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  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview
  • GEORGE MARDIKIAN VS WAWANESA GENERAL INSURANCE(06) Unlimited Breach of Contract/Warranty document preview


Kenneth N. Greenfleld> Ksq. (State Bar No, 105721) Alexandra iN. Sclfridge, Esq. (State Bar No. 2A7063) L A IV00 8 ICE8 0 Qe@0 J TII N. GREENEIELD I'mary Judgment, or in thc alternative, Summary Adjudication with 16 respect to the Complaint of George Mardilcian. Defendant.'s objections to (he entire docuinent 17 were sustained by the Court at that time. 18 3. Judicial notice is not required by Evidence Code section 451, The document is Wawanesa's Answer to Plamtiff George Mardikiaii's Complaint. It is Lilhan Mardikian's 20 Complaint and the Answer thereto which are at issue in the instant Motion. In addition, to thc 2] extent this document is to be used as supposed evidence of post-filing bad faith litigation conduct, 22 it isirrelevant and privileged, (Civ. Code, ( 47; This conduct is not made relevant or admissible 23 by way of W~rt'e v PVesrern Trrle Ins Co (1986) 40 Cal,3d 870 I221 Cal.Rptr, 509, 710 P 2d 24 309], which holds only that unreasonably low Code of Civil Piocedure section 998 Offers may be 25 admissible as evidence of insurance "bad faith"; See further discussion at Eviclentiary ObJection No, 17.) Thus, judicial notice should not be authoiized by Evidence Code section 452. 27 4. No objection, 28 5. Judicial notice is not required by Evidcncc Cocle section 451, The document is 1 OBJECTIONS TO REQUEST FOR JUDICIAL NOTICE "Wawanesa's Memorandum ot'Points and Autho»ties in support of Motion to Compel filed Apiil 2 28, 2013 in action no CIV 517132," This was a Motion to Compel further discovery responses 3 from Geoige Mardikian, not Lillian Maiclikian. It is Lillian Maidilcian's case which is at issue in 4 the instant Motion. Thus, juclicial notice should not be authorized by Eviclence Code section 452. 6. Judicial notice is not required by Evidence Code section 451, Thc document is the 6 2005 tax case of rYhuss Trust v Commtsstoner. Wawancsa's cxpeit witness, Monte Sobreio, was 7 a pcicipient wit.ness m that, case I-Ieappraised a.van for the petitioners at $ 19,750, When Mr 8 Sobrero prepared his appraisal, he did not have the lceys to the van, and was unc1ble to detelmlne 9 its mileage. As a result, he was unable to mal