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  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview
  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview
  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview


000“thme SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA WILLOW GLEN TRESTLE CONSERVANCY, Case N0. 18CV335801 an unincorporated association; and FRIENDS OF THE WILLOW GLEN TRESTLE, an ORDER REASSIGNING CASE AND unincorporated association, SETTING INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Petitioners, VS. CITY OF SAN JOSE; CITY OF SAN JOSE DEPARTIVENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND NNNNNNNNNHHHHv—tr—dn—p—n—aH WILDLIFE; and DOES 1 t0 10, Respondents. OOQONUl-AUJN—‘OKDOONQMAWNHO Petitioners Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy and Friends of the Willow Glen Trestle filed their Petition for Writ 0f Mandamus on October 4, 201 8. The Writ of Mandamus isbrought under the California Environmental Quality Act. Consequently, this case is reassigned for all purposes to the Honorable Thomas E. Kuhnle in Department 5. A11 further hearings shall be set in Department 5, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. An initial case management conference isset for Friday, November l6, 201 8, at 11:00 am. in Department 5. Appearance by counsel may be made by CourtCall if desired. The l ORDER REASSIGNING CASE AND SETTING INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE Court requests the parties prepare and file a joint case management conference statement-on pleading paper and n_ot on Judicial Council Form CM-l 10. The joint case management conference statements must be filed and served on or before November 13, 2018, with‘a courtesy copy provided to the courtroom clerk of Department 5 at The joint case management conference statement \OOONONM-kUJN—A shall address the following topics: (l) identification of parties and counsel and the status of service ofprocess on all named parties; (2) status of pleadings; (3) brief factual statement of the case; (_4)status of settlement discussions and initialsettlement meeting under Public Resources Code section 21 1 67.8; (5) status of administrative record; (6) identification of any jurisdictional issues; (7) identificationlof any related cases; (8) identification of any law and motion matters such as an application for a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction or to augment the administrative record; (9) status of petitioner’s statement of issues under Public Resources Code section 21 167.8; (10) proposed briefing schedule, including length of briefs, or information as-to why a briefing schedule is considered premature; (1 1) a proposed trial or hearing date; and (12) any 'other pertinent information or issues affecting case processing. Counsel for plaintiff is directed to serve this order on all o arties immediately. Dated: Octoberzi, 2018 MNNNNNNNNn—Av—AHHr—‘HHHHH Theodo e C. Za er Supervisi g'Judge ivil ivision WQONU'IAUJNHOWOOQONUI#WNHO 2 . ORDER REASSIGNING CASE AND SETTING INITIAL CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE ‘ 191 NORTH FIRSI‘ STREET SAN JosE, CALIFORNIA 95113 CIVIL DIVISION l l E RE: _ Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. v.City of San Jose. et al. (CE A) Case Number: 186V335801 PROOF OF SERVICE Order reassigning case and setting iniitial case management conference was delivered to the parties listed below the above entitled case as set forth in the sworn declaration below. [fyou, a party representedby you,or a witness lo be called on behalf of that party need an accommodation under the American with Act, Disabilities please contactthe Court Administrator‘s office at (408)882-2700. or use the Court'sTDD line(408) 882-2690 or the Voice/TDD Relay Service (800) 735-2922. California DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: Ideclare that|sewed this notice by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope, addressed to each person whose name is shown below. and by depositing the envelope with postage fully prepaid. in the United States Mail at San Jose. CA on October 24. 2018.CLERK OF THE COURT, by Maggie Castellon. Deputy. cc: Susan L Brandt-Hawl'ey P'ost Office Box 1659 Glen Ellen CA 95442 Elisa Tanya Tolentino 200 E Santa Clara St 16th Fl San Jose CA 95113 Sara Dena Van Loh Office of Attorney General 455 Golden Gate Ave-Ste 11000 San Francisco CA 941 02 CW-9027 REV 12/08/16 PROOF OF SERVICE