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  • RICHARD SEGURA, ET AL. VS MATTHEW D. DUNN, M.D., ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RICHARD SEGURA, ET AL. VS MATTHEW D. DUNN, M.D., ET AL. Medical Malpractice - Physicians & Surgeons (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 01/14/2020 12:47 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by S. Lopez,Deputy Clerk A Profession at Corporation 1 LAW OFFICES oF KA-fY-AMI*[Y.P!)EPIf b?l'du n"*liiYornLsi, Etq suile (sB-N 224606) +so 2 I6'toi Wii.r;i;; Boulevard, ia,eo2 o B;;;r"ii -P-n'oh, ttf i!.. c,g1'1orn 1 ( 3 1 O) I 2 5 - 222 4 3 'raisimilb: 'r'ii'iimiti: "', (s1 o) 276-2e26 276-25 61Ci, 4 Segura and Richard Segura Attorneys for Plaintiffs Stacy Lynn 5 6 OF CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 7 _ CENTRAL DISTRIGT 8 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES I 10 cAsE NO. 19STCV04261 11 STACY LYNN SEGURA, RICHARD rii" irnorable LauraA' Seigle' Judge SEGURA, 'presiding in DePartment 4Bl 12 13 Plaintiffs, AND V. PLAINTIFFS' NOTICE OF MOTION 14 rvrciiiox FoR oRDER coNrlNulNG OF oiier.roaNT's MorloN FoR SUMMARY 15 THE REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY JuoorvreruT; DEcLARATIoN oF KAT'r M'D'; '16 CAUffORNIA; MATTHEW D' DUNN' AMIRI.YOUNESI and Does 1 to 50, 17 Reservation lD: Defendants. Date: 1B Time: '19 Place: 20 Complaint filed """' 02/0812019 21 FSC: """"0712412020 Trial: """' 08/0712020 22 23 24 ToALLPARTIESHEREINANDToTHEIRRESPECTIVEATToRNEYSoFRECoRD: 25 PLEASE TAKE NlTtcEthat on (\Ii' L2o2o'at 8:30 a'm'' or as soon the reafter 'r] praintiffs stacy Lynn rSegura 26 be heard in Departm ent iflof the above-entiiled court, as may the 27 Honorabre court for an order continuing and Richard segura (praintiffs) wiil move this 28 set for March 3' 2020' motion for summary judgment presently t1l Plaintiffs,NoticeofMotionandMotiontoContinue03/03/20MSJ