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  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


Electronic: Ily Francois x. Sorba, Esq. 1611 Borel Place, Suite 7 [SBN 88092] B”Jam Sup-nm Ear: HUIMACMQI H 5.1a tuna bg- DH 10/16/2019 mm San Mateo, CA 94402 (650) 570—0566,- Fax (650) 570-7831 Attorney for Defendants and Cross Complainants Jackson Tidwell and Dena Tidwell ©Wfl®01$03NH SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO UNLIMITED JURISDICTION SANDRA TIDWEL, ) Case No. CIV 536345 Plaintiff, SUPPLEMENTAL POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF vs. STATEMENT OF DECISION AND PRE-TRIAL HEARING JACKSON TIDWELL, et a1. Date: October 21, 201 Time: 9:30 am Defendants. Dept: Honorable Gerald J. Buchwald NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHp—xr—Ar—Ap—x AND RELATED CROSS COMPLAINT mVOCHbPQJNfi—‘OkomVONU‘IFPWNF-IO Jackson and Dena Tidwell respectfully submit the following Points and Authorities in support of the Statement of Decision and Pre-Trial Hearing. During the last Pre-Trial Hearing, Plaintiff’s Counsel raised the issue of Equitable Tolling. The following briefs the issue raised by Plaintiff’s Counsel. Equitable Tolling Should be Decided by the Court. Equitable tolling, including any disputed issue of fact, is to be decided by the Points and Authorities inSupport of Statement of Decision hrg: 1 10/21/19 W Case No. CIV 536345 court, even if there are disputed issues 0f fact. (Hopkins V. Kedzierski (2014) 225 Cal. App. 4th 736, 745. ll ll In the case of Hopkins v. Kedzierski, supra, the Court stated: Tolling, strictly speaking, is concerned With the point at which the limitations period begins t0 run and \OWVQU‘II-hQDNH with the circumstances in Which the running of the limitations period may be suspended... Equitable estoppel, however, comes into play only after the limitations period has run and addresses the circumstances in which a party will be estopped from asserting the statute of limitations as a defense t0 an admittedly untimely action because his conduct has induced another into forbearing suit Within the applicable limitations period.” (Lantzy V. Centex Homes (2003) 31 Cal. 4th 363, 383, 2 Cal. Rptr. 3d 655, 73 P. 3d 517.” The Court, in the case of Addison v. State (1978) 21 Cal. 3d 313, 319, stated: ”[A]pplication of the doctrine of equitable tolling requires timely notice, and lack of prejudice, to the defendant, Hocoouoxmpboomp—xo and reasonable and good faith conduct on the part 0f the plaintif .” The Court, in the Addison case, supra, further stated: ”In like fashion and more recently, in Elkins v. Derby (1974) 12 Cal. 3d 410, 115 Cal. Rptr. 641, 525 P.2d 81, we NNNNNNSNNHHHHHHHHHH unanimously held that the statute of limitations on a personal injury action is tolled while plaintiff asserts a workers' compensation remedy against defendant. In such a case, we noted, defendant can claim no substantial prejudice, having received timely notice of possible tort liability upon filing of the compensation claim, and having ample opportunity to gather defense evidence in the event a court action ultimately is filed. We also noted the long settled rule that Whenever exhaustion of administrative remedies oomoxmpnoo is a prerequisite to a civil action the running of the limitations period is suspended during the administrative 2 Points and Authorities inSupport of Statement of Decision hrg:10/21/19 Case No.CIV 536345 Tidwell v.Tidwell proceedings (Dillon v. Board ofPension Commrs. (1941) 18 Cal. 2d 427, 116 P. 2d 37) and we stated that ”regardless 0f Whether the exhaustion of one remedy is a prerequisite to the pursuit of another, if the defendant is not prejudiced thereby, the running of the limitations period is tolled ’(W)hen an injured person has several legal remedies and, reasonably and \DOOVONU'lh-PDJNH in good faith, pursues one.’ (Citations.)” (Elkins v. Derby, supra, at p. 414, 115)” At page 318. The doctrine of Equitable Tolling is not applicable to this case. First, there is no other case or Administrative Hearing dealing With facts involved in this case, which good be Viewed as a tolling factor during the case that first case or Administrative Hearing was being pursued. Second, as this Court has already determined, Plaintiff’s inaction and conduct since 2007, was such that Plaintiff is estopped from now claiming an interest in the property. Defendants further argue that Plaintiff’s inaction and conduct constitute a bar to her legal cause of action. This Court, in itstentative decision stated: So Witkin says this at page 838. This is Volume 1 of the 10th edition of the Summary of California Law. ”Acts 0f the parties, subsequent t0 the execution 0f the contract and before any controversy has arisen as to its effect, may be looked t0 in determining the meaning. NNNNNNNNNHHHr—KHr—kp—AHr—xr—A "The conduct of the parties may be in effect a practical construction, thereof. For they are probably least likely t0 be mistaken as t0 the intent. This rule 0f practical construction is predicated on the commonsense concept that actions speak louder than words. OOVONmrhooNHoooouampbwwv-Ao Words are frequently but an imperfect medium to convey thought and intention.” ”When the parties t0 a contract perform under it and demonstrate by their conduct that they knew What they were talking about, the courts should enforce that intent." So, it might be the conduct subsequent is different than What the words 0f a contract say, and if it is and if the parties both acted subsequently in a different manner, according to this doctrine, the court should give considerable weight t0 that, and I think that it applies here Where the collision between beneficial interest and legal interest is colliding in the contentions that you both have made in your claims in this case. And so, I believe, based on the evidence that I have heard here and I'm going t0 so find, that at best What Sandra Tidwell has shown is an oral contract for a month—to- month rental for a portion of the property, that part of the property 3 Points and Authorities inSupport of Statement of Decision hrg: 10/21/19 Case No.CIV 536345 Tidwellv.Tidwell that she has been using since February of 2007. This Court also found that, even if Plaintiff had the secret intent not to transfer title t0 her son in 2007, her son, Jackson, relied 0n the transfer to his detriment and became saddled With all the expenses and burden of ownership. \DOO\10\UIr-PDJNb—\ The legal causes of action involve facts Which occurred in 2007. Nothing prevented Plaintiff to file a lawsuit in 2007 when she allegedly believed that her son and her husband had conspired against her to sign a deed transferring title t0 her son. The Third Amended Complaint (”TAC") contains legal causes of action. Elder Abuse against Jackie (Sandra’s deceased husband). The cause of action is based upon what happened in 2007. Plaintiff alleges that Jackson took advantage of his father and made him sign a transfer document. TAC, page 5, lines 11-18. The Fraud cause of action also pertains to the events Which allegedly took place in 2007. As the court has already decided, based upon the agreement of the parties and the subsequent conduct by Plaintiff, the doctrine of laches and estoppel apply. Although the court did not decide the particular issue as a defense to the fraud action, the same principle NNNNNNNNNr—‘HHb—kr—AHHHb—lb—K mflamfiCflNr—KOOOOQQU‘IfiQJNb—‘O applied to legal and equitable causes 0f action. Breach 0f Contract. This issue, although a legal issue, is moot since the court has already determined the terms of the contract. Conspiracy. Plaintiff alleges that she was induced to enter into a void transfer. The allegation is that her husband, Jackie, engaged in a conspiracy with Jackson to deprive her of her interest. Upon Jackie’s death, a few years later, a suit could have been file against his estate and Jackson to recover title, but no action was filed. Intentional Interference With Inheritance. The inheritance of the property would 4 Points and Authorities inSupport of Statement of Decision hrg: 10/21/1 9 Case No. CIV 536345 Tidwellv.Tidwell have taken place when Jackie died. At that time, Sandra may have had a cause 0f action but not eight years later. Breach of Covenant. Again, this Court has determined the terms of the contract. There cannot be a breach 0f the contract based upon the terms of the contract. The contract \OWVer-PDJNr—A entered into by the parties did not include a reversion and did not include a clause stating that the transfer was for accommodation purposes only. There is no equitable reason which could support an Equitable Telling in this case. The undersigned respectfully requests that this Court also take into consideration the previous briefs filed by the undersigned in opposition to Plaintiff’s Objection to this Court’s Proposed Statement of Decision. Dated: October 16, 2019 Respectfully Submitt d, -::~«~»~v‘”— I e Francois’X. gorbaf attoéney For Jackson and Dena Tidwell NNNNNNNNNHHHr—xr—xr—tr—tr—xr-Ar—A mVQU’lrbOJNr—‘OKOOOVONmthfiNI—‘O 5 Points and Authorities inSupport of Statement of Decision hrg: 10/21/19 Case No. CIV 536345 Tidwell v. Tidwell PROOF OF SERVICE Case: Tidwell v. Tidwell; San Mateo County Superior Court Case No. CIV 536345 I declare that I am employed in the County of San Mateo, California. I am over the age of eighteen'years and not a party to the within entitled cause; my business address is 1611 Borel Place, Suite KOOOVONU‘Ib-PDJNH 7, San Mateo, California 94402. On 10/16/19, I served the attached Opposition to Objection to Proposed Statement of Decision On the parties listed below [ ] (State) by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid, in the United States mail at San Mateo, California. [ ] by personal delivery to: [ ] by Federal Express [ ] by messenger [ ] Via FAX [ ] Via e—mail Robert Howie [ ] Certified, return receipt requested a nd addressed as follows: Robert G. Howie, Howie & Smith, LLP, 1777 Borel Place, Ste 1000 San Mateo, CA 94402 [x] (State) I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. [ ] (Federal) I declare that I am employed in the office of a member of the bar of this court at whose direction the service was made. mVOUT$DJNHO©mV®U1>>UJNHO NNNNNNNNNHHHHHHHHHH Executed on 10/16/19, at San Mateo, California, by Francois X. Sorba. 5 hn‘ / / Proof of Service Tidwellv.Tidwell