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  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DESIRE AVALOS, ET AL. VS JON SETTLE Breach of Rental/Lease Contract (not unlawful detainer or wrongful eviction) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 09:58 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by V. Rico,Deputy Clerk 20CHCV00106 Assigned for all purposes to: Chatsworth Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Melvin Sandvig 1 MACAULEY EKPENISI, ESQ. {SBN 296326) 2 OCEANBRIDGE LAW FIRM A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION 14640 VICTORY BLVD., SUITE 202 VAN NUYS, CALIFORNIA 91411 TEL: (818) 668-3359 FAX: (818) 561-3660 Attorney for Plaintiffs: Desire Avalos. Et Al 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz, Lisa ) CASE NO: Zavala, Amber Sanchez ) ) COMPLAINT AGAINST LANDLORD ) BASED ON: ) ) Plaintiffs, ) 1. NEGLIGENCE [Civ. Code {I'1714(a), vs 2. BREACH OF WARRANTY OF ) HABITABILITY; ) 3. BREACH OF COVENANT OF 16 Jon Settle, and Does 1 QUIET ENJOYMENT; Inclusive, 4. PREMISES LIABILITY ) {NEGI,IGENCE PER SE); 18 ) 5. NUISANCE; Defendants 10 6. CONSTRUCTIVE EVICTION; ) 7. INTENTINAL INFLICTION OF 20 ) EMOTIONAL DISTRESS ) 21 ) ) 22 ) ) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 23 INTRODUCTION 25 At all relevant times herein, Plaintiffs, Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz, Lisa Zavala 26 and Amber Sanchez were/are tenant pursuant to written or oral rental Agreements for 27 unit located at 9735 Hayvenhurst Ave Northridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California 91343 (hereinafter "the building,*'the premises," Subject property" or "the COMPLAINT FOR DA.'vCAG ES apartment") for more than four years. Tenant-Plaintiff occupied the premises at all relevant times. herein. Tenant-Plaintiff seek damages for injuries they sustained as a result of the uninhabitable conditions existing at the building. Defendant, Jon Settle is the owner, agent and manager of 9735 Hayvenhurst Ave 5 Northridge, County of Los Angeles, State of California 91343. Tenant-Plaintiff suffered 6 from Defendants'eglect of the propertythat included defective water pipes, deteriorating, damaged, warped flooring, peeling paint on walls and ceilings, mold /black substance on bathroom walls and ceilings, missing closet and bedroom doors, lack of ventilation throughout the unit, inoperable smoke detectors, defective electrical wiring, and lack of running hot water and cockroach infestation. Defendants consistently failed 10 and refused to make necessary repairs. Faulty plumbing, water leaks caused the ll property to become infested with mold, black substance and other airborne toxins. Tenant-Plaintiffs has suffered, and continue to suffer, from contamination and exposure to the microbial organisms. Infestation of cockroaches throughout the apartment unit. The County of I,os Angeles Department of Public Health, Environmental Health and Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department issued various orders requiring Defendants to make much-needed repairs, but these orders went unheeded, l7 Defendants often would take as long as a year to make repairs the City required, if at all, and t,hen the repairs made would be inadequately. Tenant-Plaintiffs now seek damages for the injuries caused by the 20 Defendants'egligence and mismanagement of the property. PARTIES A. Tenant-Plaintiffs 1. At all relevant time, Plaintiffs'esire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz resided at 9735 23 Hayvenhurst Ave Northridge, Unit 1 of the subject property from August 2018 to 24 11/13/2019. 25 2. At all relevant time, Plaintiffs'isa Zavala, Amber Sanchez, was resided at 9735 Hayvenhurst Ave Northridge, L'nit 1 of the subject property from 2005 to present. 27 B. Defendants COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 3. Jon Settle is and has been the owner, co-owner, trustee, or operator of the 2 building, have exercised real or apparent authority regarding the subject property, or have been employee or agent of the owner, and have been responsible for maintaining the building in a lawful, habitable condition. Tenant-Plaintiffs're ignorant of the true names and capacities of the Defendant sued herein as DOES 1 through 00, inclusive, and therefore, sue these Defendants by such fictitious names and capacities. Tenants-Plaintiff will amend this (:omplaint to allege their true identities when ascertained. Tenant-Plaintiffs is informed and believe, and on that basis allege, that each fictitiously- named Defendant is responsible in some manner for the acts and failures to act herein 10 alleged, and that Tenant-Plaintiffs injuries as herein alleged were legally caused by the conduct of each Defendants. 12 5 Tenants- Plaintiffs're informed and based upon such information believe that 13 each of the DEFENDANTS named herein were, at all times relevant to this action, the agents, employees, representing partners, alter ego or joint venture of the remaining DEFENDANTS and was acting within the course and scope of that relationship. 17 6. Tenants-Plaintiffs're further informed and believe and thereon allege, that each 18 of the DEFENDANTS herein gave consent to, ratified, and authorized the acts 19 alleged herein to each of the remaining DEFENDANTS. 20 7. Tenants-Plaintiffs're informed and believe and thereon allege that at all times hereto mentioned, unless hereafter specifically otherwise alleged, the 21 DEFENDANTS and their agents and servants employed each of the remaining 22 DEFENDANTS and were at all timesrelevant hereto acting within the course and scope of their authority as such agents, servants and employees and with the permission and consent of each of the remaining DEFENDANTS, or in the 'j 5 alternative, acted individually for their personal advantage and conspired to do the acts alleged herein, and that Tenants-Plaintiffs damages were proximately 27 caused by said DEFENDANTS. 28 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 8. Tenants-Plaintiffs're informed and believe, and thereon allege, that there exists, 2 and at all times herein mentioned there existed, a unity of interest between all 3 DEFENDANTS such that any individuality. and separateness between each of said DEFENDANTS, and each of the remaining of said DEFENDANTS, has ceased. ALLEGATIONS During Tenant-Plaintiffs'enancy at the building and while Defendant owned and operated it, the building was unsafe, unsanitary, unhealthy, uninhabitable, untenable in a serious state of disrepair and in gross violation of building health and safety laws. Relevant laws that Defendant violated by renting the premises 10 in this condition included, among others, the habitability laws and standards contained in the California Civil Code, California Health and Safety Code, and Los Angeles Public Health Code. A description of long-term problems that existed in the building and their effects on the Tenant-Plaintiff follows: Mold Infestation: 10. On or about August, 2018: Plaintiffs'ESIRE AVALOS, ARNOLDS ORTIZ in 17 unit 1 become increasingly aware of numerous and substantial defective and dangerous conditions of the premises, including: inadequate plumbing, water leaks, buckling, warped flooring, peeling, cracked paint on the walls and ceiling; 20 as a result of water leaks and the abundant growth of fungi and mold on the walls, carpet and ceiling. 21 11. On or about FEBRUARY 30-', 2016; Plaintiffs LISA ZAVALA, AMBER 22 SANCHEZ, in unit 1 become increasingly aware of numerous and substantial 23 defective and dangerous conditions of the premises, including: inadequate plumbing, water leaks, buckling, warped flooring, peeling, cracked paint on the 25 walls and ceiling; as a result of water leaks and the abundant growth of fungi and 26 mold on the walls, carpet and ceiling. 27 2B COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 12. In spite of Tenant-Plaintiffs'ontinuous complaints, the Defendant have failed to 2 make any repairs to the unit. The water stains on Tenant-Plaintiffs ceilings and 3 wall were painted over, but the leakage was not repaired. Nevertheless, Defendant continued to represent to Tenants-Plaintiff that fungi was harmless and could be cleaned with chlorine bleach. 6 Faulty Plumbing: 13. Tenants-Plaintiffs'lumbing problems included, leaks under sinks in bathroom 7 and kitchen, rusty pipes, blackened water that backed up into the sinks and tubs; toilets that backed up or leaked from their bases; and leaking faucets and drains. 9 14. The faucets and drains leaked profusely. 1Vater coming from the faucets is always 10 dirty-contaminated, and unfit for drinking. Toilets backed up and did not flush properly. Lack of%'ater Service: 15. Tenant-Plaintiffs experienced interruptions of hot water services that lasted for hours, days and frequently and without warning Tenant-Plaintiff would have no running water in her unit because of rusty and damaged plumbing pipes and 16 repairs will take Defendant up to days, weeks or months to effect, if any and 17 negligently done. Lack of Electricity and Heat: 16. Tenant-Plaintiffs experienced interruptions of electricity service that lasted for hours, days, weeks and months, frequently and without warning. Tenant-Plaintiff 20 has had no heat for several months and had made extended complaints and 21 requested for repair of the air conditioner or change the heating system, but 22 Defendants had continued to neglect their requests and refused to make the 23 required repairs. If repairs are carried out at all, it will be negligently or inadequately done, and the lack of heat problem continues without abatement. 25 Damages and Dangerous Flooring: 17. Tenant-Plaintiffs were improperly installed and damaged flooring. The linoleum 28 in the bathroom is in a constant state of disrepair due to the water intrusion and COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 1 microbial growth. The carpeting is malodorous and filthy. It is mildewed due to 2 the damp conditions in the apartment. 3 Water Damaged Walls and Ceilings: 18. Walls and ceilings of the building are in poor condition because of the leaking plumbing. The leaking caused mold to form on the walls and ceilings and caused them to be malodorous, discolored and to crack. 7 Rodent and Cockroach Infestation: 19. Tenant-Plaintiffs endure a persistent and severe infestation of bedbugs, 8 mosquitoes, mites, fleas, rodents, and cockroaches occupy the building and appear on the floors, kitchen cabinets, counters and tables of the apartment, and under 10 or behind the refrigerator and stove. Besides observing the rodents and cockroaches directly, Tenant-Plaintiffs has found evidence of the infestation in the 12 form of gnawed, partially eaten foodstuffs, and rodent and roach droppings present on the floors, tables and stove. In addition to contaminating Tenant- Plaintiffs food, the rodents and roaches chewed through, urinated and defecated on Tenant-Plaintiffs clothing's and beddings. Tenant-Plaintiff has discarded food, clothing and bedding that were contaminated by the rodents and roaches. 17 Physical Injury, Emotional Distress and Other Injuries: 20. Tenant-Plaintiffs'uffered from frequent colds, respiratory infections, stomach 20 ailments, headaches, memory loss, rashes, ear infections and throat infections caused by conditions at the property. Because of poor conditions of the property, 21 safety risks, injuries sustained, hardships endured, Tenant-Plaintiff experienced 22 considerable emotional distress. Tenant-Plaintiffs suffered from depression, 23 feelings of hopelessness, insomnia and inability to concentrate at school or work. In addition, the poor condition of the apartment caused Tenant-Plaintiffs to 25 experience nausea. Tenant-Plaintiffs also lost much or nearly all of their personal 26 possessions when the mold contaminated their personal property. 27 28 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 1 THE PROPERTY 21. In the four (4) years prior to filing of this action, the Property was untenantable 3 as a result of the failure of Defendants, and each of them, to repair dilapidations of the Property which have rendered it untenantable pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1941.1 and substandard pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 17920.3, in violation of numerous civil and criminal provisions of both state and local law. 7 22. The Property has substantially lacked any or all the following affirmative 8 standard characteristics: Effective waterproofing and weather protection of roof and exterior wall, 10 including broken windows; Plumbing or gas facilities that conformed to applicable law in effect at the time of installation, maintained in good working order; Awater supply system that is under the control of the landlord that produces hot and cold running water which is furnished to appropriate fixtures; 15 Heating facilities that conformed to applicable law at the time of installation, maintained in good working order; 17 Electrical lighting, with wiring and electrical equipment that conformed to applicable 1 9 law at the time of installation, maintained in good working order Areas under the control of the landlord, kept in every part clean, sanitary, 20 and free from all accumulations of debris, filth, rubbish, garbage, rodents, and vermin; 21 and/or 22 Floors, stairways, and railings maintained in good repair. 23 23. Further, Defendants failed to abate, correct and/or repair any or all of the 24 following conditions at the Property that have existed and/or continue to exist at 25 the Property, to the extent that have endangered and/or continue to endanger the life, limb, health, property, safety, or welfare of the public or the occupants of the 27 Property: 28 Inadequate sanitation, including. but not limited to, the following: COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES Improper water closet, lavatory, or bathtub or shower in dwelling units; Lack of, or improper kitchen sink and leaky ceiling inside kitchen due to rain; Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing fixtures in dwelling units; Lack of adequate heating; Lack of or improper operation of required ventilating equipment; Dampness of habitable rooms; Infestation of insects, cockroaches, vermin, or rodents; and/or General dilapidation or improper maintenance; Structural hazards including, but not limited to, the following: 10 Defective or deteriorated flooring or floor supports; and/or Members of ceilings, roofs, ceilings and roof supports, or other horizontal. 24. Within several months prior to the filing of this Complaint, the Property was 13 subject to repeated inspections by the County of Los Angeles - Environmental Health Department. that have resulted in citation of the foregoing untenantable and substandard conditions, all of which are violations of the Los Angeles 16 Municipal Code and the California Health and Safety Code. Tenant- Plaintiff is 17 however by this complaint seeking damages for the uninhabitable conditions of the subject property within the last three years. 25 ~ Numerous notices have been issued to the Defendant. by public officers or employees to abate or repair said condition and violations at the Property, yet 20 Defendants failed to abate or repair said conditions within 35 days after issuances 21 of said notices and such failure to abate or repair was without good cause. 22 26. Defendants unlawfully demanded rent, collected rent, issued a notice of a rent 23 increased and/or issued a three-day notice to pay rent or quit for the Property following issuance of such notices to abate or repair said conditions and violations 25 at the Property and after Defendants failed to abate or repair said conditions 26 within 3o days after issuance of said notices, without a good cause. 27 28 8 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 27. Tenant-Plaintiff complained about said conditions at the Property, verbally 2 and/or in writing to Defendants, but Defendants failed and refused to correct such 3 conditions in a timely manner. if at all. 28. The uninhabitable and substandard conditions alleged herein are a consequence of Defendant's pattern and practice of failing to implement basic preventative maintenance, timely repair work, inspection and fumigation efforts. Defendants, as owners and managers of the Property, knew or should have known that these failures would cause untenantable and substandard conditions. 8 29. Defendants also unlawfully demanded, accepted or retained rent from Tenants- 9 Plaintiffs'n excess of the maximum adjusted rent permitted by Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapter XV (Rent Stabilization Ordinance). 30. Defendants also substantially and intentionally entered Tenant-Plaintiffs'nit 12 Desires Avalos, Arnolds Ortiz on or about. 11/13/2019 without providing advance written notice to Tenant%Plaintiff as required by Civil Code 1954 and/or have entered Tenant.-Plaintiff unit for reasons other than those permitted by Civil Code 1954. Such entries were not justified by emergency conditions, or any other reason permitted by law. 31. Also, Defendants wrongfully and intentionally interfered with plaintiffs 18 possessory interests in the above-described property and constructively evicted 19 plaintiffs Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz on 11/13/2019, by undertaking the following acts: illegally converting the subject unit, which was formally garage and storage, into a living area and permitted the subject, property to be overrun by roaches and 21 mold and collected full rent from plaintiffs. 22 32. At all times mentioned in this complaint, Defendant demanded and or collected 23 from Tenant-Plaintiffs the rent as it became due under the terms of the various rental agreements. 25 33. As a proximate result of the dwelling's untenability and of the nuisance as alleged in this complaint, Tenants-Plaintiffs suffered discomfort and annoyance, all to 27 their general damage in the sum to be proved at trial. 28 COMPLAI'tfT FOR DAMAGES FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION Negligent Maintenance of Premises 34. Tenant-Plaintiffs'ncorporate all the preceding facts against the DEFENDANTS and incorporates them as though fully set forth herein. 35. At all times mentioned in this Complaints, Defendants and each of them, owned, operated, maintained, and controlled that "rental unit". 30. The Defendant owners and managers of the subject property owed the Plaintiffs both a statutory and contractual duty to inspect Plaintiffs apartment as described above and make it safe from dangerous and/or defective conditions. Defendants also had a duty to maintain the property 10 and make it habitable for the Plaintiff who rent paying tenant of the Defendants. 37, Defendants failed to exercise ordinary care in the management of the above- 13 mentioned rental unit by failing to make necessary repairs in the rental unit. including but not limited to repairs to the mold, warped flooring, plumbing leaks, missing doors, deteriorating walLs and ceilings and cure 16 cockroach infestations. 38. Under the provisions of Civil Code Section 1941, Defendants were required to put the premises in a condition fit for human occupation before renting it and to repair all subsequent dilapidation, other than those caused by the tenant's want of ordinary care, that rendered the premises untenantable. 39. At the time Defendants rented the premises to Plaintiff, Defendant so 21 negligently owned, maintained, and repaired the premises as to cause them 22 to be unfit for human occupation in that they violated Health and Safety 23 Code Section 17920.3, the premises substantially failed to comply with those applicable building and housing code standards that materially affect the 25 health and safety of the tenants. 26 40. Specifically, as a proximate result of Defendants'egligence as alleged 27 above, the premises, at the time Plaintiff took possession, was uninhabitable 28 and unfit for human occupation in that, among other things was infested COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES with roaches, inadequate plumbing, and mold. None of these conditions were known to Plaintiff at the time Plaintiff moved into the premises. 41. As a proximate result of Defendant.'s negligence and their failure to repair the defective and dangerous conditions or to have them repaired within a reasonable time or at all, as alleged above, Tenants-Plaintiff suffered serious emotional and physical distress, all to Tenant-Plaintiffs damage in an amount to be determined at trial, but which amount is within the jurisdiction of this court. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 10 Breach of the Warranty of Habitability 42. Tenant-Plaintiffs'ncorporate all the preceding facts against all the DEFENDANTS and incorporates them as though fully set forth herein. 13 43. At all times mentioned in this complaint, Tenant-Plaintiffs was a rent paying tenant of Defendants in the rental unit herein mentioned. 44. Civil Code $ 1941.1 mandatee that landlords provide habitable and tenantable dwelling to tenant during the pendency of their leasehold. 45. Tenant-Plaintiffs'epeatedly notified Defendant by writing, orally and otherwise of the defective and dangerous conditions described in this 1!3 complaint and requested that Defendants have them repaired, but Defendants failed andtor refused to repair them, within a reasonable time. 46. DEFENDANTS knew, or reasonablv should have known, that Tenant 21 Plaintiff would suffer damages as a result of this breach. Tenant-Plaintiff has 22 been damaged by DEFENDAiNTS'onduct and is entitled to damages and 23 costs in an amount to be proven at, trial. 47. As a direct and proximate result. of DEFENDANTS'reach of the warranty of 25 habitability and covenant of quiet, enjoyment, the value of the leasehold held by Tenant-Plaintiff was diminished. Consequently, Tenant-Plaintiff is 27 damaged in the amount equal to the rental payment due and paid during 28 Tenant-Plaintiff lease holds, or in an amount to be proven at trial. COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 48. As a direct and proximate result of DEFENDANTS'onduct, Tenant-Plaintiff has suffered, and will continue to suffer, illness, mental stress, emotional distress, discomfort., annoyance, anxiety, loss in the value of their leasehold, property damage, all to Tenant-Plaintiff damage in an amount to be determined at trial, but which amount is within the jurisdiction of this court. 49. DEFENDANTS'onduct in breaching the covenant of quiet enjoyment has been negligent, thereby entitling Tenants-Plaintiff to damages in an amount to be determined at trial. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 10 Breach of the Cooenant of Quiet Enjoyment 50. Tenant,-Plaintiffs'ncorporate all of the preceding facts against all of the DEFENDANTS and incorporates them as though fully set forth herein. 51. At all times mentioned in this complaint, Tenant-Plaintiff was a rent paying tenant of Defendants in the rental unit herein mentioned. 15 52. Civil Code Q 1927 and 1941.1 mandate that landlords allow tenant to the possession and quiet enjoyment. of her unit during the pendency of their 17 leasehold. 58. As such, impliedly it is unlawful for DEFENDANTS to interfere with Tenant- Plaintiff quiet enjoyment of the premises during the terms of Tenant- Plaintiff's tenancy in that Defendant fraudulently obtained Tenant-Plaintiff 20 personal information and gave them to a third party without Tenant-Plaintiff 21 permission. Also, Defendants illegally increase Tenant-Plaintiff rent in 22 violation of Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapter XV (Rent Stabilization 23 Ordinance). 54. DEFENDANTS had a duty to abide by the implied covenant of quiet 25 enjoyment. DEFENDANTS breached this duty and the implied warranty of 26 quiet enjoyment by their conduct as described above, including, but not 27 limited to, failing to reasonably maintain the rental unit leased to Tenant- 28 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES Plaintiff. Also, Defendants illegally increase Tenant-Plaintiff rent in violation of Los Angeles Municipal Code Chapter XV (Rent Stabilization Ordinance). 55. DEFENDANTS knew, or reasonably should have known, that Tenant- Plaintiff would suffer damages as a result of this breach. Tenant-Plaintiff has been damaged by DEFENDANTS'onduct and are entitled to damages and costs in an amount to be proven at trial. 56. As a direct and proximate result of DEFENDANTS'reach of the covenant of quiet enjoyment, the value of the leasehold held by Tenant-Plaintiff was diminished. Consequently, Tenant-Plaintiffs was damaged in the amount equal to the rental payment due and paid during Tenant,-Plaintiff leaseholds, 10 or in an amount to be proven at trial. 57. As a direct and proximate result of DEFENDANTS'onduct, Tenant-Plaintiff 12 has suffered, and will continue to suffer, illness, mental stress, emotional distress, discomfort, annoyance, anxiety, loss in the value of his leasehold, property damage, all to Tenant-Plaintiff damages in an amount to be determined at trial, but which amount is within the jurisdiction of this court. 58. DEFENDANTS'onduct in breaching the covenant of quiet enjoyment have 17 been negligent., malicious, and oppressive, thereby entitling Tenant-Plaintiff to damages in an amount to be determined at trial. 20 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION Premises Liability (Negligence Per Se) 21 59. Tenant-Plaintiff incorporate herein by reference all the allegations set forth 22 in paragraphs 1 through 58, inclusive in their entirety as if fully set forth 23 herein and with the same effect. 60. California Civil Code Sections 1927 and. 1941.1 mandate that every landlord 25 allow each and every Tenant to have the possession and quiet enjoyment of 26 their units during the periods of the Tenant's leasehold or tenancy. As such, 27 it is unlawful for a landlord (in this case, Defendants), to interfere with the 2B tenant's (in this case, Plaintiff), and rented dwelling unit that lacks any of the COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES standards enumerated in California Civil Code section 1941.1 and California Health & Safetv Code sections 17920.3 and 17920.10, et seq. 61. Defendants had a duty to abide by the afore-stated statutory requirement(s) that they allow Plaintiff a quiet enjoyment of their respective rented apartment(s) and the subject premises by providing Plaintiff an apartment unit that is free of defective conditions so as to make the Plaintiffs rented apartment(s) habitable. 62. Defendants breached this statutory duty by their conduct as described herein in paragraph 9 through 32 including but not limited to, failing to correct the substandard conditions and the uninhabitable conditions within Plaintiffs 10 apartment(s) and failing to maintain the premises in habitable condition by allowing Plaintiffs apartment. to be infested with roaches, insects, mold 12 infestations, damaged, warped floors and buckled, deteriorated walls/ceilings; 13 by providing Plaintiff with an apartment. that had defective electrical wiring, defective plumbing, defective/non-operable heating appliances and by refusing to promptly make repairs of all defective conditions which existed in 16 Plaintiffs respective apartment(s), all of which grossly diminished the value of the Plaintiffs apartment unit. below the rent amount. 63. Under the above California premises liability laws, property owners must keep property reasonably safe and warn people who come onto their property 20 about possible dangers. The Defendants'ctions were in direct violation of the California Statutes and/or Los Angeles City building codes, premises liability 21 laws and/or reasonable and customary practices, and, therefore, 22 Defendants'ctions constitute negligence per se. 23 64. The California Statutes and/or Los Angeles City Building Code provisions and premises liability laws at issue were enacted to protect the general public and 25 tenants while in structures in the State of California, particularly Civil Code 26 Sections 1941.1, 3479, Code of Civil Procedure Section 731 and Health and 27 Safety Code Section 17920.3 as they relate to plaintiff. 28 COMPLAIVT FOR DAMAGES 65. Plaintiff is members of the general public or tenants and are, therefore, in the class of persons intended to be protected by the California Statutes and/or Los Angeles City Building Code provisions and premises liability laws and/or reasonable and customary construction practices. 66. The injuries sustained by Plaintiff is of the type of injuries the California Statutes and/or Los Angeles City building code provisions and premises liability laws and/or reasonable and customary construction practices were established to protect against. 8 67. Defendants, and DOES 1 through 50, as the owners and operators of the 9 premises as hereinabove alleged, were negligent in that, among other things, tn they failed to exercise due care in the ownership, construction, operation, and maintenance of the premises to ensure that visitors and residents were not subject to any unreasonable risk of harm when on the premises. 68. As a direct and proximate result of the negligence, carelessness, recklessness, and unlawfulness of defendants, and each of them, as aforesaid, Plaintiff suffered from severe injuries and emotional damages, all to Plaintiffs damages in a sum within the jurisdiction of this court and to be shown according to proof. 69. By reason of the foregoing, Plaintiff has been required to employ the services of hospitals, physicians. surgeons, nurses and other professional services, and 20 Plaintiff has been compelled to incur expenses for ambulance service, medicines, x-rays, and other medical supplies and services. Plaintiff is 21 informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that further services of said 22 nature will be required by Plaintiff in an amount to be shown according to 23 proof. /// /// /// 28 COMPLAINT FOR IIAMACES FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION Maintenance of Xuisance 70. Tenant-Plaintiff re-allege and incorporate by reference every allegation contained in the Preceding paragraphs of this complaint as though fully set forth herein. 71. At all times mentioned in this complaint, Tenant-Plaintiff was paying tenant of Defendants in the rental unit. herein mentioned. 72. Tenant-Plaintiff repeatedly notified Defendants, orally and in writing of the alleged defective and dangerous conditions described in this complaint and requested that Defendants have them repaired, but Defendants failed and/or 1O refused to repair them at all or within a reasonable time, 73. The defective and dangerous conditions of the unit as alleged in this 12 Complaint constituted a nuisance within the meaning of Civil Code Section 3479 and Code of Civil Procedure Section 731 in that they deprived Plaintiff of the safe, healthy, and comfortable use of the premises. 15 74. The defective and dangerous conditions of the premises as alleged in this complaint., unreasonably and substantially interfered with the Tenant- 17 Plaintiff use and enjoyment of the rented unit herein. 75. In maint.sining the nuisance, Defendants acted with full knowledge of the consequences thereof and of the damages being caused to Plaintiff. Despite 20 this knowledge, Defendants failed to abate the nuisance by repairing the defective and dangerous conditions of the unit or causing them to be repaired. 21 Defendant's failure to act was both oppressive and malicious within the 22 meaning of Civil Code Section 3294 in that it's subjected Plaintiff to cruel and 23 unjust hardship in willful and conscious disregard of Plaintiffs rights and safety, thereby entitling Plaintiff to an award of punitive damages. 25 76. Defendants'ailure to put the unit into a condition fit for human occupation at the time of renting it to Plaintiff and their failure to repair the defective 27 and dangerous conditions or to have them repaired within a reasonable time 28 after Plaintiff notified them or at all, as alleged above, were oppressive and COMPLAINT FOR DAMACES malicious within the meaning of Civil Code Section 3294 in that they subjected Plaintiff to cruel and unjust hardship in willful and conscious disregard of Plaintiffs rights and safety, thereby entitling Plaintiff to an award of punitive damages. 77. As a proximate result of Defendants'aintenance of the nuisance, Plaintiff suffered discomfort and annoyance, all to plaintiffs damages within the jurisdiction of this court. 78. As a further proximate result of Defendants'aintenance of the nuisance, Plaintiff suffered property damage and economic loss including, but not limited to medical cost for insomnia, severe cold, sicknesses, soaked beds, 10 clothing, decaying or rotten foods and food stuffs all to Plaintiffs further damages in the amount within the jurisdiction of this court. 12 SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION Plaintiffs Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz cause of action for 15 Constructive Eviction against defendants. 79. Plaintiff incorporate herein by reference all the allegations set forth in 17 paragraphs 1 through 78, inclusive in their entirety as if fully set forth herein and with the same effoct. 18 8D. As alleged in this complaints, defendants continued to maintain and failed or 20 refused to abate nuisance in that, defendant illegally converted a portion of subject property into an illegal unit and permitted the subject property to be 21 overrun by roaches and mold and collected full rent from plaintiff. 22 81. The defective and dangerous conditions of the premises as alleged in this 23 complaint constituted a nuisance within the meaning of Civil Code Section 3479, Code of Civil Procedure Section 731 and they deprived Plaintiff of the 25 safe, healthy, and comfortable use of the premises. 26 82. Defendants also substantially and intentionally entered Tenant-Plaintiffs unit 27 without providing advance written notice to Tenant-Plaintiff as required by 28 Civil Code 1954 and/or have entered Tenants-Plaintiff unit for reasons other 17 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES than those permitted by Civil Code 19o4. Such entries were not justified by emergency conditions, or any other reason permitted by law. 83. Plaintiff has duly performed all conditions, covenants, and promises required to be performed by her under the lease in accordance with its term and conditions, except for those acts that have been prevented, delayed, or excused by acts or omissions of defendants. 84. Defendants wrongfully interfered with plaintiffs possessory interests in the above-described property and constructively evicted plaintiffs Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz on 11/13/2019 .by undertaking the following acts: illegally converting the subject unit, which was formally garage and storage, into a living area and perinitted the subject property to be overrun by roaches and mold and collected full rent from plaintiffs. 85. On or about July 25, 2019, in violation of Los Angeles Municipal Codes, Defendants also interfered with Plaintiffs right to quite enjoyment of the subject property and constructively evicted plaintiff from her unit when defendants would fail and refuse to repair the noted defects in the unit at all or within a reasonable time. 17 86. The total amount of rent payable under the terms of the lease from August 11, 2018 to 11/13/2019 is the sum of $ 13,200.00. The rental value of the lease for the same period is $ 13,200.00 at $ 1,100.00 per month. 87. As a proximate result of Defendant's maintenance of nuisance and 20 Defendants'onstructive eviction of Plaintiff from the premises, Plaintiff will 21 sustain damages in the sum approximating $ 13,200.00. 22 88. As a further proximate result of Defendants'aintenance of nuisance and 23 Defendant's constructive eviction, Plaintiff will suffer property damage and economic loss including, but not limited to, relocation fees to their further 25 damage in the sum of about $ 20,500 pursuant to s'ection 163.02 of Los Angeles Municipal Code and Health and Safety Code Section 17975. 27 89. Defendants'onstructive eviction of plaintiff from the premises was 2B oppressive and malicious within the meaning of Civil Code Section 3294 in COMPLAIVT FOR DAMAGES that it subjected plaintiff to unreasonable disturbance, cruel and unjust hardship in willful and conscious disregard of plaintiffs rights and safety of the plaintiff, thereby entitling plaintiff to an award of punitive damages. SEUENTH CAUSE OF ACTION Intentionetl In fliction of Seuere Emotional Distress 90. Tenant. -Plaintiffs incorporates all of the allegations in the preceding paragraphs and by this reference incorporates said allegations as part of this CAUSE OF ACTION. 91. As a result of the repeated refusal to heed Plaintiff demand to make repairs 10 as described above. Defendants and each of them knew or should have known of Tenant-Plaintiffs susceptibility to emotional distress because Defendants 12 collected full rent as at when due in the face of the defective conditions in the 13 subject property. 92. Defendants wrongfully and intentionally interfered with plaintiffs possessory 15 interests in the above-described property and constructively evicted plaintiffs 16 Desire Avalos, Arnold Ortiz on 11/13/2019,by undertaking the following acts: 17 illegally converting the subject unit, which was formally garage and storage, into a living area and permitted the subject property to be overrun by roaches and mold and collected full rent from plaintiffs. 98. The above conduct of Defendants and each of them described in the foregoing 20 CAUSES OF ACTION were intended to cause Tenant-Plaintiffs emotional 21 distress, because Defendants'eceived several oral and written notices from Plaintiffs to make repairs but Defendants would ignore the notice and ask Plaintiffs to vacate the premises. Even the county and city authorities inspected and notified Defendants to make repairs, Defendants ignored the order to comply and failed to make need repairs. 94. Defendants'nowledge that the subject property was in such a substandard 27 and defective condition and refuses to make repairs after several notices were 28 la COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES 1 intentional, malicious and done for the purpose of causing Tenant-Plaintiff to 2 suffer humiliation, mental anguish, depression and physical injuries. 95. Defendants'onduct was done with knowledge that Tenant-Plaintiffs mental and physical distress would thereby increase and was done with a wanton and reckless disregard of the consequences to Tenant-Plaintiffs. 96. Defendants conducts as described more specifically from paragraphs 9 to 33 above were extreme outrageous and offensive to the sense of an ordinary person. 97. As proximate result of the acts, Tenant-Plaintiffs was required to and did employ the services of physicians and surgeons to examine, treat and care for 10 them, and incurred medical expenses in an amount, to be proven at trial. Tenant-Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that they will 12 incur some additional medical expenses the exact amount of which is unknown. 14 98, The aforementioned acts of Defendants were willful, wanton, malicious, and 15 oppressive, and justify the awarding of exemplary and punitive damages to be 16 determined at trial. 17 PRAYER FOR RELIEFS WHEREFORE, the PLAINTIFFS'rays for judgment against DEFENDANTS,