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  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview
  • Board Of Managers Of The City View Condominium, As Agent For The Unit Owners v. Val-Hugh Capital Corp., Michelle Mchugh A Executrix For The Estate Of Michael Mchugh Torts - Other (Breach of Contract; Fraud) document preview


FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS Board of Managers of the City View Condominium Index Number: As Agent for the Unit Owners 519788/2018 Plaintiff Against THIRD PARTY SUMMONS Val-Hugh Capital Corp. and Michelle McHugh As Executrix for the Estate of Michael McHugh Def endants Val-Hugh Capital Corp. and Michê||ê McHugh As Executrix for the Estate of Michael McHugh Third Party Plaintiffs Against Gerald J Caliendo , Gerald J Caliendo RA PC, Ekistics Development Corp, Georgios Georgiadis, Oscar P Walters, Demerara Eng|ñéEring PLL Third Party Defendants TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of Kings at the office of the Clerk of the said Court located at 360 Adams St #4 Brooklyn NY11201 in the City and State of New York, within the time provided by the law as noted below and to fileyour answer to the annexed verified complaint with the Clerk; upon your failureto answer, judgmêñ‡ will be taken against you for the relief demanded in the verified complaint, together with costs of this action. 1 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 175 Pinelawn Road Suite 301 Melville, NY 11747 631 547 9646 Defendants' addresses: Gerald R Caliendo and · Gerald R Caliendo RA PC 130-72 Queens Blvd Briarwood NY 11435 Georgis Georgiadis and EkisticsDevelopment Corp 26* 405 Ave Astoria NY 11102 Oscar P Walters and Demerara Engineering PLLC 228-27 Mentone Ave Laurelton NY 11413 NOTE: The law picvided that : (a)Ifthissummons isserved by its delivery to you personally within the City of New York, you must appear and answer within TWENTY days after such service; or (b) ifthis summons is served by delivery to any person other than your personally, or is served outside 2 the of City 28 of FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS Board of Managers of the City View Condominium Index Number: As Agent for the Unit Owners 519788/2018 Plaintif f Agains t THIRD PARTY COMPLAINT Val-Hugh Capital Corp. and Michelle McHugh As Executrix for the Estate of Michael McHugh Defendants Val-Hugh Capital Corp. and Michelle McHugh As Executrix for the Estate of iv'|ichaelMcHugh Third Party Plaintiffs Against Gerald J Caliendo , Gerald J Caliendo RA PC, , EkisticsDevelopment Corp, Geõrgies Georgiadis, Oscar P Walters, Demerara Engineering PLLC Third Party Defendants ____ Third Party Plaintiffs Val-Hugh Capital Corp. and Michellê McHugh, as Executrix for the Estate of Michael McHugh ( collectively,"Third Party Plaintiffs") by their attorneys Ferrari & Wallace LLP, as and for itsThird Party Complaint, alleges as follows, against Gerald R Ca||ênds, Gerald R Caliendo RA " PC,(together "Caliendo") and Ekistics Deve!Gpinent Corp. and Gacrg:Gs Georgiadis (together Ekistics") and Oscar P Walters and Demerara Engineering PLLC (together "Demerara"), allcollectively, "Third 3 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 ("Offering Plan") filedwith the New York State Attorney General. The Plan was declared effective an May 2, 2012. 2.Sponsor acquired the property on or about 2005 for the purpose of developing the CGñdaminium. Sponsor hired professional architectural, general contracting, engiñêering, and construction design individuals and firms to actively oversee and partake in the design, fabrication and construction of the Building ( the "Project"). The final certificate of occupancy was issued by the New York City Department of Buildings on June 8, 2016 and closings for the condominium units commêñced August 2016 and were completed in December 2016. Michael McHugh, the sole shareholder of the Sponsor died May 16, 2018. 3.The under|ying action was filedby plaintiff,the Board of Managers of City View Condominium (the "Board") by the service of a summons on or about October 2018 . The Board thereafter filed a Verified Complaint on or about NGvember 26, 2018. The Board recently filedan Amended Complaint on or about July 3, 2019 and served same upon Third Party Plaintiff on or about September 3, 2019 ("Amêñded Complaint") 4.The underly|ñg premise of the Amended Complaint, albeit denied by Sponsor, is thatdesign and construction defects allegedly exist in the building. 5.In connection with the design and construction of the Building, Sponsor delegated exclusive responsibility to, among others, Third Party Defendants, who were the principal design and construction professionals actively engaged in the Project. 6.The Amended Complaint assert causes of action against the Sponsor alleging that construction and design defects exist in the Building that are solely based upon Sponsor's status as the Sponsor pursuant to the Offering Plan. As such, in the unlikely event that Sponsor or the Estate of Michael McHugh is found to have to liability the Board, itis vicarious only, and the Third Party Defendants must be required to answer to the Board for any damages awarded against the Third Party Plaintiffs. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 7.Jurisdiction and venue in this Court isproper since the Third Party Defendants were each involved with the architecture, construction, engiñêêring or design of the Building and the work, labor and services of the Third Party Defendants were performed in theState of New York, County of Kings. THE PARTIES AND THElR INVOLVEMENT IN THE PROJECT 4 of 28 8.Upon information and at allrelevant Third Defendant Gerald R. Caliendo was and FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 10.Upon information and belief, Gerald R Caliendo is aNew York licensed and registered architect, the principal of Gerald R Caliendo RA PC, and the individual that actually prepared the plans and specifications for the Building and was responsible for filingwith the Department of Buildings all modifications, amendments, updates and corrections related to the design and construction of the Building required to obtain the Final Certificate of Occupancy. 11. Gerald R Caliendo and Gerald R Caliendo RA PC (the "Caliends Defendants") were the Architect of Record for the Project from inception to completion. All architectural services were delegated by Sponsor to the Caliendo Defendants. 12.Upon information and belief, at allrelevant times, Third Party Defendant Ekistics Development Corp is a General Contracting firm licensed in the City and State of New York with principal offices located at 26* 405 Avenue, Astoria NY 11102. Upon further information and belief,Ekistics Develcpment Corp was and is adomestic corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of New York. 13.Upon information and belief, Georgios Georgiadis was the principal of Ekistics Development Corp and the individual that actually performed the general contracting work required to construct the Building. 14.Ekistics Development Corp was the General Contractor forthe Project from inception to corñpletion. All construction services were delegated by Sponsor to Ekistics Development Corp and itsprincipal Third Party Defendant Georgios Georgiadis, holder of the New York CityGeneral Contractor license. 15.Upon information and belief, at allrelevant times, Third Party Defendant Demerara Engineering PLLC was and stillisan eñgiñeering firm licensed in the City and State of New York with principal offices located at 228-27 Mentone Ave. Laurelton NY 11413. Upon further information and belief, Demerara Engineering PLLC was and isa domestic professional corporation organized and existing pursuant to the laws of the State of New York. Upon information and belief, Third Party Defendant Oscar P Walters isa Professional Engineer and principal of Demerara Engineering PLLC. 16.Oscar P Walters and Demerara Engiñêêring PLLC were the êñgineers of record for the Project and, in addition to other engineering duties, created and executed the Description of Property and Specifications and Certification included in Part liof the Offering Plan. Allservices related to the eng|ñeering of the Project and the creation of this section of the Offering Plan were delegated to the Demerara. 17.Exclusive for the performance of allof the respective essential 5 of 28 responsibility architectural, FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Common Law Indemnification from Third Party Defendants) 19.Third Party Plaintiffsrepeat and reallege the allegations contained in the foregoing paragraphs as though fullyset forth herein. 20.In connection with the design, eñgiñeering and construction of the Building, Sponsor delegated exclusive responsibility to, among others, the Third Party Defendants, who were the principal design engineering and construction professionals actively engaged in the Project. 21.Based upon thisrelationship, in the event the Board recovers a judgment against the Sponsor or Sponsor becomes obligated to pay damages arising from or in connecticñ with the allegations set forth in the Amended Complaint, such liability, by operation of law or otherwise, will have been caused and brought about by the culpable conduct of the Third Party Defendants and willnot have been caused by any culpable conduct on the part of the Sponsor. 22.Accordingly, the Third Party Defendants are liableto Sponsor, and Sponsor isentitled to comniun law indemnification from the Third Party Defendants in the fullamount of any judgment or verdict rendered against sponsor in cannection with the Project or the allegations contained in the Amended Complaint attorneys' by the Board or any other party, together with allcosts, disbursements and fees and such other relief as thiscourt deems due. SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Contribution from Third Party Defendants) 23.Third Party Plaintiffsrepeat and reallege the allegations contained in the foregoing paragraphs as though fullyset forth herein. 24.In connection with the design, engineering and construction of the Building, Sponsor delegated exclusive respansibility to, among others, the Third Party Defendants, who were the principal design, engineering and construction professionals actively engaged in the Project. 25.Based upon thisrelationship, ifthe damages alleged by the Board in the Amended Complaint were caused by the culpable conduct of any party, such culpable conduct was that of Third Party Defendants. 6 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 27.AccGiding|ÿ, the Third Party Defendants are liableto Sponsor, and Sponsor isentitled to contribution from the Third Party Defendants in accordance with their relative culpability, for any judgment or verdict rendered against Sponsor in ceññêction with the Project or the allegations contained in the Amended Complaint by the Board or any other party, tügether with allcosts, disbursements and attorneys' fees and such other relief as this court deems due. THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION (Breach of Contract and Contractual Indemnification) 28.Third Party Plaintiffs repeat and reallege the allesoilons contained in the foregoing paragraphs as though fully set forth herein. 29.Pursuant to various agreements, both written and oral ("Contracts") and at allrê|êvant times, the Third Party Deféñdants performed architectural, construction, engineering and design services for Sponsor in connection with the Project. 30.In connection with the design, engineering and construction of the Building, sponsor delegated exclusive responsibility to, among others, the Third Party Defendants, who were the principal design, engineering and construction professionals actively engaged in the Project. 31.Pursuant to the Contracts, the Third Party Defendants agreed to perform their services in a workmanlike manner and deliver said services without defect or damage. 32.Third Party Defendants agreed to indemnify and hold harrñless Sponsor from alllosses arising from their failure to properly perform their duties in connection with the work perfõrmed on the Project. 33.Accordingly, ifthe Board or any other party recovers damages against the Sponsor in cüññéction with the Project or the allegations of the Amendêd Complaint, Third Party Defendants are obligated for said damages related to their Breach of Contract, and are obligated to indemnify and hold harmless Sponsor, pursuant to the contracts for any and alllosses and damages. WHEREFORE, Third Party Plaintiffdemands judgment against Third Party Defendants as follows: On the FirstCause of Action, for common law iñdemnification from the Third Party Defendants together with attorneys fees, costs and disbursements; and On the Second Cause of Action, for contribution from the Third Party Defendants, together 7 of with 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 December 20 , 2019 Yours, FERRARI & CE LLP /' By: JOAN FERRARI, ESQ Attorneys for the Third Party Plaintiffs 175 Pinelawn Road suite 301 Mé|vil|è NY 11747 631 547 9646 8 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 VERIFICATION STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF SUFFOLK MICHELLE MCHUGH, being duly sworn deposes and says I am the executrix of the Estate of Michael McHugh, the Estate that is the party to the within action as well as the Executrix of the of Michael the sole shareholder of Val- Estate McHugh, Hugh Capital Corp, a party to the within action; I have read the foregoing Third Party Complaint and know the contents thereof; and the same is true to my own knowledge, except as to matters stated to be alleged upon information and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true. Michelle McIfugh Sworn to before me this day of , 2019 C No.o2pg4 Nenot Commissio \kCounty 9 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 COMPLAINT "A" EXHIBIT AMENDED 10 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 YSCEF NYSCEFDOC.DOC.NO. 41 NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF KINGS BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE CITY VIEW CONDOMINIUM, AS AGENT FOR THE UNIT Index No.: 519788/2018 OWNERS . Plaintiff, VERIFIED AMENDED COMPLAINT - against - VAL-HUGH CAPITAL CORP. and MICHELLE MCHUGH as Executrix for THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL MCHUGH, Defendants. Plaintiff BOARD OF MANAGERS OF THE CITY VIEW CONDOMINIUM, AS AGENT FOR THE UNIT OWNERS (the "Board"), by and through its attorneys, Spolzino Smith Buss & Jacobs, LLP, as and for itsVerified Complaint against Defendants VAL-HUGH CAPITAL CORP. (the "Sponsor") and MICHELLE MCHUGH as Executrix for THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL MCHUGH ("McHugh Estate"), alleges as follows: PARTIES 1. Plaintiff Board of Managers of the City View Condominium, as Agent for the Unit Owners, is a condominium duly organized and existing pursuant to Article 9-B of the Real Property Law of the State of New York (the "Condominium Act"), and is located at 185 York Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. 2. , The Board is the duly elected governing body of the Conderinium 11 and of is 28 . FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 NYSCEF fSCEF DOC. NO. DOC. 41 NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 3. Upon information and belief, Defeñdañt Val-Hugh Capital Corp. is a New York Corporation with a principal place of business at 175 Pinelawn Road, Suite 400, Melville, New York 11747. 4. Upon information and belief Defendant McHugh Estate is the estate of Michael McHugh ("McHugh"), a natural person who resided at 344 Shore Road, Oakdale, New York 11769, prior to his death on or about May 16, 2018. 5. Upon information and belief, prior to his death on May 16, 2018, McHugh was the sole shareholder and principal of the Sponsor. 6. Upon inferrñation and belief, Michelle McHugh is a natural person who is the widow of McHugh, resides at 344 Shore Road, Oakdale, New York 11769, and serves as the Executrix of the McHugh Estate. NATURE OF ACTION 7. This is an action for money damages and equitable relief for fraud, breach of contract, breach of warranty (expmss and implied), breach of fiduciary duty and negligence arising Defendants' from construction of the Condo-ddsñ building located at 185 York Street, Brooklyn, New York (the "Building") in a manner that did not conform to the offering plan, the architectural plans, applicable building codes, and professional construction practices. Defendants had knowledge of the nonconforming conditions, concealed them and failed to correct them. Defand ws thereafter controlled the Condomidum's board of managers and intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, ñegligeñtly and frandúlently failed and refused to coñdüct appropriate 12 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 SCEF DOC. DOC. NYSCEF NO. 41 NO. 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 BACKGROUND FACTS 8. The City View Condominium consists of 16 residential units (the "Residential Units") and one non-residential commercial unit, along with seven parking units (together with the Residential Units and non-residential unit, the "Units"), and the common elements as defined in the Declaration and By-Laws of the Condominium, including. the exterior walls and roofs of the Building. 9. The Sponsor was the sponsor of the offering of Condominium Units to the public pursuant to an offering plan (as amended, the "Plan") filed with the New York State Office of the Attorney General on December 29, 2010, and was subsequently amended twelve (12) times, the last of which is dated October 31, 2016. 10. Upon information and belief, the Declaration of Condominium estabHshing the Condominlen was recorded in the Office of the City Register of New York City on September 11, 2012 as CRFN #2012000357108. 11. According to the Plan, McHugh was the principal and sole shareholder of the Sponsor at alltimes relevant herein. OFFERING PLAN REPRESENTATIONS 12. In accordance with Section 20 of the regulations issued pursuant to General Business Law Article 23-A, as amended, the Sponsor and McHugh, individually, made various sworn representations and certifications relating to the Plan under penalty of perjury. 13. The Sponsor and McHugh represented in the Plan that the "Sponsor will 13 of complete 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 IYSCEF NYSCEF DOC.DOC. NO. NO. 41 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 14. The Plan included a description of the property and the planned improvements prepared by the Sponsor's engineers, Demerara Engineering, PPLC, and signed by Oscar P. Walters, P.E., based on plans prepared by a licensed architect, the office of Gerald J. Caliendo, R.A., A.I.A. The Sponsor adopted the description of the property and incorporated itinto the Plan. 15. The Plan included floor plans of each Unit as well as the roof and basement. 16. Pursuant to the Sponsor's Certification contained in the Plan, the Sponsor and McHugh, individually, jointly and severally certified that: "The offering plan does, and that documents submitted hereafter by us which amend or supplement the offering plan will: 1. set forth the detailed terms of the transaction and be complete, current and accurate; 2. afford potential investors, purchasers and participants an adequate basis upon which to found their judgment; 3. not omit any material fact; 4. not contain any untrue statement of a material fact; 5. not contain any fraud, deception, concealment, suppression, false preteñse or fictitious or pretended purchase or sale; 6. not contain any promise or representation as to the future which is beyond reasonable expectation or unwarranted by existing circumstances; 7. not contain any representation or statement which is false where we: (a) knew the truth; (b) with reasonable effort could have known the truth; (c) inade no reasonable effort to ascertain the truth; or (d) did not have knowledge concerning the representations or statement made." 17. Each of the Condominium's unit owners (the "Unit Owners") purchased his or her Unit pursuant to a purchase agreement with the Sponsor that was substantially the same as a form of purchase agreement included in Part II of the Plan (the "Purchase Agreement"). 14 of 28 FILED: KINGS COUNTY CLERK 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 02:56 04:42 PM INDEX NO. 519788/2018 YSCEF NYSCEF DOC. DOC. NO. NO. 41 44 81 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 07/03/2019 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 12/20/2019 12/02/2021 including all attachments, was incorporated into the Purchase Agreement by reference as if fully set forth therein; and (iv) in case of any conflict between the Purchase Agreement and the Plan, the Plan controls. 19. The Sponsor and McHugh stated in the Fourth Amendment that the construction of the Condominium was substantially completed in 2013, though substantial work was done through at least 2015. 20. Upon information and belief, the Sponsor closed its first Unit sale in the Condominium in or around August 2016. 21. The Sponsor also designated the Board of Managers of the Condominium to be comprised solely of principals or affiliates of the Sponsor. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS 22. McHugh, individually and as the principal of the Sponsor, and/or his agents were present at the site with regular frequency throughout construction and worked closely with the general contractor and the architect. 23. Upon information and belief, McHugh was also the principal of the general contractor that constructed the Building. 24. Upon information and belief, shortly after taking possession of their Units, Unit