Case Number: 5235
Tentative Ruling on Case Management Conference: This coordinated proceeding is on calendar for a Case
Management Conference. The Court has reviewed the Case Management Conference Statements filed by Plaintiff
Smith and Defendant Sierra Pacific Industries.
STAY. The McDonald matter remains stayed pending appeal.
CLASS NOTICE. The Court appreciates the efforts made by SPI in identifying employees placed at SPI by
staffing agencies and is in agreement with SPI’s suggestions regarding the employees at SPI placed by Sonora
Employment Agency. The Court invites Plaintiff McDonald to discuss the proposals made by SPI.
MOTIONS. There are currently no motions pending in the Smith matter. Pending in McDonald are SPI’s
Motion for Extension of Time to Comply with Court Order Due to Impossibility that was filed on August 31,
2023 and SPI’s Motion for Protective Order Regarding Preservation and Production of Video Camera Footage
that was filed on S