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  • Laureen Thompson vs California Schools Employees Association et al. Limited Civil Other Contract document preview
  • Laureen Thompson vs California Schools Employees Association et al. Limited Civil Other Contract document preview
  • Laureen Thompson vs California Schools Employees Association et al. Limited Civil Other Contract document preview
  • Laureen Thompson vs California Schools Employees Association et al. Limited Civil Other Contract document preview


SC Oo aH HW BP YW N BNR YN NN ND Be ee eB Bee Se ee BSR RPE SBR EB SERRE BH LS ANDREW J. KAHN ED State Bar No. 129776 FILE a AMY DUNNING we re State Bar No. 171408 21 APRIG PH S52 CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION aunt fl EY, CLERIC 2045 Lundy Avenue BRARNDGH Egil. Ov. coche San Jose, California 95131 (408) 473-1000 Fax (408) 954-0948 Attorneys for CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, and its DELTA VALLEY CHAPTER No. 821 STATE OF CALIFORNIA SUPERIOR COURT COUNTY OF SAN JOAQUIN LAUREEN THOMPSON ) Case No.: STK-CV-LOCT-2021-0000038 ) Plaintiff, 5 ) DECLARATION OF AMY DUNNING IN ve ; SUPPORT OF DEMURRER CALIFORNIA SCHOOL EMPLOYEES ) ASSOCIATION, et al., } Hearing Date: MAY 1 9 2021 . ) Time: G:00 AM Defendants. ) Department:' 10B ) Judge: Hon, Carter Holly ) 2 ) I, Amy Dunning, declare as follows: 1. lam an attorney licensed to practice in the State of California. I am employed as a Staff Attomey with the California School Employees Association (“CSEA”), and I represent the defendants in the present case. 2. Ihave met and conferred with Plaintiff Laureen Thompson about CSEA’s demurrer. Specifically, I spoke with Ms. Thompson by telephone on April 6, 2021, We discussed the various grounds for demurrer and the legal issues involved. Ms. Thompson agreed to have the defendants Roderick Gaulman and Casey Thompson dismissed from the Complaint. We were otherwise unable to reach agreement about our different legal positions. -l- DECLARATION OF AMY DUNNING IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER FILE BY FAX“ I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed this 13" day of April 2021, in Oakland, Califomnia. GND Amy Dunning Attomey for Defendants -2- DECLARATION OF AMY DUNNING IN SUPPORT OF DEMURRER