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  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • 1World Online, Inc., a California corporation  vs.  Blockchain Generation, an unknown business entity, et al(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN MATEO UNLIMITED CIVIL JURISDICTION \Wb<\a\ Onhxxt) jaw”) CiVNo. gock :0 H g! Plaintiffs, ORDER CONTINUING CASE vs. MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE, @001 ax“ Om C9 mgmgdm \ 22c 0,0 -) As THE ACTION Is NOT YET “AT ISUE” Defendants. F I EA LEE ID) SAN MATEO OUNTY TO ALL PARTIES AND THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD: JUL 0" 2~ 2020 THE COURT FINDS as follows: Cw"- ,J j???"gDE/“3699”” 'UTY CLERK ' An initial Case Management Conference was previously ordered and scheduled for July 1Q, 2020 in this action. Pursuant to Rule 3.722(d) of the California Rules of Court, based upon the Court’s review of the led Case Management Statement(s) and the docket of this action, the Court determines that appearances at the Conference are not necessary at this time, as this action is not yet “at issue”; and determines that the Case Management Conference should be continued. Pursuant tO CRC Rule 3. l 10(b), a plaintiff is required to serve the Summons and Complaint upon all named defendants and le proofs of service of process upon all of those defendants within 60 days after the ling of the Complaint. Plaintiff has failed to le proofs of service of the Summons and Complaint upon all Defendants. _ Plaintiff has led proofs of service of the Summons and Complaint upon all Defendants, yet not all Defendants have led an appearance in this action and/or had a Default entered against them. _ Plaintiffhas led proofs of service of the Summons and Complaint upon all Defendants, but not all Defendants have led an Answer and/or had a Default entered against them. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as follows: 1. As this action is not yet “at issue”, the initial Case Management Conference is CONTINUED to October 2020 at 9:00 a.m. in Department 11 of this Court, located at Courtroom 2D, 400 County Center, Redwood City, California. 2. No later than 30 days prior to the date of this initial Case Management Conference, the parties must meet and confer, in person or by telephone, to consider each of the issues identied in CRC Rule 3.721 and Rule 3.727. 3. Pursuant to CRC Rule 3.725, no later than 15 days prior to the date of this initial Case Management Conference, each party must file and serve a new Case 1 . if rj“; ‘l "/;~i/ ..’.._;«, I . i ‘'.nv,” .. 1" A.(I . __;\; ' aw74' 7 y ‘Jx r ”41? .J , Management Statement, individually or jointly, using the Judicial Council mandatory form CM-110. However, it would facilitate the issuance of a case management order without an appearance at the Case Management Conference if you would le and serve your Case Management twenty—ve (25) days before the Case Management Conference. 4. After all parties have made a formal appearance in this action, the parties may directly proceed to an Appropriate Dispute Resolution (“ADR”) process by ling a Stipulation to ADR and Proposed Order (Local Form ADR-CV-l). If all parties le a completed Stipulation to ADR and Proposed Order at least ten (1 0)calendar days prior to the date of this initial Case Management Conference, the Case Management Conference will be vacated (i.e., taken off the Court’s calendar), and this action will be referred to the ADR Director. 5. Pursuant to Local Rule 0.2, Local Rule 2.3(m), and CRC Rule 2.30, the Court is empowered to impose monetary sanctions of a minimum of $150.00 upon any party or their counsel for failure to follow the requirements of this Order, or of the California Rules of Court, or of the Code of Civil Procedure. If you fail to follow the requirements of this Order, you will be subject to an order to show cause as to why monetary sanctions of $150.00, or some other amount, should not be imposed against you. 6. PLAINTIFF(S) must serve this Order on all parties not listed on the Court’s proof of service within ve (5) days of the date of this Order. DATED: July 4,, 2020 MARIE s. WEINER JUDGE 0F THE SUPERIOR COURT