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  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview
  • Simon Sanchez -v- J. P. Morgan Chase Bank N.A. et al Print Other Real Property Unlimited  document preview


MC—052 ATTORNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY and address): stare bar number, (Name, FOR COURT USE ONLY Timothy G. McFarlin (State Bar No. 223378) MCFARLIN LLP F a L E S UPER’OR COURT 0F 4 Park Plaza, Suite 1025 CALIFORM,fl Irvine, CA 92614 ngfi'g‘gggAgfiNBgm/nggo TELEPHONENo.:949-544—2640 FAX NO: 949-336-76 1 2 ATTORNEY FOR (Name):Plaintiff Simon Sanchez DEC 23 2321 Superior Court 0f California, County 0f San Bemardino ?%M NAME opcoum; STREET ADDRESS 247 W. Third Street BY Same MAILING ADDRESS: ’ '’THONY Vv RTINEZ, CITYANDZIPcoDE: San Bemardino 92415 . EPUTV BRANCH NAME; San Bemardino Justice Center ‘ CASE NUMBER: CASE NAME. . S1mon Sanchez v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., et a1. CIVSBZI 1 8451 February 3, 2022 HEARING DATE: DEPT':S29 WE: 9:00 a'm‘ DECLAR ATION IN SUPPORT 0F ATTORNEY s I u BEFORE HoN" ‘ Janet M' Frangl MOTION To BE RELIEVED As COUNSEL—CIVIL July 28, 2021 DATE ACTION FILED: Not Yet Set TRIAL DATE: 1. Attorney and Represented Party. Attorney (name): Timothy G. McFarlin is Simon Sanchez presently counsel of record for (name of party): inthe above-captioned action or proceeding. 2. Reasons Code for Motion. Attorney makes this motion to be relieved as counsel under of Civil Procedure section 284(2) instead of a consent under section 284(1) for the following reasons (describe): filing Counsel for Plaintiff seeks t0 withdraw as counsel due to a breakdown of the attomey-client relationship. Communication between Plaintiff and Plaintiff‘s counsel has deteriorated due t0 an irreconcilable breakdown 0f the attomey—client relationship. Therefore, Plaintiff‘s counsel is filing this motion to withdraw as counsel. Plaintiff will not be prejudiced by the withdrawing of Plaintiff‘s current counsel. E Continued on Attachment 2. 3. Service a. Attorney has (1)D personally served the client with copies of the motion papers will filed A copy of the with this declaration. be filed with the court at least 5 days before the hearing. proof of service (2) served the by mail at the client known address with copies of the motion papers served client's last with this declaration. b.If has been served by mail the client known address, attorney has at the client's last (1) confirmed within the past 3O days that the address iscurrent (a) by mail, return receipt requested. (ME (c)m (d): bytelephone. by conversation. by othermeans (specify): (Continued on reverse) Page1 of 2 F°5T£¥f§°éidu2°cfifi£$"ci‘ii‘f‘srwmiseDECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F ATTORNEY's 5333533;33:13:53; Mc-OSZIRev-Januarv «20071 MOTION To BE RELIEVED As COUNSEL—CIVIL www.cou’ “1', Va, MC—052 CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: Simon Sanchez v. JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A., et a1. CIVSB21 18451 3. b. (2)E been unable following efforts: address to confirm that the is more current address current or to locate a making the for the client after (a)E [:1 known address, mailing the motion papers to the client's last known telephone number or numbers. calling the client's last return receipt requested. (b) (c)E contacting persons familiar with the client (specify): (d)E conducting a search (describe): (e)D other (specify): c. Even ifattorney has been unable to serve the client with the moving papers, the court should grant attorney's motion to be relieved as counsel of record (explain): The next hearing schedu|ed action or proceeding 4. a. b. E is is not yet set. in this and place): set as follows (specify the date, time, c. E January 28, 2022 Trial Setting at 9:00 a.m. in Depanment $29 concerns (describe the subject matter of the hearing): Conference at San Bernardino Justice Center E Continued on Attachment 4. 5. The following additional hearings and other proceedings (including discovery matters) are presently schedu|edcase in this (foreach, describe the date, time, place, and subject matter): E Continued on Attachment 5. 6. proceeding Trial in this action or a. b. E is is not yet set. and place): set as follows (specify the date, time, 7. Other. Other matters that the court should consider indetermining whether to grant this motion are the following (explain): I is and declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing true correct. Date: December 22, 2021 Timothy G. McFarlin ’ (TYPEOR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) 8.Number of pages attached: M0052 IR“Jam” 20°71 1- DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F ATTORNEY'S P39” °‘2 MOTION To BE RELIEVED As COUNSEL—CIVIL