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  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview


0 24 2017 15 00 FAX 32a 54 101 I EVIN T BARNES 2 SUPERlOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUN7Y OF SAN BERNARDINO AN BERNARDINO DISTRICT 138477 1 Kevin T Barnes Esq Gregg Lat der Esq 1 4 1S 2 17 2 LAW OFFYCES OF KEVIN T BAIZNES 5670 Wilshirc I3oulev rd SuAte 1Q 60 3 Los Angcles CA 90036 56fi4 l 09 p aN Tcl 3 3 549 910U Hax 323 549 0101 c ll2a L laucz 4 Lmail Barnes@kb mes com 5 K irinL IIackstrom 16330G Dana Cephas l8 I847 i 3ACKSTROM 3c ASSOCZATES 53Q S Stre Suitc 550 7 San Dicgo CA 92101 Tel 61 23 l 434 8 Fax 610 230 1181 Email K rrin@backstrvml borlaw co n fU SUP RIQR COUItT OF k STA r OF CAI IFORNIn 11 r OR HE COUNTX Ur SAN 3 RNARDINO 12 TRA VpN MOR1tIS on behalP oi Case 1Vo CIVI7S 1515 S 19 himself and all olhcrs sitxular ysituated Honorable Keith D Davis 13 Dep tment S25 Plaintiffs a fa 1 l a 1 14 v YQrNT STATUS CONFER NCI R PCIRT 1S AND STIPULATED JOiNT R QYJEST TO DEPLOY Hl YNC a Pennsylvania CONTiNU TH STATUS CONFERENCr 16 corporation aiid DO CS 1 to 100 PROPOSED ORDER i lclusive 17 Status Conference Def ndancs I7ate M uch 1 2017 18 Timc 8 30 in g Action filecl October 28 2015 Trial date None set 20 21 JOINT STA TUS C01vrc LNCE nEPORT 22 P r Chis C urt s Otcier Plaintifflravon Mums Plaintif s and Defendant 17eploy Defendaiit 23 HR Inc Dcploy HR T c or by and Chrou h Che1r undersigned counsel of 24 record submit ehis Joint Report for the Status Cdnf rence on March 2 17 at 8 3 am in 25 Department S25 of the above Gourt the Honorable Keith D D vis presiding 26 This matter was Fil d as a putative class action on Oetober 28 2015 Qn or about 27 Fcbruary 15 20 i i Defendant movc d to con peI arbitration Thereaftar on March 9 2016 g P1 unlifP filed a dc caration requestislg dismissal of thc ol ss action allegations which thc Gourt w w w n xk d tt 1 un rv n r iy v nn rOI1 TT STATUS C N T ENCE R PUR rAN STIPULA F 7 JaINT REQUEST TO r PROnOSED ORArR NTINLTE T E STATUS CONFERENC 15 01 FAX 32a 54 101 KEVIN T BARNES OOa 0 24 2 17 1 approved o n March 22 2416 2 On November 8 2016 PlaintiFf provided T efendant wi h a proposed First Arnended 2G98 l AGA The parties havc stipulated ely to Labor Code Complaint pursuant so ct seq 3 4 to the amend d cot p aint and he Gaurt approved the same on November 3U 2016 On January 5 l9 2017 P1 iinCiff i led his Second AAtiended Complaint Un or abou February 17 2017 E Defe dant filed a Desnurrer tn T lainliff sSecond Amended Complaint wich a hcaring date of 7 March 27 2U 17 g The partics have proceeded wi h formal discovery DePendauk tool Plaintiff sdepositi n g o fehruary 8 2017 At hat time the parties lso discussed the possibility af informal 10 esolutioiz and trcexplaring whether mediati n t lhi5 juneture could e fruitfcil 11 STIPUJ A rrn TQTN r REOUEST 2 Civen the pro ness nd posture of this matter the parti s through thcir counsel jaintly 3 request that t e JVlarch 7 20i 7 Status Conlcrenec be eontiAaued to March 27 2017 at 830 a m 14 the dale and limc of the Demw cer hzrein at which time the partics will be in a bette pasition t 15 know how this m tLle r will proceed 16 YT 1S SO STIPULATED reUrua y 2017 L W OFFTCES OP KEVIN T ARIVFS 1 7 Dat ed I 1g By 19 Kevui T Barnes Gregg I nder 20 l t arncys For Plaintiff Travon Morris 21 T ated February 24 2017 BACKSTROM ASSUCrI TkS Verified by PDFfifler I p 1 201 22 j f gy 23 Karin L Backstroni Fsg Atton eys for efendant Deploy HR Ine 24 25 26 27 28 I FVN I LLW Ni SG7SI IL11114 14 intililFl MI J Li Losnrvrrll CA rtEpORT A1V n S rI uLAT D JOINT RGQTJEST TO I yl IL tY iOYNT STATUS CONr RENC ORDER x u vW CONFEI2ENCE PRO P I ED CpNTINUE THE STATUS