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  • LIVING TRUST DATED JANUARY 18, 2018 THE LAST WILL OF LINDA PRIDE Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • LIVING TRUST DATED JANUARY 18, 2018 THE LAST WILL OF LINDA PRIDE Trust (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles 1/11/2021 9:28 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk, By R. Servando, Deputy Clerk 1 Alan R. Jampol (SBN 053815) Email: 2 JAMPOL LAW APC 1801 Century Park East, 25th Floor 3 Los Angeles, CA 90067 (310) 556-9678 – Office 4 (310) 614-4149 – Cell 5 Attorneys for Petitioner Christopher Pride 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 Case No. 18STPB06078 In the Matter of 11 Assigned to Judge William Barry THE LAST WILL OF LINDA PRIDE 12 LIVING TRUST dated January 18, 2018 PETITIONER’S RESPONES TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE 13 BLOCKED FUNDS; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND 14 AUTHORITIES 15 [Declaration of Christopher Pride and Objections to Declarations 16 filed concurrently] 17 Date: January 28, 2021 Time: 3:00 PM 18 Dept: 79 19 Petitioner Christopher Pride hereby submits his Memorandum of Points and 20 Authorities in response to the Court’s order to show cause re disposition of the blocked 21 account at American Business Bank. along with the declaration of Christopher Pride and 22 his Objections to Declarations, both filed concurrently herewith. 23 Dated: January 8, 2021 24 JAMPOL LAW APC 25 26 By____________________ 27 Alan R. Jampol Attorneys for Petitioner Christopher Pride 28 1 PETITIONER’S RESPONSE TO ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE BLOCKED FUNDS