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  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview
  • Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V-Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Print Other Employment Unlimited  document preview


V SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,\-’ COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO San Bernardino District 247 West 3rd St San Bernardino CA 92415 909-708-8678 Everardo Rodriguez Corona-V—Skyline Construction Services, Inc. Case Number NOTICE OF TRIAL SETTING CONFERENCE and NOTICE 0F CASE ASSIGNMENT CIVSBZ120841 LAW OFFICES OF RAMIN R. YOUNESSI 3435 WILSHIRE BOULEVARD SUITE 2200 LOS ANGELES CA 90010 This case has been assigned to: Lynn Poncin inDepartment $28 -SBJC for allpurposes. Notice ishereby given that the above-entitled case has been set for Trial SettingConference on: Hearing Date: 01/31/2022 at 9:00 AM inDepartment $28 - SBJC The Trial Setting Conference wi|| be held in chambers without the appearance of the parties— except forgood cause shown. (see Emergency Local Rule 41 1 .1). Parties shall fileand serve no laterthan 15 days prior to the setting trial conference the mandatory Trial Initial Setting Conference Statement form (local form #1 3-09001-360) included with this notice. Prior to the date of the initial trial setting conference, the court may entertain a written stipulation by all appearing parties to continue the setting initial trial conference if 30 days filed at least prior to the conference. Nancy CS Eberhardt, Court Executive Officer Byz\ Date: 8/4/2021 Ashlee Bayless, Deputy Clerk CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE |am a Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of San Bernardino at the above-Iisted address. I am not a party tothis action and on the date and place shown below, I served a copy of the above—Iisted notice by: Enclosed in a sealed envelope mailed to the interested party addressed above for collection and mailing this date, following standard Court practices. D Enclosed in a sealed envelope, first class postage prepaid in the U.S. mail at the location shown above, mailed to the interested party and addressed as shown above or as shown on the attached listing. D A copy of this notice was given to the filing party at the counter. D A copy of this notice was placed in the bin located at this officeand identifiedas the location for the above law firm’s collection of fiIe-stamped documents. Date of Mailing: 8/4/2021 Ideclare under penalty of perjury that the forgoing istrue and correct. Executed on 8/4/2021 atSan Bernardino, CA. By: Ashlee Bayless, Deputy Clerk