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  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LESLIE GLATT VS WALMART, INC. Premise Liability (e.g., dangerous conditions of property, slip/trip and fall, dog attack, etc.) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


20STCV05829 Assigned for all purposes to: Spring Street Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Laura Seigle Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 12:00 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by M. Barel,Deputy Clerk i. Kenneth L. Kazan, Esquire - SBN 100699 LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH L. KAZAN 2 16133 Ventura Boulevard Suite 700 3 Encino, California 91436-2341 4 Telephone: (818) 501-6500 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff LESLIE GLATT SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, CENTRAL JUDICIAL DISTRICT 10 aL LESLIE GLATT CASENO: 20ST CYO58293 12| Plaintiff, UNLIMITED JURISDICTION 13 (Damages in Excess of $25,000) vs. 14 COMPLAINT FOR PERSONAL INJURIES LS WALMART, INC., a AND DAMAGES Corporation, and DOES 1 16 through 100, Inclusive, UT; Defendants. 18 COMES NOW the Plaintiff, LESLIE GLATT, and for a cause of action against 19 Defendants, and each of them, complains and alleges as follows: 20 1 The full nature and extent of the facts linking the fictitiously designated 21 Defendants with the cause of action alleged herein are unknown to Plaintiff, and the 22 true names and capacities, whether individual, plural, corporate, partnership, associate, 23 or otherwise, of Defendants Does | through 100, Inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiff, who 24 therefore, sues said Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff is informed and 25 believes, and thereon alleges, that each of the Defendants designated herein as a 26 "DOE" is negligently, recklessly, wantonly, tortuously, or unlawfully responsible in some 21 manner for the happenings herein referred to, and negligently, recklessly, wantonly, 28 tortuously, or unlawfully caused injuries and damages legally and proximately resulting A, COMPLAINT == ee therefrom to Plaintiff, as herein alleged. Piaintiff will ask leave of Court to amend this Complaint to show said Defendants true names and capacities when same have been ascertained. 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Defendants, and each of them, are residents of the County of Los Angeles, State of California. 3. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that Defendants, and each of them, were and now are individuals, businesses, companies, entities, limited liability companies, and/or corporations, who were organized and/or existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California and are authorized to do business in or 10 are doing business in the State of California. Plaintiff is further informed and believes, a1 and thereon alleges, that each of the Defendants herein, are authorized to do business 12 in, and/or are doing business within the State of California, with local and minimal 13 contacts in the County of Los Angeles, State of California, and each named Defendant 14 has an authorized agent for service of process designated and/or listed with the 15 California Secretary of State. 16 4. At all times herein mentioned, the acts alleged in this Complaint took place in the City of Woodland Hills, County of Los Angeles, State of California. 18 5. At all times mentioned herein, the Defendants, and each of them, including 19 the DOE Defendants, and each of them, were the agents, servants, and employees 20 of their Co-Defendants, and each of them, and, in doing the things alleged herein, were 21. acting within the purpose, course, and scope of said agency, service, and employment. 22 6. Atall times mentioned herein, and at the time of the subject accident, Plaintiff 23 was on, at, around and about that certain real property and premises of the Walmart 24 store, located at 6433 Fallbrook Avenue, Woodland Hills, CA. 91307, which is referred 25 to herein in this Complaint as Walmart and/or the subject real property and premises. 26 7. Atall times mentioned herein, Plaintiff was a business invitee of Defendants, 2a and each of them, and was lawfully, legally and properly on, at and about the aforesaid 28 Walmart and subject real property and premises of Defendants, and each of them, and 2 COMPLAINT — was on, at and about said real property and premises for a lawful and proper purpose. 8. At all times mentioned herein, and on and before March 16, 2018, Defendants, and each of them, owned, operated, managed, controlled, entrusted, maintained and/or supervised the Walmart and subject real property and premises set forth and described hereinabove, including but not limited to the area of the Walmart where Plaintiff's accident alleged herein took place and occurred. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that at all times mentioned herein, and on and before March 16, 2018, Defendants, and each of them, had the duty and/or responsibility to own, operate, manage, control, entrust, maintain and/or supervise the 10 Walmart and subject real property and premises set forth herein, such that it was free A of tripping hazards/dangers as well as being free of dangerous and/or hazardous 12 conditions. Furthermore, Defendants, and each of them, prior to and at all times 13 mentioned herein, had the duty to make sure the subject real property and premises 14 was safe and secure for the general public and business invitees, including Plaintiff 15 herein. 16 9. On or about March 16, 2018 at approximately 4:38 p.m., Plaintiff was walking 17 in, on, at and about the subject real property and premises, and was entering the 18 subject Walmart store, and was walking in, on and about the front entry/entrance of 19 said location, property, premises and/or business, when he suddenly and without 20 warning, tripped and fell, and suffered and sustained the injuries and damages set forth 21 herein. At said time and place, the floor and area in which Plaintiff was on, at or about 22 and/or had been walking, and the subject real property and premises, contained mats 23: and/or floor coverings, which were not properly attached and/or affixed to the floor, 24 and/or contained a lip and/or raised surface, therefore constituting a tripping hazard 25 and/or a dangerous and hazardous condition of the subject real property and premises. 26 10. Prior to and at said time and place, and at all times relevant herein, 27 Defendants, and each of them, negligently and carelessly owned, operated, 28 maintained, cared, controlled, inspected, supervised and/or managed the 33 COMPLAINT aforementioned Walmart store and the subject real property and premises, including but not limited to the front entry/entrance of said location, property and/or business, and the subject real property and premises, so as to negligently and/or carelessly caused and/or allowed a dangerous, hazardous and unsafe condition to exist on, at and about the aforesaid subject real property and premises (Walmart), where Plaintiffs accident took place and occurred. Plaintiff further asserts and alleges, that prior to and at said time and place of Plaintiffs accident, Defendants, and each of them, breached their duty and responsibility to the general public and business invitees of Defendants, and each of them, including Plaintiff herein, by negligently owning, operating, managing, 10 controlling, entrusting, maintaining and/or supervising the subject real property and 11 premises set forth herein, so as to cause, allow, and/or failing to remove, eliminate 12 and/or prevent a tripping hazard and/or a dangerous and hazardous condition of the 13 subject property and premises, which was located at, on and about the subject real 14 property described hereinabove, and by Defendants, and each of them, negligently 28 and/or carelessly causing and/or failing to make sure that the subject real property and 16 premises, where Plaintiffs accident took place and occurred, was safe and secure and 17 free of dangerous, unsafe and hazardous conditions, and/or tripping hazards, for the 18 general public and business invitees of Defendants, and each of them, including 19 Plaintiff herein. 20 11. Plaintiff is further informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that 21 Defendants, and each of them, negligently and carelessly owned, operated, 22 maintained, cared, controlled, inspected, supervised and/or managed the 23 aforementioned subject real property and premises (Walmart), including but not limited 24 to the front entry/entrance of said location, property and/or business, and negligently 25 and/or carelessly breached their respective duties, by failing to place and/or post any 26 warning signs or notices in the area where the subject accident occurred, warning the 27 public and/or business invitees of Defendants, including Plaintiff herein, that the 28 subject real property and premises, and the area in, on, at and about where Plaintiff's 4 COMPLAINT, 1| accident took place, was dangerous, unsafe and/or contained a tripping and/or possible tripping hazard. Furthermore, Defendants, and each of them, negligently and carelessly, allowed a dangerous, hazardous and unsafe condition to exist on, at and about the subject real property and premises. 12. Plaintiff is further informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that prior to and at all times mentioned and/or relevant herein, and prior to Plaintiffs accident alleged herein, Defendants, and each of them, knew or should have known, and had actual and/or constructive knowledge, that the subject property and premises, and the area in, on, around and about where Plaintiff's accident took place and occurred, 10 constituted a dangerous, unsafe and/or hazardous condition and/or contained a tripping 11 and/or possible tripping hazard. Plaintiff is also informed and believes, and thereon 12 alleges, that Defendants, and each of them, had actual and/or constructive notice of 13 the dangerous, unsafe and hazardous condition of its subject property and premises, 14 and that the subject property contained a tripping hazard and/or possible tripping 15 hazard, since Defendants and/or Defendants employees, agents or representatives, 16 caused, made, constructed, created and/or allowed the tripping hazard and the L? dangerous, unsafe and hazardous condition to exist. However despite Defendants and 18 each of them having said knowledge, Defendants and each of them, negligently and/or 19 carelessly owned, operated, managed, controlled, inspected, maintained and/or 20 supervised the subject real property and premises, as is more fully alleged aul hereinabove. Also, Defendants, and each of them, was negligent and/or careless, by 22 failing and refusing to eliminate and/or remove any possible tripping hazards and/or any 23 dangerous and hazardous conditions on the subject real property and premises, and 24 in, on and about the area where Plaintiff tripped and fell, despite having knowledge of 25 same. 26 13. As a direct, legal and proximate result of Defendants, and each of their 27 negligence and carelessness, and breach of duty, as alleged hereinabove, and as a 28 further direct, legal and proximate result therefrom, and the dangerous, hazardous 5 COMPLAINT sarees and/or unsafe condition, and/or the tripping hazard that existed on, at and about the subject real property and premises as is more fully described hereinabove, Plaintiff tripped and fell, which directly and legally caused Plaintiff to suffer and sustain the injuries and damages alleged herein. 14. As a direct and legal result of said conduct and negligence of Defendants, and each of them, Plaintiff was hurt and injured in his health, strength, and activity, sustaining injury to his body and shock and injury to his nervous systems and person, all of which injuries have caused and continue to cause Plaintiff great mental, physical and nervous pain and suffering. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, 10 that said injuries will result in some permanent disability to him and his person, all to his AL general damage. 12 15. As a further, direct and legal result of said conduct and negligence of 13 Defendants, and each of them, Plaintiff was required to and did employ physicians, 14 radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, medical doctors, acupuncturists, hospitals, nurses, 15 and medical practitioners, to examine, treat, and care for him, and did incur medical 16 and related expenses, the exact amounts of which are currently unknown. Plaintiff is 17 informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that he will be required, in the future, to 18 employ physicians, radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, medical doctors, acupuncturists, 19 hospitals, nurses and medical practitioners, to examine, treat, and care for him, and 20 he will incur, obtain, be charged and/or will be legally responsible, to pay for additional 21 medical and related expenses, the exact amounts of which are currently unknown. 22 Leave of Court will be sought to amend this Complaint to insert the exact amounts, of 23 Plaintiff's medical and related expenses at such time as they are fully and finally 24 ascertained or proven at the time of trial. 25 16. As a further direct and legal result of the conduct and negligence of 26 Defendants, and each of them, and the resulting injuries suffered and sustained by 27 Plaintiff herein, Plaintiff suffered loss of earnings and/or loss of income, in an unknown 28 amount. The exact nature and extent of said loss of earnings and/or loss of income, 6 COMPLAINT as to Plaintiff is presently not ascertained, and Plaintiff will ask leave of Courtto amend this Complaint when same has fully been ascertained or proven at the time of trial. 17. As a further direct and legal result of the conduct and negligence of Defendants, and each of them, and the resulting injuries sustained by Plaintiff, the earning capacity of Plaintiffs has been interfered with and will continue to be interfered with for a period in the future. The exact nature and extent of said damage by reason of said interference and the resultant loss of earning capacity as to Plaintiff is presently not ascertained, and Plaintiff will ask leave of Court to amend this Complaint when same has fully and finally been ascertained or proven at the time of trial. 10 18. By reason of the foregoing allegations, Plaintiffs, and each of them, are Jed. entitled to, and hereby demand, judgment for any and all prejudgment interest 12 allowed pursuant to California Civil Code, Section 3291, California Code of Civil 13 Procedure 998, and any and all other interest allowed by law. 14 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff LESLIE GLATT, prays for judgment against 15 Defendants, and each of them, as follows: 16 1. For general damages, according to proof; LF 2. For all special, medical, and related bills and expenses incurred, 18 according to proof; 19 3. For loss of earnings and loss of earnings capacity, according to proof; 20 4. For any and all prejudgment interest allowed pursuant to California Civil Ai. Code, Section 3291, California Code of Civil Procedure 998, and any and all other 22 interest; 23 5. For costs of suit incurred herein; and 24 6. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. 25 Dated: February 12, 2020 LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH L. KAZAN 26 27 le KENNETH L. KAZAN 28 Attorney for Plaintiff, LESLIE GLATT 7 COMPLAINT ee a