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  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


. HOWIE & SMITH, L.L.P. ATTORNEYS AT LAW F E L E E} I777 BOREL PLACE, SUITE I000 SAN MATEO COUNW SAN MATEO, CA 94402-3509 m: (650) 685-9300 FEB 2 0 2013 FAX: (650) 212-0842 ROBERT G. HOWIE, SBN 057361 AUDREY SMITH, SBN 180836 \OOOQC‘IUI-bbJNv—t ATTORNEYS FOR PLAINTIFF AND CROSS-DEFENDANT SANDRA TIDWELL IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO SANDRA TIDWELL, Consolidated Case No. CIV536345 Plaintiff, PLAINTIFF’S OBJECTIONS TO THE CURRRENT TENTATVE DECISION v. AND REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF DECISION LVVVVVVVVVVV [Rule of Court 3.1590] JACKSON TIDWELL, DENA TIDWELL NNNNNNNNNHI—Ih—dh—lv—ID—‘r—‘D—ib—il—l mflmm-RWNP—‘ONDWQQMvPWNt—‘O V. klllllimmmmululu/umI L/VVVVVVVVVVV SANDRA TIDWELL, and ROES 1 TO 5, Hearing Date: March 9, 2018 Cross—Defendants. Time: 9:00 am. Dept.: 10 Plaintiff and Cross—defendant Sandra Tidwell (“Plaintiff Sandra”) appeared along with all parties and counsel on January 30, 2018, heard the announcement of a tentative decision herein and requested a statement of decision pursuant to California rule ofCourt 3.1590. At that time, the court set jury trial for March 19 and a pretrial hearing for March 9 as reflected on the enclosed minute order dated January 3 0, 20 1 8. l PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30m TENTATIVE ON EQUITY ISSUES Plaintiff Sandra objects to the tentative decision as follows: 1. The tentative decision as reflected in the attached minute order characterizes this decision as “Judgment.” The decision should be denominated as an “interlocutory order,” or “interlocutory judgment,” on “separate judgment.” The latter two designations appear in Rule 3.1591. If the court intended to issue a final judgment, Plaintiff Sandra would request a hearing on the issues subject to the \OOOQQMAUJNJ—n I pending jury trial setting. 2. Counsel for Plaintiff Sandra, the undersigned, believed a transcript of the decision had been requested at the time of the tentative decision. Our office has called to request a copy, but. these objections are made without the opportunity to rely on the written transcript at this'time. Plaintiff Sandra would requesta transcript of the oral decision and five days time after receipt to amend the objections set forth here, if appropriate, based on the transcript. 3. In 2007 and now Defendant Jackson owed and owes a fiduciary duty to his parents. On this basis the court is requested to review its findings with regard to the equity issues presented. Inherent in the court’s finding that the defendant Jackson acted and acts as a “dutiful son,” is 'a recognition that a child owes a fiduciary duty and a confidential duty toward his or her parents. The duty is one of “fairness.” Johnson v. Clark (1936) 7 Cal. 2d529,534, Sparks V. Mendoza (1948) 83 Cal. App. 2d 511, NNNNNNNNNHD—lt—Ir—Ip—‘r—tv—Iv—lr—Ib—I ' 514-515, Estate 0fMiller (1 936)l6 Cal. App. 2d 141, 152, Longmire v. Kruger (1926) 80 Cal App. 230, 239, Bacon v. Soule (1912) 19 Cal App 428, 434. WNGM-fi-WNHOCWQmM-kUNP—O A violation of this duty, where, as in this case, the consideration for the inter vivos transfer of a significant property interest at the time of the transfer is grossly disproportionate to the value of the property should engage the court’s. action in equity. The court has at its disposal a number of actions that would at least move this situation into the realm of fairness rather than create a virtually homeless Plaintiff mother. By 2007 the elder Tidwells had paid discounted 1977 dollars from the time of the purchase of the home and paid discounted dollars for thirty (30) years since then for interest, principal, taxes, and maintenance. The property value was used as security for the repairs to the house paid for by a loan. The house has housed the defendant Jackson for'virtually his entire life to the present, a significant benefit to him and a sacrifice of that portion of the house to his parents. Does “faimess’? allow 2 PLAINTIFF S’ OBJECTlONS TO THE JANUARY 30TH TENTATIVE ON EQUITY ISSUES that Plaintiff Sandra not only lose her husband to cancer, but the community property and inheritance rights she earned over those years? "It is a well-settled rule of equity jurisprudence, that all gifis, contracts, or benefits, from a principal to one occupying a fiduciary or confidential relation to him, are constructively fraudulent and \OOOQONMAUJNt—a void. The court, in such cases, acts upon the principle that if confidence is reposed it must be faithfiilly acted upon; if influence is acquired it must be kept free from the taint of selfish interest, and cunning and overreaching bargains. In this class of cases there is often found some intermixture of deceit, imposition or overreaching advantage or other mark of positive or direct fraud. But the principle upon which courts of equity act in regard thereto stands independent of any such ingredient, upon a motive of general public policy. Among the relations subject to the foregoing rule are those of parent and child, attorney and client, and principal and agent." Nobles v. Hutton (1907) 7 Cal. App. 14, 21 quoting Comstock v. Comslock. 5 7 Barb. 453. The court does not believe it can “void the title transfer. “But the relation of parent and child, where business transactions are carried on between them, is the source of the very highest considerations of confidence and trust. Confidence in such a case originates in and proceeds from natural laws, and, generally speaking, is innate and an essential part of the nature of both, for in whom could a parent repose a greater degree of confidence than in him to whom NNNNNNNNNHHI—‘wr—INU—AHHD—l has been directly transmitted his own blood, and over whom he has exercised parental dominion and discipline from infancy to matured manhood. So, when a son, dealing with his parent with regard to the OO\)O\M-PWNHO\DOO\IC\MBLQNHO latter's property, gains an advantage or obtains title to such property without adequate or any consideration, the transaction should, upon principles of equity and fair dealing, be scanned with the strictest scrutiny.” Nobles, supra, 20-21 Somewhere along the trail of this transaction much more needed to be understood than was expressed by Jackson. The fairness required of the fiduciary relationship requires disclosure to the parents. Jackson testifies directly that the interest he was delivered did not include a power to evict either parent. That is more than adequate evidence to require court recognition. The idea that evidence of undated and vague conversations about Texas and Florida would cure this expressed recognition of a 3 PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30TH TENTATIVE ON EQUITY iSSUES limitation by Jackson on his interest in the property or receipt of this asset is insufficient evidence to avoid engaging principals of equity. The overwhelming evidence is that Jackson knew his father wanted both himself and Plaintiff Sandra , his wife of thirty years, to have that place to live. There is no evidence of a limiting date. There is no evidence of a commitment to share in the cost of the financing other than WOOQOXMADJNH as the aging parents were able to do so. If it were otherwise, Jackson had a duty to disclose this at the outset. While not determinative, a further indicia of the lack of “fairness” is the disinheritance of Jackson’s siblings. “(T)here is no reason shown why the plaintiff should have given the bulk, if not all, of her estate to the defendant to the exclusion of her other children.” Nobles, supra, 19. There is no evidence that the loan made in 2017 was not available from other sources, or would not have been available with other co-signers than Jackson. He was simply the convenient and TRUSTBD source, who incidentally would benefit from co-signing with his father who was also a . borrower. The Tidwells had turned to their trusted son. 4. Plaintiff reasserts the request for a constructive trust. In this as in any situation, a constructive trust constitutes a remedy in equity rather than a direct reflection of a tort or civil wrong. As an equitable NNNNNNNNNh—b—Ii—AHH—‘t—Ap—ay—«p—a remedy it allows the flexibility to do justice. The court can set its terms. In this matter, there is no need to do violence to title. The title can be held subject to the terms of the trust Constructive trusts are authorized by case law and statute. California Civil Code section OONO’NKJ’I-RWNHOOOOQONM-PWNHO 2224 provides that a person who gains a thing by fraud, violation of a trust or other wrongfiil conduct is an involuntary trustee of it for the benefit of the person who would otherwise have had it. Civ. Code § 2224. Civil Code section 2223 provides that one who wrongfully detains a thing is an involuntary trustee of it for the benefit of the owner. Civ. Code § 2224. No conditions other than those stated in these code sections are necessary. Lauricella v. Lauricella, 161 Cal. 61 (1911); West v. Stainback, 108 Cal. App. 2d 806 (1952); Estrada v. Garcia, 132 Cal. App. 2d 545 (1955). All that is necessary to impose a constructive trust is a showing that the retention of the property by another would constitute unjust enrichment. Calistoga Civic Club v. City of 4 PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30‘“ TENTATIVE ON EQUITY ISSUES Calistoga, 143 Cal. App. 3d 111 (1983). 5. There was no “delivery” of complete title. It is fundamental to the transfer of title that there be a complete transfer of all incidents of ownership. A partial transfer, so long as there are no intervening bona tide purchasers of the title for ©00\)O\UI-Dsb3N-‘ value, does not accomplish a transfer of the fee. Transfer of title to property requires “inten ” to transfer complete title. A grant deed only takes effect on its delivery by the grantor with the intent to transfer title. Civil Code §1054. “Intent” of the grantor, especially when known to the grantee as not intendingto convey absolute fee title, precludes delivery and the deed is void. “There must be mutual intention on the part of the parties to immediately pass title to the property.” Meyer v. Wall (1969) 270 Cal. App. 2d 24, 27 as cited in “California Forms of Pleadingsand Practice” Matthew Bender, Volume 15 section 184. 22. The physical act of passing the deed is indicative but not determinative of “delivery.” A valid delivery of a deed depends on whether the grantor intended that it should be presently operative, and a manual transfer is not c0nclusive evidence of such intention. Hut/1 v. Katz (1947) 30 Cal. 2d 605 “Accordingly, while delivery of a deed to a grantee is necessarily absolute under the rule laid down in section 1056 of the Civil Code, a question may remain as to whether NNNNNNNNN—In—Iy—ni—sn—tb—I—b—tr—Ip—n Ithere has been such a delivery with the intent to transfer title (Citing Hitch v. Hitch,.(l 938) 24 Cal. App. 2d 29, 293.) As pointed out, the question whether such delivery has taken place is a question of fact WQmM-P-t—‘OKOOOQQUIAUJNP—‘O involving the intent of the parties, and, in particular, the intent of the grantor.” Estate ofPieper, (1964) 224 Cal. App. 2d 670, 687. “The mere signing of the deed by the grantor and a witness and acknowledgment by the grantor are not sufficient to divest the grantor of title. Delivery is essential.” Miller v; Jansen (1943) 21 Cal. 2d 473. In the Miller case a fully executed and acknowledged deed was ' placed in a desk and retained by the grantor along with notes indieating that the proponent of the deed was to obtain the property. “In the case of Donahue v. Sweeney it was said that delivery or nondelivery A was a question of fact to be determined from the surrounding circumstances of the transaction, and that whatever method of deli very be adopted, it must show by acts or words or both that the grantor intended . to divest himself of title.” (Emphasis added.) - 5 PLAINTIFF S’ OB‘JECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30TH TENTATIVE 0N EQUlTY ISSUES The evidence demonstrates the obvious when Jackson testifies that although title was reflected in Jackson, there was no intent to transfer all rights and interests in the title to the home. As indicated in the testimony herein, absolute title was not delivered, and Jackson knew it. Jackson Tidwell has acknowledged that the transaction was not intended to give him full rights of \OOONOtuP-LANH ownership, and certainly not the power to evict his parents from the family home at the time of the trransfer or at any specific time. The intention of the grantor of a deed is essential to evaluation of the effectiveness of “delivery” of a grant deed. This is not a situation in which it is necessary to interpret or divine the intent of the grantor, however: it is directlv acknowledged by the grantee, Jackson. At the time a deed was passed to him the grantee himself expressly acknowledged he did not believe the transaction was creating a right in himself to evict his parents. Right to occupancy is one of the essential characteristics of fee simple ownership. The bone fide and equity ownership was not intended to pass in the refinancing process. Circumstances also reveal that there was no present intention to deliver the full panoply of rights inherent in absolute title. Both Sandra and Jack continued to live in the house and J ackson continued to live in the improved apartment. Although a technical “consideration” made the contract valid in that a loan was effected, no present consideration was paid, and no gift tax was remitted by anyone. Until NNNNNNNNNH—‘HHb—‘r—ll—‘D—‘Ht—l immediately before the Notice of Termination issued by Jackson, there is no suggestion that occupancy would change in any fashion, by physical preparation or statement of intention. Jackson’s presence was OONQM-PLHNr—‘OOOOQQLh-BWNr—to consistent with a shared occupancy and his payments were consistent with the rental value of the apartment. The people in the family unit remained intact and physically close. The siblings of Jackson, the natural benefactors of the parents’ estate remain as expectant benefactors. The trial court determination of “intent” as to the rights being delivered is binding on appeal if based on substantial evidence. The trial court's factual determination as to whether the grantor intended to make a present transfer of property is reviewed for substantial evidence. Huth v. Katz (1947) 30 Cal.2d 605, 608-609; Luna v. Browne]! (2010) I85 Cal.App.4th 668, 673 ['”[w]here there is substantial evidence, or where an inference or presumption may be drawn from the evidence to sustain the court's finding of delivery or nondelivery, 6 PLAINTIFFS’ OBJECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30TH TENTA'TIVE ON EQUITY ISSUES the finding will not be disturbed on appeal'"]; Condencia v. Nelson (1960) 187 Cal.App.2d 300, 302-3 03. The court should order a constructive trust with an order for an accounting the would properly reflect “fairness.” The tentative does not do so. \DOOQQU‘I-bbd—I Dated: February 19, 2018 By: Robert G. Howie, Esq.,, tomey for Plaintiff And Cross-Defendant S NDRA TIDWELL NNNNNNNNNHb—It—A—Hr—nb—IHHF—a OOQO’sm-P-MNHOWOOQONM-PUJNHO ‘ 7 PLAINTIFF S’ OBJECTIONS TO THE JANUARY 30TH TENTATIVE ON EQUITY ISSUES Case Number: ICIV536345 SUPERIOR COURT OF SAN MATEO COUNTY ' ’ 400 County Center 1050 Mission Road _ Redwood City, CA 94063 South San FranciscoI CA 94080 Minute Order ' ‘ SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL CIV536345 '- 01/30/2018 10:00 AM Further Court Trial Judicial Officer: Buchwald Gerald J Location: Courtroom 80 Courtroom Clerk: Tia Tiagula‘ Courtroom Reporter: Rosario Ayon Parties Present HOWI E, ROBERT G Attorney ' SORBA, FRANCOIS X. Attorney TIDWELL, DENA Defendant Cross Complainant TIDWELL, JACKSON Defendant , Cross Complainant TIDWELL, SANDRA Plaintiff Minutes Journals - COURT TRIAL DAY I: 6 PLAINTIFF SANDRA TIDWELL PRESENT WITH ATTORNEY ROBERT HOWIE DEFENDANTS JACKSON AND DENA TIDWELL PRESENT WITH ATTORNEY FRANCOIS SORBA 10:08 AM : COURT CONVENED.ALL ABOVE-MENTIONED PARTIES PRESENT THE COURT ISSUES A TENTATIVE DECISION AS FOLLOWS: - WRONGFUL APPROPRIATE OF PROPERTY INTEREST THAT WOULD ALLOW PLAINTIFF TO RAISE THE V ISSUE NOW AS AN ATTACK ON THE LEGAL TITLE IS BARRED - DEFENDANT GIVING UNLAWFUL DETAINER NOTICE TO PLAINTIFF WAS NOTA BREACH OF FIDUCIARY DUTY AS DEFENDANT HAS A LEGAL RIGHT - BREACH OF CONTRACT BY DEFENDANT 0F PLAINTIFF IS REJECTED -ASTATUTE OF LIMITATIONS DEFENSE ISREJECI'ED - JUDGMENT SHALL REFLECT THAT‘ PLAINTIFF TAKES NOTHING AND WILL HAVE NOTHING - THERE WILL BE N0 RECOVERY AGAINST DEFENDANT ON PLAINTIFF'S CLAIMS ~T-HE COURT FINDS IN FAVOR OF DEFENDANT TO THE FULL EXTENT AS DEFENDANT HAS 100% LEGAL AND BENEFICIAL OWNERSHIP Case Number: CIV536345 ~ PARAGRAPH 4 OF THE COMPLAINT IS DENIED - DEFENDANT IS ENTITLED TO POSSESSION FURTHER JUST AND APPROPRIATE RELIEF WHICH WILL BE PART OF THE JUDGMENT IS AS FOLLOWS: - PLAINTIFF TO CONTINUE TO RENT UNTIL 6/30/18 - RENT PAYMENTS TO BE MADE EVERY FIRST OF'THE MONTH - ALL UNPAID RENT BEGINNING FROM OCTOBER 2015 FORWARDIARE DUE BY 6/30/18 - AFTER 6/30/18, PLAINTIFF CANNOT RENEW HER MONTH TO MONTH RENT AND WILL NO FURTHER RIGHT TO CONTINUE TO RENT ' - PLAINTIFF - IF MOTHER DOES NOT COMPLY, DEFENDANTS, MAY MAKE A POST-JUDGMENT MOTION TO ENFORCE IN DEPT 10 - PRE-JUDGMENT INTEREST ATA RATE OF 10% REMAINS RUNNING AND DEFENDANT IS ENTITLED TO, THIS FOR EACH UNPAID MONTH OF RENT - DEFENDANT Is THE PREVAILING PARTY AND Is ENTITLED TO EQUITABLE RELIEF AND COSTS OF THIS ' SUIT . I M u M In an: I“: n: In an: u an H u an: OBJECT IONS TO THE TENTATIVE DECISION ARE RESERVED DEADLINES ARE EXTENDED TO THE CONLCUSION OF THE JURY PHASE OF THE TRIAL 11:38 AM : COURT IN RECESS 11:43 - 11:54 AM : COURT AND COUNSEL CONFERENCE IN CHAMBERS 11:54 AM : COURT RECONVENES. ALL ABOVE-NOTED PARTIES PRESENT THE COURT SETS A PRETRIAL HEARING ON 3/9/19 @'9 AM WITH A 1.5 HR TIME ESTIMATE THE COURT SETS A JURY TRIAL ON 3/19/18, @ 9 AM WITH A 10 DAY TIME ESTIMATE OBJECTIONS AND ALTERNATE CONTENT IS EXTENDED 20 DAYS, BEGINNING TOMORROW, 1/31/18 12:05 PM : COURT ADJOURNED ' Case Events - Court reporter fees; Plaintiff: TIDWELL, SANDRA; Defendant, Cross Complainant: TIDWELL, JACKSON; $122 TO EACH PARTY Others Case Number: CIV536345 Comments: Future Hearings and Vacated Hearings Rescheduled: January 30, 2018 9:00 AM Further Court Trial Reason: Set in Error Buchwald, Gerald J Tiapula, Tia Courtroom SD Ayon, Rosario March 09, 2018 9:00 AM Pretrial hearing Buchwald, Gerald] March 19, 2018 9:00 AM Jury Trial - Long Cause Buchwald, Gerald] H? CASE, NAME :1 Sandra II'téll v.Ja‘c_k;ron:T1dwelI el al COURT Superior Couiit‘ of California, County of San Mateo CASENO: COns'olidated Lead Case: CIV536345 CLJ212151 PROOF OF SERVICE I, the. undersigned,1 declare. as: follov‘vs: I am a citizen of the United States, over the age of I 8 yea1s, and 11o_t:a party to, or intereStedz'1n the Within entitled action I am an employee of HOWIE & SMITH L. L. P.,Attorneys at Law, and my sowsxzm-Msw business address IS 1777 Bore] Place, Suite 1000, San Mateo, CA 94402—3509 011 FebruaryIZO .2018, I served the following documcnds)‘: 11.. PLAINTIFF’S OBJECTIONS TO THE CURRENT TENTATIVE DECISION AND REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF DECISION [Rule of. Court 3.1590] ~ 2.. gl’lainhff’sGProposed) INTERLOCUTORY ORDER 0N EQUITY ISSUES AFTER h—hiu—l HO 011 the'following parties in thisactio‘niu an‘ envelopeG) addressed as follows: X. Sorba, Esq. = F1 anc01s Jackson and Dena Ti_dwell"s Attorney ' ‘ Attorneys at: Law ._.‘ N) i 1611 Borel Place, Suite 7 San Mateo,- CA1194402 (BY MAIL) I caused each such envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid to be: placed in the United States mail ;at1San Mate'o,Cahfom1a I am readily famiIiar with, the busineSS praCtiCe for collection andprocessing of mail 111 this offic‘e. That iii the ordinany course of busmess said decument(s') Would be deposited with the U. S Postal Service 1n San Mateo on that same 'day. [understand that service Shall be presumed invalid upon motion of a party ‘served if ' the poStal cancellation date or postage meter date on the envelope'IS more than one day aftei the date of deposn fer mailing contained on this affidavit X 4 (BY PERSONAL SERVICE),] caused each such envelope to be delivered by hand to each addressee as shown (BY EXPRESS MAIL) I caused each envelope, with delivery fees fully paid, to be deposited1n post offlCe,1i1ailbox subpost office, substation, or mail chute or like facility regularly mamtamed by,the United States Postal Service for ”cell?! 013 Express Mail ....................................... W(BY FEDERAL EXPRESS OVERNIGHT DELIVERY) I caused each envelope, with delivery fee tied for, to be deposited 111 a boxregularly maintained by Federal Express. 111m readily familiar with the practice in this office ‘Nwz1:‘ for, Collection and processing or correspondence for overnight delivery and know that'in the ordinary course oPthe business practice in this office the doctlmenqs) deserib'e'd above win be deposited m abox or other facility regularly maintained by Federal Express or delivered to an authoriZed courier or driver-1 authorized by Federal Express to receive decutnents on the same date thatit is placed for collection wwvmwamfiwc'é‘ggfiaaia ~(BY ELECTRONIC MAIL) I served a copy of. the above-described document(s) 011 the parties on the attaChed set-Vice list by electronic transmissibn from the electronic address of ssingh@howielaw mm, .to the electlonic ;1notit1cation addresses listed on the attached service list. 'I declare under 'penalty'of T1010 perjpryunderztheiiaws of thejSt'at‘eéof Californiathat the foregom'g is true and'correct. EXecutcd. on’Féhruary 20, 201.81.:at1:S’a‘11. Mateo, Cglifornia. / mum“. 1 .a’ NM1N<1K§J Sangee’tai Singh ”” . b“ l 11110011011: SERVICE