Defendant David Bentley's special motion to strike (ROA # 18) is denied. Defendant's evidentiary objections # 1 – 4 (ROA # 29) are overruled.

On January 7, 2021, plaintiff Emmanuel Cafferty filed a complaint against defendants David Bentley, Gordon Wilson and Haleigh Evelyn Wilson asserting causes of action for defamation and negligent interference with prospective economic advantage. The defamation claim is based on statements allegedly made by the defendants on Twitter and the interference claim is based on statements allegedly made by the defendants to plaintiff's employer, SDG&E.

Defendant David Bentley moves to strike the complaint pursuant to CCP § 425.16 (anti-SLAPP). It appears that the other two defendants have not responded to the complaint. There is no proof of service showing that the other two defendants have been served.

The anti-SLAPP statute is designed to curb "lawsuits brought primarily to chill the valid exercise of the constitutional rights of freedom of speech a