Plaintiff’s Motion to Bifurcate and Advance the Trial Date on the issue of whether there an exception to the “nonliability rule” should apply in this case is DENIED. Under CCP section 598, the court is given great discretion with respect to the order of issues at trial. “The court may, when the convenience of witnesses, the ends of justice, or the economy and efficiency of handling the litigation would be promoted thereby, on motion of a party, after notice and hearing, make an order . . . that the trial of any issue or any part thereof shall precede the trial of any other issues or any part thereof in the case . . ..” (CCP § 598.) Similarly, CCP § 1048 specifies the court’s discretion in regard to bifurcating issues for separate trial. “The court, in furtherance of convenience or to avoid prejudice, or when separate trials will be conducive to expedition and economy, may order a separate trial of any cause of action . . . or of any separate issue or of any number of causes of action o