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  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview
  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview
  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview


1 Susan Brandt Hawley/SBN 75907 BRANDT HAWLEY LAW GROUP 2 P.O. Box 1659 3 Glen Ellen, CA 95442 707.938.3900, fax 707.938.3200 4 5 6 Attorney for Petitioners 7 8 SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy an unincorporated association, and Friends of the Willow Glen Trestlean unincorporated Petitioners’ Objection to association; Late-Filed Pleadings Petitioners, Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle City of San Jos City of San Jos Department of Public Works; California Department of Fish and Wildlife; and Does 1 to 10; Respondents; / Does 11 20 Real Parties in Intere / Petitioners’ Objections to Late Filed Pleadings 1 1 2 . The 3 appellat emedy ould ttend alterationand petitioner 4 5 respondisunauthorized mobilizi material site. 6 Petitioners thus object to the Courts consideration of the late filed pleadings 7 before the preliminary injunction hearing, or otherwise request a comparable extension 8 of time to file and amend their supplemental brief 9 xplai Court transmittal mailthis afternoonunexpected circuminvolv ing ll by etitioners counsel mother law iverted er workingsolo,could and would mor full briefedissues lating discretionarnatur 1602greementlead and responsibl agencies relevant SupremCourtlaw regardi CDFW responsibilities, discussion,clarifications,improvements rief If the Court may consider the citys late pleadings before Wedne day, petitioners request permission to extend their deadline for supplemental brief noon tomorrow. ctober 5, 2018 Respectfully submitted, Susan Brandt Hawley Petitioners’ Objections to Late Filed Pleadings 2 Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy v. City of San Jose Santa Clara Superior Court PROOF OF SERVICE I am a citizen of the United States and a resident of the County of Sonoma. I am over the age of eighteen years and not a party to this action. My business address is P.O. Box 1659, Glen Ellen, California 95442. On October 5, 2018, I served one true copy of: Objections to Late Filed Pleadings emailing to Margo Laskowska Sara Van Loh Attorneys for Respondents I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and is executed on October 5, 2018, at San Francisco, California. Susan Brandt Hawley