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  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV VS CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. Contract/Warranty Breach - Seller Plaintiff (no fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


1 VICKMAN & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS 2 James A. Vickman, Esq. (No. 128099) 424 South Beverly Drive 3 Beverly Hills, California 90212 Tel: (310) 553-8533 4 Fax: (310) 553-0557 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV 6 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV, ) CASE NO. ) 12 Plaintiff, ) COMPLAINT FOR: ) 13 vs. ) 1) BREACH OF CONTRACT ) 2) SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE 14 CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. ) 3) CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST dba NDM COMMUNICATIONS; and ) 4) DECLARATORY RELIEF 15 DOES 1-20, ) 5) ACCOUNTING ) 16 Defendants. ) DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL ) 17 ____________________________________ ) 18 19 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 20 BREACH OF CONTRACT 21 (By JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV against CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 22 COMMUNICATIONS, and DOES 1-20, inclusive) 23 1. JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV (“Plaintiff”) is an individual residing in Los Angeles 24 County, State of California. 25 2. Defendant CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 26 COMMUNICATIONS, a California corporation (“Defendant corporation” or “Defendant”), is 27 doing business in various counties of California including but not limited to Los Angeles County, 28 California, and other states, providing marketing services in the healthcare and senior living 1 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 sectors. 2 3. Venue is proper in the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County, because 3 Plaintiff performed his obligations under the relevant contract in Los Angeles County, State of 4 California. Likewise, venue is proper in Los Angeles County because Defendant corporation’s 5 performance under the relevant contract, i.e. payment for the services Plaintiff performed under 6 the Contract, were due in Los Angeles County, California where Plaintiff resides. 7 4. Plaintiff does not know the true names of defendants sued herein as Does 1 to 20, 8 inclusive. Plaintiff is informed and believes and on that basis alleges, that the true names and 9 capacities, whether individual, corporate, partnership, associate, or otherwise, of defendants 10 DOES 1 through 20, inclusive, are unknown to Plaintiff, who sue each such defendant by such 11 fictitious names. Plaintiff is informed and believes and thereon alleges that each of the 12 defendants designated herein as a fictitiously named defendant, have liability related as to each 13 cause of action asserted below. When Plaintiff ascertains the true names and capacities of 14 DOES 1 through 20, he will amend the Complaint accordingly, either through a Doe 15 Amendment, or otherwise. References in the Complaint to any named defendant includes DOES 16 1 through 20, inclusive. 17 5. Effective as of August 1, 2023, Plaintiff and Defendant corporation entered into a 18 contract entitled “Letter of Engagement,” a true and correct copy of which is attached hereto as 19 EXHIBIT 1 all of which terms are incorporated herein by reference (hereafter, “the Contract”). 20 6. Pursuant to the Contract, Defendant corporation retained Plaintiff, as a consultant, 21 as Defendant’s executive strategic and financial advisor. Specifically, Plaintiff was to provide 22 strategic, financial and operational consulting services to Defendant corporation. Plaintiff was to 23 interface with various individuals working at/with Defendant corporation, on a regular basis and 24 as needed, including providing guidance, mentorship and leadership. 25 7. Pursuant to the Contract, Defendant corporation was obligated to provide 26 Plaintiff, starting as of August 1, 2023, and going forward, each of the following forms of 27 remuneration: 28 /// 2 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 a. Specified monthly compensation; 2 b. Profit sharing in the amount of 25% of total company profit calculated 3 according to generally accepted accounting principles, such calculation 4 done on a quarterly basis, with payment to then be made to Plaintiff; 5 c. Equity/ownership of Defendant corporation, calculated as set forth in the 6 Contract; 7 d. Profit sharing calculated according to Plaintiff’s equity/ownership that 8 Plaintiff is entitled to, under the Contract, in Defendant corporation; 9 8. Plaintiff timely, competently and fully performed all of his obligations under the 10 Contract. In fact, gross revenues and net profits of Defendant corporation sky-rocketed while 11 Plaintiff was engaged by Defendant. As a result, Defendant corporation’s CEO, Jessie Valencia, 12 decided that Plaintiff’s compensation under the Contract – which Contract Valencia himself 13 signed – was going to increase to levels that Valencia was not comfortable with, and Valencia 14 terminated the Contract. A true and correct copy of Valencia’s termination email to Plaintiff, 15 dated January 31, 2024, is attached hereto as EXHIBIT 2 and incorporated herein by reference. 16 9. In that email, Valencia invented a false scenario that Plaintiff failed to perform 17 satisfactory services under the Contract. Valencia invented the false scenario to mask his true 18 intentions, which were his buyer’s remorse in signing the Contract on behalf of Defendant 19 corporation. 20 10. Pursuant to the Contract, Valencia and Defendant corporation were to provide 21 Plaintiff 60 days notice of termination. However, as set forth in the termination email, Valencia 22 provided only 30 days notice. Further, Valencia set forth that Defendant corporation would not 23 pay to Plaintiff the next two months of consulting fee, through and including the end of March, 24 2024, but rather would pay just one month’s fee, and that the Defendant corporation would not 25 pay any profit-sharing due (and to be due to) to Plaintiff. Valencia further stated in the email that 26 Plaintiff had to relinquish his future right to equity in Defendant corporation, by Valencia stating 27 that the Contract’s 12 month survival clause would be voided. 28 3 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 11. In response to Valencia’s email, counsel for Plaintiff responded to 2 Valencia/Defendant corporation, setting forth Defendant’s breach of the Contract, and describing 3 the monies and equity owing and that would be owing to Plaintiff. Counsel for Plaintiff also 4 provided notice to Valencia and Defendant corporation to take all necessary and demanded 5 specific steps to preserve all relevant evidence in the dispute, as litigation was pending. A true 6 and correct copy of that demand letter, along with notice to preserve of all relevant evidence, is 7 attached hereto as EXHIBIT 3 and incorporated herein by reference. 8 12. Plaintiff has been damaged by Defendant’s breach of the Contract, in an amount 9 to be proven at time of trial of this matter, but well over the unlimited civil case requirement of 10 this court. 11 13. Further Plaintiff has been denied his upcoming equity position in Defendant 12 corporation, which according to preliminary calculations and projections, will be worth millions 13 of dollars. 14 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 15 SPECIFIC PERFORMANCE OF CONTRACT 16 (By JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV against CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 17 COMMUNICATIONS, and DOES 1-20, inclusive) 18 14. Plaintiff re-alleges paragraphs 1 through 14 above as though fully set forth herein. 19 15. Defendant corporation refuses to honor its obligation under the Contract to issue 20 to Plaintiff equity in Defendant corporation. Plaintiff has no adequate legal remedy in that 21 regard. Plaintiff is requesting a court order, with the court sitting in equity, to order Defendant to 22 issue to Plaintiff all equity owing to him under the Contract, with all of the rights accompanying 23 such equity allocation. 24 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 25 CONSTRUCTIVE TRUST 26 (By JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV against CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 27 COMMUNICATIONS, and DOES 1-20, inclusive) 28 16. Plaintiff re-alleges paragraphs 1 through 14 above as though fully set forth herein. 4 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 17. Plaintiff has a right to equity in Defendant corporation, per the Contract. 2 Defendant corporation has wrongfully refused to issue Plaintiff his future equity interest in 3 Defendant corporation. 4 18. Plaintiff is therefore entitled to a court order imposing a constructive trust on 5 Defendant corporation, that will secure Plaintiff’s equity rights in Defendant corporation. 6 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 7 DECLARATORY RELIEF 8 (By JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV against CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 9 COMMUNICATIONS, and DOES 1-20, inclusive) 10 19. Plaintiff re-alleges paragraphs 1 through 14 above as though fully set forth herein. 11 20. Plaintiff claims that Defendant corporation will be required to issue to Plaintiff 12 equity in Defendant corporation, according to the terms of the Contract. Defendant denies that 13 claim, and asserts that it does not need to issue any equity to Plaintiff. 14 21. A court declaration is necessary to resolve these disputing claims. 15 FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION 16 ACCOUNTING 17 (By JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV against CAVALIA COMMUNICATIONS, INC. dba NDM 18 COMMUNICATIONS, and DOES 1-20, inclusive) 19 22. Plaintiff re-alleges paragraphs 1 through 14 above as though fully set forth herein. 20 23. Plaintiff is entitled to a full accounting of all revenues and expenses of Defendant 21 corporation, from at least January 1, 2023, to date of trial of this dispute, for monies and equity 22 still owing to Plaintiff. In that regard, all net profit and equity calculations under the Contract 23 (with the exception of a merger valuation), are based, in large part, on the gross revenues and 24 expenses of the Defendant corporation, which can only be ascertained through an accounting. 25 PRAYER 26 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows: 27 (1) For monetary damages, including but not limited to consequential damages, for 28 breach of contract, according to proof; 5 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 1 (2) For a court order, against Defendant corporation, that Defendant issue to Plaintiff 2 his rightful equity in Defendant corporation. 3 (3) For a court order imposing a constructive trust on Defendant corporation, 4 preserving for all times Plaintiff’s equity interest in Defendant; 5 (4) For a court order declaring that Plaintiff is entitled to equity in Defendant 6 corporation according to the equity calculations set forth in the Contract; 7 (5) For an accounting of all revenues and expenses of Defendant corporation from 8 January 1, 2023, to and including the time of trial of this matter; 9 (6) For attorney’s fees, as may be applicable under the Constructive Trust cause of 10 action; 11 (3) For costs of suit herein; 12 (3) For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper. 13 14 July 3, 2024 VICKMAN & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS 15 16 _______________________________ By: James A. Vickman, Esq., attorney for JOSEPH 17 KOCHAV LEV 18 DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL 19 Plaintiff demands a jury trial as to all causes of action that are not based in equity. 20 21 VICKMAN & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS 22 23 July 3, 2024 _______________________________ 24 By: James A. Vickman, Esq., attorney for JOSEPH KOCHAV LEV 25 26 27 28 6 COMPLAINT; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL EXHIBIT 1, PAGE 1 EXHIBIT 1, PAGE 2 EXHIBIT 1, PAGE 3 EXHIBIT 1, PAGE 4 ------------ From: Jesse Valencia Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2024 10:25:20 AM To: Yosef Sternhart ; Joseph (Yossi) Kochav Lev Subject: Agreement Yosef, after a great deal of thought, I would like to terminate our agreement (see attached) effective immediately. We’ve discussed my reasons during our Teams meeting a couple of weeks ago and in person this past Monday. Below I’ve summarized a bulleted and short list. I’m happy to provide more detail, but with respect to you and our time, hope we can come to an amicable resolution. Primary deliverables in the agreement that were not met: a. Resolve cashflow difficulties and improve cashflow position and strength of balance sheet: i. I have had to personally guarantee high-interest loans, twice, since working with Yosef/JKL as well as loan the company $20,000 from my own personal account. Yosef/JKL has not provided a viable option for loan or investment, nor improved cashflow since being contracted to do so. ii. It’s looking like I will, again this week, need to borrow from a high-interest bank in order to cover payroll. b. Increase revenue – No revenue increases can be credited to Yosef/JKL. c. Profitability 1 EXHIBIT 2, PAGE 1 i. If there was a profit in Q3/Q4 of 2023, it was primarily due to the increase in revenue which Ashley and I brought (~$6+ million in new sales was brought by Jesse and Ashley.) ii. I also have concerns that Yosef/JKL is determining profitability for 2023, which creates a conflict of interest, given Yosef/JKL seek to benefit from the profits. d. JKL Accounting Team i. ndm paid JKL directly for accounting services. ii. The accounting services team had multiple problems ranging from late payroll submissions, to lack of responsiveness to employees and vendors, to Veem and other accounting systems being set up with little to no security. Ex: Pinny, Yosef and Jesse all had the ability to remove “approvers” in Veem, giving anyone with any of thier credentials the ability transfer any amount of money to anyone. I’ve since closed the Veem account to eliminate security risks here. e. Security breach: highly confidential files (HR, loan documents, payroll, financial documents, etc) from Yosef/JKL’s computer were added to ndm’s shared Dropbox server by Yosef/JKL (as indicated by Dropbox records) and viewed by employees, creating a massive problem for ndm with possible legal implications against ndm. We are addressing the exposed information with employee(s) who saw personal/employee/financial information. To close out our agreement, I would be open to paying off all your Monthly Fees through February 28, in full before February 28 – if – (given the points above) you/we agree to void any profit sharing and eliminate the 12 month survival clause. I have serious concerns ndm will not make it in 2024. Additional costs will kill the company. During our remaining time, all I would ask is that you assist with transferring reports and working files to me. Per your request, termination is now in writing. Thank you for taking the time to review this email. Feel free to call or email to finalize our terms. Thanks Yosef, Jesse 2 EXHIBIT 2, PAGE 2 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 1 February 5, 2024 BY EMAIL BY FIRST CLASS MAIL Cavalia Communications Inc. dba NDM Communications 2755 Bristol Street, Suite 2900 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Attn: Jesse Valencia Dear Mr. Valencia: I represent Joseph Kochav Lev. The purpose of this letter is to set forth Mr. Kochav Lev's rights under the contract between Mr. Kochav Lev and Cavalia Communications Inc. dba NDM Communications (“NDM”), effective as of August 1, 2023 ("the Contract"). I will not address at all certain statements you have just recently started making about Mr. Kochav Lev's work performance, including in your January 31, 2024 email, because as far as I can ascertain, your statements have no basis in fact, whatsoever, but rather are your attempt to "shake down" Mr Kochav Lev to abandon his rights under the Contract. Also, your offer to Mr. Kochav Lev, embodied in your January 31 email, is hereby rejected. Before I explain the overall rights of Mr. Kochav Lev under the Contract, I want to first inform you that you have materially breached the Contract by terminating Mr. Kochav Lev (in your January 31 email referenced above) without providing the advance 60 days notice, as required by Section 6 (sic) [8] of the Contract. As to the overall rights of Mr. Kochav Lev under the Contract, they include, among others: 1) Monthly compensation already owing and unpaid under the Contract, pursuant to Section 4.a., in the amount of $21,000.00, which monies are payable immediately–please remit now; 2) Additional monthly compensation hereafter, until March 31, 2024, in the amount of $40,000.00, which monies are also payable immediately based on your failure to provide 60 days notice of termination; 2) Profit sharing under the Contract, as follows: a) For the period Aug 1, 2023 to December 31st, 2023, in the amount of $145,195.00, calculated as follows: $580,780.45 times 25%; Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 1 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 2 b) For the period Jan 1 - Jan 31st 2024, in the estimated amount of $40,000.00, calculated as follows: $160,000.00 times 25%; c) For the period Feb 1, 2024, to Mar 31, 2024, to be calculated as soon as profit determination is made for that time period. 3) 25% equity of NDM company total valuation, less $3 million, based on Section 7 of the Contract, to be issued through and including January 31, 2025. On behalf of Mr. Kochav Lev, I hereby demand full compensation/equity, as described above. If you are represented by counsel, please forward my letter to your counsel to respond on NDM’s behalf, by no later than February 12, 2024, at close of business. If you/NDM are not represented by counsel, please directly respond to me, in writing, by that same date and time. It is my hope that you will take very seriously Mr. Kochav Lev’s demand, which you should if you recognize that the contract terms I have referenced above are binding legal obligations, and you negotiate in good faith with Mr. Kochav Lev. However, in the event you do not, and this matters is litigated, I will now advise you about your legal duties and NDM’s, legal duties, of preserving evidence for the legal proceeding. To be specific, this is written notice to you, NDM, and all NDM personnel (hereafter collectively, “NDM Personnel”), to immediately take all steps necessary to preserve and prevent the destruction, loss, concealment, or alteration of all documents, tangible things and electronically stored information (“ESI”) potentially relevant to this matter, even if only remotely relevant, for the last three years and going forward until this matter is resolved. I note that you, Jesse Valencia, being that you are President/CEO of NDM, you must personally take the lead with all NDM Personnel, in terms of insuring that there is full compliance as to all procedures and actions as immediately now set forth. The first thing that comes to mind is the requirement for NDM Personnel to preserve all company emails and other written communications, and all Microsoft Teams transcriptions and recordings, whether or not involving Mr. Kochav Lev, existing at anytime from January 1, 2020, three years ago, until this dispute is resolved. However, NDM Personnel are required to preserve anything at all relating to NDM operations that in any way could touch upon, even remotely, any of the subject matters that might be litigated in a legal proceeding, including but not limited to any and all communications that mention Mr. Kochav Lev, even if he is not part of the actual communication, and any documents and ESI (see below for definition) that relate to or touch upon any subject matter as to which Mr. Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 2 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 3 Kochav Lev provided services to NDM, at any time. Just by way of example, Mr. Kochav Lev was involved in, among other things, improving financial reporting and improving operations, so NDM Personnel must preserve all company-wide written communications, Microsoft Teams transcripts/recordings, and any documents and ESI, existing anywhere, that in any way touch upon financial reporting and NDM operations. As you can see, for all intents and purposes, what this translates to is that NDM personnel must not destroy/delete or otherwise remove from access almost anything that is currently in existence, created from three years ago until this matter is resolved. Obviously, much of the information subject to preservation and subject to disclosure or responsive to future discovery in this matter, if litigated, is stored on NDM’s current and former computer systems and other media and devices (including personal digital assistants, voice-messaging systems, online repositories and cell phones). Electronically stored information (hereinafter "ESI") must be afforded the broadest possible definition and includes (by way of example and not as an exclusive list) potentially relevant information electronically, magnetically or optically stored as: • Digital communications (e.g., e-mail, texts, voicemail, instant messaging); • Word processed documents; • Spreadsheets and tables; • Accounting Application Data; • Image and Facsimile Files (e.g., .PDF, .TIFF, .JPG, .GIF images); • Sound Recordings; • Video and Animation; • Databases (e.g., Access, Oracle, SQL Server data, SAP); • Contact and Relationship Management Data (e.g., Outlook, ACT!); • Calendar and Diary Application Data (e.g., Outlook PST, Yahoo, blog tools); • Online Access Data (e.g., Temporary Internet Files, History, Cookies); • Presentations (e.g., PowerPoint, Corel Presentations) • Network Access and Server Activity Logs; • Project Management Application Data; • Computer Aided Design/Drawing Files; and, • Back Up and Archival Files (e.g., Zip, .GHO) ESI resides not only in areas of electronic, magnetic, flash and optical storage media reasonably accessible to All , but also in areas NDM Personnel may deem not reasonably accessible. NDM Personnel are obliged to preserve potentially relevant evidence from both these sources of ESI, even if NDM Personnel do not anticipate producing such ESI. The demand that NDM Personnel preserve both accessible and inaccessible ESI is reasonable and necessary. Even ESI that NDM Personnel deem reasonably inaccessible must be preserved in the interim so as not to deprive Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 3 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 4 Mr. Kochav Lev of his right to secure the evidence if this matter is litigated, and if so, for a Court of Law of its right to adjudicate the issue of production of that evidence. Thus, NDM personnel are required to immediately initiate a litigation hold for potentially relevant ESI, plus tangible documents and tangible things, and to act diligently and in good faith to secure and audit compliance with that litigation hold. NDM personnel are also required to preserve and not destroy all passwords, decryption procedures (including, if necessary, the software to decrypt the files), network access codes, ID names, manuals, tutorials, written instructions, decompression or reconstruction software, and any and all other information and things necessary to access, view, and (if necessary) reconstruct any ESI. NDM Personnel should not pack, compress, purge, or dispose of any file or any part thereof. NDM Personnel must act immediately, starting today, to preserve potentially relevant ESI including, without limitation, all information concerning any matters described above. Adequate preservation of ESI requires more than simply refraining from efforts to destroy or dispose of such evidence. NDM Personnel must actively intervene to prevent loss due to routine operations and employ proper techniques and protocols suited to protection of ESI. Please note that sources of ESI are altered and erased simply by use of computers and other devices. Booting a drive, examining its contents or running any application will irretrievably alter the evidence it contains and may constitute unlawful spoliation of evidence. Consequently, alteration and erasure may result from NDM Personnel’s failure to immediately act diligently and responsibly to prevent loss or corruption of ESI. Nothing in this demand for preservation of ESI should be understood to diminish NDM Personnel’s concurrent obligation to preserve documents, tangible things and other potentially relevant evidence. NDM Personnel are directed to immediately, today, February 5, 2024, to initiate this litigation hold for potentially relevant ESI, documents and tangible things, and to act diligently and in good faith to secure and audit compliance with such litigation hold. NDM Personnel are further directed to immediately identify and modify or suspend features of NDM’s information systems and devices that, in routine operation, operate to cause the loss of potentially relevant ESI. Examples of such features and operations include: • Purging the contents of e-mail repositories by age, capacity or other criteria; • Using data or media wiping, disposal, erasure or encryption utilities or devices; • Overwriting, erasing, destroying or discarding back up media; • Re-assigning, re-imaging or disposing of systems, servers, devices or media; • Running antivirus or other programs effecting wholesale metadata alteration; • Releasing or purging online storage repositories; • Using metadata stripper utilities; • Disabling server or 1M logging; and, Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 4 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 5 • Executing drive or file defragmentation or compression programs. Also, NDM Personnel should anticipate that is employees, officers or others may seek to hide, destroy or alter ESI and act to prevent or guard against such actions. Especially where company machines have been used for Internet access or personal communications, NDM Personnel should anticipate that users may seek to delete or destroy information they regard as personal, confidential or embarrassing and, in so doing, may also delete or destroy potentially relevant ESI. This concern is not one unique to NDM or to NDM employees and officers. It's simply an event that occurs with such regularity in electronic discovery efforts that any custodian of ESI and their counsel are obliged to anticipate and guard against its occurrence. NDM Personnel should take affirmative steps to prevent anyone with access to NDM Personnel’s data, systems and archives from seeking to modify, destroy or hide electronic evidence on network or local hard drives (such as by deleting or overwriting files, using data shredding and overwriting applications, defragmentation, re-imaging or replacing drives, encryption, compression, stenography or the like). With respect to local hard drives, one way to protect existing data on local hard drives is by the creation and authentication of a forensically qualified image of all sectors of the drive. Such a forensically qualified duplicate may also be called a bitstream image or clone of the drive. Be advised that a conventional back up of a hard drive is not a forensically qualified image because it only captures active, unlocked data files and fails to preserve forensically significant data that may exist in such areas as unallocated space, slack space and the swap file. With respect to the hard drives and storage devices, demand is made that any person, including but not limited to NDM Personnel, likely to have information pertaining to the instant matter on their computer hard drive(s) immediately obtain, authenticate and preserve forensically qualified images of the hard drives in any computer system (including portable and home computers) used by that person during the period from three years ago until this matter is resolved. Once obtained, each such forensically qualified image should be labeled to identify the date of acquisition, the person or entity acquiring the image and the system and medium from which it was obtained. Each such image should be preserved without alteration. NDM Personnel should anticipate that certain ESI, including but not limited to spreadsheets and databases, will be sought in the form or forms in which it is ordinarily maintained. Accordingly, NDM Personnel should preserve ESI in such native forms, and NDM Personnel should not select methods to preserve ESI that remove or degrade the ability to search NDM Personnel’s ESI by electronic means or make it difficult or burdensome to access or use the information efficiently in the litigation. NDM Personnel should additionally refrain from actions that shift ESI from reasonably accessible media and forms to less accessible media and forms if the effect of such actions is to make such ESI not reasonably accessible. Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 5 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 6 NDM Personnel should further anticipate the need to disclose and produce system and application metadata and act to preserve it. System metadata is information describing the history and characteristics of other ESI. This information is typically associated with tracking or managing an electronic file and often includes data reflecting a file's noone, size, custodian, location and dates of creation and last modification or access. Application metadata is information automatically included or embedded in electronic files bul which may not be apparent to a user, including deleted content, draft language, commentary, collaboration and distribution data and dates of creation and printing. Be advised that metadata may be overwritten or corrupted by careless handling or improper steps to preserve ESI. For electronic mail, metadata includes all header rouling data and Base 64 encoded attachment data, in addition to the To, From, Subject, Received Date, CC and BCC fields. With respect to servers like those used to manage electronic mail (e.g. , Microsoft Exchange and Gmail) or network storage (often called a user's "network share"), the complete contents of each user's network share and e-mail account must be preserved. There are several ways to preserve the contents of a server depending upon, e.g., its RAID configuration and whether it can be downed or must be online 24/7. Though I expect that NDM Personnel will act swiftly to preserve data on office workstations and servers, NDM Personnel should also determine if any home or portable systems may contain potentially relevant data. To the extent that officers, board members or employees have sent or received potentially relevant e-mails or created or reviewed potentially relevant documents away from the office, NDM Personnel must preserve the contents of systems, devices and media used for these purposes (including not only potentially relevant data from portable and home computers, but also from portable thumb drives, CD-R disks and the user's PDA, smart phone, voice mailbox or other forms of ESI storage.). Similarly, if NDM Personnel, and employees, officers or board members used online or browser-based email accounts or services (such as Gmail, Yahoo Mail or the like) to send or receive potentially relevant messages and attachments, the contents of these account mailboxes (including Sent, Deleted and Archived Message folders) must be preserved. NDM Personnel must also preserve documents and other tangible items that may be required to access, interpret or search potentially relevant ESI, including logs, control sheets, specifications, indices, naming protocols, file lists, network diagrams, flow charts, instruction sheets, data entry forms, abbreviation keys, user ID and password rosters or the like. NDM Personnel must preserve any passwords, keys or other authenticators required to access encrypted files or run applications, along with the installation disks, user manuals and license keys for applications required to access the ESI. NDM Personnel must preserve any cabling, drivers and hardware, if needed to access or interpret media on which ESI is stored. This includes tape drives, bar code readers, zip drives, external hard drives, flash drives, and other legacy or proprietary devices. Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 6 Vickman & Associates Attorneys Jesse Valencia February 5, 2024 Page 7 Note that hard copies do not preserve electronic searchability or metadata. They are not an adequate substitute for, or cumulative of, electronically stored versions. If information exists in both electronic and paper forms, NDM personnel must preserve both forms. NDM Personnel’s preservation obligation extends beyond ESI in NDM Personnel’s care, possession or custody, and also includes ESI in the custody of others that is subject to NDM Personnel’s direction or control. Accordingly, NDM Personnel must notify any current or former agent, attorney, employee, custodian or contractor in possession of potentially relevant ESI to preserve such ESI to the full extent of NDM Personnel’s obligation to do so, and NDM Personnel must take reasonable steps to secure their compliance. Yours truly, James A. Vickman, Esq. Vickman & Associates, Attorneys Attorneys for Joseph Kochav Lev Vickman & Associates, Attorneys, 424 South Beverly Drive, Beverly Hills, California 90212-4414 telephone 310/553-8533 facsimile 310/553-0557 email EXHIBIT 3, PAGE 7 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 1 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 2 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 3 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 4 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 5 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 6 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 7 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 8 EXHIBIT 4, PAGE 9