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  • D'AMATO, ANTHONY JOSEPH - DECEDENT Decedent's Estate (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • D'AMATO, ANTHONY JOSEPH - DECEDENT Decedent's Estate (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles 10/21/2020 2:02 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk, By D. Santos, Deputy Clerk DE-1 60/GC-040 ATTORNEY OR PARTY YBT HOOT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number and addressi. Joshua Meier, Esq. (SBN 245726) FOR COURT USE ONLY Meier Law Firm 450 Newport Center Ddive, Suite 625 Newport Beach, CA 92660 TELEPfloNE No. 949-718-0420 FAX No. (Optrcnal) E-MAIL ADDRESS (Opficnarp jmeier@meierfirm.COm ATToRNEY FoR (Name)r Kathfyn Girardi SUPERIOR COURT OF CAUFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES s~REE~AooREss 111 N. Hill Street MAEJNG AooREss 111 N. Hill Street DITYANDEIPcoDE: Los Angeles, CA 90012 BRANcH NAME: Stanley Mosk Courthouse ESTATE OF (Name)( Anthony Joseph D'Amsto ~X DECEDENT ~ CONSERVATEE ~ MINOR CASE NUMBER. ~ Partial Non INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL Corrected 20STPB00312 Date of Death of Decedent cr af Appc nlmenl of Guarcian or ~ ~x Final Supplemental Reappraisal for Sale Property Tax Certificate Ccrlsemalcr June 23, 2019 APPRAISALS 1. Total appraisal by representative, guardian, or conservator (Attachment 1): $ 203,007.87 2. Total appraisal by referee (Attachment 2): $ 339,889.47 TOTAL $ 5427897 34 DECLARATION OF REPRESENTATIVE, GUARDIAN, CONSERVATOR, OR SMALL ESTATE CLAIMANT 3. Attachments ~x all ~ 1 and 2 together with ail prior inventodies filed contain a true statement of a portion of the estate that has come to my knowledge or possession, including particularly all money and all just claims the estate has against me. I have truly, honestly, and impartially appraised to the best of my ability each item set forth in 4. ~ Attachment 1. No probate referee is required ~x by order of the court dated (specify): 5. Property tax certificate. certify that the requirements of Revenue and Taxation Code section 480 I b. ~ a. ~x are not applicable because the decedent owned no real property in California at the time of death. have been satisfied by the filing of a change of ownership statement with the county recorder or assessor of each county in California in which the decedent owned property at the time of death. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct October 1, 2020 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME; INCLUDE TITLE IF CORPORATE OFFICER) (SIGNATURE) STATEMENT ABOUT THE BOND 6. ~ (Complete in Bll cases. Must be signed by attorney for fiduciary, or by ffdum pry without an aflomey) Bond is waived, or the sole fiduciary is a corporate fiduciary or an exempt governm Ent agency. 7. 8. ~ ~x Bond filed in the amount of: $ 60,000.00 Receipts for: $ location): ~x Suflicient ] Insufficient have been filed with the court for deposits in a t flocked account at (specify institution and Date: October 1, 2020 Joshua Meter, Esq. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) ()IIIGNATUI E OF ATTORNEY OR PARTY tMTHOUT ATTORNEY) Page 1 of 2 Form Adapted for Mandalcry Use Probate Code. II 2al0-2019. SS00%990. Judhnal Council cf Calrfcmia INVENTORY AND APPRAISAL Cal. Rules of Court, rute 7.501 DE.190/Gc-usc IRev. January 1. 2007) rmsvccurfs ca gcv