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  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview
  • MORRIS-V-DEPLOY HR, INCEmployment-Other document preview


02 08 2018 THU 15 25 FAx 3235 1p1 002 007 l Kevin T B rnes sy 138477 Gregg Lander Esq 194018 t LA W OFFIC S OF KEV1N T BARNES c i ai aRNIA 2 su a U COUNTY if s Roi o Sb7Q Wilshire Bpulevard Suite 1460 sA 4 4 r svssecN 3 Los Angeles CA 90036 5664 Tcl 323 549 9100 Fax 323 S49 OlU1 F g Z g 4 k mail 3arnes a kbarnes com J 5 Raphael A Katri Esq 221 4l n gY Y LAW Qk 1C S OF RAPHAEL A KATR1 t Ty ry rad Q N 6 8549 Wi lshire Bpu levard Suite 200 Beverly Hills CA 90211 3144 7 Tel 3 0 940 2434 Fax 310 733 SC l4 Email RKatri@sooailaborlawyers com 8 Attorneys for Plaintiff TRAV N MORRIS 9 on behalf of himself and al others similarly situated I0 SUPERIUR COURT OF THE STATE 4F CA LIFOItN A 11 F OR THE COUNTY QF SAN k ERNARDINU 12 TRAVQN lv RRIS on bohall of PAGA ACTION hims lf and all tlte s similarly situated 13 Case No CIVDS 1515819 Plaintiffs 14 D CLARATION UF KEVIN T BARNES v REGARDINC DTSMiSSAL QF PRIVATE 15 ATTORNEYS GENERAL ACTION DEAL4Y i iR fNC a Pennsylvania ALLEGA Y IUNS AGAINST DEFENDANT 1b corporation nd DOES 1 to 100 DEPLOY HR iNC PR4POS ri OR1 CR inclusive i7 Honorable Keith D Davi Defendants Department 525 18 Action filed October 28 2015 19 1 Trial date None set 20 DEPLOY HR INC 2l Crp99 Cornplainant 22 v 23 BARRETT BUSINBSS SERVICF S 1NC a Maryland corporation and Z4 ROES I to 10 25 Cros Defendants 26 27 28 U w wrr w n J07o w e 0 IL wkn xllM y va IRnAeaCA 1 9WfiLl y I nxaaaa vt wl DECY ARATION OF KEVIN T BARNES 02 08 2018 THU 15 25 Fax 3Z354 Q101 003 007 1 DECLA1tATION OF 10EVIN T BARNES 2 i Kevin T Darnes d clare 3 I m an attorney licensed to practice before ell cQurts ofthe State of California l 4 am a member of class counsel for the class action Plaintiffs herein and have personal I nowledge S of the facts herein If c lled as a witness I oould and would competently testify to those facts 6 under oath 7 2 This matter was fled t ainst Aefendant DEPLOY HR INC as a Private 8 Attorneys General Action PAGA action Pursuant to California Lalx r Code 2699 I 2 9 The superior court shall review and approve any settlement of any eivil action filed pursuant to 10 this part 11 3 The parties mEdiated this matter on February 7 2pi 8 before the I onorable 12 Ronald S Prager Ret There Plaintiff and his counsel learned for the frst Cime that Defendant l3 DEPLOY HR INC is going to cease operations and r filehankruptcy Defendant D PLOY 14 HR 1NC has no assets and does not have signi cant funds to pay anything oth r than a nuisance 15 setttement I6 4 B sed on the inability of Defendant DEFLOY HR iNC to pay any real maney on 17 a PAGA claim d olarant int nds to settlePlaintiffs claims on an individual basis for nuisance 18 value IR 5 As such I am requesting that the Court dismiss the PAGA allegatio sagainst 20 Defendant DEALOY HR 1NC without prejudice 2l 6 Onee the Compl int has been dismissed Qefendant DEPLUY HR 1NC will fiile 22 a dismissal o1 th ir cross complaint so the action will be dismissed in its entirety 23 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 24 foregoing is true and corr ct 25 ExecuCed on February 8 2018 at Las Angeles CBIIfpI tllA z 27 Kevin 1 Barnes Declarant 28 KmKI lLw o XA Wamrn M RrtmIA U irnn x ara n 01OGX N m FnxJ SIBo m c1 DECLARATIQI i UF KEVIN T BARNES