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  • Reese Property Investments, LLC vs Titan Group 2022 LLC LT Non-Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • Reese Property Investments, LLC vs Titan Group 2022 LLC LT Non-Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • Reese Property Investments, LLC vs Titan Group 2022 LLC LT Non-Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview
  • Reese Property Investments, LLC vs Titan Group 2022 LLC LT Non-Residential Eviction- Possession Only document preview


IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, STATE OF FLORIDA Plaintiff, REESE PROPERTY INVESTMENTS, LLC Case No. 24CC5379 vs. Division “S” TITAN GROUP 2022, LLC Defendants. / ORDER OF NOTIFICATION THIS CAUSE coming before the Court, sua sponte, pursuant to F.S. Section 83.232(3), and the Court being fully advised in the premises, notifies the Tenant/Defendant as follows: 1 If the Tenant/Defendant, (hereinafter, "Tenant") does not contest the amount alleged in the Complaint as unpaid rent, then the Tenant must deposit into the Court Registry the amount alleged in the Complaint as unpaid rent on or before the date upon which the Tenant's Answer to the Complaint for possession is due. 2. If the Tenant contests the amount, the Tenant shall file a Verified Motion to Determine Rent, along with documentation in support of the allegation that the rent as alleged in the complaint is in error. The Tenant shall immediately pay into the registry of the Court any undisputed amount of rent and shall, thereafter, pay the amount determined by the Court into the Court Registry on the day that the Court makes its determination. 3 Upon good cause shown, the Court may extend the time period described above to allow for later payment. 4 In all cases, the Tenant must deposit into the Court Registry any rent accruing during the pendency of the action. 5 Failure of the Tenant to pay the rent into the Court Registry pursuant to this Order shall be deemed an absolute waiver of the Tenant's defenses, except the defenses of payment or satisfaction of the rent. 02/06/2024 12:35:59 AM Electronically Filed: Hillsborough County/13th Judicial Circuit. Page 1 DONE and ORDERED in Chambers, at Tampa, Hillsborough County, Florida this day of February Xx, 2024. 24-CC7045379 216 ‘20R4 A 2:35}! 24-CC-005379 2/6/2024 1 MELISSA C. BLACK — COUNTY JUDGE CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE Thereby certify that a copy of the Order of Notification has been furnished to the parties listed below by U.S. Mail this day of February 1, 2024. Rebyn 2 Algresta Robyn D’Agresta Judicial As ant to Judge Mel C. Black (813) 301-7033 CIVDIVS @FLJUD13.0ORG 02/06/2024 12:35:59 AM Electronically Filed: Hillsborough County/13th Judicial Circuit. Page 2