Cross-Defendant, Clipper Bulk Shipping, Ltd. seeks permission to have James Hohenstein appear pro hac vice in this action. The motion is denied without prejudice.

There is no proof of service of the moving papers on the State Bar. Stacey H. Wang states, at ¶¶4 and 5 of her declaration, that she paid the necessary fees and mailed a copy of the application to the State Bar. CRC 9.40(c)(1), however, requires proof of service on the State Bar. This is a key distinction, as proof of service shows that the State Bar was given notice of the hearing date on the application and an opportunity to contest the application if it chooses to do so. Absent proof of service, the application cannot be granted.

Cross-Defendant is ordered to give notice.

Parties who intend to submit on this tentative must send an email to the court at indicating intention to submit on the tentative as directed by the instructions provided on the court website at If the department