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Filing # 133838777 E-Filed 09/01/2021 11:51:16 AM IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR OSCEOLA COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: 2019 CA 001939 ON HON. MICHAEL MURPHY ZASKIA MERCADO, Plaintiff, vs. CHEDDAR'S CASUAL CAFE, INC., Defendant. / PLAINTIFF’S NOTICE OF TAKING DEPOSITION DUCES TECUM PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff, ZASKIA MERCADO, by and through the undersigned attorneys will take the following Deposition: PNG8 De 10) FOE OAS is eter. u (One VIA ZOOM September 13, 2021 Corporate representative (Information to be provided) 2:00 PM (Produced by Counsel) US Legal Support (888) 311-4240 *Please advise, no less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the above scheduled deposition, if an interpreter is required. upon oral examination before US Legal Support, Court Reporters, or a Notary Public in and for the State of Florida at Large, or some other officer duly authorized by law to take depositions and videotaped by US Legal Support for the purposes of discovery, for use at trial, or both of the foregoing, or for such other purposes as permitted under the applicable and governing rules. You are to have with you at the time of the deposition, all documents and tangible things listed on the attached Exhibit “B,” pursuant to Rules 1.350 and 1.410(c), Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. The oral examination will continue from day to day until completed. YOU ARE REQUESTED TO PROVIDE TO THE UNDERSIGNED, AT LEAST SEVEN (7) BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE TIME OF THE DEPOSITION, ALL DOCUMENTS AND TANGIBLE THINGS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "B". Any documents or tangible things responsive to this request which, nonetheless, are not produced by reason of a claim of privilege work product or for any other reason shall be identified in writing by (1) date; (2) author; (3) recipient; (4) general subject matter; (5) identity of person or persons to whom the contents of the document have already been revealed; (6) the identity of the person or entity now in possession or control of the document or tangible thing; and (7) the basis upon which it is being withheld. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE HEREBY CERTIFY that on September 1, 2021, I electronically filed the foregoing with the Clerk of Court by using the Florida Court e-Filing Portal. I further certify that Pursuant to Rule 2.516(b)(1) I forwarded the foregoing this same day via Email to: Melissa Woodward, Esquire and Kurt Spangler, Esquire, Wicker Smith, 390 North Orange Avenue, Suite 1000, Orlando, FL 32801, via email at;;; /s/ Manuel Stefan, Esq. Manuel “Manny” Stefan, Esq. Florida Bar No.: 0103389 MORGAN & MORGAN, P.A. 4495 South Semoran Blvd. Orlando, FL 32822 Telephone No.: (407) 452-6982 Facsimile No.: (407) 572-0124 Primary email: Secondary email: Attorney for Plaintiff ce: US Legal Support ( DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS Unless the context indicates otherwise, the following definitions apply to each category of documents and tangible things listed below and are incorporated by reference into each specific request for documents and tangible things: The word "DOCUMENT" shall mean all materials within the scope of Rule 1.350(a), including but not limited to, all writings and recordings, (including originals and all nonidentical copies, whether different from the original by reason of any notation made on such copies or otherwise) emails and attachments, correspondence, memoranda, reports, notes, diaries, statements, (written or electronically recorded) summaries, inter-office and intra-office communications, notations of any sort of conversations; and graphic or electronic representations of any kind including without limitation, photographs, charts, microfiche, microfilm, video tape, DVD, DVR, recordings, motion pictures, plans, drawings, blueprints and Surveys. A The words "SUBJECT INCIDENT," "SUBJECT ACCIDENT," “INCIDENT” and "ACCIDENT," shall be deemed to mean the incident alleged in the Plaintiff's Complaint on the date and location as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint. B. The "STATEMENT" shall be deemed to mean any oral, written or word electronically recorded description, recitation, version or explanation of the SUBJECT INCIDENT, given by any person at any time whatsoever, pertaining to the SUBJECT INCIDENT. C. The word "PLAINTIFF" shall mean Zaskia Mercado. D. Any request for production of documents or tangible things shall be deemed to require production of each and every such thing executed, created, prepared, received or in effect at any time to the present, or during any other indicated time period. "and" E. Whenever appropriate, the conjunctive should be interpreted in the disjunctive to include the term "and vice versa. F. Whenever appropriate, the singular form of a word should be interpreted in the plural and vice versa. G. Any documents or tangible things responsive to this request which, nonetheless, are not produced by reason of a claim of privilege work product or for any other reason shall be identified in writing by (1) date; (2) author; (3) recipient; (4) general subject matter; (5) identity of person or persons to whom the contents of the document have already been revealed; (6) the identity of the person or entity now in possession or control of the document or tangible thing; (7) the basis upon which it is being withheld. EXHIBIT "A" Defendant, CHEDDAR’S CASUAL CAFE, INC.’s Corporate Representative will need consent to testify on its behalf about the following areas of inquiry: 1. The name of the person/entity that possessed/owned/controlled the premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint on the date of the incident alleged in the Complaint. 2. The condition of the flooring at the time and location of the incident when Plaintiff was injured. 3. Any and all facts leading up to, concerning, or surrounding any foreign substances or objects on the floor of the subject premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint on the date of the incident alleged in the Complaint, including the substance which is the subject of this action. 4. Any and all facts/information related to inspections of the flooring where the incident occurred for twelve (12) hours prior to the subject incident. 5. Any and all facts/information related to inspections of the flooring where the incident occurred for twelve (12) hours after to the subject incident. 6. Any and all facts/information related to what, if any, caution cones or warning signs were present at the time and location of the subject incident. 7. The name of the person/contractor/entity that was responsible for inspecting the subject premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint for any defects and/or dangerous conditions at the time of the incident described in the Complaint. 8. The name of the person/contractor/entity that was responsible for floor of the subject premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint at the time of the incident described in the Complaint. 9. The name of the person/contractor/entity that was responsible for cleaning the floor of the subject premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint at the time of the incident described in the Complaint. 10. The job responsibilities for employees who had responsibilities for maintenance, cleaning, and inspection of the floor and working at the premises on the date of the incident described in the Complaint. 11. The facts and circumstances surrounding the incident described in the Complaint. 12. Defendant’s Answers to Plaintiff's Interrogatories. 13. The Defendant’s position and opinion as to how the incident described in the Complaint occurred. 14. The factual basis for all affirmative defenses asserted in the Defendant’s Answer to the Plaintiff's Complaint. 15. The identity of all persons, known by the Defendant, who witnessed and/or has knowledge regarding the incident described in the Plaintiff's Complaint. 16. The Defendant’s policies and procedures for training new employees regarding maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 17. Any and all computer based training provided to employees/agents in the year preceding the subject incident that relates to maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 18. Any and all video based training provided to employees/agents in the year preceding the subject incident that relates to maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 19. Any and all written materials provided to employees/agents in the year preceding the subject incident that relates to maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 20. The Defendant’s policies and procedures, written or otherwise, that relates to maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 21. Any and all written materials provided to employees in the year preceding the subject incident that relates to employee duties, policies and procedures that relates to maintenance, cleaning, and inspections in effect at the time of the subject incident. 22. Facts related to any individual falling or slipping in Defendant’s premises within the three (3) years prior to the present matter in a manner substantially similar to that alleged in the Complaint. 23. How often there had been a transitory foreign substance on the floor of the subject premises within the three (3) years prior to the present matter. 24. Knowledge about any and all policies of insurance and excess policies of insurance that cover this incident. 25. Knowledge as to policies and procedures of employee conduct, proper grooming, and dress code while working in the premises. 26. The existence of items and areas identified below in the Exhibit “B” section of this Notice, and if said items do not exists, the steps taken to make that determination. EXHIBIT "B" Defendant, CHEDDAR’S CASUAL CAFE, INC.’S, Corporate Representative Shall Bring These Items To The Deposition Pursuant to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.350 and 1.410(c): 1, All statements made by any witnesses to the subject accident at the subject premises as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint. 2. All statements made by the Plaintiff pertaining to or concerning the subject matter. 3. All photographs of Plaintiff depicting injuries received in the subject incident. 4. All photographs of the incident scene and surrounding areas. 5. All photographs of the dangerous condition as alleged in Plaintiff's Complaint. 6. All surveillance video/pictures of Plaintiff taken during or following the subject incident. 7. All written documents received by Defendant prior to or on the date of this incident relating to or discussing the condition which Plaintiff alleges to be a dangerous condition in Plaintiff's Complaint. 8. All surveillance/security/CCTV video footage of the subject incident and of the walkway in which Plaintiff slipped and fell in during the 4 hour period of time immediately preceding the subject incident and immediately following the subject incident. 9. A copy of any and all insurance agreements, insurance policies or agreements of any kind of nature under which any person or company carrying on an insurance business may be liable to satisfy part of all of a judgment that may be entered in this action or to indemnify or reimburse any payments made to satisfy any such judgment or settlement, including but not limited to a certified copy of the declarations sheet as to each such policy. 10. A copy of any incident/accident/witness report or other documents done in the ordinary course of business containing information about the incident alleged in the Complaint, completed by you, or your agents, representatives, or employees surrounding the subject accident. 11. Any and all inspection or check-off sheets or other documents showing who performed inspections, what kind of inspections were performed, the times of the inspections or other information about the inspections that might have been done on the date of the subject accident, as well as the five (5) days before that date in the area where the Plaintiff fell. 12. Any and all documents relating to any inspections that may have been done on the date of the subject accident, the five (5) days before that date and the five (5) days after that date on Defendant's premises. 13. Time sheets, clock cards or any other documents showing the hours and time worked by any employees working on the date of the subject accident, with responsibilities for inspecting the premises for dangerous conditions, cleaning up dangerous conditions or maintaining the premises. 14. Inspection sheets and/or and other documents for inspections that were used on the date of the subject accident, or that are now used by employees at Defendant's premises, for inspections. 15. A true and correct copy of any contracts or agreement with any entity used by Defendant with any responsibilities for inspecting the subject premises for dangerous conditions or for training your employees about such. 16. A true and correct copy of any and all written inspection, maintenance procedures or policies in place on the date of the subject accident, at Defendant's premises. 17. A true and correct copy of any and all safety manuals or videos, inspection manuals or videos or training manuals or videos that any employee who was working on the date of the subject accident, with responsibilities for inspecting the premises for dangerous conditions, cleaning up dangerous conditions or maintaining the premises may have received from Defendant. 18. All Defendant's policies and/or procedures, manuals or documents tegarding: a) Inspection of the premises by employees or other individuals; b) Discovery of any dangerous condition on Defendant’s premises by employees; c) Correcting of any dangerous conditions on Defendant’s premises by employees; and d) Reporting or documenting of accidents on Defendant’s premises. 19. A true and correct copy of any document or list with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, duties, responsibilities, and job descriptions, of all employees working for the Defendant with responsibilities for inspecting the premises for dangerous conditions, cleaning up dangerous conditions or maintaining the premises. 20. A true and correct copy of any document or list with the names, addresses, telephone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, duties, responsibilities, and job descriptions of all employees on duty at the subject location on the date of the subject accident. 21. A true and correct copy of any and all documents provided to the employees of the Defendant who were on duty on the date of the subject accident, explaining maintenance, cleaning, inspection, and safety precautions at Defendant's premises. 22. A true and correct copy of any and all written complaints or documents showing claims or complaints made as to employees and/or customers falling or slipping on substances on Defendant's premises within the last three (3) years in a manner substantially similar to that alleged in the Complaint. 23. Meeting minutes for any safety, committee, or other meetings in which the foreign substances on the floor at the subject premises was discussed for three years before the subject incident. 24. All correspondence (e-mail, letters, text messages, etc.) regarding the foreign substances and/or potential safety concerns the foreign substances on the floor of the subject premises. 25. List of other slip or falls on the flooring of the subject premises for the three (3) year period prior to the subject incident. 26. All personnel files for any employees with knowledge of the subject claim or facts related to the claim and/or incident investigation/reporting and/or store security system. This request is not intended to disclose any confidential and/or private information and should exclude any and all social security numbers, payment information, protected health information and personal addresses. This request only asks for all training documentation, disciplinary information, and job applications or resumes contained within the requested personnel files. 27. A blank copy of a store incident report form of the type used as part of the incident investigation of the subject incident. 28. A layout of all active surveillance/security/CCTV cameras for the subject premises. 29. A true and correct copy of any and all photographs taken of the accident scene. 30. Any and all video images that depict the events alleged in the complaint. 31. Any and all video images of Plaintiff. 32. Any and all video images of the incident. 33. Any and all video images of the scene where the incident occurred for the period of time beginning 60 minutes before the incident and ending 60 minutes after the incident.