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  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BAMBI CORTEZ, ET AL. VS RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 06/16/2022 02:38 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by B. Shanbrom,Deputy Clerk 1 Raymond L. Blessey, Esq. (State Bar No. 176180) Tracy D. Hughes, Esq. (State Bar No. 269187) 2 REBACK, MCANDREWS & BLESSEY, LLP 1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 450 3 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 4 T: (310) 297-9900 F: (310) 297-9800 5 6 7 Attorneys for Defendant, ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D. (erroneously sued and served as JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.) 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 BAMBI CORTEZ AND SUMMER ) CASE NO. 20AVCV00282 12 GREGORY, ) ) DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., 13 Plaintiffs, ) IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT 14 ) THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR v. ) UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY 15 ) RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, ) [Filed concurrently with Notice of Motion and Motion 16 PALMDALE REGIONAL MEDICAL ) for an Undertaking re: Summer Gregory; [Proposed] 17 CENTER, JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, ) Order] M.D., HIGH DESERT MEDICAL GROUP, ) 18 QUARTZ HILL WALK-IN MEDICAL ) RESERVATION ID: 243654085180 GROUP, INC., ERIC CARNEY DENLEY, ) Date: July 19, 2022 19 M.D., CARLOS A. GUERRERO, FNP, and ) Time: 8:30 a.m. 20 DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, ) Dept: A14 ) 21 Defendants. ) Assigned to Hon. Judge Stephen Morgan ) Dept. A14 22 ) 23 ) Complaint Filed: 4/20/2020 ) Trial Date: 8/19/2022 24 ____________________________________ ) 25 26 27 28 1 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY 1 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D. 2 I, RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., declare and state as follows: 3 1. I am a physician licensed to practice medicine in the California, Utah, Nevada, and 4 Wyoming. I have personal knowledge of all facts contained within this declaration, and if called as a 5 witness, I could and would competently testify to the following: 6 2. I received my medical degree from Southern Illinois University, Springfield, Illinois. I 7 completed an internship in general surgery at UCLA Hospital and Clinics, Los Angeles, California in 8 June 1981. I completed my Residency in diagnostic radiology at UCLA Hospital and Clinics, Los 9 Angeles, California in June 1984. I participated in a radiology fellowship program at Memorial 10 Medical Center of Long Beach, Long Beach, California, from July 1984-June 1985. I am currently an 11 Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology and have hospital privileges at the University of Utah. I am board certified in diagnostic radiology and have a certificate of added qualifications in neuroradiology. 12 My CV is attached hereto as Exhibit A. 13 3. Based on my background, training, and experience, I am familiar with the standard of 14 care applicable to radiologist treating patients such as decedent Silvia Handley. I am qualified to 15 render an expert opinion in this case concerning the medical care and treatment provided by Joel 16 Thayer, M.D., to decedent. I am making this Declaration in support of Defendant Estate of Joel 17 Herriott Thayer, M.D.’s Motion to require non-resident plaintiff to file an undertaking. 18 4. I reviewed Plaintiffs’ Complaint and decedent’s medical records, including imaging 19 studies from Antelope Valley Hospital, Palmdale Regional Medical Center, Renaissance Imaging, and 20 First Valley Medical Group (formally known as Quartz Hill). I relied on these materials as well as my 21 education, training, and experience in forming my opinions. 22 5. On March 31, 2017, the patient Silvia Handley presented to Quartz Hill Medical Group 23 with complaints of cough and shortness of breath. A chest x-ray was ordered and performed at 24 Antelope Valley Hospital on April 2, 2017. Findings as interpreted by Renaissance Imaging indicate 25 cardiomediastinal silhouette appears normal, there is calcification in the thoracic aorta, pulmonary 26 vasculature appears normal, Lung fields appear clear, no pneumothorax, costophrenic angles are well defined, there are bilateral breast implants present, and the osseous elements appear intact. 27 28 2 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY 1 6. On April 4, 2017, the patient presented to the ED of Palmdale Regional Medical Center, 2 with a history of COPD and hypertension and a present complaint of labored breathing. Notes indicate 3 that she had finished a three-day course of a Z-pack for possible pneumonia. A chest x-ray was ordered. The x-ray was read by defendant Dr. Thayer who indicated that the cardiac size is within 4 normal limits. The pulmonary vasculature is normal. The lung parenchyma is clear. Nodular density 5 overlying the left the lower lung consistent with nipple shadow. The costophrenic sulci are clear. The 6 visualized skeletal structures are normal. Accordingly, the patient was discharged in stable condition. 7 She was to follow up with the primary care provider for reevaluation and further management within 8 1-2 days. 9 7. On January 13, 2018, the patient presented via ambulance to the ED of Antelope Valley 10 Hospital with complaints of right flank and right elbow pain after a fall four days earlier. Notes 11 indicate that her breathing was unlabored and regular, but rales/crackles were noted to bilateral upper 12 lobes and bilateral lower lobes, with a cough. A chest x-ray showed: a spiculated mass measuring 13 roughly 4.6 cm in diameter in the mid lateral left lower lobe which appears to be new since the prior 14 examination. The lungs otherwise appear clear. Impression: probable 4.6 cm bronchogenic carcinoma 15 in the left lower lobe. Although less likely based on its appearance, this could represent pneumonia. 16 Additional imaging is recommended. 17 8. On July 18, 2018, the patient presented to First Valley Medical Group (formally known 18 as Quartz Hill), for an annual wellness visit. Notes indicate that the patient had a couple of falls due to 19 dizziness, ambulates without assistance, has perceived memory issues, requires some assistance with 20 activities of daily living, and family members help care for the patient. She is not complaining of any pain now but does have intermittent pain. Examination of lungs shows wheezing, distant sounds. A 21 chest x-ray was ordered due to the patient’s COPD and shortness of breath. 22 23 9. The chest x-ray showed a patchy density measuring approximately 6 x 4 x 7 cm in the 24 left lower lobe not seen on prior. The heart is enlarged. Calcification aortic arch. The lungs are otherwise clear and there is no pleural effusion or pneumothorax. The bones and soft tissues are 25 unremarkable. The Patient was notified. 26 27 28 3 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY 1 10. On November 27, 2018, the patient presented to the ED of Palmdale Regional Medical 2 Center complaining of increased shortness of breath and productive cough of yellowish phlegm. Notes 3 indicate history of COPD/CHF who does not have home oxygen. She was initially evaluated for shortness of breath which increased with exertion. Patient did respond well to fluids, breathing 4 treatment and solumedrol. Today her chest x-ray showed left sided opacities which recommends CT 5 Thorax which is pending. Diagnosis: Mass of lower lobe of left lung. Plan: admitted. 6 7 11. The patient was admitted to Antelope Valley Hospital on January 1, 2019 and passed on 8 January 20, 2019. The cause of death acute was respiratory failure secondary to lung abscess. 9 12. Based on my review of decedent’s medical records, including imaging studies and 10 reports, as well as my education, training, and experience, it is my opinion that 11 Dr. Thayer’s care and treatment of decedent was at all times within the applicable standard of care. 12 My opinion is based on the following: 13 13. Dr. Thayer’s interpretation of the April 4, 2017, chest x-ray (AP view only), was 14 reasonable and well within the standard of care, in part, because to a reasonable medical probability, 15 decedent did not have a lung mass visible on x-ray at that time. 16 14. Dr. Thayer’s interpretation of the chest film is consistent with that of the radiologist 17 who read the April 2, 2017, imaging who had the added advantage of a lateral film as well as the AP imaging to examine. 18 19 15. This opinion is based on several factors. First, the subject film depicted a “distorted right breast” likely due to prior surgery which prevented Dr. Thayer and the other radiologists who 20 read the chest films from comparing the location of the left breast nipple to that on the right. 21 22 16. The x-ray on April 2, 2017, did not reveal the presence of a mass. To a reasonable medical probability, if a cancerous mass was present at the time of April 4, 2017, chest x-ray, the prior 23 study would have shown it. 24 17. The standard of care did not require Dr. Thayer to recommend further imaging with 25 nipple markers. This type of request is only made when the radiologist has a high index of suspicion 26 that the patient has a concerning mass vs. nipple shadow. 27 /// 28 4 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY 1 18. Even if Dr. Thayer had recommended further imaging with nipple markers, and a CT 2 scan was done at that time, to a reasonable medical probability the CT scan would not have revealed a 3 lung mass. 4 19. The findings on the subsequent CT scan of the chest done in November 2018, reveals 5 further evidence that the nipple shadow referred by Dr. Thayer was indeed a shadow and not a mass. 6 The 2018 CT scan reveals a lung mass that is 8 cm from the center of the spine, whereas the nipple shadow on the April 4, 2017, is 12 cm from the center point. 7 8 20. Further, because Dr. Thayer met the applicable standard of care at all times in his care and treatment of decedent, to a reasonable medical probability nothing Dr. Thayer did or failed to do 9 caused or contributed to decedent’s death. 10 11 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 12 13 Executed on June _____, 2022, in Las Vegas, Nevada. 14 15 ___________________________ 16 Richard Ofstein, M.D. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 DECLARATION OF RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY EXHIBIT A RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. Curriculum Vitae MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 370385 Las Vegas Nevada 89137 Last Revised June 2020 1 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) DATE/PLACE OF BIRTH: LICENSE: California Medical License # G 44857 (Active) Utah Medical License # 10161123-1205 (Active) Nevada Medical License # 18022 Drug Enforcement Administration # AO 1046259 EDUCATION: Undergraduate Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois B.S. PHYSIOLOGY August 1975 Graduate Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Illinois PHYSIOLOGY June 1976-June 1977 Medical Southern Illinois University Springfield, Illinois MEDICAL DEGREE (M.D.) June 1980 2 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) POST MEDICAL DEGREE TRAINING: Internship UCLA Hospital and Clinics Los Angeles, California GENERAL SURGERY July 1980-June 1981 Residency UCLA Hospital and Clinics Los Angeles, California DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY July 1981-June 1984 Fellowship Memorial Medical Center of Long Beach Long Beach, California CT/MRI (8 months) & Interventional Radiology (4 months) July 1984-June 1985 WORK STATUS: CURRENT WORK STATUS: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology University Utah June 2017-Present PRIOR WORK STATUS: Jackson Hole Medical Imaging, Inc. P.O. Box 1450 Wilson, WY 83014 February 2006-June 2016 Memrad Medical Group, Inc. 100 Oceangate, Suite 1000 Long Beach, CA 90802 562-590-7400 July 1985-December 1998 January 2000-January 2006 3 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) PRIOR WORK STATUS: Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiology 1988-2002 UCLA School of Medicine Los Angeles, CA STAFF PRIVILEGES: Hospital Status University of Utah Active Salt Lake City UT CERTIFICATION: American Board of Radiology Certification in Diagnostic Radiology, May 1984 American Board of Radiology Certificate of Added Qualifications in Neuroradiology, November 2001, November 2012 MEMBERSHIPS: American College of Radiology American Society of Neuroradiology Radiological Society of North America American Roentgen Ray Society UNIVERSITY APPOINTMENTS: Adjunct Assistant Professor of Radiology University Utah June 2017-Present Assistant Clinical Professor of Radiology UCLA School of Medicine 1988-2002 PUBLICATIONS: Magnetic Resonance Update Founding Publisher, Editor and Author Dates of Publication: 1989-2005 4 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) PUBLICATIONS: Consultations in Radiology & Imaging Founding Publisher, Editor and Author Dates of Publication: 1990-1998 Women’s Health Review Founding Publisher, Editor and Author Dates of Publication: 1995-1996 Morrison, D.S., Ofstein, R. The Use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Rotator Cuff Tears. Orthopedics;13(6): 633-7 (1990) Berger, P.E., Ofstein, R. MRI Demonstration of Radiographically Occult Fractures: What Have We Been Missing? Radiographics; 9(3): 407-36 (1989) Low Back Pain in Adults, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Knee MRI-The Menisci, Ligaments, and Tendons, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Gadolinium and MRI: Information for the Referring Physician, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Unilateral Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, Dysequilibrium: Acoustic Neuromas, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Shoulder Pain: Rotator Cuff Tears, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Pituitary Adenomas, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Cerebral Metastases, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 Hip Pain: Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1989 The Cervical Spine: Disc Herniation and Degenerative, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Prostate Cancer: Staging with MRI, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Stress Fractures-Occult Osseous Injuries, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Wrist Pain, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 5 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) PUBLICATIONS (Continued): Aortic Aneurysms, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Endometrial Carcinoma: Staging with MRI, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Neck Masses Including: Parathyroid and Thyroid Glands, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Bone Metastases in Adults, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Head Trauma, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Ankle Injuries, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 AIDS: Central Nervous System Involvement, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1990 Adrenal Metastases and Other Masses, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1991 Mediastinal Masses, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1991 Vertebral Compression Fractures: Benign or Malignant?, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1991 Pediatric Abdominal Masses, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1991 The Aging Brain, Magnetic Resonance Update, 1991 Breast Cancer, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1989 Sinusitis: Imaging Evaluation, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1990 TIA and Stroke: Ultrasound Evaluation of Extracranial Carotid Arterial Disease, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1990 Claudication: Peripheral Angiography and Related Interventional Procedures, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1990 Cholecystolithiasis and Cholecystitis, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1991 Pregnancy and Related Complications: The Diagnostic Role Of Ultrasound, Consultations n Radiology & Imaging, 1991 6 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) PUBLICATIONS (Continued): Interstitial Lung Disease: High-Resolution CT, Consultations in Radiology & Imaging, 1991 REFERENCES: Paul Berger, MD Past President, Memrad Medical Group Founder, NightHawk Radiology Scottsdale, Arizona Alyssa Watanabe, MD Vice President, Direct Access Imaging, Inc. 2711 N Sepulveda Boulevard, # 284 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Barbara Kadell, M.D. UCLA Medical Center Professor of Radiology Vice Chair of Clinical Operations Los Angeles, CA Robert Jones, MD Jackson Hole Medical Imaging Radiology-St John’s Medical Center 625 E Broadway Jackson WY 83001 PRESENTATIONS Natural Background and Medical Radiation: St. John’s Medical Center What you need to know for your health and Safety 9 November 2010 Coronary CT Angiography St. John’s Medical Center 30 October 2010 Breast Cancer Screening St. John’s Medical Center 30 October 2010 MRI: Bone Pathology Medical Staff Meeting, Los Alamitos Medical Center 14 December 1998 7 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) PRESENTATIONS (continued) Medical Imaging from the Perspective of Litigation Trial Attorney Group Memrad Corporate Office 27 October 1998 CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS ASCR ER MSK Case Review – Completed 5/19/2021 8.0 hours, Category 1 Upper Extremity ACR CPI Gastrointestinal Tract Completed 5/6/2021 8.0 hours, Category 1 Penn Radiology-Emergency Imaging: Completed 5/2/2020 15.75 hours, Category 1 Acute Diagnoses RSNA Virtual Meeting 2019/2020 10.5 hours, Category 1 Penn Radiology’s Comprehensive Completed 3/21/19 25.25 hours, Category 1 Neuroradiology: Best Practices RSNA Virtual Meeting December 2018 9.0 hours, Category 1 ACR RADAR 2 – MSK February 2018 8.0 hours, Category 1 Radiological Society of North America December 2017 10.25 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois CPI Chest Radiology Module 2017 June 18, 2017 8.0 hours, Category 1 (ONLINE) ACR Duke Radiology- May 30, 2017 18.25 hours, Category 1 Neuro and Musculoskeletal Imaging Texas Jurispudence Prep February 1, 2017 8.0 hours, Category 1 Radiological Society of North America 27 Nov-2 Dec 2016 17 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Mammography Case Review July 20, 2015 15 hours, Category 1 8 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (Continued) CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS Breast Tomosynthesis 2014 July 2, 2014 8.75 hours, Category 1 USF Health Radiological Society of North America 30 Nov-6 Dec 2013 10.5 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Radiological Society of North America 25-30 Nov 2012 12.75 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology 12 Jan 2012 25 hours, Category 1 Review Mayo Clinic Neuroradiology: Nov-Dec 2011 21.5 hours, Category 1 Practice to Innovation Radiological Society of North America 27 Nov -2 Dec 2011 Annual Meeting Chicago Illinois Radiological Society of North America 28 Nov -3 Dec 2010 15.0 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois A Comprehensive Tutorial in 28-30 Oct 2010 17.5 hours, Category 1 Musculoskeletal Imaging Coronary CT Angiography 19-21 February 2010 21.5 hours, Category 1 Reston, VA Radiological Society of North America 29 Nov-4 Dec 2009 9.5 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Advanced Radiology Life Support 7 April 09 4.5 hours, Category 1 Mayo Clinic Radiological Society of North America 30 Nov-5 Dec 2008 8.25 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Digital Mammography 9/11/2008 8.8 hours, Category 1 9 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (Continued) CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS Radiological Society of North America 25-30 Nov 2007 8.5 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois UCSF in Africa 24-29 June 2007 23.75 hours, Category 1 UCSF Radiological Society of North America 26 Nov-1 Dec 06 7.75 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Diagnostic Radiology Seminars: Back 29 Oct-3 Nov 06 23.75 hours, Category 1 UCSF Lahaina, Hawaii The Team Approach to Breast Imaging 26-28 Oct 2006 23 hours, Category 1 Harvard Medical School, Newport, Rhode Island Radiological Society of North America 27 Nov- 2 Dec 2005 6.25 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois Visiting Fellowship-Nuclear 4-18 Nov 2005 40 hours, Category 1 Cardiology Department of Radiology Massachusetts General Hospital Mammography: Advanced Diagnostic 9-12 Nov 2005 26 hours, Category 1 With Screening Laszlo Tabar, MD Indian Wells, CA UCSF Breast Imaging Mini-Fellowship 31 Oct-4 Nov 2005 40 hours, Category 1 Breast Imaging and Intervention 21-23 Oct 2005 20 hours, Category 1 From A to Z James Brenner, MD Medical Education Resources 10 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (Continued) CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS Mammography Interpretive Skills 11 Sept 05 9 hours, Category 1 Assessment 3 American College of Radiology Mammography Interpretive Skills 9 Sept 05 8 hours, Category 1 Assessment 2 American College of Radiology Advanced Concepts in Body MRI 10-11 Sept 2005 12 hours, Category 1 American College of Radiology Santa Monica, CA Summer Seminar in Breast Imaging 16 July 2005 5.75 hours, Category 1 Los Angeles Radiological Society Los Angeles, CA Diagnostic Imaging Update 28 March-1 April, 2005 16 hours, Category 1 Stanford University Cardiac MR Fellowship 9-11 Dec 2004 17.5 hours, Category 1 University California San Francisco Radiological Society of North America 28-30 Nov 2004 8.75 hours, Category 1 Annual Meeting Chicago, Illinois The Johns Hopkins University 1-8 Aug 2004 26.75 hours, Category 1 School of Medicine Advanced Topics in Multidector CT Scanning Musculoskeletal MR Course 20-23 Oct 2003 9 hours, Category 1 University of California San Diego School of Medicine 11th Annual Current Issues of 25-28 August 2002 25 hours, Category 1 Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine 11 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (Continued) CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS CT Screening 2002: 31 May-2 June 2002 13 hours, Category 1 National Symposium International Spine Injection Society 4-5 May 2002 13 hours, Category 1 Phase 1 Lumbar Workshop CT Screening: The Science, 14-16 Dec 2001 16 hours, Category 1 The Business, The Issues Certificate of Added Qualifications Nov 2001 100 hours, Category 1 in Neuroradiology, November 2001 American Board of Radiology Johns Hopkins Neuroradiology Review 11-13 October 2001 17.25 hours, Category 1 Diagnostic Imaging Update 26-30 March 2001 23 hours, Category 1 Stanford University Radiological Society of North America 25 Nov-1 Dec 2000 12.5 hours, Category 1 The Twenty-first Annual Symposium: 12-14 August 2000 15 hours, Category 1 Breast Imaging Brown University School of Medicine MRI 1999 15-19 February 1999 25 hours, Category 1 Harvard Medical School Radiological Society of North America 29 Nov-4 Dec 98 7.75 hours, Category 1 Diagnostic Imaging Update Stanford University 16-20 February 1998 20.50 hours, Category 1 Current Issues in Obstetrics 6-10 March 1996 20 hours, Category 1 and Gynecology Radiological Society of North America 1-6 Dec 1996 9.25 hours, Category 1 Radiological Society of North America 28 Nov-1 Dec 1995 9.5 hours, Category 1 12 RICHARD ALAN OFSTEIN, M.D. CURRICULUM VITAE (continued) CONTINUING MEDICAL EDUCATION (Continued) CONFERENCE/ACTIVITY DATES CME CREDITS Wilderness Medical Society 8-12 August 1995 31 hours, Category 1 Musculoskeletal MRI, Univ Penn 11-15 March 1995 25 hours, Category 1 American College of Cardiology 16-20 Jan 1995 21.5 hours, Category 1 Controversies in Women’s Health 8-9 Dec 1994 13.5 hours, Category 1 University California San Francisco Radiological Society of North America 27 Nov-2 Dec 1994 15.75 hours, Category 1 National Conference on Obstetrics & 16-19 Nov 1994 18 hours, Category 1 Gynecology American Heart Association 13-14 Jan 1994 16 hours, Category 1 ACLS Course 13 1 PROOF OF SERVICE -- §1013a CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 2 3 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State of California; I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to the within action; my business address is 1230 Rosecrans Avenue, Suite 450, 4 Manhattan Beach, California 90266. 5 On, June 16, 2022 I served the foregoing document described as DECLARATION OF 6 RICHARD OFSTEIN, M.D., IN SUPPORT OF ESTATE OF JOEL HERRIOTT THAYER, M.D.’S MOTION FOR UNDERTAKING RE: SUMMAR GREGORY on all interested parties in 7 this action by placing the original a true copy thereof in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: 8 SEE ATTACHED SERVICE LIST 9 By Mail I caused such envelope to be deposited in the mail at Manhattan Beach, California. 10 The envelope was mailed with postage thereon fully prepaid. I am “readily familiar” with the firm’s practice of collection and processing correspondence for mailing. It is deposited with 11 U.S. postal service on that same day in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on 12 motion of party served, service is presumed invalid if postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than 1 day after date of deposit for mailing in affidavit. 13 By E-mail The above-described document(s) were sent by e-mail transmission to the E-mail 14 addresses listed on the attached service list. 15 By Express Mail I caused such envelope to be deposited in the mail at Manhattan Beach, 16 California. The envelope was mailed with Express Mail postage thereon fully prepaid. 17 By Overnight Delivery I caused such envelope to be sent via overnight delivery service. The 18 envelope was deposited in or with a facility regularly maintained by the express service carrier with delivery fees paid or provided for. 19 By Personal Service I delivered such envelope by hand to the offices of the addressee(s). 20 State I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 21 foregoing is true and correct. 22 Federal I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose 23 direction this service was made. 24 Executed on June 16, 2022 at Manhattan Beach, California. 25 26 ______________________________ /s/ ROXANNE OLIVA 27 28 1 6104-0406 1 CORTEZ v. RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, et al. 2 LASC Case No.: 20AVCV00282 3 4 SERVICE LIST 5 Gary M. Schneider, Esq. ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFFS 6 Nancy Siccama, Esq. LAW OFFICES OF GARY M SCHNEIDER 7 12100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 1100 Los Angeles, CA 90025 8 Tel: 310-820-5544 9 Fax: 310-820-6024 10 11 12 Rodney G. Tomlinson, Esq. ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS Adam R. James, Esq. ERIC CARNEY DENLEY, M.D., CARLOS A. 13 SCHMID & VOILES GUERRERO, FNP; and QUARTZ HILL 333 South Hope Street, 8th Floor WALK-IN MEDICAL GROUP, INC. 14 Los Angeles, CA 90071 15 Tel: (213) 473-8700 Fax: (213) 473-8777 16 17 18 Janee M. Tomlinson, Esq. ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS HIGH 19 Christopher P. Wend, Esq. DESERT MEDICAL CORPORATION, A LA FOLLETTE, JOHNSON, DeHAAS, FESLER MEDICAL GROUP 20 & AMES 21 701 North Brand Blvd., Suite 600 Glendale, CA 91203 22 Tel: 213-426-3600 Fax: 213-426-3650 23 24 25 26 27 28 2 6104-0406 1 Gregory G. Lynch ATTORNEYS FOR DEFENDANTS John D. Schumacher RENAISSANCE IMAGING MEDICAL 2 LEWIS BRISBOIS BISGAARD & SMITH LLP ASSOCIATES (erroneously sued herein as 3 633 West 5th Street, Suite 4000 "Renaissance Imaging Medical Center) Los Angeles, California 90071 4 Tel: 213-250-1800 Fax: 213-250-7900 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 3 6104-0406 Journal Technologies Court Portal Make a Reservation BAMBI CORTEZ, et al. vs RENAISSANCE IMAGING CENTER, et al. Case Number: 20AVCV00282 Case Type: Civil Unlimited Category: Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons Date Filed: 2020-04-20 Location: Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse - Department A14 Reservation Case Name: BAMBI CORTEZ, et al. vs RENAISSANCE IMAGING Case Number: CENTER, et al. 20AVCV00282 Type: Motion for Order (REQUIRING PLAINTIFF TO FILE AN Status: UNDERTAKING) RESERVED Location: Filing Party: Michael Antonovich Antelope Valley Courthouse - Estate of Joel Herriot Thayer (Defendant) Department A14 Date/Time: Number of Motions: 07/19/2022 8:30 AM 1 Reservation ID: Confirmation Code: 243654085180 CR-OCTRHXGRNCYKEBXQO Fees Description Fee Qty Amount Motion for Order (name extension) 60.00 1 60.00 Credit Card Percentage Fee (2.75%) 1.65 1 1.65 TOTAL $61.65 Payment Amount: Type: $61.65 Visa Account Number: Authorization: XXXX1052 23338G  Print Receipt + Reserve Another Hearing Chat