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  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • SANDRA TIDWELL VS JACKSON TIDWELL, ETAL(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


NOTICE OF CASE MANAGEMENTCONFERENCE ~ ][]L p,~oi'.i Su de %dan.(l v@E Case No No~ ~ 'OI~ vs goiJf3 peIIor Co Date g --Zg- (@ i,i).<~(l, ~41 Oerk oi the W Time 9 00 a m DEPUTY Dept —on Tuesda 8 Thursday Dept ~ -on ednes 8c Friday You are hereby given notice of your Case Management Conference The date,time and department have been written above 1 In accordance with applicable California Rules of theCourt and local Rules 2 3(d)1-4 and 2 3(m), you are hereby ordered to a) Serve all named defendants and file proofsof serviceon those defendants with the court within 60-days of filing the complaint (CRC 201 7) b) Serve acopy of this notice,Case Management Statement and ADR Information Sheet on all named partiesin this action c) File and serve a completed Case Management Statement at least15-days before the Case Management Conference [CRC 212(g)] Failure to do somay resultin monetary sanctions d) Meet and confer, in person or by telephone, to consider each of the issues identified in CRC 212(f) nolater than 30-days before the date setfor the Case Management Conference 2. If you fail to follow theorders above, you are ordered to show cause why you should not be sanctioned The Order to Show Cause hearing will beat the same time as the Case Management Conference hearing Sanctions may include monetary, evidentiary or issue sanctions as well as stnking pleadings and/or dismissal 3 Continuances of Case Management Conferences arehighly disfavored unless good cause is shown 4 Parties may proceed to an appropnate dispute resolution process ("ADR") by filing a Stipulation to ADR and Proposed Order (see attached form) If plaintifffiles a Stipulation to ADR and Proposed Order electing to proceed to)udtcial arbitration,the Case Management Conference will be takenoff the court calendar and the case will bereferred to the Arbitration Administrator If plaintiffs and defendants file acompleted stipulationto another ADR process (e g, mediation) 10 —days pnor to the first scheduled Case Management Conference, the Case Management Conference will be continued for 90-days to allow parties time to complete their ADR session The court will notify parties of their new Case Management Conference date I 5 If you have filed adefault or a]udgment has been entered, your case is not automaticallytaken off CaseManagement Conference Calendar lf "Does","Roes," etc are named in your complaint, they must be dismissed in order to closethe case If anyparty is in bankruptcy, the case is stayedonly as to that named party 6 You are further ordered to appear in person* (or through your attorney of record) at the Case Management Conference noticed above You must be thoroughly familiar with thecase and fully authorizedto proceed 7 The Case Management >udge will issueorders at theconclusion of theconference thatmay include a) Refernng parties to voluntary ADR and setting an ADR completion date, b) Dismissing or severing claims or parties, c) Setting a trial date 8 The Case Management)udge may be the trial)udge in this case For further information regarding casemanagement procedures, policies and seethe court's websiteat www sanmateocourt ore *Telephomc appearances at casemanagement are available by contacting conferences CourtCall, LLC, anmdependent at least five busmess vendor, days pnor to the scheduled conference attached (see CourtCall information)