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  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview


V \y SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Simon Sanchez Case No.: CiVSB 21181.51 VS. CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., et al. A civilaction or proceeding presented for filingmust be accompanied by this Certificate. Ifthe ground isthe residence of a party, name and residence shall be stated. The undersigned declares that the above-entitled matter is filed for proceedings in the San Bernardino District ofthe Superior Court under Rule131 and General Order 0f this courtfor the checked reason: E General D Collection Nature of Action Ground D 1. Adoption Petitioner resides within the district . D 2. Conservator Petitioner or conservatee resides within the district. D 3. Contract Performance inthe districtis expressly provided for. D 4. Equity The cause of action arose within the district. D 5. Eminent Domain The property is located within the district. D 6. Family Law defendant, Plaintiff, petitioner or respondent resides within the district. D 7. Guardianship Petitioner orward resides within the district or has property within the district. D 8. Harassment defendant, Plaintiff, petitioner or respondent resides within the district. D 9. Mandate The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 10. Name Change The petitioner resides within the district. D 11. Personal Injury The injury occurred within the district. D 12. Personal Property The property is located within the district. D 13. Probate Decedent resided or resides within or had property within the district. D 14. Prohibition The defendant functions wholly within the district. D 15. Review The defendant functions wholly within the district. 16. Title toReal Property The property islocated within the district. D 17. Transferred Action The lower court islocated within the district. D 18. Unlawful Detainer The property islocated within the district. D 19. Domestic Violence The petitioner, defendant, respondent resides within plaintiff or thedistrict. D 20. Other D 21. THIS FILING WOULD NORMALLY FALL WITHIN JURISDICTION OF SUPERIOR COURT The address of the accident, performance, party, detention, place of business, or other factorwhich qualifies this case above-designed for filing in the district is: Timothy G. McFarlin, Esq. - Counsel for Plaintiff 4 Park Plaza, Suite 1025 NAME — INDICATE TITLEOR OTHER QUALIFYING FACTOR ADDRESS CA 9261 4 m” Irvine CITY STATE ZIPCODE declare, | under penalty of perjury. that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on July 23. 2021 at Irvine a California. Signature ofAttorney/Party FAX Form # 13—16503—360 CERTIFICATE OF ASSIGNMENT Rev. June 2019 Mandatory Use BX [ng :5'59; 3 i i? €‘ 3‘ .i \i V