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  • Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et al. v. City of San Jose, et al. (CEQA) Environmental/Toxic Tort Unlimited (30)  document preview


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA MINUTE ORDER Willow Glen Trestle Conservancy, et City of San al. v. v. Hearing Start Time; 11:00 AM Jose, et al.(CEQA) Hearing Type: Conference: Case 18CV335801 Management Date of Hearing: 02/15/2019 Comments: Line #1 M Heard By: Courtroom Reporter: Exhibits: Kuhnle,Thomas - No Record Transcribed WE Courtroom Court Court Location: Clerk: Interpreter: Investigator: Department Jessica 5 Lauren Crabtree - No appearances. Via an e-mail to the Clerk, Counsel have jointly requested a continuance due to the parties having to reschedule their settlement conference to 2/21/19. The Case Management Conference iscontinued to 2/22/19 at 1:30 p.m. in Department 5. 2/15/2019 Printed: 02/15/2019 Conference: Case Management -18CV335801 Page 1 of 1