Case Number: CVCV22-0199210
Tentative Ruling on Motion to Continue Trial Date: This matter involves multiple parties and Cross-
Complaints. Plaintiff is Paula Fiscus. Defendant/Cross-Defendants/Cross-Complainants Gregory G. Gonzales
and Marcia J. Gonzales, Trustees of the Greg and Marcia Gonzales Family 2014 Revocable Trust will be referred
to as the Gonzales Defendants. James Patterson and Patterson Landscape/Yard Manicurist Agency will be
referred to as the Patterson Defendants. The Gonzales Defendants have filed a Motion to Continue the presently
set August 20, 2024, trial date. The Patterson Defendants have joined the motion. Plaintiff has opposed the
motion. Defendant American Contractors Indemnity Company has not filed anything related to the motion and
did not attend the ex parte hearing on June 27, 2024, at which time was shortened to hear the motion today instead
of July 22, 2024, as originally noticed. There is no evidence that the Gonzales Defend