Valdez v. AGP E-Glass Co., et al. – Case No. 2022-4301 On September 16, 2022, Defendant filed a motion to compel arbitration and stay the case. On November 15, 2022, the court imposed a stay pending the California Supreme Court case of Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc. On July 17, 2023, the California Supreme Court issued its ruling, Adolph v. Uber Technologies, Inc. (2023) 14 Cal.5th 1104. The stay in this matter is hereby LIFTED. Hearing on the motion is CONTINUED to December 20, 2023 at 9:00 am in Dept. 10B. In light of the California Supreme Court’s decision, the parties are ordered to file further briefing. Defendant is ordered to file supplemental briefing on or before November 22, 2023. Plaintiff shall file response on or before December 1, 2023. Defendant may file a reply on or before December 12, 2023. Courtesy copies of the briefs are required per San Joaquin County Local Rule 3-117. Additionally, given that the motion is CONTINUED, the Case Management Conference of November