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  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-MADAU Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-MADAU Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-MADAU Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview
  • PORTFOLIO RECOVERY-V-MADAU Print Rule 3.740 Collections -Reduced Filing Fee Limited  document preview


CIV 110 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY Name State Bar number and addressJ FORCOURTUSEONLY Hunt Henriques Attorneysat Law Michael S Hunt 99804 Janalie Henriques 111589 Emily Collins311804 151 Bernal Road Suite 8San Jose CA 95119 1306 1f TELEPHONE NO 4OH 362 2270 FAx No optionaq 408 362 2299 SUP ROd E MAIL ADDRESSOptional hUllth2111 IIlfO p IqU2SCOf11 n C R OUNTY OF SAN B ATTORNEY FOR Name PI811ltlff NARDING SAN BERNARD IIWG pISTRICT SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO g q 9 l0 srREET ao REss 247 West Third Street MAILING ADDRESS cirrnN zia coE San Bernardino CA 92415 0210 eRnNCH NaMe San Bernardino District Civil Division nc rn r 1Ct E PLAINTIFF PETITIONER PORTFOLIO RECOVERYASSOCIATES LLC DEFENDANT RESPONDENT KRISTEL MADAU cnsE NUMeER CIVDS1911056 REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL A conformed copy will not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a class action Cal Rules of Court rules3 760 and 3 770 1 TO THE CLERK Please dismiss this actionas follows a 1 With prejudice 2 Without prejudice b 1 Complaint 2 Petition Cross 3 0 complaint filed by name on date 4 Cross complaint filed by name on date 5 0 Entire action of all parties and allcauses of action 6 0 Other specify 2 Complete in all cases except family law cases The court 0 did OX did not waive court fees and costsfor a party in this case This information may be obtained from the clyrk If court fees and costs werewaived the declaration on the bc of this form must be completed Date Jul 24 2019 Emily Collins 311804 TYPE OR PRINT NAME OFX ATTORNEY PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY SIGNATURE If dismissal requestedis parties of specified onlyof spec ed causes of action Attorney or party without attorney for onlyor of specified cross complaints onlyso idencity cne state and parties causes of action complaints to or cross be dismissed 0 Plaintiff Petitioner DefendanURes P ondent 0 Cross Complainant 3 TO THE CLERK Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given Date TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY SIGNATURE Ifa or Response cross complaint Family Lawseekingaffirmative Attorney or party without attorney for relief is on file the attorney for cross complaint respondent must sign if required by Code of Civil Procedure section 581 this consent i Plaintiff Petitioner 0 DefendanURespondent or Q Cross Complainant To be completed by clerk n 4 Dismissal entered as requested on date o 5 Dismissal entered on date as to only name 6 Dismissal not entered as requested for the following reasons specify N a z 7 a Attorney or party without attorney notified ondate b Attorney or party without attorney not notifiedFiling party failed to provide 0 a copy to be conformed 0 means to return conformed copy Date u Clerk by ri Deputy Q 1 Page 1of 2 Form Adopted for Mandatory use Code of Civil Procedure 581 et seq Judicial Council Califomia REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL of Gov Code 68637 c CaL Rules of Court rule 3 1390 CIV 110 Rev Jan t2013 IIIII III I I I II II I IIIIII II www couris ca gov DD0002CT 1313998 001 CIV 110 PLAINTIFF PETITIONER PORTFOLIO RECOVERYASSOC ATES LLC CASE NUMBER DEFENDANT RESPONDENT KRISTEL MADAU CIVDS1911056 COURT S RECOVERY OF WAIVED COURT FEES AND COSTS If a party whose court fees andcosts were initially waived has recovered or will recover 10 000 or more in value by way of settlement compromise arbitration award mediation settlement or other means the court has a statutory lien on that recovery The court may refuse to dismiss the case until the lien is satisfied Gov Code 68637 Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1 The court waived court fees and costs in this action for name 2 The person named in item 1 is check one below a 0 not recovering anything of value by this action b recovering less than 10 000 in valueby this action c recovering 10 000 or more in value by this actionIf item 2c is checked item 3 must be completed 3 Allcourt fees andcourt coststhat were waived in this action have been paidto the courtcheck one Yes No Ideclare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct Date TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF ATTORNEY PARN MAKING DECLARATION SIGNATURE c v o Re a a zos Page 2 of 2 Y REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL DD0002CT 1313998 001