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  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • DRM IRON & METAL, LLC VS VREDE RECYCLING, INC. DBA 84 RECYCLING, ET AL. Fraud (no contract) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 08:25 PM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by E. Salcido,Deputy Clerk 20LBCV00103 Assigned for all purposes to: Governor George Deukmejian Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Michael Vicencia 1 James D. Hornbuckle SBN 230407 34145 Pacific Coast Hwy., Ste. 221 2 Dana Point, CA 92629 Telephone: 949-499-1822 3 Fax: 949-340-9655 4 ATTORNEY FOR PLAINTIFF 5 DRM IRON & METAL, LLC 6 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 7 IN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 8 9 DRM IRON & METAL, LLC ) CASE NO: ) ) VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR: 10 Plaintiffs, ) 11 v. ) ) 1. MONEY HAD AND RECEIVED; 12 Vrede Recycling, Inc. DBA 84 Recycling; )) 2. OPEN BOOK ACOUNT; Megan Ashley Prins; Courtney Amber ) 3. ACCOUNT STATED 13 McCarthy and DOES 1 through 10 ) 4. UNJUST ENRICHMENT; 14 inclusive. ) 5. FRAUD ) 15 ) Defendants ) 16 ) Action filed: ) 17 ) JURY TRIAL DEMANDED ) 18 ) ) AMOUNT ALLEGED IN THE 19 ) COMPLAINT IS $49,930.98 ) 20 ) ) 21 ) ) 22 ) ) 23 ) ) 24 ) 25 26 27 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 1 1 JURISDICTION 2 This Court has subject matter jurisdiction over this action pursuant to California 3 Business and Professions Code §17204 and California Code of Civil Procedure §410.10. 4 This Court has Personal jurisdiction over the parties because Defendant Vrede Recycling, 5 6 Inc. DBA 84 Recycling chose to do business with the Plaintiff who is located in the 7 County of Los Angeles with a business address of 6444 E. Spring Street, Long Beach, 8 CA 90815. 9 10 THE PARTIES 11 1. Plaintiff DRM IRON & METAL, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “DRM”) is a 12 California limited liability company that is in the business of buying and reselling scrap 13 iron and metal. 14 2. Defendant Vrede Recycling, Inc. DBA 84 Recycling (hereinafter referred to as 15 “84 Recycling”) is a California corporation that is in the business of processing and 16 selling scrap iron and metal. 17 3. On information and belief, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Megan Ashley Prins is 18 an officer, direct and/or shareholder of Defendant 84 Recycling and an alter ego of 19 Defendant 84 Recycling. 20 4. On information and belief, Plaintiff alleges that Defendant Courtney Amber 21 McCarthy is an officer, direct and/or shareholder of Defendant 84 Recycling and an alter 22 ego of Defendant 84 Recycling. 23 5. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and based upon such information and belief 24 alleges, that there exists, and at all times herein mentioned there existed, a unity of 25 interest and ownership between Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins 26 and Courtney Amber McCarthy and Defendant 84 Recycling, such that any 27 individuality and separateness between Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan 28 Ashley Prins and Courtney Amber McCarthy and Defendant 84 Recycling have ceased, VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 2 1 and Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and Courtney Amber 2 McCarthy are the alter egos of Defendant 84 Recycling in that one or more of the 3 following exists: 4 (a) Defendant 84 Recycling is, and at all times herein mentioned, was a mere 5 shell and sham business organization without adequate capital; 6 (b) Defendant 84 Recycling was conceived, intended, and used by Defendant 7 DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and Courtney Amber McCarthy as a device 8 to avoid individual liability and for the purpose of substituting a financially insolvent 9 business organization in their place; 10 (c) Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and Courtney 11 Amber McCarthy used assets of Defendant 84 Recycling for their personal use, caused 12 assets of Defendant 84 Recycling to be transferred to them without adequate 13 consideration, and withdrew funds from the bank account of Defendant 84 Recycling 14 for their personal use; 15 (d) Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and Courtney 16 Amber McCarthy completely controlled, dominated, managed, and operated Defendant 17 84 Recycling and intermingled assets among themselves and Defendant 84 Recycling 18 (and other companies) to suit themselves, and to evade payment of the obligations owed 19 to Defendant 84 Recycling’s investors and creditors, including Plaintiff; and 20 (e) The business of Defendant 84 Recycling was carried out without the 21 observance of corporate formalities, such as the holding of required corporate or 22 company meetings and/or the keeping of corporate or company minutes of proceedings. 23 6. Adherence to the fiction of the separate existence of Defendant 84 Recycling as 24 an entity distinct from Defendant DOES and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and 25 Courtney Amber McCarthy would permit an abuse of the corporate privilege and would sanction a fraud and promote injustice. 26 \\ 27 \\ 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 3 1 7. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names, capacities, or basis for liability of 2 defendants DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, and therefore sues said defendants by their 3 fictitious names. Plaintiffs will amend this complaint to allege their true names, 4 capacities, or basis for liability when the same has been ascertained. Plaintiff is 5 informed and believes and thereon alleges that defendants DOES 1 through 10, 6 inclusive, and each of them, are in some manner liable to Plaintiff, or claim some right, 7 title, or interest in the subject property that is junior and inferior to that of Plaintiff, or 8 both. 9 8. At all times relevant to this action, each defendant, including those fictitiously 10 named, was the agent, servant, employee, partner, joint venturer, or surety of the other 11 defendants and was acting within the scope of said agency, employment, partnership, 12 venture, or suretyship, with the knowledge and consent or ratification of each of the 13 other defendants in doing the things alleged herein. 14 15 FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 16 9. Plaintiff DRM would regularly advance funds to Defendant 84 Recycling and 17 Defendant 84 Recycling would then in turn ship certain amounts of scrap iron and metal 18 19 to Plaintiff DRM. 20 10. As of August 31, 2018, DRM had advanced 84 Recycling the sum of $16,643.66 21 for scrap metal that 84 Recycling has failed to deliver to DRM. Attached to this 22 23 Complaint as Exhibit A are ledger pages from August 3, 2018 to August 31, 2018 24 showing the advances DRM Iron & Metal has paid to 84 Recycling for scrap metal and 25 the dates of each shipment and the value of each shipment. 26 27 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 4 1 11. 84 Recycling last shipped a load of scrap metal to DRM Iron & Metal on August 2 31, 2018 which brought the balance of the account owed by 84 Recycling to DRM Iron & 3 Metal to $16,643.66. 4 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION: 5 Money Had and Received 6 (Against All Defendants, and DOES 1 through 50) 7 12. Plaintiffs hereby allege and incorporate herein by reference, each and every other 8 paragraph contained in this complaint as if the same were fully set forth herein. 9 10 13. As of August 31, 2018, 84 Recycling received from DRM the sum of $16,643.66 11 that was intended to be used for the benefit of DRM for scrap metal that 84 Recycling has 12 failed to deliver to DRM. 13 14 14. The sum of $16,643.66 that was intended to be used for the benefit of DRM was 15 not used for the benefit of DRM. Defendants, and each of them instead used the 16 $16,643.66 for their own benefit. 17 18 15. Defendants and each of them have not given the $16,643.66 to Plaintiff DRM and 19 continue to fail to do so. 20 16. Plaintiff Plaintiff DRM has been damaged in an amount subject to proof that is at 21 22 least $16,643.66 plus legal fees meaning that Plaintiff’s demand will exceed $25,000. 23 \\ 24 \\ 25 \\ 26 27 \\ 28 \\ VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 5 1 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION: Open Book Account 2 (Against All Defendants, and DOES 1 through 50) 3 17. Plaintiffs hereby allege and incorporate herein by reference, each and every other 4 paragraph contained in this complaint as if the same were fully set forth herein. 5 6 18. Plaintiff DRM and Defendant 84 Recycling had financial transactions whereby 7 Plaintiff DRM would advance certain amounts to Defendant 84 Recycling and Defendant 8 84 Recycling would ship certain amounts of scrap metal to Plaintiff equal to the funds 9 10 advanced to Defendant 84 Recycling. 11 19. Plaintiff DRM kept an account of the debits and credits involved in the 12 transactions between Plaintiff DRM and Defendant 84 Recycling. Attached to this 13 14 Complaint as Exhibit A are ledger pages from August 3, 2018 to August 31, 2018 15 showing the account of the debits and credits involved in the transactions between 16 Plaintiff DRM and Defendant 84 Recycling namely the advances DRM Iron & Metal 17 18 paid to 84 Recycling for scrap metal and the dates of each shipment and the value of each 19 shipment to DRM. 20 20. Defendant 84 Recycling owes Plaintiff DRM money on the account. 21 22 21. Defendant 84 Recycling owes Plaintiff DRM the sum of $16,643.66 on the 23 account. 24 22. Plaintiff DRM has been damaged in an amount subject to proof that is at least 25 $16,643.66 plus legal fees meaning that Plaintiff’s demand will exceed $25,000. 26 27 \\ 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 6 1 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION: Account Stated 2 (Against All Defendants, and DOES 1 through 50) 3 23. Plaintiffs hereby allege and incorporate herein by reference, each and every other 4 paragraph contained in this complaint as if the same were fully set forth herein. 5 6 24. Defendant 84 Recycling owed Plaintiff DRM money from previous financial 7 transactions. 8 25. Plaintiff DRM and Defendant 84 Recycling, by words and/or conduct, agreed that 9 10 the amount stated in the account was the correct amount owed to Plaintiff DRM. 11 Attached to this Complaint as Exhibit A are ledger pages from August 3, 2018 to August 12 31, 2018 showing the account involved in the transactions between Plaintiff DRM and 13 14 Defendant 84 Recycling namely the advances DRM Iron & Metal paid to 84 Recycling 15 for scrap metal and the dates of each shipment and the value of each shipment to DRM. 16 26. Defendant 84 Recycling by words and/or conduct, promised to pay the stated 17 18 amount to Plaintiff DRM. 19 27. Defendant 84 Recycling has not paid Plaintiff DRM any of the outstanding 20 amounts owed to Plaintiff DRM under this account; and. 21 22 28. The amount of money Defendant 84 Recycling owes to Plaintiff DRM is 23 $16,643.66 on the account. 24 29. Plaintiff DRM has been damaged in an amount subject to proof that is at least 25 $16,643.66 plus legal fees meaning that Plaintiff’s demand will exceed $25,000. 26 27 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 7 1 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION: Unjust Enrichment 2 (All Defendants, and DOES 1 through 50) 30. Plaintiffs hereby allege and incorporate herein by reference, each and every other 3 4 paragraph contained in this complaint as if the same were fully set forth herein. 5 31. As of August 31, 2018, 84 Recycling received from DRM the sum of $16,643.66 6 that was intended to be used for the benefit of DRM for scrap metal that 84 Recycling has 7 8 failed to deliver to DRM. 9 32. Defendants and each of them as a result of receiving the sum of deliver $16,643.66 10 from Plaintiff and thereafter failing to deliver $16,643.66 worth of scrap iron and metal to 11 12 Plaintiff have been unjustly enriched as a result of their wrongful actions. 13 33. Defendants and each of them have been unjustly enriched by at least $16,643.66 14 plus interest for failing to deliver $16,643.66 worth of scrap iron and metal to Plaintiff. 15 16 17 FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 18 FRAUD (Against Defendants and DOES 1 through 50) 19 34. Plaintiffs hereby allege and incorporate herein by reference, each and every other 20 21 paragraph contained in this Complaint as if the same were fully set forth herein. 22 35. On or about August 8, 2018, Defendant Courtney Amber McCarthy, acting 23 individually and as an officer of Defendant 84 Recycling called Jose Martinez, owner of 24 25 DRM Iron & Metal and requested an additional advance of $15,000 at a time in which 26 Defendant 84 Recycling already owed DRM Iron & Metal $23,630 worth of scrap metal 27 when Defendant Courtney Amber McCarthy and each of the other Defendants knew that 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 8 1 Defendant 84 Recycling had no intention of fulfilling its obligation to ship additional 2 scrap metal to Plaintiff DRM. 3 36. Had Defendant 84 Recycling and Defendants Megan Ashley Prins and Courtney 4 Amber McCarthy been truthful about the true intentions of Defendant 84 Recycling on or 5 6 about August 8, 2018, then Plaintiff DRM would not have advanced an additional 7 $15,000 to Defendant 84 Recycling. 8 37. The fraudulent conduct of Defendants and each of them increased the amount of 9 10 scrap metal that Defendants owed to Plaintiff DRM and Plaintiff’s damages as a result of 11 the failure of Defendants to ship $16,643.66 worth of scrap metal to Plaintiff. 12 38. As a result of the fraudulent conduct of Defendants, Plaintiff DRM has been 13 14 damaged in an amount subject to proof that is at least $16,643.66 plus three times this 15 amount which equals $49,930.98 as punitive and treble damages due to the willful and 16 egregious fraudulent conduct of Defendants. 17 18 \\ 19 \\ 20 \\ 21 22 \\ 23 \\ 24 \\ 25 26 27 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 9 1 PRAYER FOR RELIEF 2 Plaintiff prays for the following damages and amounts from Defendants and each of 3 them: 4 1. Compensatory Damages of at least $16,643.66; 5 2. Special Damages in an amount to be determined by proof at trial; 6 3. General Damages in an amount to be determined by proof at trial; 7 4. Punitive Damages of at least $49,930.98; 8 5. Attorney’s fees and costs. 9 10 11 DATED: October 23, 2019 By: _____________________________ 12 James D, Hornbuckle, Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff DRM IRON & 13 METAL, LLC 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES AND EQUITABLE RELIEF Page 10 Exhibit A DRM IRON & METAL, LLC Account: Vrede Recycling, Inc. DBA 84 Recycling date ticket# gross tare net deduction net gross tons price amount paid amounr paid to 84 recy balance 12/21/2017 $10,000.00 wire 12/22/2017 614245 1 79760 36640 43120 19.25 $265.00 $5,101.25 12/26/2017 614330 2 78760 37680 41080 18.34 $265.00 $4,859.91 12/29/2017 $8,000.00 wire 12/29/2017 614513 3 77040 35460 41580 18.56 $265.00 $4,919.06 12/29/2017 614526 4 77960 36640 41320 18.45 $265.00 $4,888.30 1/2/2018 $9,000.00 wire 1/2/2018 $70.00 wire 1/2/2018 614582 5 77360 36580 40780 18.21 $285.00 $5,188.53 1/3/2018 614660 6 78080 36420 41660 18.60 $285.00 $5,300.49 1/4/2018 $2,451.58 wire 1/8/2018 $5,500.00 wire 1/10/2018 614922 7 79000 37660 41340 unprep 18.46 $280.00 $5,167.50 1/10/2018 $9,000.00 wire 1/12/2018 $2,000.00 wire 1/13/2018 $105.00 wire fee 1/13/2018 615113 8 79200 37460 41740 18.63 $280.00 $5,217.50 1/13/2018 615117 9 78540 36040 42500 18.97 $280.00 $5,312.50 1/13/2018 $389.20 paid check 1104 1/17/2018 $10,000.00 wire 1/17/2018 $35.00 wire fee 1/20/2018 615475 10 79280 36600 42680 19.05 $285.00 $5,430.27 1/20/2018 615477 11 78140 36620 41520 18.54 $285.00 $5,282.68 1/23/2018 $10,000.00 wire 1/26/2018 $35.00 wire fee 1/26/2018 615782 12 78400 37760 40640 18.14 $285.00 $5,170.71 1/27/2018 615841 13 78060 37700 40360 18.02 $285.00 $5,135.09 1/31/2018 $11,025.09 wire 1/31/2018 $35.00 wire fee $66,973.79 $77,645.87 ($10,672.08) 2/2/2018 616219 14 78640 34520 44120 19.70 $285.00 $5,613.48 $850.00 freight 2/2/2018 616227 15 78360 35880 42480 18.96 $285.00 $5,404.82 $850.00 freight 2/5/2018 $8,400.00 wire 2/8/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/6/2018 616363 16 79620 35100 44520 19.88 $275.00 $5,465.63 $850.00 freight 2/6/2018 616375 17 77960 34900 43060 19.22 $275.00 $5,286.38 $850.00 freight 2/6/2018 $8,400.00 wire 2/6/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/7/2018 616453 18 77780 35140 42640 19.04 $275.00 $5,234.82 $850.00 freight 2/8/2018 616536 19 78960 33880 45080 20.13 $275.00 $5,534.38 $850.00 freight 2/8/2018 $12,900.00 wire 2/8/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/9/2018 616583 20 78620 34520 44100 19.69 $275.00 $5,414.06 $850.00 freight 2/13/2018 616620 21 77180 35480 41700 18.62 $275.00 $5,119.42 $850.00 freight 2/14/2018 616695 22 78580 34380 44200 19.73 275.00 $5,426.34 $850.00 freight 2/13/2018 $8,600.00 wire 2/13/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/14/2018 $8,600.00 wire 2/14/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/14/2018 616765 23 78240 34460 43780 19.54 $275.00 $5,374.78 $850.00 freight 2/15/2018 616841 24 78900 34560 44340 19.79 $275.00 $5,443.53 $850.00 freight 2/16/2018 616886 25 78500 35140 43360 19.36 $275.00 $5,323.21 $850.00 freight 2/16/2018 $5,900.00 wire 2/16/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/19/2018 26 68620 34220 34400 15.36 $200.00 $3,071.43 $850.00 freight 2/19/2018 27 66920 34760 32160 14.36 $200.00 $2,871.43 $850.00 freight 2/20/2018 617025 28 79520 34880 44640 19.93 $275.00 $5,480.36 $850.00 freight 2/20/2018 $10,000.00 wire 2/20/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/20/2018 617032 29 77780 34380 43400 19.38 $275.00 $5,328.13 $850.00 freight 2/21/2018 617081 30 77700 34880 42820 19.12 $275.00 $5,256.92 $850.00 freight 2/23/2018 $8,000.00 wire 2/23/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/23/2018 617216 31 78220 34920 43300 19.33 $275.00 $5,315.85 $850.00 freight 2/26/2018 617317 32 78560 34480 44080 19.68 $275.00 $5,411.61 $850.00 freight 2/27/2018 $8,000.00 wire 2/27/2018 $35.00 wire fee 2/28/2018 617441 33 78120 34460 43660 19.49 $275.00 $5,360.04 $850.00 freight 2/28/2018 $102,736.61 $96,115.00 $6,621.61 3/1/2018 $9,000.00 wire 3/1/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/1/2018 617507 34 79420 34880 44540 19.88 $275.00 $5,468.08 $850.00 freight 3/2/2018 617564 35 77800 34920 42880 19.14 $275.00 $5,264.29 $850.00 freight 3/5/2018 617630 36 78400 34960 43440 19.39 $275.00 $5,333.04 $850.00 freight 3/6/2018 $9,000.00 wire 3/6/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/8/2018 617787 37 78820 34920 43900 19.60 $285.00 $5,585.49 $850.00 freight 3/9/2018 617865 38 79680 34600 45080 20.13 $285.00 $5,735.63 $850.00 freight 3/9/2018 $9,000.00 wire 3/9/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/12/2018 617942 39 79780 34900 44880 20.04 $285.00 $5,710.18 $850.00 freight 3/13/2018 618006 40 76820 35120 41700 18.62 $285.00 $5,305.58 $850.00 freight 3/13/2018 $10,000.00 wire 3/13/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/14/2018 618087 41 77140 34860 42280 18.88 $285.00 $5,379.38 $850.00 freight 3/15/2018 618155 42 77440 34600 44840 20.02 $285.00 $5,705.09 $850.00 freight 3/15/2018 $15,000.00 wire 3/15/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/16/2018 618233 43 76080 34880 41200 18.39 $285.00 $5,241.96 $850.00 freight 3/19/2018 618345 44 79400 34500 44900 20.04 $285.00 $5,712.72 $850.00 freight 3/20/2018 618399 45 76820 34400 42420 18.94 $285.00 $5,397.19 $850.00 freight 3/20/2018 $15,000.00 wire 3/20/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/21/2018 618482 46 79460 34960 44500 19.87 $300.00 $5,959.82 $850.00 freight 3/22/2018 618562 47 78140 34960 43180 19.28 $300.00 $5,783.04 $850.00 freight 3/23/2018 618612 48 76220 34980 41240 18.41 $300.00 $5,523.21 $850.00 freight 3/26/2018 $15,000.00 wire 3/26/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/26/2018 618687 49 78880 34940 43940 19.62 $300.00 $5,884.82 $850.00 freight 3/27/2018 618756 50 79420 34600 44820 20.01 $300.00 $6,002.68 $850.00 freight 3/28/2018 618821 51 79000 34920 44080 19.68 $300.00 $5,903.57 $850.00 freight 3/29/2018 $15,000.00 wire 3/29/2018 $35.00 wire fee 3/29/2018 618893 52 79160 34620 44540 19.88 $300.00 $5,965.18 $850.00 freight 3/30/2018 618959 53 79060 34960 44100 19.69 $300.00 $5,906.25 $850.00 freight $106,860.94 $114,280.00 ($7,419.06) 4/2/2018 619065 54 79140 34340 44800 20.00 $300.00 $6,000.00 $850.00 freight 4/3/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/3/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/3/2018 619135 55 78700 34620 44080 19.68 $300.00 $5,903.57 $850.00 freight 4/3/2018 619153 56 78380 35460 42920 19.16 $300.00 $5,748.21 4/4/2018 619614 57 78620 36900 41720 18.63 $300.00 $5,587.50 4/4/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/4/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/4/2018 619215 58 77600 34300 43300 19.33 $300.00 $5,799.11 $850.00 freight 4/5/2018 619244 59 78520 37720 40800 18.21 $300.00 $5,464.29 4/5/2018 619285 60 78700 35540 43160 19.27 $300.00 $5,780.36 $850.00 freight 4/5/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/5/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/6/2018 619290 61 77660 35220 42440 18.95 $290.00 $5,494.46 4/6/2018 619292 62 78940 36920 42020 18.76 $290.00 $5,440.09 4/6/2018 619334 63 77800 35200 42600 19.02 $290.00 $5,515.18 4/9/2018 $25,000.00 wire 4/9/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/9/2018 619400 64 78980 34380 44600 19.91 $290.00 $5,774.11 $850.00 freight 4/9/2018 619406 65 79360 35440 43920 19.61 $290.00 $5,686.07 $850.00 freight 4/9/2018 66 79240 37680 41560 18.55 $200.00 $3,710.71 4/10/2018 619409 67 77900 36560 41340 18.46 $290.00 $5,352.05 4/10/2018 619426 68 78500 36840 41660 18.60 $290.00 $5,393.48 4/11/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/11/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/10/2018 619480 69 79000 35000 44000 19.64 $290.00 $5,696.43 $850.00 freight 4/11/2018 619504 70 79200 36820 42380 18.92 $290.00 $5,486.70 4/11/2018 619578 71 79080 34380 44700 19.96 $290.00 $5,787.05 4/12/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/12/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/12/2018 619632 72 78180 34900 43280 19.32 $290.00 $5,603.21 $850.00 freight 4/13/2018 619664 73 79200 36740 42460 18.96 $290.00 $5,497.05 4/13/2018 619666 74 78440 36820 41620 18.58 $290.00 $5,388.30 4/13/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/13/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/13/2018 619716 75 78520 35100 43420 19.38 $290.00 $5,621.34 $850.00 freight 4/13/2018 619726 76 77960 35100 42860 19.13 $290.00 $5,548.84 $850.00 freight 4/16/2018 619774 77 78840 36940 41900 18.71 $290.00 $5,424.55 4/16/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/16/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/16/2018 619834 78 78940 35080 43860 19.58 $290.00 $5,678.30 $850.00 fright 4/17/2018 619848 79 79800 36580 43220 19.29 $290.00 $5,595.45 4/17/2018 619852 80 79260 36620 42640 19.04 $290.00 $5,520.36 4/17/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/17/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/17/2018 619904 81 77340 34660 42680 19.05 $290.00 $5,525.54 $850.00 freight 4/17/2018 619914 82 78700 34940 43760 19.54 $290.00 $5,665.36 $850.00 freight 4/18/2018 619921 83 79920 36800 43120 19.25 $290.00 $5,582.50 4/18/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/18/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/18/2018 619995 84 80360 34640 45720 20.41 $290.00 $5,919.11 $850.00 freight 4/19/2018 620011 85 81760 36840 44920 20.05 $290.00 $5,815.54 4/20/2018 620090 86 77840 36000 41840 18.68 $290.00 $5,416.79 $850.00 freight 4/20/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/20/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/20/2018 620091 87 78060 36760 41300 18.44 $290.00 $5,346.88 4/21/2018 620138 88 77660 35000 42660 19.04 $290.00 $5,522.95 $850.00 freight 4/21/2018 620139 89 78220 38100 40120 17.91 $290.00 $5,194.11 4/23/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/23/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/23/2018 620161 90 77300 36740 40560 18.11 $290.00 $5,251.07 4/24/2018 620256 91 79140 37040 42100 18.79 $290.00 $5,450.45 4/25/2018 620296 92 78600 37660 40940 18.28 $290.00 $5,300.27 4/26/2018 $15,000.00 wire 4/26/2018 $35.00 wire fee 4/26/2018 620354 93 79040 37000 42040 18.77 $290.00 $5,442.68 4/27/2018 620425 94 79360 35040 44320 19.79 $290.00 $5,737.86 4/27/2018 620433 95 78540 37000 41540 18.54 $290.00 $5,377.95 4/27/2018 620482 96 78060 34360 43700 19.51 $290.00 $5,657.59 $850.00 freight 4/30/2018 620518 97 79740 37060 42680 19.05 $290.00 $5,525.54 4/30/2018 620570 98 78100 34380 43720 19.52 $290.00 $5,660.18 $850.00 freight $248,889.11 $220,755.00 ($28,134.11) 5/1/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/1/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/1/2018 602621 99 78200 36980 41220 18.40 $290.00 $5,336.52 5/2/2018 $15,000.00 wire $35.00 wire fee 5/2/2018 620710 100 78660 36960 41700 18.62 $290.00 $5,398.66 5/2/2018 620758 101 78880 34620 44260 19.76 $290.00 $5,730.09 $850.00 freight 5/3/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/3/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/3/2018 620798 102 78320 36260 42060 18.78 $290.00 $5,445.27 $850.00 freight 5/3/2018 620814 103 79360 37840 41520 18.54 $290.00 $5,375.36 $850 freight 5/3/2018 620865 104 76000 34420 41580 18.56 $290.00 $5,383.13 5/4/2018 $15,500.00 wire 5/4/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/4/2018 620896 105 77540 37920 39620 17.69 $290.00 $5,129.38 5/4/2018 620938 106 78740 34660 44080 19.68 $290.00 $5,706.79 $850.00 freight 5/8/2018 621064 107 77160 35360 41800 18.66 $290.00 $5,411.61 $850.00 freight 5/8/2018 621128 108 69480 35220 34260 15.29 $290.00 $4,435.45 $850.00 freight 5/10/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/10/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/10/2018 621343 109 77880 34160 43720 19.52 $290.00 $5,660.18 $850.00 freight 5/11/2018 621419 110 76720 35120 41600 18.57 $290.00 $5,385.71 $850.00 freight 5/12/2018 621421 111 76800 34800 42000 18.75 $290.00 $5,437.50 $850.00 wire 5/14/2018 621520 112 77540 34980 42560 19.00 $275.00 $5,225.00 $850.00 freight 5/15/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/15/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/15/2018 621622 113 76920 35180 41740 18.63 $275.00 $5,124.33 $850.00 freight 5/16/2018 621738 114 76160 33640 42520 18.98 $275.00 $5,220.09 $850.00 freight 5/17/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/17/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/18/2018 621835 115 78060 35320 42740 19.08 $275.00 $5,247.10 $850.00 Freight 5/18/2018 621911 116 75160 34980 40180 17.94 $275.00 $4,932.81 $850.00 Freight 5/21/2018 622034 117 72540 35120 37420 16.71 $275.00 $4,593.97 $850.00 Freight 5/21/2018 622050 118 71960 35000 36960 200 36760 16.41 $275.00 $4,512.95 $850.00 Freight 5/22/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/22/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/22/2018 622138 119 71480 34200 37280 16.64 $275.00 $4,576.79 $850.00 Freight 5/23/2018 622174 120 24100 wire 10.76 $200.00 $2,151.79 17660 HMS 7.88 $275.00 $2,168.08 5/23/2018 622232 121 76380 34940 41440 18.50 $275.00 $5,087.50 $850.00 freight 5/24/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/24/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/24/2018 622310 122 77020 34420 42600 19.02 $275.00 $5,229.91 $850.00 freight 5/25/2018 622384 123 77420 34420 43000 19.20 $275.00 $5,279.02 $850.00 freight 5/25/2018 622395 124 74620 35000 39620 17.69 $275.00 $4,864.06 $850.00 freight 5/29/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/29/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/29/2018 622427 125 70860 34780 36080 16.11 $275.00 $4,429.46 $850.00 freight 5/29/2018 622492 126 78260 36840 41420 18.49 $275.00 $5,085.04 5/29/2018 622497 127 78780 34960 43820 19.56 $275.00 $5,379.69 $850.00 freight 5/30/2018 $15,000.00 wire 5/30/2018 $35.00 wire fee 5/30/2018 622538 128 78140 34380 43760 19.54 $275.00 $5,372.32 $850.00 freight 5/31/2018 622612 129 77320 35340 41980 18.74 $275.00 $5,153.79 $850.00 freight $159,469.33 $172,100.00 $12,630.67 6/1/2018 $15,000.00 wire 6/1/2018 $35.00 wire fee 6/1/2018 622637 130 78420 36680 41740 18.63 $275.00 $5,124.33 6/1/2018 622684 131 78340 34800 43540 300 43240 19.30 $275.00 $5,308.48 $850.00 freight 6/1/2018 622687 132 79260 36500 42760 200 42560 19.00 $275.00 $5,225.00 6/4/2018 622786 133 77340 34940 42400 200 42200 18.84 $275.00 $5,180.80 $850.00 freight 6/4/2018 622810 134 79320 33980 45340 20.24 $275.00 $5,566.29 $850.00 freight 6/4/2018 15,000.00 wire 6/4/2018 $35.00 wire fee 6/5/2018 $15,000.00 wire fee 6/5/2018 $35.00 wire fee 6/5/2018 622860 135 78200 34420 43780 19.54 $275.00 $5,374.78 $850.00 freight 6/5/2018 $35.00 wire fee 6/6/2018 622870 136 76040 35560 40480 18.07 $275.00 $4,969.64 $850.00 freight 6/6/2018 622924 137 76580 34160 42420 300 42120 18.80 $275.00 $5,170.98 $850.00 freight 6/7/2018 623000 138 75220 33980 41240 300 40940 18.28 $275.00 $5,026.12 $850.00 freight 6/7/2018 623008 139 78200 34960 43240 400 42840 19.13 $275.00 $5,259.38 $850.00 freight 6/8/2018 $15,000.00 wire 6/8/2018 $35.00 wire fee 6/8/2018 623059 140 77960 34440 43520 19.43 $275.00 $5,342.86 $850.00 freight 6/11/2018 623068 141 73100 35160 37940 16.94 $265.00 $4,488.44 $850.00 freight 6/11/2018 623180 142 78320 34840 43480 19.41 $265.00 $5,143.