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  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC VS SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY Insurance Coverage (not complex) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 07:38 AM Sherti R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by R. Clifton,Deputy Clerk 20STCV05818 Assigned for all purposes to: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Richard Burdge LAW OFFICE OF SASSOON SALES SASSOON SALES, SBN 59958 16060 Ventura Blvd., Suite 110 Encino, California 91436 Telephone: (818) 728-6658 Facsimile: (818) 817-7617 Attorney for Plaintiff, M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 M.L, TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC, ) CASENO,. 2OSTCYO5818 12 COMPLAINT FOR DAMAGES Plaintiff, 13 vs. 14 SCOTTSDALE INSURANCE COMPANY 15 and DOES 1 to 100, 16 Defendants. 17 18 Plaintiff alleges: 19 20 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 21 (Breach of Contract Against All Defendants) 22 1 At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff, M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC, 23 was doing business in the County of Los Angeles, California. 24 2 At all times relevant herein Defendant was a corporation that transacted 25 business in the County of Los Angeles, California. 26 27 3 Plaintiff is ignorant of the true names and capacities of Defendants 28 named herein as Does 1 through 100, inclusive, and, therefore, identifies said Complaint for Damages - 1 Defendants herein by such fictitious names. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each of the fictitiously-named Defendants was responsible in some manner for the occurrences herein and that Plaintiff’s damages as herein alleged was proximately caused by the conduct of said Defendants. Plaintiff will seek leave to amend this complaint to allege the true names and capacities when the same have been ascertained. 4 Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges that at all times relevant herein each of the Defendants was the agent, employee, joint venturer and 10 alter ego of each of the remaining Defendants and was at all times acting within the 11 purpose and scope of said agency, employment, joint venture and alter ego. 12 13 5. On or about May 31, 2019, there was in full force and effect a written 14 contract of insurance (“policy”) between Plaintiff and Defendants whereby Defendants 15 agreed, inter alia, to indemnify Plaintiff for any damages Plaintiff sustained as a result 16 of fire. 17 6 At all times relevant herein, Plaintiff has paid to Defendants all premiums 18 due under said contract of insurance and had performed all obligations required to be 19 20 performed on his part. 21 iy, On or about May 31, 2019, Plaintiff suffered a loss compensable under the 22 terms of said contract of insurance in that Plaintiff’s warehouse and its contents were 23 destroyed by fire. 24 8 On or about September 30, 2019, Defendants breached the aforesaid 25 contract of insurance in that Defendants have failed to reimburse Plaintiff for the loss 26 27 Plaintiff suffered as a result of fire. 28 9 As a legal result of the aforementioned wrongful conduct of Defendants, Complaint for Damages - 2 Plaintiff has suffered damages under said contract of insurance in that Defendant failed to pay approximately $3 million in insurance policy benefits. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Breach of Obligation of Good Faith Against All Defendants) 10. Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference all preceding paragraphs as if they were fully set forth herein. 11. At all times relevant herein, the aforementioned policy contained as a 10 matter of law an implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing which obligated the 11 parties thereto to adhere to a standard of fairness to one another in exercising their 12 13 respective rights and obligations as created by said policy. 14 12. Beginning on or about September 30, 2019, and continuing to date, 15 Defendants have breached their duty of good faith and fair dealing owed to Plaintiff, 16 in the following respects: 17 (a) Unreasonably and in bad faith failing to pay Plaintiff for losses 18 suffered as a result of fire; 19 20 (b) Unreasonably and in bad faith failing to investigate and process 21 Plaintiff’s claim for losses suffered as a result of fire; and 22 (c) Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that 23 Defendants have breached their duty of good faith and fair dealing owed to Plaintiff by 24 other acts and omissions of which Plaintiff is presently unaware, but which will be 25 proved at the time of trial. 26 27 13. As a legal result of the aforementioned wrongful conduct of Defendants, 28 Plaintiff has suffered damages as follows: attorney fees in a sum to be proved at trial; Complaint for Damages - 3 punitive damages in a sum not less than $5 million. 14, As a further result of the aforementioned wrongful conduct of Defendants, Plaintiff has suffered anxiety, worry, mental and emotional distress, and other incidental damages and out-of-pocket expenses, for a total amount to be shown at the time of trial. 15. Defendants’ conduct described herein was done with a conscious disregard of Plaintiff’s rights and with the intent to vex, injure and annoy Plaintiff such as to constitute oppression, fraud or malice within the meaning of Civil Code 10 §3294, thereby entitling Plaintiff to punitive damages in an amount appropriate to 11 punish or set an example of Defendants. 12 13 16. The aforesaid acts of Defendants were performed by employees and 14 officers of said Defendants and were known to the officers and directors of said 15 Defendants who authorized and endorsed the acts of their employees; additionally, the 16 aforesaid acts were ratified by said Defendants in that, inter alia, they failed to 17 admonish their employees and insure that their employees performed the duties 18 expected of them. 19 20 21 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays for judgment as follows: 22 1 For damages for failure to provide benefits under the subject policy in an 23 amount to be shown at trial; 24 2 For attorney’s fees incurred in obtaining policy benefits; 25 3 For general damages for mental and emotional distress in an amount to 26 27 be shown at trial; 28 4 For other general and special damages in an amount to be shown at trial; Complaint for Damages - 4 5 For interest on all sums at the maximum legal rate according to proof; 6 For punitive and exemplary damages in an amount appropriate to punish or set an example of Defendants; 7 For costs of suit incurred herein; and 8 For such other and further relief as the court may deem just and proper. DATED:_/ tee 20 LAW OFFICE OF SASSOON SALES 10 11 12 B ZS lL» SASSOON SALES 13 Attorney for Plaintiff, M.L. TEXTILES ENTERPRISE, LLC 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 | 28 | Complaint for Damages - 5