MSC-192506, Romano v. Golden State Lumber
Defendant’s unopposed Anti-SLAPP motion is DENIED. Defendant’s request for judicial notice
is GRANTED. Due to the lack of opposition, the Court’s minute order shall constitute the order of the
The Court notes that the reply brief references an opposing brief, but there has been no opposing
brief filed with the Court. Nonetheless, as explained in detail below, Defendant did not meet its burden of
showing that the action arises out of protected activity.
I. Background
On January 17, 2023, Defendant Golden State Lumber filed a limited jurisdiction collections
action in this Court against its customer Generator Joe, Inc. and its personal guarantor, Joseph Romano,
(MCV-260730) due to an unpaid credit account balance. Defendant’s complaint includes a mechanics lien
foreclosure cause of action against Generator Joe, Inc.’s property. Generator Joe, Inc. did not file an
answer to the complaint. However, Plaintiff