Case Number:
Hearing Date:
July 9, 2024

This is a quiet title action. Plaintiff Clearview Real Estate Holdings, LLC (Plaintiff) alleges presents that the real property at issue is commonly known as 1741 Viridian Ave., Lancaster, CA 93534 and provides the legal description in Exhibit A of the Complaint (the Subject Property). Plaintiff further presents that it is the current and true legal and equitable titleholder to the Subject Property by way of a perfected and duly recorded trustees deed upon sale; Defendant Amir Aki Shaheed-Edwards (Shaheed-Edwards) is the former borrower under that certain deed of trust dated September 16, 2019, and recorded in the Official Records of Los Angeles County as Document Number 20190977291 and has no valid right, title, lien, or interest in the Subject Property; and that Defendant Society Ventures LLC (Society Ventures) claims to have a lien interest in the Subject Property through the fraudulent use