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  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview
  • Menlo Energy Florida, Llc v. Certain Underwriters At Lloyds London are Names-Members of Lloyds Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020 and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, Gcube Underwriting Limited, Gcube Insurance Services, Inc., Abc Corporations I-Ix Commercial Division document preview


INDEX NO. 650271/2014 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 01/11/2016 08:13 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 46 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 01/11/2016 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK nace nnn nee nen nn ee eee eee eee MENLO ENERGY FLORIDA, LLC, Plaintiff, Vs, Index No. 650271/2014 CERTAIN UNDERWRITERS AT LLOYD’S LONDON, AND SUBSCRIBERS UNDER POLICY #B1134297401, as Renewed and renumbered, including Names/ Members of Lloyd’s Syndicate 510, Lloyd’s Syndicate 1084, AMENDED COMPLAINT Lioyd’s Syndicate 3000, Lloyd’s Syndicate 2623, Lioyd’s Syndicate 623, Lloyd’s Syndicate 2121, Lloyd’s Syndicate 1036, Lloyd’s Syndicate 4444, Lloyd’s Syndicate 2003, Lloyd’s Syndicate 1880, Lloyd’s Syndicate 5000, Lloyd’s Syndicate 609, Lloyd’s Syndicate 5151, Lloyd’s Syndicate 4020, GREAT LAKES REINSURANCE (UK) PLC, GCUBE UNDERWRITING LIMITED, GCUBE INSURANCE SERVICES, INC., and ABC CORPORATIONS L-IX, Defendants. momen amen nennmmnnm stmt stints tuetutasneatttnneeeneeenenennnK Plaintiff, Menlo Energy Florida, LLC (“Menlo”), by and through its attorneys, COSTIGAN LAW PLLC, alleges upon knowledge as to itself and its own actions and upon information and belief as to all other matters as follows: PARTIES 1 At all times relevant hereto, Menlo was, and still is, a limited liability company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, with its principal place of business at 555 California Street, San Francisco, CA 94104, 2 Defendants, Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s (“Lloyd’s Underwriters”), the Names/ Members of Lloyd’s Syndicates 510, 1084, 3000, 2623, 623, 2121, 1036, 4444, 958, 33, 4000, 2003, 1880, 510, 5000, 609, 5151, 4020, and Great Lakes Reinsurance (UK) PLC, and were subscribers to policy # Bl 134297401 (the "Policy"). A true and correct copy of relevant 1 parts of the Policy is attached herein as Exhibit A. 3. Under the Policy, defendants have appointed the firm of Mendes & Mount, LLP 750 Seventh Avenue, New York, New York 10019, to accept service of processon theirbchalf. JURISDICTION AND VENUE 4. Jurisdiction is proper in this Court pursuant to NY GOL § 5-1402. The parties here entered into contracts of insurance with an underlying transaction involving more than one million dollars and, by contract, agreed to the jurisdiction of the courts in the state of New York and aNew York choice of law provision. 5 Venue is proper in this Court pursuant to NY CPLR § 503(a) NATURE OF THE ACTION 6 This is a breach of contract action arising from the defendants’ refusal to pay covered claims. As described herein, due solely to defendants' failure to honor their obligations as set forth in the Policy, Menlo’s business and business reputation have been irreparably harmed. Menlo seeks compensatory and consequential, and bad-faith punitive damages arising from said breaches and wrongful conduct. 7 Menlo, a family owned company, is and at all relevant times was, an energy services business operating within the State of Florida, County of Pasco, that primarily rans biodiesel and glycerin refineries (the Refineries"). 8 Due to defendants’ wrongful denial of coverage herein, Menlo has suffered irreparable harm to its business, has lost its crude supply and customers, been forced to lay-off essential employees, has been unable to pay monthly rent, and has been unable to pay other bills and obligations that have come due in the normal course of its business. 9 Menlo agreed to insure its Refineries with the defendants, who, in turn, agreed to provide insurance coverage under broad forms of property and business interruption insurance. 2 10. Defendants aggressively sought the opportunity to insure the Refineries, through its solicitation of Menlo's predecessor in interest to the Refineries ("Former Owners"), causing Menlo to forego other viable and financially sound insurers when Menlo purchased the Refineries from Former Owners in or around April 2013. 11. Upon information and belief, at the time the insurance coverage was agreed to by Former Owners and defendants, it was the understanding and contemplation of the parties that loss or damage to any of the property insured could result in a serious disruption of the business involving the insured properties, including the essential biodiesel and glycerin operations of the Refineries. 12. In consideration of defendants' acceptance of that risk of loss and the attendant consequences, including the interruption of Former Owners’ business and the cost to repair or replace the property, defendants required, and Former Owners agreed to pay, a premium of some $49,663.00 (plus applicable taxes and fees), which included premiums charged for loss or damage to property coverage ("Property Coverage") and business interruption coverage ("Business InterruptionCoverage"). 13, Former Owner paid the premium required by defendants and Former Owner and Menlo have faithfully discharged all of their obligations under the Policy issued by defendants to Former Owners and covering the period April 12, 2013 to April 11, 2014. 14, Upon purchasing the Refineries in or around April 2013, Menlo received an assignment of the Policy from the Former Owners. 15. In or around April 2013, defendants agreed to the assignment of the policy from Former Owners to Menlo. A copy of the Policy was issued by defendants in the name of Menlo. 16. On or about July 26, 2013, the Refineries’ turbine lost its vertex by some micro- centimeters and its axis went awry. The turbine emitted a loud clanking sound, raising an alarm, 3 and was promptly shut down by the Refineries’ staff. Without the perfect vacuum created by a properly functioning turbine, the plant could not distill the vapors and remove impurities from the crude. On the advice of the turbine’s vendor, a subsidiary of General Electric, the entire plant had to be shut down. 17. The vendor sent out a crew to examine the turbine and, in the course of that examination, the crew dismantled the entire vacuum train. The vendor then indicated that Menlo transport the turbine and pumps to GE's factory in the Midwest. The roof to the building housing the turbine and pumps had to be demolished and a crane summoned to remove the turbine and pumps. 18. After receiving the apparatus from Menlo, GE redid the alignment, changed some parts, and sent the turbine back. A crew from GE installed the refurbished equipment. As the plant was put back on-line, however, Menlo noticed within a couple of hours that the vacuum wasn't holding. 19, Once again GE directed that Menlo ship the turbine back and Menlo did so. On examination, GE noticed that it may have not properly tested the alignment after its initial work. GE fixed it again. The turbine was returned to the plant in Florida and re-installed, Only after these two laborious attempts, which took about two months altogether, did Menio’s plant again become operational. 20. In the interim, Menlo lost its crude supply and its customers. Menlo was forced to lay off essential staff and was unable to pay its monthly lease and other obligations. Furthermore, these developments damaged Menlo’s reputation within the relevant business communities. Ultimately, Menlo had to shut the plant down entirely. 21. Menlo filed a timely claim with defendants in or around July 2013. 22. In or around July 2013, Defendants acknowledged receipt of the claim and requested that Menlo provide evidence supporting Menlo's property damage and business interruption losses, Menlo promptly provided that evidence. 23. Nonetheless, the defendants denied coverage in bad faith and specifically refused to make interim payments as required by the Policy. The defendants’ denials of coverage were premised on reasons having no applicability to the above-cited Property Coverage and Business Interruption Coverage, evidencing their bad faith. 24, Menlo has sought to mitigate its damages throughout. AS AND FOR A FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION (Breach of Contract - Business Income Coverage) 25. Menlo repeats the allegations in the prior paragraphs of this Amended Complaint as if set forth at length herein. 26. The Policy's Business Interruption Coverage obligated defendants to pay any loss of income which Menlo incurred due to the actual suspension of its operations caused by or as a result of direct physical loss or damage by a covered peril to property at the Refineries. 27, On July 26, 2013, Menlo’s operations were suspended as a result of direct physical loss or damage by a covered peril to its property at the Refineries. This has been confirmed by York Special Loss Adjusting (“York”), the "independent" adjuster engaged by the defendants,'! Menlo has, accordingly, incurred an interruption to its business income which is covered under the Policy's Business Interruption Coverage. 28, The Policy requires defendants to cover Menlo’s loss of business income and, specifically, to make interim payments covering such loss. Defendants have, without just cause, refused to pay any amounts under the Policy whatsoever, whether interim or otherwise, in utter 1 Though described as “independent,” York in fact receives a substantial volume of its business from the defendants and, as a practical matter, acts on their behalf. 5 bad faith breach of the Policy. AS AND FOR A SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION (Breach of Contract -- Property Damage Coverage) 29. Menlo repeats the allegations in the prior paragraphs of the Complaint as if set forth at length herein. 30, The Policy covers property damage at the Refineries. 31. The Refineries suffered a covered loss on or around July 26, 2013. 32. The Policy's terms require defendants to reimburse the repair and/or replacement cost of the equipment damaged. 33. York, the "independent" adjustor has acknowledged Menlo's property damage claim as legitimate and have determined the loss exceeds the $50,000 Policy deductible, such that Menlo is entitled to payment(s) from defendants, 34. The terms of the Policy provide that Menlo is entitled receive interim payments on coverage due. 35. Defendants, without good cause have failed to make any payments whatsoever to Menlo. WHEREFORE, Menlo requests Judgment: @ as to its First Cause of Action, in an amount to be proven at trial up to the $1,976,000 insurance policy limit, plus consequential damages, prejudgment interest, and Menlo’s costs and reasonable attorneys' fees; (b) as to its Second Cause of Action, in an amount to be proven at trial up to the $10,368,000 insurance policy limit, plus consequential damages and Menlo’s costs and reasonable attorneys' fees; and (c) such other and further relief as this Court deems just and proper. Dated: December 23, 2015 New York, New York Yours, ete., COSTIGAN LAW PLLC ~ ——_—_— BY. a. Williaa F. Costigan 747 Third Ave — F12 New York, NY 10017 Tel No: (646) 722-2699 New York, New York 10007