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  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. VS MEYTAL LITMANOVITZ Other Promissory Note/Collections Case (General Jurisdiction) document preview


20TRCV00143 Assigned for all purposes to: Torrance Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Ramona See Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 12:00 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by T. Rhodes,Deputy Clerk LAN OFFICES OF KENNETH J. FREED KENNETH J. FREED, ESQ. [SBN. 125349) DAVID E. (4EEKS, ESQ. [SBN. 190542) 14226 Ventuza Boulevard Snerman Oaks, California 91423 (818) 990-0888 / (818) 990-1047 Facsimile KFREEDEKJFESO.COM DKEEKSEKJFESO.COM 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff 6 CR DITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. Our File No. 6045438 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES TORRANCE COURTHOUSEi UNLIMITED CIVIL 10 CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, ) CASE NO. 11 IN)C., ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) COMPI.AINT OR MONEY 13 ) (Insurance Premi.ums) ) 14 ) AMOUNT OF DEMAND MFYTAI ITMANOVITZ DBA MOBILF. ) ) $ 62,038.81 15 STAF'FING ADBA MOBILE SERVICES; ) and Does 1 thzough 10, ) 16 Inclusive, ) ) 17 ) Defendant.. ) 18 ) 19 Amount of Demand: $ 62,038.81 20 Plaintiff alleges as follows: 21 DEFINITIONS AND PRELIMINARY ALLEGATIONS 22 As used herein, the term "Plaintiff's Assignor" refers 23 o STA'IE COMPENSATION INSURANCE FUND; As used herein, the terms "The Debt" ard "Said Debt" 25 refer to the sum of $ 62,038.81; 26 As used herein, the term "Due Date" refers to September 27 9, 2019; 28 COMPLAINI'OR MONEY 4. Prior to the commencement of this action, the claims 2 sued upon herein were assigned to Plaintiff by Plaintiff's 3 Assignor, a corporation and an insurance issuer and underwriter, 4 licensed under the laws of the State of Californ'a, and Plaintiff 5 is now the owner and holder of such claims; 6 5. Plaintiff is a corporation organized and existing under 7 the laws of the State of California and is a collection agency; 8 6. true names and capacities, whether individual, The 9 corporate, associate or otherwise, of the Defendant herein 10 designated DOES 1 through 10, inclusive, are unknown to 11 Plaintiff; Plaintiff will ask leave of the Court to amend this 12 Complaint to show their true names and capacities when 13 asce tained; 7. The obligation and claims sued upor. herein were made 15 ard entered into and are due and payable in the above-mentioned 16 Judicia District and County, State of California, and are not 17 subject to the provisions of Sections 1812.10 and 2984.4 of t.he 18 California Civil Code and Section 395(b) of the Cali ornia Civil 19 Code Procedure; 20 8. At all times herein ment.ioned, the Defendant was an 21 agent and employees of the other Defendan", and were acting 22 within he course and scope of such agency and employment; 23 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (BREACH OF CONTRACTI 24 9. Plaintiff repeats, realleges and incorporates herein by 25 reference paragraphs 1 through 8 as though fully set forth 26 herein. 27 10. Plaintiff's Assignor and Defendant entered into a 28 written agreement wherein Plaintiff's Assignor agreed to provide COMPLAINT F'R MONEY 1 a po icy of workers compensation insurance to the Defendant, 2 bearing Policy No. 9214668-17 (covering the period of July 21, 3 2017 through July 21, 2018) and Defendant agreed to pay premiums 4 in accordance with the terms and conditions o said policy which 5 provided for payment of premiums. 6 11. That said Defendant accepted said workers compensation 7 insurance policy bearing Policy No. 9214668-17, and, in 8 consideration thereof, agreed to the terms anci conditions set 9 forth therein which provided for payment of premiums. 10 12. That Plaintiff's Assignor has performed everything on 11 its part =o be performed under insurance policy; 12 13. That on or about September 9, 2019, Defendant breached 13 that pa t of the policy requiring the payment of premiums thereby 14 becoming indebted to Plaintiff's Assignor in the amount of the 15 Debt for for insurance premiums earned by t.he balance due 16 Plaint;iff's Assignor as a result of the sale, issuance and 17 delivery of said workers compensation insurance policy bearing 18 Policy No. 9214668-17 by Plaintiff's Assignor to Defendant at 19 Defendant's request. Said balance has not been paid although 20 payment has been demanded, and there is now due, owing and unpaid 21 from the Defendant to Plaintiff said Debt, together with interest 22 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10-:) per annum since demanded 23 on the Due Date as set forth in Paragraph 3 herein; SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (OPEN BOOK ACCOUNT) 25 14. Plaintiff repeats, realleges and incorporates herein by 26 reference paragraphs 1 through 8 as though fully set forth 27 her in; 28 COMPLAINT FOR MONEY 1 15. Within four years preceding the commencement of this 2 act'n, Defendant, and of them, became ir debted to each 3 Pla'nti f's Assignor in the amount of "the DEBT" for a balance 4 due on a book account for goods sold and delivered and/or 5 services rendered by Plaintiff's Assignor to Defendant at 6 Defenoant's request. Said DEBT has not been paid a though payment 7 has been demanded, and said DEBT is now due, owing and unpaid, 8 together with interest thereon at. the rate of ter percent (10%) 9 per annum since demanded on the due date; 10 16. The DFBT sued upon herein was incir ed on or after 11 Janus y 1, 1987 and is subject to the prov's.'ons of the 12 Cali.fornia Civi.l Code Section 1717.5 and that Plaintiff is 13 entitled to be awarded attorney's fees pursi ant =o said section; THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (ACCOUNT STATFD) 15 17. Plaintiff repeats, realleges and incorporates herein by 16 reference paragraphs I through 8 as though filly set forth 17 herein; 18 18. Within f'our years the commencement of this 19 a"tion, an account was stated Plainti.f 's Assignor by and between 20 ax.d Defendant, and each of them, wherein it was ascertained and 21 agreed that said Defendant owed said DEBT to Plaintiff's Assignor 22 together with interest thereon at the rate of ten percent (10-:) 23) per annim from the Due Date; 24 19. The DEBT sued upon herein was incurred on or after 25 Jaruary 1, 1987 and is subject to the provis'ons of the 26 Ca ifornia Civil Code Section 1717.5 and tha Plaintiff is 27 entit:ed to be awarded attorney's fees pursuant to said section; 28 COMPLAIN':" F'R MONEY FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION (REASONAB E VA: UE) 20. Plaintiff repeats, realleges and incorporates herein by 3 reference paragraphs 1 through 8 as though fully set forth 4 herein; 5 21. Nithin two years preceding the commencement of this 6 action Defendant, and each of them, became indebted to 7 Plaintiff's assignor for the reasonable value of goods sold and 8 delivered and/or services rendered by Plaintiff's assignor to 9 said Defendant at said Defendant's request, the DEBT was and is 10 the reasonable value of said goods, and/or serv'es. No part of 11 said DEBT has been paid although payment has been demanded, and 12 said DEBT is now due, owing and unpaid togethe" with interest at 13 the ra=e of ten percent (10%) per annum since demanded on the due 14 date; 15 22. The DEBT sued upon herein was incurred on or after 16 Janua y 1, 1987, and is subject to the provisions of the 17 California Civil Code Section 1717.5 and that Plaintiff is :1.8 entitled to be awarded attorney's fees pursuant to said section. 19 THEREFORE, P:).aint).ff prays judgment against =he Defendant, 20 and each of them, as follows: 21 AS TO THE FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 22 1. For the sum of $ 62,038.81, together with interest 23 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from September 24 9, 20:9; 25 2. For costs of suit herein; and 26 3. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem 27 just and proper. 28 COMPLAINT FOR MONEY 1 AS TO THE SECOND. THIRD AND FOURTH CAUSES OF ACTION 2 For the sum of 62,038.81, together with interest $ 3 the eon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per anrum from September 4 9, 2019; 2. For costs of suit incurred herein; 3. For attorney's fees pursuant to Cali ornia Civil Code 7 Secton 1717.5; and, 8 4. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem 9 just and proper. 10 DATED: February 3, 2020 LAW OFFICES +f'ENNETH J. FREED I 12 ~7 ~ENE1,/TH O'R ED 13 Attorneys for Plaintiff CRFDITORS ADUUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. 17 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 COMPLAINT FOR MONEY