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  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview


12 26 2017 TUE 9 z0 FAx 32 90101 006 007 1 Kevin T Sarnes Esq 138477 Iwzder Esq 194018 Cregg 2 LAW OFr1C S OI CGVIN T RARNE SUPERIORCo RT pF Cp I ORNIq 5670 Wilshirc Boulevttrd Suite 1460 COUNTY OF SAtJ gERNqi SAN BERNARDiNq pINO p STRICT 3 Los n eles CA 90036 56G4 Tel 323 549 9100 Fax 323 549 0101 DEC 2 6 2p17 4 Emai1 13arnes kbart es com 5 RaphAel A Katri Esq 22i441 LAW C F FICES QF RA PHAEL A KATRI YTERRY E s 1 EPU1Y 6 8549 Wilsh re Boulevard Suit 200 Beverly Hills CA 90211 3104 7 Tel 310 440 2034 Fax i 14 733 5644 mail RKatri socall borlawyers com 8 Attorneys for PlaintiTi TRAVON MUKKIS 9 on beh tlf ol himself nd all others simil rly si tuated l0 SUPERIOIt C URT QF THF STATE OF CALIF RNIA 11 FnR TH COUNTY OF 5AN BERNARDINO 12 T tAVON MQRRiS on behalf of PAGA AC CYON himseal and all others similarly sifuated 3 Case No CIVDS l 515819 Pfaintiffs 14 PRi F C F SERVIC v 15 i urther r rial ettin Conference DLYLUY HR tNG a Pennsyivania Date January 17 16 corporation ar d DOES 1 to 1U0 Time 8 30 a m inclusive 17 Honorable Keitta D I avis Ucfendants Departmex t S2S 18 lction tiled October 28 2015 l9 1 Trial d tte Nvne set 2U DCpLOY HR INC 21 Cross Complainant 22 v 23 BARRET I 13USINESS S RVICES INC a Maryland corparation and 24 RUES 1 to l0 25 Cross Defeatdants 26 lll 27 ll 28 lll Ki vwT ELvmin Y71 WRnIIG1Y 111 1 n palnI I m law Aaimrx CA v nr u 1 ll a 73 SIU 9100 r i 32i wioim FROOF JF SERVICE 12 26 2017 TUE 9 20 FAx 3 90101 QJ007 047 1 PROUF OF SERV CE 2 STATE OF CALI RN1A CQUNTY OI LOS AIYGELES 3 I the undcrsigncd am over the age af 1S years and not party to this action My business address is 5670 Wilsl ire Boulevard 5uite 1460 i os Angeles CA 90036 5664 which is located 4 in Los Angeles County where the service herein occurred S 4n th date of exeeut on hereof I caused to be served the following attached document s 6 STIPULATiON TQ CQNTINUE JANUARY 17 2018 TURTHER 7 RIAL SETT NG C4NFERENCE L NTIL AFTER FE 3ltUARY 7 2Q1 M AIATI4N 7 PROPOS ll ORDER 8 on thc interesled pdrties in this action addressed as follows 9 Aldurnevs i r Dc endc nt Depiny HR Inc Atlnr lcys Fvp Pluinti s 10 Karin L BRckst om Esq Raphael A Katri Esq Dana Cephas Esq LAW C FFIGES OF RAP IAEL A K 1TRI 11 BACKS T RUM ASSOCTATES 8549 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 20Q 534 B Sir et Suite 1550 Bcverly Hitls CA 902 i 3104 l2 Sa Diebo CA 92101 Tel 31 Q 940 2034 rax 31U 733 5644 Tel 6l4 51 7274 FAx i19 23U 1181 Fmail RKatri i sacallabarlawyers com 13 mail Karitt a backstromlaborlaw com 14 AldarneXr or Crnss Defendnnt Barrett 8usiness S crvtces Inc l5 David i Dalby Esq 16 H NSI IAW CULBERTSQN LL ne California Street 18th I loor 17 San Francisco CA 94111 Tel 415 362 b000 Fax 41 S 834 9U70 18 Email DllalbvCa hin hawlaw com 19 using the following service method s 20 X VIA MA1L 1 caused the document s to be served to be deposited at 5670 Wilshire S u ie var l Los An elea CA which is a mailbox r other like facility regularly maintained by 21 the United States Postal Serviee i n A scaled envelope with postage paid addressed ta the person s on whom tlie document s is are to be served at thc ofiice address as last given by 22 that those parsan s otl erwisc at that those person s place s of residence T am awarc thai an motion of any paz ty served service is presumed invalid if the pi st l cancellation date or posta e 23 meter date is more than one 1 day after the date af deposit for mailing stated hereitt 24 I ll CLARE undex penalty of perjuey that the foregoing is irue and correct M 25 Executed on December 26 2017 at Los An eles Califarnia 26 Cin y Rivas 27 28 w ti x r 567lIWIIiII1Rl via 6im IdU1 lak A xe rnCA qxntrYil l 2 I I ISSI o11M1 IS e 131W wqal YROOF OF SERVICE