SCV-270482, Barton v. General Motors LLC
Plaintiff Barton moves for attorneys’ fees in the total amount of $147,967.50 for attorney fees
per Civil Code section 1794(d). The motion is GRANTED for the reduced amount of
Plaintiff filed this action against GM asserting three causes of action under the Song-Beverly Act
regarding a vehicle Plaintiff bought from GM. Ultimately, the parties settled their claims.
Plaintiff filed two memorandum of costs to support their motion for fees after the settlement. GM
requested the Court to strike or tax a majority of the costs requested by Wirtz Law. The Court
entered an order striking a portion of the fees and costs requested in counsel Wirtz Law’s
memorandum of costs so that the total award of costs was $8,816.22. Plaintiff now brings this
motion for attorney’s fees for representation by Plaintiff’s two counsels, Wirtz Law (“WL”) and
Quill and Arrow LLP (“QA”). GM opposes the motion.