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  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview
  • SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA RENTERS FEDERATION, et al  vs.  CITY OF SAN MATEO, et al(43) Unlimited Other Petition (Not Spec) document preview


MC-O10 ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY: STATE BAR NUMBER: FOR COURT USE ONLY NAME: Dolores Bastian Dalton 94931 FtRMNAME: Goldfarb & Lipman LLP STREET ADDRESS: 1300 Clay Street, Eleventh Floor cry. Oakland STATE: CA ZIP CODE: 94612 TELEPHONE NO.:(510) 836-6336 FAX NO.:( 510) 836-1035 E-MAtLADDRESS:ddal Defendants ATTORNEY FOR (name): 12/20/2019 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STREET ADDRESS:400 County Center MAILING ADDRESS: Redwood CITY AND ZIP CODE: City, CA 94063 BRANCH NAME: Civil, Hall of Justice 12/23/2019 PLAINTIFF: San Francisco Bay Area Renters Federation, et al. DEFENDANT: City of San Mateo, San Mateo City Council, et al. CASE NUMBER: MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY) 18-CIV-02105 The following costs are requested: TOTALS 1. Filing and motion fees $ 2. Jury fees $ 3. Jury food and lodging $ 4. Deposition costs $ 5. Service of process $ 6. Attachment expenses $ 7. Surety bond premiums $ 8. Witness fees $ 9. Court-ordered transcripts $ 10. Attorney fees (enter here if contractual or statutory fees are fixed without necessity of a court determination; otherwise a noticed motion is required) $ 11. Court reporter fees as established by statute $ 12. Models, enlargements, and photocopies of exhibits $ 13. Interpreter fees $ 14. Fees for electronic filing or service $ 15. Fees for hosting electronic documents $ 16. Other see Attachments 16, 16a and 16b $ TOTAL COSTS $ 21,845 I am the attorney, agent, or party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and these costs were necessarily incurred in this case. Date: 1 2 / 2 0/20 1 9 O» -y!\gr Dolores Bastian Dalton (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (lo hh o"/'oo5 (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) (Proof of service on reverse) Page 1 of 2 Form Approved for Optional Use MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (SUMMARY) Code of Civil Procedure, Judicial Council of California §§ 1032. 1033.5 MC-010 [Rev. September 1, 2017] 660/07 San Mateo/SF BARF CEB' Essential ceb.com_= Forms 001 MC-011 SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER: SFBARF V. San Mateo 18-CTV-02105 MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (WORKSHEET) 1. Filing and motion fees Paper filed Filing fee a. $ b. $ C. $ d. $ e. $ f. $ g. D Information about additional filing and motion fees is contained in Attachment 1g. 2. Jury fees TOTAL 1. ~1$ 0~ Date Fee & mileage a. $ -------- b. $ -------- c. $ -------- d. $ -------- e. D Information about additional jury fees is contained in Attachment 2e. romat 2 ls 3. D Juror food: 9 and lodging: '$ romAt s. ls 4. D Deposition costs Name of deponent Taking Transcribing Travel Videotaping Subtotals a. $ $ $ $ $ ~ b. $ $ $ $ $ ~ c. $ $ $ $ $ ~ d. $ $ $ $ $ ~ e. D Information about additional deposition costs is contained in Attachment 4e. romAt 4. s (Continued on reverse) Page of Form Approved for Optional Use MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (WORKSHEET) Code of Civil Procedure. ugai counc of cantor»a ({[3' Essential 5$ 1032. 1033.5 MC-0O11 [Rev. September 1. 2017l =Forms 660/07 San Mateo/SF 002BARF MC-011 SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER: SFBARF V. San Mateo 18-CIV-02105 5. Service of process Registered Name of person served Public officer process Publication Other (specify) a. $ $ $ $ b. $ $ $ $ C. $ $ $ $ d. D Information about additional costs for service of process is contained in Attachment 5d. romAt s [s 6. Attachment expenses (specify): s. 's ~--------~ 0 7. Surety bond premiums (itemize bonds and amounts): 7. 1~ $ o~ 8. a. Ordinary witness fees Name of witness Daily fee Mileage Total ([} days at $/day miles at ¢/mile: $ ] (]) days at $/day miles at ¢/mile: $ ] (3) -------- days at $/day miles at ¢/mile: $ ] ((LJ> days at $/day miles at ¢/mile: $ ] (5) days at $/day miles at ¢/mile: $ i] (6) D Information about additional ordinary witness fees is contained in Attachment 8b(6). SUBTOTAL 8a . ._1 $ 0~ (Continued on next page) MC-011 [Rev. September 1, 2017] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (WORKSHEET) Page' of C{[B' Essential ,= Forms 660/07 San Mateo/SF 003 BARF MC-011 SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER: SFBARF v. San Mateo 18-CIV-02105 8. b. Expert fees (per Code of Civil Procedure section 998) Name of witness Fee (t) hours at$ /hr 0 (2) hours at$ /hr 0 (3) (4) (6) l hours hours information about additional expert fees is contained at$ at$ in Attachment 8b(5). /hr /hr Ii 0 0 c. Court-ordered expert fees SUBTOTAL 8b. [$ Name of witness Fee (1) ____ hours at$S /hr 0 (2) ____ hours at $ /hr 0 (3) D Information about additional court-ordered expert fees is contained in Attachment 8c(3). SUBTOTAL 8c ..I:$ 0 TOTAL (8a, 8b, & 8c) 8. V 9. Court-ordered transcripts (specify): 9 ~--------~ 10. Attorney fees (enter here if contractual or statutory fees are fixed without necessity of a court 10. 1~ $ 0~ determination; otherwise a noticed motion is required): 11. Models, enlargements, and photocopies of exhibits (specify): 11. [S 12. Court reporter fees (as established by statute) a. (Name of reporter): Fees: $ _ b. (Name ofreporter): Fees:$ TOTAL 12. [S c. D Information about additional court-reporter fees is contained in Attachment 12c. 13. Interpreter fees a. Fees of a certified or registered interpreter for the deposition of a party or witness (Name of interpreter): Fees: $ _ (Name of interpreter): Fees:$ _ b. Fees for a qualified court interpreter authorized by the court for an indigent person represented by a qualified legal services project or a pro bono attorney (Name of interpreter). Fees; $ _ (Name of interpreter): Fees:$ TOTAL 13. [ c. D Information about additional court-reporter fees is contained in Attachment 13c. 14. Fees for electronic filing or service of documents through an electronic filing service provider (enter here if required or ordered by the court): 14. [ 15. Fees for hosting electronic documents through an electronic filing service provider (enter here if required or ordered by the court): 15. [ 16. Other (specify): See Attachments 16 16a and 16b 16. [S I TOTAL COSTS 21,845 (Additional information may be supplied on the reverse) MC-O11 [Rev. September 1, 2017] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (WORKSHEET) Page ' (] CE' Essential 660/07 San Mateo/SF BARF[s]Forms 004 MC-011 SHORT TITLE CASE NUMBER: SFBARF V. San Mateo 18-CIV-02105 2 ATTACHMENT 16 - OTHER 3 1) Fees from First Legal and Express Network for court filings - $ 415 4 2) Transcription of 4 administrative hearings, transcripts 5 included in in Administrative Record - $1,890 6 3) Binding of Administrative Record - $ 26 7 4) Court Transcript of 10/24/19 hearing - $ 63 8 5) Legislative Intent Service $2,280 9 6) Logikcull Document Management System - $ 370 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 MC-011 [Rev. September 1, 2017] MEMORANDUM OF COSTS (WORKSHEET) Page -~-- of --~- CE[B' Essential 660/07 San Mateo/SF BARF,=Forms 005 m Oakland Service Of Process, Inc, P.O. Box 59701 Los Angeles CA 90074-9701 COLDFARB 4 LIFMAN INVOICE 54864 2¢145 Uu#. , sh 1300 CLAY ST85FT BILLING/PAYHEIT CJ£ST IONS 1ITA ¥LOO CLIENT CARE {477;350-8698 OAK:AND, CA 9461.2 g55 8 & 5 0 0 o= Q 7g7 er10/1? 1522893 ESA COLOFARB 4 !:PHAN SMSC-KEIS'OS CITY 9ase Ch; €5.1£ 1300 CLAY STREET 400 CUN;Y CENTER DR Wait 33.7£ OAK LAN> FILING-BRR(H PDOE SANE! OAY CA 94612 REDWOOD C!TY CA 94C63 Fuel CnQ $.97 40>.42 Caller: Konn± Scalica Wait:60 HI n Case No.: 18-CIV-02105 Case T±£!e: SF BAY AREA REI'T£AS F ILE/CONFORM/RE TURN Signed: FILE cert1a¢d INVOICE PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT 006 m Oakland Service Of Process, Inc, P.O Box 59701 Los Angeles CA 90074-9701 INVOICE ,0\L4FA86 1T.5M6 130 C14¥ S78EET B!LL!NS/FAYNENT GUEST!IS 1I1± FLOR CLIENT CA&E -:139¢-8£92 CA8LAND. CA 54612 << o Q Do o C 3 O a Cog o 7g co co co co % a;>9 O Coco n CO -0 OT Co o r D 5c c> c -< G » > 7 m 3> = INVOICE PAYMENT DUE UPON RECEIPT m co 3> pr to GO oC -py gg 6 co DO 7 o g3 CO c 0 3 pr D < D 007 Send All Mail To : Remit to : LEGAL SUPPORT NETWORK, LLC LEGAL SUPPORT NETWORK, LLC O. 80X 861057 PO. B0Xx 861057 Los Angies, CA 90086-1057 INVOICE Los Angeles, CA 90086-1057 Billing Oept Ph. (213) 835-2776 888-232-6077 Eait; Binge± www.7xpress T9 NS0\£ PACPER PG5Ti% Tg YOUR AC£OUN? P\EASE OTA4 AND RETURN 'WITH YO{Ut PAY#£.NT Bung Dept Pt. {2131 835-2776 EXPRESS NET WORK Tax ID No. 45-4301410 A LEGAL SUPPORT NETWORK COMPANY } ACCOUNT GOLL I OAK i rrvotca SF-22094 GOLDFARB & LIPMAN 'I Attn: Phuong Lam INVOICE 07/31/19 ' DATE 1300 CLAY ST. 11th FLOOR ' OAKLAND, CA. 94612 + TOTAL 1,280.22 ' ' Type of Orig!n Dent ination Ref. / Case Charge Amount Service Placed Case Name/ Docs Item 7224/19 SPECIAL GO1FAR 4 LIFMAN SAN ATEO SUPERIOR 660/07 Ra se 223TS 3 26$9 Fil1 ng 130¢ CLAY ST. I1FLR 400 COUNTY CENTER NOT GIVEN 42 63 REDONO CITY. CA. OT GIVEN Wait 2¢ in I5 GO caller:oniSalfca $2gned:FILED/RECE!I VEE NTC OF LODGING: CERTIPICA #eight .00 ·thr «ddtl. Court Trips;22.50 Fuel Charge.: 20.13 TION OF RECORD (2 DOCS ·s Total 281.)8 << 0 O D o Cr O Q Co=Q 4> 7 ~ ~ r G> 4> GO &OO COO O D 4 v Or » 7 rT e + qy o 35 qr o D» O scg '1J 0 JJ ACCOUNT CODE INVOICE P INVOICE DATE INVOICE TOTAL ] z GOLL I OAK SF-22835 08/31/19 ,259 02 m XPRESS NETWORK, A LEGAL SUPPORT NETWORK COMPANY pJ-I ~~ VO 73y co , s» c O co r D pr Do < D 009 INVOICE lnvolce No, ln\lolce Date ] ot No. [if rs6AL 26689 $/29/2018 27865 Job 0ate Case No. 5/1472018 Case Mare Koni Static.a (al \07 In Re: Oty of San Mateo Gcidtarb & Lipman i? Payment Terrs 1300 Clay Street Net 30 t Ith £oc Oak led, CA 94612 TAPE TRANS CRIPTION OF: Meeting 9/26/17 78.00 Pages @ 5.00 390.00 I Processing Fee 1.O0 c 30.00 30 00 TAPE TRANSCRIPTION OF: Meeting 10/10/17 34.00 Pages ©» 5.00 170.00 TADE TRANSCRIPTION OF: Meeting 2/5/18 129.00 Pages@ $5.00 645.00 TADE TRANSCRIPTION Of: Meeting 8/8/17 131.00 Pages@ 5.00 655 00 TOTAL DUE >>> $1,890.00 AFTER 5/29/2018 PAY $1,984.50 We eprreaate your business > Where the "CL!ENT COMES FIRST" B4ng questions? cal us at (855) 348-4997 or e-mnall ciientcaretpfirsttegal.corm FOR CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS: Send into DIRECTLY to Tax ID: 46-3364757 Phone:; 510,836.6336 Fax:$10 836.1035 Please detach botrm portion and reirn with payment co o co o Konn Static a Invoice No 26689 Goldfarb upmac LU? Invoice Date5/29/20 18 1300 Cry Street 41th Fi62 Total Due $1,890.00 Oakland, CA 94612 AFTER 6/29/2018 PAY $1,384.50 7J Cr o o D a m 7 D g-+ tr o { 3 G p> Jot No. 2 7665 p= Pert ToFirst Legal Deposition Services LL© Du 10 SF-DOEP 0 P.O. Box 749469 rT Case No. U Los Angeles, CA 90074-9469 Case Nare In Re: City at San Mateo 0 CD 8= g» O 8o cgz rT c < ( ; O 5: m < co Gr =5 pr cD <" Do 010 - yo0fo? ,Py) COPY- guSTATIoy° "1.~nton a ,, whwlsl/'' Invoice ,------.--------, Tax ID# 94-3196100 Dale Invoice # Our store is located at: Please remit to corporate office at: 7-25/2019 7026 Koll Center Py #207, Pleasanton CA 94566 7026 Koll Center Pkwy #207, Pleasanton CA 94566 253380 Tel: 925-924-0801 [g];9]6-924.(9{( -· Ba» To Ship To Goldfarb & Lipman LLP Konnie Stalica 836 6336 1300 Clay Street, Ith floor Oakland, Ca 94612 ! v v® Description P.O. No, Qty Terms Rate Rep Project Amounl Velo/Acco/Spiral More than I 4 6 00 24.00T 9.25% 2.22 oO<< o oD C ' o o co= g Sent: Thursday, November 21, 2019 4:33 PM To: User 1 Subject: Transcript in re 18CIV021 OS 10/24 hearing Hello, The cost to prepare the requested transcript will be $63. Upon receiving payment I will begin working on the transcript. It should be completed within a week. Upon completion I will email you the certified copy. You may send payment using the information listedbelow. Regards, Christine Perez, CSR c/o Court Reporter Supervisor 400 County Center, 2nd Floor Redwood City, CA 94063 (650) 298-5725 012 %6o-0? Jw Legislative Intent Service, Inc. Invoice 712 Main Street, Suite 200 Date I Invoice # { Woodland, CA9$695 {800) 666-1917 > Fax (530} 668-5866 7/31/2019 3695 1 Taxpayer I.D.#20-5269 193 Bill To Sh.ip To GOLDFARB & LIPMAN GOLDFARB & LIPMAN Attn:Ms. Barbara Kautz Attn:Ms. Barbara Kautz 1300 Clay Street, 11th Floor 1300 Clay Street, 11th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Oakland, CA 94612 Reference No. Terms 660-07 Due on receipt Description Quantity Rate Amount For services rendered in researching the legislative history of 645.00 645.00 Government Code section 65589.5 amended in 2017, by Chapter 378 on a Five Day basis. o<< o O o C O O coo ©: Thank you for this Legislative Intent Service accepts credit cards. opportunity to be of service! Total $645.00 Payments/Credits Invoice due and payable upon receipt and becomes delinquent in 30 $0.00 days.Invoice not paid within 60 days is automatically referred to collection. Balance Due $645.00 013 ~ 3 0 c = Legislative Intent Service, Inc. 712 Main Street. Suite 200 Date Invoice # Woodland. CA95695 (800} 666-1917 • Fax {530} 668-5866 [9724/2019 37045 Taxpayer 1.D.#20-5269193 O o co co Bill To Ship To co GOLDFARB & LIPMAN GOLDFARB & LIPMAN Aun: Mr. Phil Jchnsen Attn:Mr. Phil Johnson 1300 Clay Street, 1Ith Floor 1300 Clay Street, 11th Floor Oakland, CA94612 Oakland, CA 99612 Reference No. Terms 660.7 Duc on receipt Description Quantity Rate Amount For services rendered in the Online Store version of California 2 300 00 600.00 Senate Bill 167 of 2017 and Senate DBi 1721 of 2002. O<< o o D o C 1 O o Co= g 7g7 P Legislative Intent Service accepts credit cards, Thank you for this opportunity to be of service! Total $600.00 ! Payments/Credits Invoice due and payable upon receipt and becomes delinquent in 30 so O0 daysInvoice not paid within 60 days is automatically referred to i Balance Due collection, ! $600 00 014 J> =3 0 c o.07 ~ Legislative Intent Service, Inc. Invoice 712 Main Street, Suite 200 Date Invoice #