lessee shall have non-exclusive rights to the Common Areas (as defined in Paragraph 2.7 below) as hereinafter specified, but shall not have any rights to the roof, exterior walls or utility raceways of the building containing the Premises ("Building") or to any other buildings in the Shopping Center. The Premises and the Building are situated within the Shopping Center known as TBD The Premises, the Building, the Common Areas and all other buildings and improvements within said Shopping Center, together with the land upon which they are located, are herein collectively referred to as the "Shopping Center." (See also Paragraph 2) 1.3 Term: years and zero months ("Original Term") commencing see Addendum (‘Commencement Date") and ending see Addendum (Expiration Date"). (See also Paragraph 3) 14 Early Possession: N/A (‘Early Possession Date"). (See also Paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3) 15 Base Rent: $2,952.00 per month ("Base Rent"), payable on the 1st day of each month commencing on the Commencement Date . (See also Paragraph 4) 1 If this box is checked, there are provisions in this Lease for the Base Rent to be adjusted. 1.6 Percentage Rent Rate: N/A percent ( %) of Gross Sales. Percentage Rent shall be due and payable in accordance with the provisions of the Percentage Rent Addendum, if any, attached hereto and made a part hereof, and Paragraph 4 hereof. 17 Lessee’s Share of Common Area Operating Expenses: twenty-one and 10/100ths percent (21.10%) ("Lessee’s Share"). 18 Merchants’ Association Annual Dues: $ N/A. year ("Merchants’ Association Dues’). Lessee shall pay Merchants’ Association Dues and/or become a member of the Merchants’ Association in accordance with the provisions of the Merchants’ Association Addendum, if any, attached hereto. 1.9 Base Rent and Other Monies Paid Upon Execution: @ Base Rent: $2, 952.00 for the period of first months rent (b) Common Area Operating Expenses: $615.00 for the periodof first months rent (c) Security Deposit: $3,567.00 (‘Security Deposit"). (See also Paragraph 5) (a) Merchants’ Association Du 8 for the period (e) Other: $ for @ Total Due Upon Execution of this Lease: $7, 134.00 1.10 Agreed Use: Exclusive right to sell hot and cold submarine style sandwiches. Landlord shall not lease a space in the center to Jersey Mikes, Quiznos, Togos, Blimpies, or_any other restaurant who main business is sandwiches.* (See Addendum Paragraph 1 or additional terms regarding Agreed Use). (See also Paragraph 6) 1.11 Agreed Trade Name: Subway {See also Paragraph 6) 1.12 Insuring Party. Lessor is the “Insuring Party". (See also Paragraph 8) 4 1.13 Real Estate Brokers: (See also Paragraph 15) Representation: The following real estate brokers (the Brokers") and brokerage relationships exist in this transaction (check applicable boxes): Mpatrick Ortiz, NAI Capital represents Lessor exclusively ("Lessor’s Broker"); a represents Lessee exclusively ("Lessee’s Broker"); or a represents both Lessor and Lessee ("Dual Agency’). (b) Payment to Brokers: Upon execution and delivery of this Lease by both Parties, Lessor shall pay to the Brokers the brokerage fee agreed to in a separate written agreement (or if there is no such agreement, the sum of or 5 % of the total Base Rent) for the brokerage services rendered by the Brokers. 1.14 Guarantor. The obligations of the Lessee under this Lease are to be guaranteed by none (Guaranto (See also Paragraph 37) 1.15 Attachments. Attached hereto are the following, all of which constitute a part of this Lease: an addendum consisting of Paragraphs through 0 asite plan marked Exhibit » depicting the Premises; a site plan marked Exhibit A , depicting the Shopping Center; \ O acurrent set of Rules and Regulations for the Shopping Center; C acurent set of the Sign Criteria for the Shopping Center; PAGE1 OF 15 Ww INTHALS: INITIALS ©2003 - AIR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION FORM RMTN-3-6/07E a * Landlord shall not lease to another space in the building to a marijuana dispensary. Oa work letter; a other (specify): Rider to Lease, Option Rent Addendum, Rent Increase Addendum, Arbitration Addendum 2. Premises. 21 Letting. Lessor hereby leases to Lessee, and Lessee hereby leases from Lessor, the Premises, for the term, at the rental, and upon all of the terms, covenants and conditions set forth in this Lease. Unless otherwise provided herein, any statement of size set forth in this Lease, or that may have been used in calculating Rent, is an approximation which the Parties agree is reasonable and any payments based thereon are not ‘subject to revision whether or not the actual size is more or less, NOTE: Lessee Is advised to verify the actual size prior to executing this Lease. 22 Condition. Lessor shall deliver the Premises to Lessee broom clean and free of debris on the Commencement Date or the Early Possession Date, whichever first occurs ("Start Date"), and, so long as the required service contracts described in Paragraph 7.1(b) below are obtained by Lessee and in effect within 30 days following the Start Date, warrants that the existing electrical, plumbing, fire sprinkler, lighting, heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems ("HVAC"), loading doors, if any, and all other such elements in the Premises, other than those constructed by Lessee, shall be in good operating condition on said date and that the structural elements of the roof, bearing walls and foundation of the Premises shall be free of material defects, and that the Premises do not contain hazardous levels of any mold or fungi defined as toxic under applicable state or federal law. If a non-compliance with such warranty exists as of the Start Date, or if one of such systems or elements should matfunction or fail within the appropriate warranty period, Lessor shall, as Lessor's sole obligation with respect to such matter, except as otherwise provided in this Lease, promptly after receipt of written notice from Lessee setting forth with specificity the nature and extent of such non-compliance, malfunction or failure, rectify same at Lessor’s expense. The warranty periods shall be as follows: (i) 6 months as to the HVAC systems, and (ji) 30 days as to the remaining systems and other elements of the Premises. If Lessee does not give Lessor the required notice within the appropriate warranty period, correction of any such non-compliance, malfunction or failure shall be the obligation of Lessee at Lessee’s sole cost and expense (except for the repairs to the fire sprinkler systems, roof, foundations, and/or bearing walls). 23 Compliance. Lessor warrants that to the best of its knowledge the improvements on the Premises and the Common Areas comply with the building codes that were in effect at the time that each such improvement, or portion thereof, was constructed, and also with all applicable laws, covenants or restrictions of record, regulations, and ordinances in effect on the Start Date ("Applicable Requirements"). Said warranty does not apply to the use to which Lessee will put the Premises, modifications which may be required by the Americans with Disabilities Act or any similar laws as a result of Lessee's use (see Paragraph 50), or to any Alterations or Utility Installations (as defined in Paragraph 7.3(a)) made or to be made by Lessee. NOTE: Lessee is responsible for determining whether or not the Applicable Requirements, and especially the zoning, are appropriate for Lessee’s intended use, and acknowledges that past uses of the Premises may no longer be allowed. If the Premises do not comply with said warranty, Lessor shall, except as otherwise provided, promptly after receipt of written notice from Lessee setting forth with specificity the nature and extent of such non-compliance, rectify the same at Lessor’s expense. If Lessee does not give Lessor written notice of a non-compliance with this warranty within 6 months following the Start Date, correction of that non-compliance shall be the obligation of Lessee at Lessee’s sole cost and expense. If the Applicable Requirements are hereafter changed so as to require during the term of this Lease the construction of an addition to or an alteration of the Premises and/or Building, the remediation of any Hazardous Substance, or ‘the reinforcement or other physical modification of the Premises. and/or Building ("Capital Expenditure"), Lessor and Lessee shall allocate the cost of such work as follows: fa) Subject to Paragraph 2.3(c) below, if such Capital Expenditures are required as a result of the specific and unique use of the Premises by Lessee as compared with uses by tenants in general, Lessee shall be fully responsible for the cost thereof, provided, however that if such Capital Expenditure is required during the last 2 years of this Lease and the cost thereof exceeds 6 months’ Base Rent, Lessee may instead terminate this Lease unless Lessor notifies Lessee, in writing, within 10 days after receipt of Lessee’s termination notice that Lessor has elected to pay the difference between the actual cost thereof and the amount equal to 6 months’ Base Rent. If Lessee elects termination, Lessee shall immediately cease the use of the Premises which requires such Capital Expenditure and deliver to Lessor written notice specifying a termination date at least 90 days thereafter. Such termination date shall, however, in no event be earlier than the last day that Lessee could legally utilize the Premises without commencing such Capital Expenditure. (b) If such Capital Expenditure is not the result of the specific and unique use of the Premises by Lessee (such as, governmentally mandated seismic modifications), then Lessor shall pay for such Capital Expenditure and Lessee shall only be obligated to pay, each month during the remainder of the term of this Lease, on the date that on which the Base Rent is due, an amount equal to 144th of the portion of such costs reasonably attributable to the Premises. Lessee shall pay Interest on the balance but may pi its obligation at any time. If, however, such Capital Expenditure is required during the last 2 years of this Lease or if Lessor reasonably determines that it is not economically feasible to pay its share thereof, Lessor shall have the option to terminate this Lease upon 90 days prior written notice to Lessee unless Lessee notifies Lessor, in writing, within 10 days after receipt of Lessor's termination notice that Lessee will pay for such Capital Expenditure. If Lessor does not elect to terminate, and fails to tender its share of any such Capital Expenditure, Lessee may advance such funds and deduct same, with Interest, from Rent until Lessor's ‘share of such costs have been fully paid. If Lessee is unable to finance Lessor's share, or if the balance of the Rent due and payable for the remainder of this Lease is not sufficient to fully reimburse Lessee on an offset basis, Lessee shall have the right to terminate this Lease upon 30 days written notice to Lessor. (c) Notwithstanding the above, the provisions concerning Capital Expenditures are intended to apply only to non-voluntary, unexpected, and new Applicable’ Requirements. If the Capital Expenditures are instead triggered by Lessee as a result of an actual or proposed change in use, change in intensity of use, or modification tothe Premises then, and in that event, Lessee shall either: (i) immediately cease such changed use or intensity of use and/or take such other steps as may be necessary to eliminate the requirement for such Capital Expenditure, or (ii) complete such Capital Expenditure at its own expense. Lessee shall not have any right to terminate this Lease. 24 Acknowledgements. Lessee acknowledges that: (a) it has been advised by Lessor and/or Brokers to satisfy itself with respect to the condition of the Premises (including but not limited to the electrical, HVAC and fire sprinkler systems, security, environmental aspects, and compliance with Applicable Requirements and the Americans with Disabilities Act), and their suitability for Lessee’s intended use, (b) Lessee has made ‘such investigation as it deems necessary with reference to such matters and assumes all responsibility therefor as the same relate to its occupancy of the Premises, and (c) neither Lessor, Lessor’s agents, nor Brokers have made any oral or written representations or warranties with respect to said matters other than as set forth in this Lease. In addition, Lessor acknowledges that: (i) Brokers have made no representations, promises or warranties concerning Lessee's ability to honor the Lease or suitability to occupy the Premises, and (ii) it is Lessor’s sole responsibility to investigate the financial capability and/or suitability of all proposed tenants. pror-to-the-Stan-Date-Lessee-was_the-owner- 1paF e-fo 26 Vehicle Parking. Lessee shall not use and shall not permit its employees to use any parking spaces in the Shopping Center except for parking by vehicles that are no larger than full-size passenger automobiles or pick-up trucks, herein called "Permitted Size Vehicles. Lessee shall permit its employees to only occupy those parking spaces, if any, as depicted as employee ‘spaces on the Shopping Center site plan. Lessor may regulate the loading and unloading of vehicles by adopting Rules and Regulations as provided in Paragraph 2.9. No vehicles other than Permitted Size vericies may be parked in the Common Area without the prior written permission of Lessor. In addition: Lessee shall not permit or allow any vehicles that belong to or are controlled by Lessee or Lessee’s employees, suppliers, shippers, Contractors or invitees to be loaded, unloaded, or parked in areas other than those designated by Lessor for such activities. Lessee shall not service or store any vehicles in the Common Areas. (c) tf Lessee permits or allows any of the prohibited activities described in this Paragraph 2.6, then Lessor shall have the right, without notice, in addition to such other rights and remedies that it may have, to remove or tow away the vehicle involved and charge the cost to Lessee, which cost shall be immediately payable upon demand by Lessor. 27 Common Areas - Definition. The term "Common Areas" is defined as all areas and facilities outside the Premises and within the exterior boundary line of the Shopping Center and interior utility raceways and installations within the Premises that are provided and designated by the Lessor from time to time for the general non-exclusive use of Lessor, Lessee and other tenants of the Shopping Center and their respective employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees, including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, . driveways and landscaped areas. 28 Common Areas- Lessee's Rights. Lessor grants to Lessee, for the benefit of Lessee and its employees, suppliers, shippers, contractors, customers and invitees, during the term of this Lease, the non-exclusive right to use, in common with others entitled to such use, the Comm reas as they exist from time to time, subject to any rights, powers, and privileges reserved by Lessor under the terms hereof or under the “ht \ of/any rules and regulations or restrictions governing the use of the Shopping Center. Under no circumstances shall the right herein granted to PAGE 2 OF 15 INIT INITIALS. ©2003 - AIR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION FORM RMTN-3-6/07E use the Common Areas be deemed to include the right to store any property, temporarily or permanently, in the Common Areas, nor the right to display merchandise or conduct sales in the Common Areas. Any such storage, display or sales shall be permitted only by the prior written consent of Lessor or Lessor’s designated agent, as exercised in Lessor's sole discretion, which consent may be revoked at any time. In the event that any unauthorized ‘storage or displays shall occur then Lessor shall have the right, without notice, in addition to such other rights and remedies that it may have, to remove the property and charge the cost to Lessee, which cost shall be immediately payable upon demand by Lessor. 29 Common Areas - Rules and Regulations. Lessor or such other person(s) as Lessor may appoint shall have the exclusive control and management of the Common Areas and shall have the right, from time to time, to establish, modify, amend and enforce reasonable rules and regulations ("Rules and Regulations") for the management, safety, care, and cleanliness of the grounds, the parking and unloading of vehicles and the preservation of good order, as well as for the convenience of other occupants or tenants of the Building and the Shopping Center and their invitees. Lessee agrees to abide by and conform to all such Rules and Regulations, and shall use its best efforts to cause its employees, suppliers, shippers, customers, contractors and invitees to so abide and conform. Lessor shall not be responsible to Lessee for the non-compliance with said Rules and Regulations by other tenants of the Project. 2.10 Common Areas - Changes. Lessor shall have the right, in Lessor's sole discretion, from time to time: (a) To make changes or additions to the Common Areas, including, without limitation, changes in the location, size, shape and number of driveways, entrances, parking spaces, parking areas, loading and unloading areas, ingress, egress, direction of traffic, elevations, landscaped areas, signage, walkways and utility raceways; To use and close temporarily any of the Common Areas for the purpose of maintaining, repairing and altering the Shopping Center, so long as reasonable access to the Premises remains available, and to close temporarily any of the Common Areas to whatever extent is required in the opinion of Lessor’s counsel to prevent a dedication of or the accrual of any rights of any persons or of the public to any of the Common Areas; To designate other land outside the boundaries of the Shopping Center to be a part of the Common Areas or to be entitled to use the Common Areas on a reciprocal basis; (a) To add additional buildings and improvements to the Common Areas; and (e) To do and perform such other acts and make such other changes in, to or with respect to the Common Areas and Shopping Center as Lessor may, in the exercise of sound business judgment, deem to be appropriate. 2.11 Common Areas - Promotional Events; Sidewalk Sales. Lessor reserves the right, from time to time, in Lessor’s sole discretion, to utilize portions of the Common Areas for promotional events, which may include but shall not be limited to entertainment. Lessor further reserves the tight, in Lessor’s sole discretion, to permit any one or more tenants of the Shopping Center to conduct the display and/or sale of merchandise from the sidewalks immediately adjacent to such tenants’ respective premises. 212 Common Areas - Remodeling. At any time during the Term, Lessor may remodel or expand, in any manner, the existing Shopping Center, which work may include, without limitation, the addition of shops and/or new buildings to the Shopping Center (collectively, "Remodeled Center"). {f Lessor deems it necessary for construction personnel to enter the Premises in order to construct the Remodeled Center, Lessor shall give Lessee no less than 60 days prior notice and Lessee shail allow such entry. Lessor shall use reasonable efforts to complete any work affecting the Premises in an efficient manner so as not to interfere unreasonably with Lessee’s business. Lessee shall not be entitled to any damages for any inconvenience or any disruption to Lessee’s business caused by such work; provided, however, the Base Rent paid by Lessee for the period of the inconvenience shall be abated in proportion to the degree that Lessee’s use of the Premises is impaired. Lessor shall have the right to use portions of the Premises to accommodate any structures required for the Remodeled Center, provided that if as a result thereof there is a permanent decrease in the floor area of the Premises of 3% or more, there shall be a proportionate downward adjustment of Base Rent and Lessee’s Share. 3. Term. 31 Term. The Commencement Date, Expiration Date and Original Term of this Lease are as specified in Paragraph 1.3. 3.2 Early Possession. If an Early Possession Date has been specified in Paragraph 1.4, the Parties intend that Lessee shall have access to the Premises as of the Early Possession Date for purposes of preparing and fixturizing the Premises for the conduct of Lessee’s business. If Lessee totally or partially occupies the Premises prior to the Commencement Date for any reason (and for purposes hereof, “occupancy” shall include, without limitation, Lessee’s entry onto the Premises for purposes of preparing and fixturizing the Premises for business), the obligation to pay Base Rent and Percentage Rent shall be abated for the period of such early possession. All other terms of this Lease (including but not limited to Lessee's obligations to carry insurance and to maintain the Premises) shall be in effect during such period, except that Lessee's obligation to pay Lessee’s Share of Common Area Operating Expenses, Real Property Taxes and insurance premiums shall only be in effect prior to the Commencement Date if Lessee has opened for business in the Premises prior to the Commencement Date. Any such early ossession stshall not affect the Expiration Date. its-best. orp agreed, 34 Lessee Compliance. Lessor shall not be required to tender possession of the Premises to Lessee until Lessee complies with its obligation to provide evidence of insurance (Paragraph 8.5). Pending delivery of such evidence, Lessee shall be required to perform all of its obligations under this Lease from and after the Start Date, including the payment of Rent, notwithstanding Lessor’s election to withhold possession pending receipt of such evidence of insurance. Further, if Lessee is required to perform any other conditions prior to or concurrent with the Start Date, the Start Date shall occur but Lessor may elect to withhold possession until such conditions are satisfied. 4. Rent. 44 Rent Defined. All monetary obligations of Lessee to Lessor under the terms of this Lease (except for the Security Deposit) are deemed to be rent ("Rent”). 42 Common Area Operating Expenses. Lessee shall pay to Lessor during the term hereof, in addition to the Base Rent and, if applicable, Percentage Rent, Lessee’s Share (as specified in Paragraph 1.7) of all Common Area Operating Expenses, as hereinafter defined, during each calendar year of the term of this Lease, in accordance with the following provisions: (a) “Common Area Operating Expenses" are defined, for Purposes of this Lease, as all costs incurred by Lessor relating to the ownership and operation of ihe Shopping Center, including, but not limited to, the followi The operation, repair and maintenance, in neat, clean, good order and condition, and replacement as reasonably necessary, of the Growing: (aa) The Common Areas and Common Area improvements, including parking areas, loading and unloading areas, trash areas, roadways, parkways, walkways, driveways, landscaped areas, parking lot striping, bumpers, irrigation systems, Common Area lighting facilities, fences and gates, elevators, roofs, and roof drainage systems. (bb) Exterior signs and any tenant directories. (cc) Any fire detection and/or sprinkler systems. (ad) Common electrical, plumbing and other utilities servicing any building in the Shopping Center and/or the Common Areas. il) The cost of water, gas, electricity and telephone to service the Common Areas and any utilities not separately metered. i The cost of trash disposal, pest control services, property management (including, but not be limited to, Property management fee to Lessor equal to 5% of Base Rent and Percentage Rent, security services, and the costs of any environmental inspections. Reserves set aside for equipment, maintenance, repair and replacement of Common Areas. (v) Real Property Taxes (as defined in Paragraph 10). (vi) The cost of the premiums for the insurance maintained by Lessor pursuant to Paragraph 8. Any deductible portion of an insured loss concerning the Building or the Common Areas. (vill) Auditors’, accountants’ and attorneys’ fees and costs related to the operation of the Shopping Center. \‘| PAGE 3 OF 15 Ww INI INITIALS ©2003 - AIR COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION FORM RMTN-3-6/07E (x) The cost of any capital improvement to the Building or the Shopping Center not covered under the provisions of Paragraph 2.3; provided, however, that Lessor shall allocate the cost of any such capital improvement over a 12 year period and Lessee shall not be required to pay more than Lessee’s Share of 1/144th of the cost of such capital improvement in any given month. (x) The cost of any other services to be provided by Lessor that are stated elsewhere in this Lease to be a Common Area Operating Expense. (b) if Lessor determines that the method of proration of any item included within Common Area Operating Expenses is inequitable, Lessor may prorate such item on the basis of usage or other equitable considerations. Any Common Area Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes that are specifically attributable to the Premises, the Building or to any other premises or building in the Shopping Center or to the operation, repair and maintenance thereof shall be allocated entirely to such premises or building. However, any Common Area Operating Expenses and Real Property Taxes that are not specifically attributable to any premises or building or to the operation, repair and maintenance thereof shall be equitably allocated by Lessor to all buildings in the Shopping Center. (c) The inclusion of the improvements, facilities and services set forth in Subparagraph 4.2(a) shall not be deemed to impose. an obligation upon Lessor to either have said improvements or facilities or to provide those services unless the Shopping Center already has the same, Lessor already provides the services, or Lessor has agreed elsewhere in this Lease to provide the same or some of them. (d) Lessee’s Share of Common Area Operating Expenses is payable monthly on the same day as the Base Rent is due hereunder. The amount of such payments shall be based on Lessor's estimate of the annual Common Area Operating Expenses. Within 60 days after written request (but not more than once each year) Lessor shall deliver to Lessee a reasonably detailed statement showing Lessee's Share of the actual Common Area Operating Expenses incurred during the preceding year. If Lessee's payments during such year exceed Lessee's Share, Lessor shall credit the amount of such over-payment against Lessee's future payments. If Lessee's payments during such year were less than Lessee's Share, Lessee shall pay to Lessor the amount of the deficiency within 10 days after delivery by Lessor to Lessee of the statement. (e) If there are one or more Major Tenants (as hereinafter defined) within the Shopping Center, then at Lessor's sole option, the amount to be reimbursed by such Major Tenants to Lessor for all or a portion of the Common Area Operating Expenses may be determined by alternative equitable methods (e.g., a Major Tenant may pay directly for its own security), and the actual amount paid by such Major Tenants shall be credited against the Common Area Operating Expenses allocated to other tenants of the Shopping Center; provided, however, that in such event the rentable area of the buildings leased to such Major Tenants shall be excluded from the rentable area of the Shopping Center for purposes of determining Lessee's Share of Common Area Operating Expenses for those specific items, notwithstanding the percentage set forth in Paragraph 1.7. As used herein, the term "Major Tenant’ shall mean a tenant leasing at least 15,000 square feet of rentable area within the Shopping Center. (f) Common Area Operating Expenses shall not include any expenses paid by any tenant directly to third parties, or as to which Lessor is otherwise reimbursed by any third party, other tenant, or insurance proceeds. Payment. Lessee shall cause payment of Rent to be received by Lessor in lawful money of the United States, without offset or deduction (except as specifically permitted in this Lease), on or before the day on which it is due. All monetary amounts shall be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. In the event that any invoice prepared by Lessor is inaccurate such inaccuracy shall not constitute a waiver and Lessee shall be obligated to pay the amount set forth in this Lease. Rent for any period during the term hereof which is for less than one full calendar month shall be prorated based upon the actual number of days of said month. Payment of Rent shall be made to Lessor at its address stated herein or to such other persons or place as Lessor may from time to time designate in writing. Acceptance of a payment which is less than the amount then due shall not be a waiver of Lessor's rights to the balance of such Rent, regardless of Lessor's endorsement of any check so stating. In the event that any check, draft, or other instrument of payment given by Lessee to Lessor is dishonored for any reason, Lessee agrees to pay to Lessor the sum of $25 in addition to any Late Charge and Lessor, at its option, may require all future Rent be paid by cashier's check. Payments will be applied first to accrued late charges and attorney's fees, second to accrued interest, then to Base Rent and Common Area Operating Expenses, and any remaining amount to any other outstanding charges or costs. 5. Security Deposit. Lessee shall deposit with Lessor upon execution hereof the Security Deposit as security for Lessee's faithful performance of its obli igations under this Lease. If Lessee fails to pay Rent, or otherwise Defaults under this Lease, Lessor may use, apply or retain all or any portion of said Security Deposit for the payment of any amount due already due Lessor, for Rents which will be due in the future, and/ oF to reimburse or compensate Lessor for any liability, expense, loss or damage which Lessor may suffer or incur by reason thereof. If Lessor uses or applies all or any portion of the Security Deposit, Lessee shall within 10 days after written request therefor deposit monies with Lessor sufficient to restore said Security Deposit to the full amount required by this Lease. If the Base Rent increases during the term of this Lease, Lessee shall, upon written request from Lessor, deposit additional monies with Lessor so that the total amount of the Security Deposit shall at all times bear the same proportion to the increased Base Rent as the initial Security Deposit bore to the initial Base Rent. Should the Agreed Use be amended to accommodate a material change in the business of Lessee or to accommodate a sublessee or assignee, Lessor shall have the right to increase the Security Deposit to the extent necessary, in Lessor's reasonable judgment, to account for any increased wear and tear that the Premises may suffer as a result thereof. If a change in control of Lessee occurs during this Lease and following such change the financial condition of Lessee is, in Lessor's reasonable judgment, significantly reduced, Lessee shall deposit such additional monies with Lessor as shall be sufficient to cause the Security Deposit to be at a commercially reasonable level based on such change in financial condition. Lessor shall not be required to keep the Security Deposit separate from its general accounts. Within 90 days after the expiration or termination of this Lease, Lessor shall return that portion of the Security Deposit not used or applied by Lessor. No part of the Security Deposit shall be considered to be hel