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  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • VINCENT M. LUCY VS MATTHEW R. STALL Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


20TRCV00137 Assigned for all purposes to: Torrance Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Ramona See Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/11/2020 03:52 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by T. Rhodes,Deputy Clerk 1 Brad Baker (SBN: 065106) Albro L. Lundy, III (SBN: 123133) 2 Evan R. Koch (SBN: 275144) BAKER, BURTON & LUNDY, 3 A Professional Corporation 515 Pier A venue 4 Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Telephone: (310) 3 76-9893 5 Facsimile: (310)376-7483 6 Attorneys for Plaintiff, VINCENT M. LUCY 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 VINCENT M. LUCY, ) CASE NO: ) 12 Plaintiff, ) COMPLAINT FOR: ) 13 v. ) (1) BREACH OF ORAL CONTRACT ) 14 ) (2)COMMONCOUNT-ACCOUNTSTATED MATTHEW R. STALL as Administrator of ) 15 the ESTATE OF RICHARD J. STALL, JR., ) (3) BREACH OF WRITTEN CONTRACT MATTHEW R. STALL as Trustee of THE ) 16 RICHARD J. STALL, JR. TRUST and ) (4)COMMONCOUNT-ACCOUNTSTATED DOES 1 through 50, Inclusive, ) 17 ) Defendants. ) 18 ) ) 19 ) ) 20 21 Plaintiff, VINCENT M. LUCY, alleges: 22 1. This action involves the refusal by the Estate and Trust of Decedent Richard J. 23 Stall, Jr., a California attorney, to repay large loans made to him by his friend and client for many 24 years, Plaintiff Vincent M. Lucy. 25 2. Plaintiff VINCENT M. LUCY (hereinafter "Plaintiff'), at all times herein was and 26 is a resident of Manhattan Beach in Los Angeles County, California. 27 3. Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. died on October 26, 2018. At the time of his death, 28 Decedent Richard E. Stall, Jr. was a resident of Los Angeles County, California. Complaint for Damages 4. At all times mentioned herein, Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. was a longtime friend 2 and longtime attorney of the Plaintiff. 3 5. The ESTATE OF RICHARD J. STALL, JR., sued herein as Defendant 4 MATTHEW R. STALL as Administrator of the ESTATE OF RICHARD J. STALL, JR. 5 (hereinafter "ESTATE") is the Probate Estate of Richard E. Stall Jr., decedent, Case No. 6 19STB03149 with his son, Matthew R. Stall, now as the Personal Representative and 7 Administrator of said Estate. 8 6. THE TRUST OF RICHARD J. STALL, JR. sued herein as Defendant 9 MATTHEW R. STALL as Trustee of THE RICHARD J. STALL, JR. TRUST (hereinafter 1O "TRUST"), is a trust created under the laws of the State of California entered into in Los 11 Angeles, California on August 17, 2010 with Matthew R. Stall, son of Decedent Richard E. Stall, 12 Jr., now as trustee for said trust. 13 7. "Notice of Administration of the Estate of Richard J. Stall, Jr.- Notice to 14 Creditors" was mailed to Plaintiff on August 29, 2019. Said Notice is attached hereto as Exhibit 15 1. 16 8. Plaintiff served a Creditor's Claim on the ESTATE by mail on October 21 , 2019 17 in the sum of $383 ,631.18, plus $95 .45 per day commencing on October 16, 2019 based on a 18 loan made by the Plaintiff to Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. A true and correct copy of said 19 Creditor's Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit 2. 20 9. Plaintiffs Creditor's Claim in the sum of $383 ,631.18 plus $95.45 per day was 21 rejected in its entirety by the ESTATE's personal representative, Matthew R. Stall on November 22 19, 2019. Said Rejection of the Creditor's Claim stated that the estimated value of the Estate was 23 $150,000, less then the amount owed to the plaintiff/creditor by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. A 24 true and correct copy of said Rejection of Creditor' s Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit 3. 25 10. Plaintiff served an additional Creditor' s Claim on the ESTATE by mail on 26 October 21, 2019 in the sum of $493,101.50, plus $41.09 per day commencing on October 16, 27 2019 based on a written promissory note for a loan made by the Plaintiff to Decedent Richard J. 28 Stall, Jr. A true and correct copy of said Creditor' s Claim is attached hereto as Exhibit 4 with a Complaint for Damages true and correct copy of said promissory note attached thereto. 2 11. Plaintiffs Creditor' s Claim in the sum of$493,101.50, plus $41.09 per day was 3 rejected in its entirety by the ESTATE ' s personal representative, Matthew R. Stall, on November 4 19, 2019. Said Rejection of the Creditor's Claim stated that the estimated value of the Estate was 5 $150,000, less then the claimed amount owed to the Plaintiff/creditor by Decedent Richard J. 6 Stall, Jr. A true and correct copy of said Rejection of Creditor's Claim is attached hereto as 7 Exhibit 5. 8 12. The true names and capacities, whether individual, business, corporate, associate 9 or otherwise, of the defendants named as DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiff 10 at this time. Therefore, Plaintiff sues these Defendants by such fictitious names. Plaintiff will 11 seek leave to amend this complaint to show the Defendants ' true names and capacities when the 12 same have been ascertained. 13 13. On information and belie±: each of the Defendants and DOES 1 - 50 were and are 14 now, the personal representatives, beneficiaries, trustees, administrators, executors, agents, alter 15 egos, authorized representatives and/or employees of their co-Defendants, and in committing the 16 wrongful conduct alleged, were acting within the course and scope of such agency, service and/or 17 employment, and/or that all of the acts and/or commissions were authorized and/or ratified by 18 each Defendant, and/or were done with each Defendant ' s knowledge and/or consent. 19 14. Plaintiff is allowed to bring suit against the Trustee of the TRUST because it has 20 been shown that the probate estate has insufficient assets to satisfy plaintiff's claims. 21 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 22 (Breach of Oral Contract against all Defendants and Does 1-25) 23 15. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference all of the fore going 24 allegations in Paragraphs 1-14 of this complaint, inclusive. 25 16. Plaintiff and Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Does 1-25 entered into an oral 26 agreement in 1993 in Los Angeles, California whereby Plaintiff loaned said Decedent the sum of 27 $348,418 .02 at 10% simple interest per annum, which interest was to be paid by Decedent 28 Richard J. Stall, Jr. each year in 12 equal monthly installments of $2,934.43 with said interest to Complaint for Damages 1 continue being paid in monthly payments of $2,934.43 until Plaintiff demanded payment in full 2 of the $348,418.02 loan from Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. By way of the Creditor's Claim filed 3 on October 21 , 2019. All monthly payments of interest had been made by Decedent for 4 approximately 25 years until his death. Attached hereto as Exhibit 2 are true and correct copies 5 of samples of the Plaintiff's deposit slips for $2,934.43 and checks for $2,934.43 signed by 6 Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. for 2016, 2017 and 2018 for interest payments on the $348,418.02 7 loan. Included in Exhibit 2 is the October 10, 2018 check signed by the Decedent to the Plaintiff 8 in the sum of $2,934.43 which was the last interest payment the Decedent made on the loan, just 9 prior to his death. 10 17. As set forth in Article IV B. on page 2 of The Richard J. Stall, Jr. Trust, original 11 Trustee and Trustor Richard J. Stall, Jr. acknowledged said debt to " Vincent M. Lucy" in the 12 sum of "$365 ,000 or so" for the successor Trustee to pay upon Richard J. Stall, Jr. 's death. 13 18. After having received the "Notice of Administration of the Estate of Richard J. 14 Stall, Jr.- Notice to Creditors" on August 29, 2019, Plaintiff made demand on October 21, 2019 15 for full payment of this loan in the sum of $383,631.18 which includes 10% interest to October 16 15, 2019 plus $95.45 per day in interest thereafter. 17 19. The oral agreement for repayment of the $383,631.18 loan including 10% per 18 annum interest to October 15 , 2019 from Plaintiff to Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. was breached 19 by Defendants, and each of them, and Does 1-25 on November 19, 2019 when Matthew R. Stall, 20 administrator of the Estate of Richard J. Stall, Jr. , rejected Plaintiff's claim in its entirety. 21 20. From October 21, 2019 and thereafter demand has been made and continues to be 22 made by Plaintiff to all Defendants to pay to Plaintiff the amounts due on the 1993 loan for 23 $348,418 .02, including the interest thereon. All of said Defendants and Does 1-25 have refused 24 to pay the Plaintiff the amounts due and demanded, nor any sum whatsoever, thereby breaching 25 the terms of the 1993 oral agreement that payment would be made after 1994 on demand. 26 21. Plaintiff has performed all obligations to Defendants and Does 1-25 except those 27 obligations Plaintiff was prevented or excused from performing. 28 22. Plaintiff has suffered damages legally caused by the Defendants ' and Does 1-25 Complaint for Damages 1 breach of the agreement in the sum of$383,631.18 as of October 15 , 2019 and $95.45 per day 2 thereafter in interest pursuant to the terms of the 1993 oral agreement. 3 23. Plaintiff is entitled to reasonable attorneys fees pursuant to Pro bate Code Section 4 9354 (c) since Plaintiffs Creditors Claim was rejected in bad faith by Defendants, and each of 5 them, and Does 1-25 . 6 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 7 (Common Counts-Account Stated against all Defendants and Does 1-25) 8 24. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference all of the foregoing 9 allegations in Paragraphs 1-23 of this complaint, inclusive. 10 25. Defendants and each of them and Does 1-25 owed Plaintiff money after they 11 entered into an oral agreement in 1993 in Los Angeles, California whereby Plaintiff loaned said 12 Decedent the sum of $348,418.02 at 10% simple interest per annum, which interest was to be 13 paid by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. each year in 12 equal monthly installments of $2,934.43 14 with said interest to continue being paid in monthly payments of $2,934.43 until Plaintiff 15 demanded payment in full of the $348,418.02 loan from Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. All of said 16 monthly payments were made for approximately 25 years until Decedent's death. Attached 17 hereto as Exhibit 6 are true and correct copies of samples of the Plaintiffs deposit slips for 18 $2,934.43 and checks for $2,934.43 signed by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. for 2016, 2017 and 19 2018 for interest payments on the $348,418 .02 loan. Included in Exhibit 6 is the October 10, 20 2018 check signed by the Decedent to the Plaintiff in the sum of $2,934.43 which was the last 21 interest payment the Decedent made on the loan. 22 26. Plaintiff and Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. by words and/or conduct agreed that 23 the amount stated in the account of $348,418.02 at 10% simple interest per annum, was the 24 correct amount owed to Plaintiff by Decedent. 25 27. Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Defendants and Does 1-25 by words and/or 26 conduct promised to pay the stated amount of $348,418.02 at 10% simple interest per annum, to 27 Plaintiff. 28 28. Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Defendants and Does 1-25 have not paid Complaint for Damages 1 Plaintiff all of the amounts owed under this account. 2 29 . The amount of money Defendants and Does 1-25 owes to Plaintiff on this account 3 1s $383 ,631.18 as of October 15, 2019 and $95.45 per day thereafter in interest. 4 30. Less than four (4) years have lapsed since the last payment on account was made. 5 31. Plaintiff is entitled to reasonable attorneys fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 6 9354 (c)since Plaintiffs Creditors Claim for said Account Stated was rejected in bad faith by 7 Defendants and each of them and Does 1-25. 8 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 9 (Breach of Written Contract against all Defendants and Does 26-50) 10 32 . Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference all of the foregoing 11 allegations of this complaint set forth in paragraphs 1-31 , inclusive. 12 33. Plaintiff and Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Does 26-50 entered into a written 13 agreement sometime after November 25, 1996 in Los Angeles County, California which 14 memorialized Plaintiffs loan to Decedent in the sum of $150 ,000 at 10% interest per annum to 15 be paid by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. on demand. A true and correct copy of the written 16 Promissory Note signed by Decedent Richard E . Stall, Jr. is attached hereto as part of Exhibit 4. 17 34. Since 1987, Decedent Richard Stall, Jr. and Plaintiff would meet socially. The 18 two of them would on average meet for breakfast, coffee and/or lunches three times per year in 19 addition to any professional meetings they might have. 20 35. Since 1992, Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. was Plaintiff's business and personal 21 attorney. 22 36. On at least 9 or 10 occasions over the years, Richard J. Stall, Jr. would ask 23 Plaintiff if Plaintiff wanted repayment at that time of the $150,000 promissory note with the 24 accumulated interest. Plaintiff would decline, responding to Richard that Plaintiff would let 25 Richard know when Plaintiff demanded repayment. 26 37. Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. always stated to Plaintiff that Richard would be the 27 person who paid on the promissory note. The Decedent never referred to any third party trust 28 being responsible for repayment of the $150 ,000 promissory note. Complaint for Damages 1 38. Plaintiff never believed that anyone but Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr., in his 2 personal capacity, owed Plaintiff payment of the promissory note plus interest. 3 39. As set forth in Article IV B. on page 2 of The Richard J. Stall, Jr. Trust, original 4 Trustee and Trustor Richard J. Stall, Jr. acknowledged this Promissory Note and debt to Plaintiff 5 for the successor Trustee to pay upon Richard J. Stall, Jr. 's death. 6 40. After having received the "Notice of Administration of the Estate of Richard J. 7 Stall, Jr.- Notice to Creditors" on August 29, 2019, Plaintiff made demand on October 21, 2019 8 for payment of this Note in the sum of $493,101.50 which includes the $150,000 principal and 9 10% interest from November 25, 1996 to October 15 , 2019 plus$ 41.09 per day thereafter. 10 41. The November 25, 1996 Promissory Note was breached by Defendants and each 11 of them and Does 26-50 on November 19, 2019 when Matthew R. Stall, Administrator of the 12 Estate of Richard J. Stall, Jr., rejected in its entirety Plaintiff's claim and demand for payment of 13 the $493,101.50 owed to Plaintiff. 14 42. From October 21, 2019 and thereafter demand has been made and continues to be 15 made to all Defendants by Plaintiff to pay to Plaintiff the amounts due on the November 25, 16 1996 Promissory Note, including the interest thereon. All of said Defendants and Does 26-50 17 have refused to pay the Plaintiff the amounts due and demanded, thereby breaching the terms of 18 the November 25, 1996 Promissory Note that payment would be made after July 25, 1997 on 19 demand. 20 43. Plaintiff has performed all obligations to Defendants and Does 26-50 except those 21 obligations Plaintiff was prevented or excused from performing. 22 44. Plaintiff has suffered damages legally caused by the Defendants ' and Does 26-50 23 breach of the written agreement in the sum of$493,101.50 as of October 15 , 2019, and $41.09 24 per day thereafter in interest pursuant to the terms of the November 25 , 1996 Promissory Note. 25 45. Under the terms of the November 25, 1996 Promissory Note, Plaintiff is entitled 26 to reasonable attorneys fees as the court may determine. In addition, Plaintiff is entitled to 27 attorneys fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 9354 (c) for bad faith rejection of a Creditor' s 28 Claim. Complaint for Damages 1 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 2 (Common Counts-Account Stated against all Defendants and Does 26-50) 3 46. Plaintiff re-alleges and incorporates herein by reference all of the foregoing 4 allegations in Paragraphs 1-45 of this complaint, inclusive. 5 47. Defendants and each of them and Does 26-50 owed Plaintiff money from a loan 6 from Plaintiff to Richard J. Stall which was later memorialized in a promissory note dated 7 November 25 , 1996 in Los Angeles County, California. The note entitled Plaintiff to a sum of 8 $150,000 at 10% interest per annum to be paid by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. on demand. A 9 true and correct copy of the written promissory note signed by Decedent Richard E. Stall, Jr. is 1O attached hereto as part of Exhibit 4. 11 48. Plaintiff and Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. the original trustee and trustor of 12 Defendant TRUST by words or conduct agreed that the amount stated in the account of $150,000 13 at 10% simple interest per annum from November 25 , 1996 to the time of Decedent' s death on 14 October 26, 2018, was the correct amount owed to Plaintiff by Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. 15 and Does 26-50 . 16 49. Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Defendants and Does 26-50 by words and/or 17 conduct promised to pay the entire stated amount of the loan of $150,000 at 10% simple interest 18 per annum from November 25 , 1996 upon demand. 19 50 . Decedent Richard J. Stall, Jr. and Defendants and Does 26-50 have not paid 20 Plaintiff any of the amount owed under this account. 21 51. Less than four (4) years have elapsed since demand has been made for payment. 22 52. The amount of money Defendants and Does 26-50 owe to Plaintiff on this account 23 1s $493,101.50 as of October 15, 2019 and $41.09 per day thereafter in interest. 24 53. Under the terms of the November 25, 1996 Promissory Note, Plaintiff is entitled 25 to reasonable attorneys fees as the court may determine. In addition, Plaintiff is entitled to 26 attorneys fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 9354 (c) for bad faith rejection of a Creditor' s 27 Claim. 28 /// Complaint for Damages 1 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment against Defendents, and each of them, as 2 follows: 3 First Cause of Action Against All Defendants 4 1. For compensatory damages in the sum of$383,631.18 through October 15 , 2019; 5 2. Prejudgment interest in the sum of $95 .45 per day from October 15, 2019 until 6 fully paid; 7 3. For reasonable attorneys ' fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 9354 (c); 8 4. For costs of the suit; and 9 5. For such other relief as this court deems just and proper. 10 Second Cause of Action Against All Defendants 11 1. For compensatory damages in the sum of $383,631.18 through October 15 , 2019; 12 2. Prejudgment interest in the sum of $95.45 per day from October 15, 2019 until 13 fully paid; 14 3. For reasonable attorneys ' fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 9354(c) ; 15 4. For costs of the suit; and 16 5. For such other relief as this com1 deems just and proper. 17 Third Cause of Action Against All Defendants 18 1. For compensatory damages in the sum of $493,101.50 through October 15 , 2019 ; 19 2. Prejudgment interest in the sum of $41.09 per day from October 15 , 2019 until 20 fully paid; 21 3. For attorneys ' fees pursuant to contract and pursuant to Probate Code Section 22 9354 (c). 23 4. For costs of the suit; and 24 5. For such other relief as this court deems just and proper. 25 Fourth Cause of Action Against All Defendants 26 1. For compensatory damages in the sum of $493 , 101.50 through October 15, 2019; 27 2. Prejudgment interest in the sum of $41.09 per day from October 15 , 2019 until 28 fully paid; Complaint for Damages 1 3. For attorneys' fees pursuant to Probate Code Section 9354 (c) . 2 4. For costs of the suit; and 3 5. For such other relief as this court deems just and proper. 4 5 DA TED: February j_l_, 2020 BAKER, BURTON & LUNDY A Professional Corporation 6 7 By: 8 Attorneys for Plaintiff Vincent M. Lucy 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Complaint for Damages EXHIBIT 1 DE -157 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION OF i HE ESTATE OF Richard J. Stall Jr. (NAME) DECEDENT NOTICE TO CREDITORS 1. (Name): Matthew Richard Stall (Address): Law Office of Edgar Saenz 8921 S, Sepulveda Blvd., Suite 101 Los Angeles, California 90045 (Telephone): (310) 417-9900 is the personal representative of the ESTA TE OF (name) : Richard J. Stall, Jr. , who is deceased. 2. The personal representative HAS BEGUN ADMINISTRATION of the decedent's estate in the a. SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF (specify): Los Angeles STREET ADDRESS: 111 N. Hill St. MAILINGADDRESS: 111 N, Hill St. cITY AND 2IP cooE: Los Angeles, CA 90012 BRANCH NAME: Central b. Case number (specify): 19 STPB 03149 3. You must FILE YOUR CLAIM with the court clerk (address in item 2a) AND mail or deliver a copy to the personal representative before the last to occur of the following dates: a. four months after (date) : / June 14, 2019 /, the date letters (authority to act for the estate) were first issued to a general personal representative, as defined in subdivision (b) of section 58 of the California Probate Code, OR b. 60 days after (date) : / August 29, 2019 / , the date this notice was mailed or personally delivered to you . 4. LATE CLAIMS: If you do not file your claim within the time required by law, you must file a petition with the court for permission to file a late claim as provided in Probate Code section 9103. Not all claims are eligible for additional time to file. See section 9103(a). EFFECT OF OTHER LAWS: Other California statutes and legal authority may affect your rights as a creditor. You may want to consult with an attorney knowledgeable in California law. WHERE TO GET A CREDITOR'S CLAIM FORM: If a Creditor's Claim (form DE-172) did not accompany this notice, you may obtain a copy of the form from any superior court clerk or from the person who sent you this notice. You may also access a fillable version of the form on the Internet at under the form group Probate-Decedents' Estates. A letter to the court stating your claim is not sufficient. FAILURE TO FILE A CLAIM: Failure to file a claim with the court and serve a copy of the claim on the personal representative will in most instances invalidate your claim. IF YOU MAIL YOUR CLAIM: If you use the mail to file your claim with the court, for your protection you should send your claim by certified mail, with return receipt requested. If you use the mail to serve a copy of your claim on the personal representative, you should also use certified mail. Note: To assist the creditor and the court, please send a blank copy of the Creditor's Claim form with this notice. (Proof of Service by Mail on reverse) Pago 1 of 2 Fonn Adopted for Mandatory Use Ptoboto Code, §§ 905 0, 9052 Judicial Council of California NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TO CREDITORS \'AV\' DE-1 57 (Rev. January 1, 20131 (Probate-Decedents' Estates) DE-157 CASE NUMBER: ESTATE OF (Name): Richard J. Stall, Jr. 19 STPB 03149 - DECEDENT [Optional] PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. I am a resident of or employed In the county where the mailing occurred. 2. My residence or business address is (specify): 8921 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 101 Los Angeles, CA 90045 3. I served the foregoing Notice of Administration to Creditors D and a blank Creditors Claim form• on each person named below by enclosing a copy In an envelope addressed as shown below AND a. [lJ depositing the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. b. D placing the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in item 4 following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with the business's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence Is placed for collection and mailing, it Is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service in a sealed envelope with postage fu!ly prepaid. 4. a. Date of deposit: August 29, 2019 b. Place of deposit (city and state): Los Angeles, California I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and ·correct. Date: AVG- u-rr 2..'cf, 2, 0 I9 Mladen Singer (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DEClARANT) NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO WHOM NOTICE WAS MAILED Name of 12erson Address (number, street, city, state, and zip code) 1. !First Financial Bank 255 East Fifth Street, Suite 700 Cincinnati, OH 45202 1 2. =========================~:=:========================================================:::: 515 North Sepulveda Boulevard, Suite D Law Office of Steven F. Carvel (Courtesy Copy) Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 3. ~===================! 34 !Vincent Michael Lucy Fairway Drive. ~anhattan Beach, CA 90266 1 4. ~==================== I!======================I~=================================================! I::=:====================::I;:=::::::::==========================================~ 5. 6. 7. I ===================/ ;:===================================================~ I ===========================:' :========================================================== I _ ______,/,____ _ 8. D List of names and addresses continued in attachment. (You may use form PO~),30(P) to show additional persons to whom a copy of this notice was malled. Do not use page 2 of this form or form POS-030 1P) to show that you personally delivered a copy of this notice to a creditor. You may use forms POS-020 and POS-020(P) f,ir that purpose.) • NOTE: To assist the creditor and the court, please send a blank copy of the Creditor's Claim (form DE- 172) with the notice. DE-167 IRov, Jonuo,y 1, 20131 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION TO CREDITORS Page 2 or 2 (Probate-Decedents' Estates) EXHIBIT 2 Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California , County of Los Angeles 10/2 1/20 19 12:07 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk, By A Malfavo n, Deputy Clerk DE-172 · ATTORNEY OR PARTY V\1THOUT ATTORNEY (Nema, s/a/a bar number, and address}: TELEPHONE AND FN< NDS,; FOR COURT USE ONLY _ BRAD N, BAKER (SBN 065106) 310-376-9893 BAKER,BURTON &LUNDY,P.C, 310-376-7483 515 PIER A VENUE HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 AHORNEY FOR (Name}: SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 111 NORTH HILL STREET STREET ADDRESS; MAILING ADDRESS; 111 NORTH HILL STREET CITYANOZIPCODE; LOS ANGELES, CA 90012 BRANCH NAME: CENTRAL ESTATE OF (Name): RICHARD J. STALL, JR DECEDENT CASE NUMBER: CREDITOR'S CLAIM 19STPB03149 You must file this claim with the court clerk at the court address above before the LATER of (a) four months after the date letters (authority to act for the estate) were first Issued to the personal representative, or (b) sixty days after the dale the Notice of Administration was given to the creditor, If notice was given as provided in Probate Code section 9051. You must also mail or deliver a copy of this claim to the personal representative and his or her attorney, A proof of service Is on the reverse. WARNING: Your claim will in most Instances be invalid If you do not properly complete this form, file It on time with the court, and mall or deliver a copy to the personal representative and his or her attorney, 1. Total amount of the claim: $ 383,631.18 plus $95 .45 per day 2, Claimant (name): VINCENT M, LUCY a, Q'.J an individual b, D an individual or entity doing business under the fictitious name of (specify): c. D a partnership. The person signing has authority to sign on behalf of the partnership. d, D a corporation. The person signing has authority to sign on behalf of the corporation, e. D other (specify): 3. Address of claimant (specify): 34 Fairway Drive, Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 4. Claimant Is [l] the creditor D a person acting on behalf of creditor (stete reason): 5. D Claimant Is D the personal representative D the attorney for the personal representative. 6, I am authorized to make this claim which Is just and due or may become due. All payments on or offsets to the claim have been credited. Facts supporting the claim are D on reverse D attached. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California t~f e for oln$Js'true and correct. _ ________ •-.. Date: V V __ _ , /} .L. _) VINCENT M. LUCY ~ ~-7, - ,/ ~ ~,. / ) _ (s1ONATURE oF cLAliitANti· . ___... • • • • · · (TYPE oR PR1Ni- NAME.AND 11rLEi • • • • INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANT • • • A On the reverse, Itemize the claim and show the date the service was rendered or the debt Incurred. Describe the Item or serv1c in C detail, and Indicate the amount claimed for each Item. Do not Include debts incurred after the date of death, except funeral claims. B. If the clalm Is not due or contingent, or the amount Is not yet ascertainable, state the facts supporting the claim. C. If the claim is secured by a note or other written Instrument, the original or a copy must be attached (state why original is unava//able.) if secured by mortgage, deed of trust, or other lien on property that Is of record, It Is sufficient to describe the security and refer to the date or volume and page, and county where recorded. (See Prob, Code, § 9152,) D. Mall or take this original claim to the court clerk's office for filing. If mailed, use certified mall, with return receipt requested. E. Mall or deliver a copy to the personal representative and his or her attorney. Complete the Proof of Mai/Ing or Personal Delivery on the reverse. F, The personal representative or his or her attorney will notify you when your claim Is allowed or rejected, G. Claims against the estate by the personal representative and the attorney for the personal representative must be flied within the claim period allowed In Probate Code section 9100. See the notice box above. (Continued on reverse) Form Approvod by lh• Probola Code,§§ 0000 el soq., 9163 Judicial Council o/ Callromla CREDITOR'S CLAIM DE-172 fRov. January 1, 1998) (Probate) ESTATE OF (Name) : CASE NUMBER: RICHARD J. STALL, JR. DECEDENT 19STPB03149 FACTS SUPPORTING THE CREDITOR'S CLAIM [ZJ See attachment (if space ls insufficient) Date of item Item and supporting facts Amount claimed 1993 The sum of $348,418.02 was borrowed by the decedent who paid 10% per As of October annum simple interest in 12 equal monthly installments of $2,934.42 each. 15, 2019 the These payments were made for years and years starting in 1993 and sum of continued until October of 2018 when decedent died. The executor is aware $383,631.18 of this loan, and as an officer of the Court would hopefully be truthful in plus interest at acknowledging this debt. the rate of $95.45 per day. Attached hereto are a sampling of the payments made by the decedent for 2016, 2017, 2018. More cancelled checks can be provided if requested. TOTAL: $ PROOF OF [ZJ MAILING □ PERSONAL DELIVERY TO PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE (Be sure to mall or take the original to the court clerk's office for filing) 1. I am the creditor or a person acting on behalf of the creditor. At the time of mailing or delivery I was at least 18 years of age. 2. My residence or business address Is (specify): 515 PIER AVENUE, HERMOSA BEACH, CA 90254 3. I mailed or personally delivered a copy of this Creditor's Claim to the personal representative as follows (check either a orb below): a. [lJ Mall. I am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. (1) I enclosed a copy in an envelope AND (a) D deposited the sealed envelope with the United States Postal Service with the postage fully prepaid. (b) [lJ placed the envelope for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown in items below following our ordinary business practices. I am readily familiar with this business' practice for collecting and processing correspondence for malling. On the same day that correspondence Is placed for collection and mailing, it Is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service In a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid . (2) The envelope was addressed and mailed first-class as follows: (a) Name of personal representative served: Matthew Richard Stall (b) Address on envelope: Law Office of Edgar Saenz 8921 S. Sepulveda Blvd. Suite 101, Los Angeles, CA 90045 (c) Date of mailing: 10/21/2019 (d) Place of mailing (city and state): l-lt::rmosa Beach, CA 90254 b. D Personal de/Ivery. I personally delivered a copy of the claim to the personal representative as follows: (1) Name of personal representative served: (2) Address where delivered: (3) Date delivered: (4) Time delivered: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 10/21/2019 WH1TNEY RICE (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF CLAIMANT) DE-172 (Rev. January 1,19981 ► Page two CREDITOR'S CLAIM (Probate) CHECKING J'x:1' CHASEC.'l DEPOSIT SAVINGS D CHASE LIQUID 0 Today's Dalo R/T 500001020 I ;J___7nJ/1~0/ crs107 I nn1 jG le · CASH ► 0 v, M J-,_, y ,, rn ·Y\ ~ " ' Sign Here (If cash la rscslved from lhl• depo,Jt) -· -- ---- - - • · • • - • • • •; CHECK ► 0 X "'-t - NIJOGO-CH (Ri:rt, 07/12) 6<)17029 bW111 T S\lr\ you, accounl nurnber htr• '''< ► SUBTOTAL Cf,,SH SACK ► ► TOTAL $ CHECKING if CHASEO DEPOSIT SAVINGS 0 CHASE LIQUID 0 M 500001020 CASH C, ,,'" CtiECK T°.:,AELR FSRl o0M 1,,. 0 Sign Hore/II cnsh I• recolved from th/u depo8ff) ------------- ----- -, 0 '" 0• ,,. en X :,' ... - NIXM-CH \Aw. 01/12) Y !ltu1 yQIH 1u;:counl num~r here , '' L► SUBTOTAl CASH BACK ► ► TOTAL$ CHECKING 0 DEPOSIT SAVINGS 0 CHASE LIQUID 0 RIT 500001020 ► C~SH CHE CK ► :l.131 -15 Sign Hore (II c•sh I• ror:o/rod from this dapa>II) - - - - • • • - - - - - - - - - - - - ; ~~~~~~iEII ► ------- X : SUOTOTAL ► Nl:>ooO-CH {Hw. 07112) 60174729 o.s.1 1/J ''