Case Number:
Hearing Date:
July 9, 2024
The Windmill Co. Inc. vs. Fayek Sedrak, et al.

Case No.: 21NWCV00400

Hearing Date: July 9, 2024


Tentative Ruling


Defendant O&C Hillsides Motion for Sanctions is MOOT.


Defendant Sedraks Motin for Sanctions is DENIED.

Plaintiff to give notice.


On June 21, 2021, Plaintiff, The Windmill Co., Inc., (Plaintiff) filed an action against Defendants Fayez Sedrak (Sedrak) and O&C Hillside Resources Management Co. (O&C Hillside), alleging Breach of Contract, Breach of Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing, and Declaratory Relief. In a First Amended Complaint filed on February 6, 2023 (FAC) Plaintiff alleged that on January 3, 2020, Plaintiff entered into a Sale of Business agreement with O&C Hillside to purchase the business known as ARCO AM PM 6545 located at 13550 Beach Blvd, La Mirada, CA, for $1,590,000.00. The parties opened an Escro