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  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., A CORPORATION VS VIACOM CORPORATION Collections Case - Seller Plaintiff (General Jurisdiction) document preview


20STCV05971 Assigned for all purposes to: Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Judicial Officer: Steven Kleifield Electronically FILED by Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles on 02/13/2020 12:00 AM Sherri R. Carter, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court, by M. Barel,Deputy Clerk 1 PHILLIP K. FIFE, ESQ. SB#45138 LAW OFFICES OF PHILLIP K. FIFE 2 11278 LOS ALAMITOS BLVD., #179 LOS ALAMITOS, CALIFORNIA 90720 3 (714) 981-4488; FAX (562) 430-8180 4 Attorney for Plaintiff 5 6 7 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA 8 COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 9 CENTRAL DISTRICT 10 11 BETTY KNOWS BEST, INC., a California) CASE NO: 12 Corporation, ) ) 13 Plaintiff, ) ) COMPLAINT FOR MONEY OWED FOR 14 -vs- ) FAILURE TO PAY FOR GOODS SOLD AND ) DELIVERED; FOR ACCOUNT STATED FOR 15 VIACOM CORPORATION, a corporation;) MONEYS OWED FOR SERVICES DOES 1 through 5,inclusive, ) RENDERED ; DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL; 16 ) Defendants. ) 17 ) ) 18 ) ) 19 ) ) 20 21 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR MONEY OWED FOR FAILURE TO 22 PAY FOR GOODS SOLD AND ELIVERED FOR A PRICE FIXED AND AGREED TO PURSUANT 23 TO A WRITING (LET IT RIDE GALLERY SHOOT) 24 Comes now and for cause of action against the Defendants and each 25 of them Plaintiff alleges as follows: 26 1. Plaintiff Betty Knows Best, Inc. is and at all times mentioned 27 herein has been a California corporation with its principal place of 28 ~~~~~~- Complaint 1 1 business located in the County of Los Angeles, City of Los Angeles. 2 For convenience, Plaintiff will sometimes be referred to hereinafter 3 simply as "BKB". 4 2. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that 5 Defendant Viacom Corporation at all times herein mentioned was and 6 still is doing business in the state of California through various 7 subsidiaries and business entities including but not limited to 8 Nickelodeon, New Games Productions, Inc., and MTV Networks, and was 9 succeeded in 2019 by a new corporate entity using the name Viacom CBS 10 For convenience, said Defendant with whom Plaintiff transacted 11 business as hereinafter alleged will be referred to hereinafter 12 sometimes simply as "Viacom". 13 3. The true names and capacities of those Defendants sued herein 14 by the fictitious names DOES 1-10 are unknown to Plaintiff at this time 15 who therefore sues said Defendants by said fictitious names pursuant 16 to the provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure §474. 17 Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that each of 18 said Defendants DOES 1-10 are agents, servants, employees, successors 19 and/or joint actors with the named Defendant Viacom and has with full 20 knowledge of the facts contributed to, promoted, ratified and endorsed 21 the wrongful actions of Defendant Viacom as more particularly 22 described hereinafter, so as to be at fault and/or jointly responsible 23 for causing the damages to Plaintiff hereinafter more specifically 24 described. Plaintiff will amend this complaint when the true names 25 and capacities of said Defendants become known to Plaintiff. 26 4. Plaintiff at all times herein mentioned was engaged in the 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 2 1 business of performing as an independent contractor and supplier of 2 the production of promotional materials for film, photo and video 3 products of Defendant Viacom. Said promotional materials were referred 4 to by the parties as "gallery shoots" and were intended to facilitate 5 Viacom's promotion and advertising of its film and/or television 6 products upon the completion of said products. Defendant Via com 7 through its authorized agent at the time having responsibility for 8 procurement of the "gallery shoot" for a particular film or television 9 show produced by Viacom would contact Plaintiff's principal officer 10 either by a phone call or an e-mail to advise Plaintiff of its interest 11 in having Plaintiff produce and deliver the "gallery shoot" for the 12 particular Viacom product, providing Plaintiff with the name of the 13 product, a desired delivery date for the subject "gallery shoot", a 14 proposed budget, sometimes with only a concept and possible locations 15 where images would have to be shot, leaving it to Plaintiff to advise 16 Via com's agent of logistical and budget options as well as a price for 17 producing what Defendant Viacom's authorized agent was seeking. 18 5. Plaintiff would respond in writing to this initial inquiry as 19 to Plaintiff's availability to undertake the project and a projected 20 fixed price for providing the "gallery shoot" being sought by Viacom. 21 Christine Hollwedel was the authorized employee and representative of 22 Defendant Viacom with whom Plaintiff dealt with respect to all of the 23 particular "gallery shoots'' referred to in the specific causes of 24 action alleged in this Complaint. Plaintiff was engaged to produce and 25 deliver to Defendant Via com each of said particular "gallery shoots" 26 pursuant to a fixed final price ultimately confirmed in a writing 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 3 1 generated by said Christine Hollwedel on behalf of and for the benefit 2 of Defendant Viacom. Christine Hollwedel was at all times mentioned 3 herein with respect to the various "gallery shoot" projects on which 4 Plaintiff was engaged, located in the Count y of Los Angeles where 5 Plaintiff also maintained its principal business office. 6 8. Due to the uncertainty of the exact time that a given film or 7 television show product being produced by Viacom would be actually 8 completed, and the necessity upon such completion to produce the 9 "gallery shoot" before the filming set would be broken down or would 10 otherwise become no longer available, and the actors, actresses and 11 other "talent" that had been part of the production of the film and/or 12 television show product would move on to other projects and 13 opportunities, it was typically necessary for Plaintiff to begin work 14 on a given "gallery shoot" even before the underlying film and/or 15 television show product had been completed. Due to specific requests 16 or demands that were made at the last minute by Viacom people who had 17 been involved in the production of the product as to particular things 18 they wanted to be included in the production of the "gallery shoot", 19 it was frequently necessary for Plaintiff to adjust a preliminarily 20 agreed-upon initial fixed price which adjustment would be agreed upon 21 and confirmed between Viacom and Plaintiff via a writing. Due to the 22 volume of creative productions that Defendant Viacom was producing for 23 which the services of Plaintiff were being sought, it was also common 24 that Via com's authorized representative and agent would have Plaintiff 25 start planning and logistics work on a new "gallery shoot" that 26 Viacom's authorized representative and agent expected would have to 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 4 1 be delivered by a certain time notwithstanding that the date for 2 actual completion of the underlying creative production was not fixed. 3 As a result, Plaintiff from time to time would be engaged in planning 4 and producing several different "gallery shoots" at the same time. 5 9. Some years prior to the development of the claims of Plaintiff 6 hereinafter set forth, Defendant Viacom Corporation notified 7 Plaintiff that it was putting in place a system that said Defendant 8 designated as its "SWIM" system which acronym stood for Supplier 9 Workplace for Invoice Management and advised Plaintiff to utilize this 10 system thereafter, which Plaintiff did. Under the SWIM system, the 11 authorized representative would generate and make available in its 12 SWIM system a "display purchase order" which had on its face a specific 13 "Purchase Order No.", a name for the specific "gallery shoot" being 14 ordered from Plaintiff, a date of issuance of the display purchase 15 order, a requested deli very date for the goods being ordered, an amount 16 of the budget preliminarily allocated for the purchase of the goods 17 being ordered, and information as to where the goods being ordered were 18 to be shipped. Plaintiff could and would access the Defendant's SWIM 19 system periodically and/or when alerted by the Defendant's agent to 20 do so to review the "display purchase order" when it became available. 21 10. Attached hereto as Exhibit A and by such reference incorporated 22 hereat is a print-out of the Display Purchase Order No. 2000354275 23 dated February 25, 2016 for the purchase and delivery of the "Betty 24 Knows Best Ride Gallery Shoot" for a preliminarily proposed purchase 25 price of $115,000 which was made available in Viacom' s SWIM system on 26 or about that date by Christine Hollwedel as the authorized agent of 27 28 -------~ Complaint 5 1 Defendant Viacom for Plaintiff to download. The associated project of 2 Defendant Via com for which this "gallery shoot" was ordered from 3 Plaintiff was known as "Let It Ride". Filming of that project in a 4 studio in Toronto, Canada was not completed until a matter of few days 5 prior to the delivery date for the "gallery shoot" that Defendant 6 Viacom Corporation sought for use in promoting the "Let It Ride" show. 7 This scheduling had necessitated that Plaintiff start working on the 8 "gallery shoot" for it in advance of its final completion on the basis 9 of a projected price to be charged by Plaintiff for the "gallery shoot" 10 of $115,000 which was acknowledged by Christine Hollwedel in writing 11 to be subject to upward adjustment for Plaintiff's additional charges 12 which, among other things, was likely going to include bringing a 13 photographer and his assistant from Los Angeles to Toronto which had 14 been requested by others within Viacom after Plaintiff and Hollwedel 15 had worked out the preliminary price of $115,000 on the basis of 16 Plaintiff utilizing a Canadian photographer located in Toronto. 17 11. Defendant Viacom through Hollwedel confirmed in writing that 18 Viacom did want to have Plaintiff bring a particular photographer from 19 Los Angeles as well as his assistant to Toronto for the production of 20 the "Ride Gallery Shoot" in Toronto. On or about February 23, 2016 21 Defendant Viacom confirmed in writing that it would pay Plaintiff the 22 original budgeted amount of $115,000 and would pay Plaintiff's 23 additional charges for, among other things, having to utilize in Canada 24 the Los Angeles photographer that Viacom's creative director wanted 25 to be used for the Plaintiff's production in Toronto of the Ride Gallery 26 Shoot images. Plaintiff in reliance on this adjustment completed and 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 6 1 delivered on or about February 21, 2016 the subject Ride Gallery Shoot 2 images to Defendant Via com by the date by which Via com desired it. Said 3 "gallery shoot" was accepted and used by Via com without any objection 4 or questions. Consistent with the representations of its authorized 5 representative and agent Christine Hollwedel, Defendant Viacom paid 6 Plaintiff the $115,000 amount of the preliminary fixed price for the 7 production and delivery of said "gallery shoot". Defendant Viacom's 8 authorized agent Christine Hollwedel who at all times herein mentioned 9 was located in Los Angeles County agreed in writing that said initial 10 purchase price would be adjusted upward to a final purchase price due 11 to various increased costs that Plaintiff was going to have to pay and 12 incur to accommodate demands by various persons within Viacom as to 13 things which they wanted in the final "gallery shoot". Defendant Via com 14 accepted without any objection the final "gallery shoot" materials 15 delivered by Plaintiff for the Let It Ride project but ultimately has 16 failed to fully pay to Plaintiff the full amount of the final price 17 for which Plaintiff agreed to and did provide the subject "gallery 18 shoot" for the Let It Ride product. 19 12. Plaintiff on or about September 30, 2016 made demand for payment 20 of a final balance of $5,975 of net approved price increase for the 21 additional costs and expenses of providing services and paying costs 22 to satisfy last minute demands of Viacom that had not been contemplated 23 or figured on as being necessary in the formulation of the original 24 preliminary budget for the production and delivery of the Ride Gallery 25 Shoot, but Defendant Viacom has failed to remit same, to Plaintiff's 26 damage in said amount plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent 27 28 - - - - - - - - Complaint 7 1 (10%) per annum from September 30, 2016 until paid. 2 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR FAILURE TO PAY MONEY OWED 3 PURSUANT TO AN ACCOUNT STATED IN WRITING FOR THE BALANCE OWING FOR GOODS 4 SOLD AND DELIVERED (LET IT RIDE GALLERY SHOOT) 5 13. Plaintiff refers to the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-11 6 hereinbefore set forth and incorporates same hereat. 7 14. On or about September 30, 2016 Plaintiff stated in writing that 8 there was then owing by Viacom to Plaintiff on account in connection 9 with Plaintiff's production and delivery of the Ride Gallery Shoot the 10 final remaining amount of $5, 97 5 and Viacom' s authorized 11 representative Christine Hollwedel acknowledged without protest in 12 writing receipt of Plaintiff's written statement of account. 13 15. Defendant Viacom is indebted to Plaintiff in said amount of 14 $5,975 plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum 15 from September 30, 2016 until paid. 16 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR MONEY OWED FOR FAILURE TO 17 PAY FOR GOODS SOLD AND ELIVERED FOR A PRICE FIXED AND AGREED TO PURSUANT 18 TO A WRITING (LEGENDS OF THE HIDDEN TEMPLE GALLERY SHOOT) 19 16. Plaintiff refers to the allegations set forth in Paragraphs 1-9 20 hereinbefore set forth and incorporates the same hereat 21 17. Attached hereto as Exhibit B and by such reference incorporated 22 hereat is a print-out of the Via com Display Purchase Order No. 23 2000384026 for the production and delivery by Plaintiff of the "Legends 24 Gallery Shoot" for a preliminarily proposed advance payment of 25 $101,250 against an anticipated final price of between $129,000 and 26 $135,000. It was dated May 31, 2016 and was made available in Viacom's 27 28 - - - - - - - Complaint 8 1 SWIM system on or about that date by Christine Hollwedel as the 2 authorized agent of Defendant Viacom for Plaintiff to download. The 3 associated project of Defendant Viacom for which this "gallery shoot" 4 was being ordered from Plaintiff was known as "Legends of the Hidden 5 Temple". Filming of that movie project was not completed in Vancouver, 6 Canada until a matter of a few days prior to the delivery date for the 7 "gallery shoot" that Defendant Viacom Corporation sought for use in 8 promoting the "Legends of the Hidden Temple" movie. This scheduling 9 had necessitated that Plaintiff start working on the "gallery shoot" 10 for it in advance of its final completion on the basis of a projected 11 price to be charged by Plaintiff for the "gallery shoot" of between 12 $129,000 and $135,000 which was recognized by Christine Hollwedel in 13 writing to be subject to upward adjustment due to the fact that the 14 movie crew was a union crew which cost considerably more than a 15 non-union crew to be available for filming images needed for the 16 "gallery shoot" and would require compensation at overtime rates for 17 hours worked over a certain limited number of days in a given week 18 and/or for work in excess of a certain number of hours in a single day. 19 In addition, among many other variables, the needs for "talent" 20 employed by Viacom in the movie who would also have to be available 21 for the images to be produced by Plaintiff for the "gallery shoot" were 22 shifting and necessitating increased costs. 23 18. Christine Hollwedel authorized Plaintiff in writing to proceed 24 with the final production and delivery of the subject "gallery shoot" 25 with the original preliminary budget of $101,250 to be paid as an 26 advance against the final actual charges of Plaintiff based on the 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 9 1 resolution of the many variables affecting the final production of the 2 subject "gallery shoot". 3 19. Plaintiff completed the subject "gallery shoot" and delivered 4 to Defendant on or about March 22, 2016 the images to Viacom, prior 5 to the May 31, 2016 delivery date for same which Viacom was seeking. 6 Defendant Via com accepted and used same without objection or question 7 advising Plaintiff in writing that Viacom would remit the $101,250 8 amount of its initial proposed purchase price and would expect an 9 additional invoice from Plaintiff once the final "wrap" was done. 10 Viacom then paid Plaintiff as an advance the $101,250 toward the final 11 agreed purchase price for the "gallery shoot" and on or about September 12 30, 2016 Plaintiff transmitted to Christine Hollwedel a final 13 breakdown of the charges for the production and delivery of said 14 "gallery shoot" totaling $136,325, leaving a balance due of $36,075 15 after credit for the receipt of the initial advance of $101,250. 16 Christine Hollwedel on behalf of Viacom acknowledged receipt of the 17 invoice the same day it was sent, thanked Plaintiff and did not express 18 any objection to the sufficiency or completeness of the materials 19 delivered or the amount of the remaining charges due to Plaintiff. 20 20. Plaintiff has made demand for payment of the $36,075 balance due 21 upon Defendant Viacom which has failed to remit same, to Plaintiff's 22 damage in said amount plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent 23 (10%) per annum from September 30, 2016 until paid. 24 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR FAILURE TO PAY MONEY OWED 25 PURSUANT TO AN ACCOUNT STATED IN WRITING FOR THE BALANCE OWING FOR GOODS 26 SOLD AND DELIVERED (LEGENDS GALLERY SHOOT) 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 10 1 21. Plaintiff refers to the allegations of Paragraphs 16-19 2 hereinbefore appearing and by such reference incorporates the same 3 hereat. 4 22. On or about September 30, 2016 Plaintiff stated in writing that 5 there was then owing by Viacom to Plaintiff on account in connection 6 with Plaintiff's production and deli very of the Legends Gallery Shoot 7 the final remaining amount of $36, 07 5 and Via com's authorized 8 representative Christine Hollwedel acknowledged without protest in 9 writing receipt of Plaintiff's written statement of account. 10 23. Defendant Viacom is indebted to Plaintiff in said amount of 11 $36,075 plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum 12 14 PAY FOR GOODS SOLD AND ELIVERED FOR A PRICE FIXED AND AGREED TO PURSUANT 15 TO A WRITING (HUNTER STREET GALLERY SHOOT) 16 24. Plaintiff refers to the allegations of Paragraphs 1-9 17 hereinbefore appearing and by such reference incorporates the same 18 hereat. 19 25. Attached hereto as Exhibit C and by such reference incorporated 20 hereat is a print-out of the Display Purchase Order No. 2000411232 21 dated August 23, 2016 for the production and deli very by Plaintiff of 22 the "Hunter Street Shoot" for a preliminarily proposed purchase price 23 of $125,000 with 75% thereof, or $93,750, to be paid in advance due 24 to the fact that Christine Hollwedel knew Plaintiff's principal 25 officer would have to travel to Europe to start work on the project. 26 This Display Purchase Order became available in Viacom's SWIM system 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 11 1 on or about the date it bears. The associated project of Defendant 2 Viacom for which said Defendant by its authorized agent Christine 3 Hollwedel was ordering this "gallery shoot" was being filmed in 4 Amsterdam using American, Dutch and British "talent". Some of the 5 "talent" were minors who were required to receive schooling which 6 limited how much time they would be available for actual filming and 7 still shots on any given day, the desired date for delivery of the 8 subject "gallery shoot" fell right in the heart of the heaviest tourism 9 activity in Amsterdam, and the exchange rate of the Eurocurrency for 10 the U.S. dollar was then unfavorable to the U.S. Dollar. Due to these 11 important factors as well as other uncertainties, it was clear to 12 Plaintiff that the desired "gallery shoot" could not be done for the 13 initial budget amount which Viacom had proposed and Plaintiff kept 14 Viacom's agent Hollwedel apprised of these factors. 15 2 6. Based on Plaintiff's assessment of the number of complex issues 16 involved in producing the subject "gallery shoot" in Amsterdam as the 17 underlying Viacom product was being completed, Plaintiff advised 18 Christine Hollwedel that the budget she was proposing would have to 19 substantially increase to between $193,000 and $194,000. After 20 exchange of numerous phone calls and emails, Christine Hollwedel by 21 e-mail sent to Plaintiff on September 29, 2016 re-confirmed that Viacom 22 would in addition to paying Plaintiff the $93,750 advance fee also have 23 Viacom accrue an additional $100,000 to be paid to Plaintiff for the 24 production and delivery of the subject "gallery shoot" for Viacom's 25 Hunter Street production. In reliance on this information, Plaintiff 26 completed and timely delivered to Defendant on or about September 5, 27 28 - - - - - - - - Complaint 12 1 2016 the images constituting the subject "gallery shoot" which were 2 accepted and used by Viacom without question or complaint as to the 3 sufficiency or completeness of the materials delivered. 4 27. Viacom paid Plaintiff the $93,750 total advance fee for the 5 production and deli very of the subject Hunter Street "gallery shoot" 6 images. On November 1, 2016 after Plaintiff had wrapped the production 7 and delivery of the Hunter Street Gallery Shoot and paid all final 8 bills, Plaintiff submitted to Defendant Viacom a written demand for 9 payment of $97,260 as the difference between a final charge of $191,010 10 for the "gallery shoot" and the $93,750 advance payment made by Viacom. 11 Said Defendant did not seasonably object to or protest in any way the 12 amount which Plaintiff stated remained due. 13 28. Defendant Viacom has failed to remit payment of the said $97,260 14 balance due for the production and delivery of the Hunter Street 15 Gallery Shoot, to Plaintiff's damage in said amount plus interest 16 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from November 1, 17 2016 until paid. 18 SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR FAILURE TO PAY MONEY OWED 19 PURSUANT TO AN ACCOUNT STATED IN WRITING FOR THE BALANCE OWING FOR GOODS 20 SOLD AND DELIVERED (HUNTER STREET GALLERY SHOOT) 21 29. Plaintiff refers to the allegations of Paragraphs 1-9 and 25-27 22 hereinbefore appearing and by such reference incorporates the same 23 hereat. 24 30. On November 1, 2016 Plaintiff transmitted to Defendant Christine 25 Hollwedel a written statement of account for the $97,260 balance owing 26 to Plaintiff by Viacom for Plaintiff's production and deli very of the 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 13 1 Hunter Street "gallery shoot". Defendant Viacom failed to timely 2 object to said statement of account. 3 31. Defendant Viacom is indebted to Plaintiff in said amount of 4 $97,260 plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum 5 from November 1, 2016 until paid. 6 SEVENTH CAUSE OF ACTION AS COMMON COUNT FOR MONEYS DUE PURSUANT TO AN 7 ACCOOUNT STATED FOR FEES OF PLAINTIFF AS A "KILL FEE" FOR SERVICES AND 8 EXPENSES PAID AND INCURRED BY PLAINTIFF FOR WORK DONE ON THE LEMONCELLO 9 PROJECT GALLERY SHOOT. 10 32. Plaintiff refers to the allegations of Paragraphs 1-9 11 hereinbefore appearing and by such reference incorporates the same 12 hereat. 13 33. Prior to August, 2016 Defendant Viacom's authorized 14 representative and agent for the procurement of many of the "gallery 15 shoots" for various creative products being planned and at various 16 stages of production by Viacom had advised Plaintiff's principal 17 officer that Viacom wanted Plaintiff to commence the early planning 18 and logistics work for the production of "gallery shoots" for a 19 creative project by the name of Lemoncello and another creative project 20 by the name of Rufus 2. Plaintiff was advised by Christine Hollwedel 21 that the Lemoncello project was going to be done in Vancouver and that 22 the Rufus 2 project was to be shot in September, 2016. At the request 23 of said Christine Hollwedel, Plaintiff began working on the planning 24 and logistics for these two projects based on the fact that it was 25 necessary to get a film crew in Vancouver "on hold" 30 to 45 days in 26 advance of the projected date that a crew would actually have to start 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 14 1 work in Vancouver, and the fact that the production of the Rufus 2 2 project was then tentatively set to be done in September, 2016 which 3 would also require getting key personnel "on hold" in the area where 4 the Rufus 2 project was projected to be filmed. 5 34. Plaintiff is informed and believes, and thereon alleges, that 6 within the structure of Viacom there was some shifting or struggle 7 among people as to who should control the procurement of promotional 8 materials for future television and movie projects of Viacom. On or 9 about August 24, 2016 Plaintiff became informed that a person within 10 Viacom was possibly going to take control of some or all of the "gallery 11 shoot" procurement that Christine Hollwedel had been handling and that 12 Viacom had decided to cancel the production by Plaintiff of the 13 "gallery shoots" for the Lemoncello and Rufus 2 projects. 14 35. By this time, Plaintiff had done considerable work on these two 15 pending "gallery shoot" projects, incurring expenses and shipping 16 materials and Christine Hollwedel recognized that Plaintiff should be 17 entitled to a "kill fee" to compensate Plaintiff for its time and 18 expenses, and loss of opportunities that Plaintiff would have taken 19 had Plaintiff not committed to and begun work on the production of these 20 two anticipated ''gallery shoots". 21 36. Prior to September 30, 2016 there appeared in the Viacom SWIM 22 system a display of Viacom Purchase Order No. 2000539522 in the amount 23 of $10,000 as the cancellation fee for the cancellation of Viacom's 24 procurement from Plaintiff of the Lemoncello movie "gallery shoot". 25 A true and correct copy of a download of said Purchase Order is attached 26 hereto as Exhibit D and by such reference incorporated hereat. 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 15 1 36. Pursuant to an earlier written request made by Christine 2 Hollwedel that Plaintiff send her actual invoices for the cancellation 3 fees which Plaintiff had advised would be fair, Plaintiff on or about 4 September 15, 2016, sent Christine Hollwedel an invoice in the amount 5 of $10,000 as the "kill fee" for cancellation by Viacom of the 6 Lemoncello movie "gallery shoot" that Plaintiff had started working 7 on. A true and correct copy of said invoice is attached hereto as 8 Exhibit E and by such reference incorporated hereat. 9 38 Prior to September 30, 2016 there appeared in the Viacom SWIM 10 system a display of Via com Purchase Order No. 2000539450 in the amount 11 of $21,935 as the cancellation fee for the cancellation by Viacom of 12 its procurement from Plaintiff of the Rufus 2 "gallery shoot". A true 13 and correct copy of a download of said Display Purchase Order is 14 attached hereto as Exhibit F and by such reference incorporated hereat. 15 39. Pursuant to an earlier written request made by Christine 16 Hollwedel that Plaintiff send her actual invoices for the cancellation 17 fees which Plaintiff had advised would be fair, Plaintiff on or about 18 September 15, 2016, sent Christine Hollwedel an invoice in the amount 19 of $21, 935 as the "kill fee" for cancellation by Viacom of the 20 completion by Plaintiff of the Lemoncello movie "gallery shoot". A 21 true and correct copy of said invoice is attached hereto as Exhibit 22 G and by such reference incorporated hereat. 23 40. Viacom failed to timely retract either of the purchase orders 24 it had placed in its SWIM system for Plaintiff to review and download 25 representing a cancellation or "kill" fees for Plaintiff with respect 26 to the Lemoncello and also the Rufus 2 "gallery shoot" projects which 27 28 - - - - - - - - Complaint 16 1 Plaintiff at the request of Via com's authorized agent Christine 2 Hollwedel had started working on and/or to timely object to or reject 3 either of the two invoices which Plaintiff later sent to Viacom at 4 Hollwedel's request in the respective amounts of the aforementioned 5 purchase orders. 6 40. Defendant Viacom is indebted to Plaintiff in the amount of 7 $31, 935 plus interest thereon at the rate of ten percent ( 10%) per annum 8 from September 30, 2016 until paid by reason of the account stated as 9 and for the cancellation fees for Via com's cancellation of the gallery 10 shoots which Plaintiff at Viacom's request had commenced working on 11 for the then-pending and scheduled Lemoncello and Rufus 2 Viacom 12 projects. 13 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff prays that: 14 1. that Plaintiff recover under the First Cause of Action 15 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 16 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $5,975 plus interest thereon 17 at the rate of ten percent ( 10%) per annum from September 30, 2016 until 18 paid; 19 2. that Plaintiff recover under the Second Cause of Action 20 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 21 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $5, 975 plus interest thereon 22 at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from September 30, 2016 until 23 paid; 24 3. that Plaintiff recover under the Third Cause of Action 25 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 26 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $35,075 plus interest 27 28 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Complaint 17 1 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from September 30, 2 2016 until paid; 3 4. that Plaintiff recover under the Fourth Cause of Action 4 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 5 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $35,075 plus interest 6 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from September 30, 7 2016 until paid; 8 5. that Plaintiff recover under the Fifth Cause of Action 9 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 10 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $97,260 plus interest 11 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from November 1, 12 2016 until paid; 13 6. that Plaintiff recover under the Sixth Cause of Action 14 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 15 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $97,260 plus interest 16 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from the November 17 1 2016 until paid; 18 7. that Plaintiff recover under the Seventh Cause of Action 19 damages, according to the proof at trial, against Defendant Viacom 20 Corporation and DOES 1-10 in the amount of $31,935 plus interest 21 thereon at the rate of ten percent (10%) per annum from September 30, 22 2016 until paid; 23 8. that Plaintiff have judgment granted in its favor against 24 the Defendant Viacom Corporation and DOES 1-10 for Plaintiff's costs; 25 9. that Plaintiff have such other and further relief against 26 the Defendants, and each of them, as the court deems just and 27 28 - - - - - - - Complaint 18 02-10-20:18:59 ;From: Tc: 17146623379 # 21 2 lJ appropriate. 2 3 4 DA'l'tD: February 3,2020 f?~A:11£ P!ULLP K. FE, ESQ. I Attorney for ~laintiff 5 6 7 8 9, 10 11 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 18 19 20; 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 zal --~··~·------ c-wfl;::tlvlr.t 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Complaint 20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Complaint 21 EXHIBIT "A" I I VlaCOM Home Find ~ 1 FAO J Loa o!f • Purchase Order [Q@Of!!.l!lY..~] [..Q1!!1~!:!.~!iJlJ'2iie!!Y Document Flow ! I Print I L.Qg:-'f.!).l~~"~J Basic Data ! Number ,foooassne I (Name L'ii.!!.!!Y.J:~~.~-~-·~"t!3!2.~. ~!.~.'¥..§~1?.L ...... ! Date fi5.02:20:16"] i Purchase Order No. ]2000354275 I Requested FoJlow-On Documents Invoice I Status Confirmed l Message from Purchaser I j EXHIBITS EXHIBIT "C" ·------1 !I ~: ii ' .=.·_:--_·._: ~ I 1 1- ~ I ~~ Ii1 j- 1 I' 'I ,I.} 111l I> EXHIBIT "D" VlaCOM ..!:!!!:MIB!!£!1 !:!!!.elf69.1~ Oooplay QDCUmen!FIOw I ~ ~a<>~j I Number I N31T1e I Date I Purel1ase Ortler Nc. I Rcquoo!ed Follow-On Dct:llmarrt& !Status ·- trwotoo 1""'"''""'"'"""'~----- --- --- ··J··· ' ' EXHIBIT "E" BEITYKNOWS BEST Tel: 323. 839. 5159 Fax:323.666.3611 invoice To: New Games Productions Tel: 212. 846.7672 ATTN: Kelrsten Wanamaker FAX: From 668218 Dale: 9.16.16 Supplier: Re: lemoncello Gallery cancellation JOB: NCK8K81610-1 VIN: CODE: Invoice # 160902 Please remit fee for cancellation of Betty Knows Best engagement for the production of Lemoncello gallery, Vancouver. Payment Due ....................................................................... 10,000.00 TOTAL: 10,000.00 Thank you. Payment should be sent to: Betty Knows Best 1920 Hillhurst Ave, #103 Los Angeles, CA 90027 .-.·~·-~······················· EXHIBIT "F" EXHIBIT "G" BErrY KNOWS BEST Tel: 323. 839. 5159 Fax:323.666.3611 invoice To: New Games Productions Tel: 212. 846.1612 ATTN: Keirsten Wanamaker FAX: From 668218 Date: 9.15.16 Supplier: He: Rufus 2 Cancellation JOB : NCKBKB1609·1 VIN: CODE: Invoice # 160901 Please remit for cancellation of Rufus 2 confirmed gallery shoot for Betty Knows Best. Fee includes: • Out of Pocket costs: 0 3185.00 • Vancouver asst to collect photos/inventory of wardrobe and props to ship • LA Prod Asst to pick up shipment and transport • International shipment to Betty Knows Best • LA transportation to move shipment to Burbank Warehouse • Producer prep completed and submission of ward/props pic to Global Edit • Production cancellation fee based on 75,000.00 production budget after commencement of job (discounted from 50% to 25%) 0 18,750.00 Payment Due .......................................................................21 ,935.00 TOTAL: 21,935.00 Thank you. Payment should be sent to: Betty Knows Best 1920 Hillhurst Ave, #103 Los Angeles, CA 90027 .. ··--~ ....................... .