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  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview
  • RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. VS SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, ET AL. Other Contract Dispute (not breach/insurance/fraud/negligence) (General Jurisdiction) document preview


Kerry P. Zeiler (SBN 233944) 1 ZEILER LAW GROUP 14205 SE 36th St Ste 100 2 Bellevue, WA 98006 (714) 953-6600 3 4 Attorney for Plaintiff, 5 RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 6 7 8 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA 9 IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES 10 11 RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC., ) Case No.: ) COMPLAINT 12 Plaintiff, ) 13 ) 1) BAD FAITH (INSURANCE) vs. ) 2) BAD FAITH (INSURANCE) 14 ) 3) INTENTIONAL 15 INTERFERENCE WITH SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE ) CONTRACTUAL ADVANTAGE 16 COMPANY, AMTRUST FINANCIAL ) 4) CONFLICT COUNSEL SERVICES GROUP, AND AMTRUST ) COMPENSATION 17 NORTH AMERICA, ) 18 Defendants. ) 19 ) ) 20 ) 21 ) 22 23 JURISDICTIONAL ALLEGATIONS 24 1. Plaintiffs RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. (herein “RAD”) is a business 25 incorporated in the State of Washington in 2018 with its primary place of business in the 26 County of Los Angeles, State of California. 27 2. Defendants SECURITY NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY (herein 28 “Security National”) is a nationwide insurer, incorporated in Delaware, with its primary place 1 COMPLAINT 1 of business in Cleveland, Ohio. Based on information and belief, Security National is 2 registered and licensed to issue policies of commercial insurance in the states of Washington 3 and California. 4 3. AMTRUST FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP is a financial services and insurance 5 holding company that owns multiple affiliate insurers, including Security National. 6 4. AMTRUST NORTH AMERICA (herein “Amtrust”) is a national insurer 7 domiciled in Delaware. It is a wholly owned insurance servicing and adjusting company that 8 services and adjusts claims for AmTrust Financial Services Group-owned and affiliated 9 insurers, including Security National. 10 5. At all relevant times, Security National was the underwriter for a policy of general 11 liability insurance issued to RAD Communications, Inc. on July 11, 2018, policy number 12 NA155442100 (See Exhibit 1). The policy covered the period from July 11, 2018, through 13 July 11, 2019, with a policy limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence and a policy aggregate of 14 $2,000,000.00. 15 6. The general contractor for the project at issue, MASTEC (herein “Mastec”), a 16 corporation domiciled in the State of Florida, was listed as an additional insured on the policy. 17 7. On April 29, 2021, plaintiff and Mastec were sued in San Francisco County Superior 18 Court in a case styled, Gercinta, LLC and Cinta Aveda Institute, Inc. v. Mastec North America, 19 Inc. and RAD Communications, Inc., case number CGC-21-591432, alleging various property 20 damage due to water leakage from a subterranean hole dug by RAD while installing high speed 21 cable wire for Mastec. The basic allegation from the Gercinta case was that the hole in the 22 ground to install cable was not properly covered, and after a rainfall there was flooding to 23 Gercinta’s business located in the basement of a commercial building in San Francisco, 24 California. 25 8. RAD contacted their insurer, Security National, and tendered the lawsuit on or 26 about April 15, 2021. Mastec, which was also sued by Gercinta, tendered the lawsuit to 27 defendants on April 16, 2021. (See Exhibit 2). 28 9. The policy of insurance includes a duty to defend. 2 COMPLAINT 1 10. Security National delegated Amtrust to adjust the claim. Amtrust took no action 2 other than to say it was “investigating” and provided no defense to RAD or Mastec. 3 11. Accordingly, Mastec retained private counsel to litigate and filed a cross-complaint 4 against RAD for indemnity. Then, the Gercinta plaintiffs submitted a demand for 5 approximately $400,000.00 to Mastec for the value of their losses. Mastec seized and withheld 6 receivables payable to RAD of this amount to “protect their interests.” 7 12. The Gercinta lawsuit proceeded, and Gercinta sought RAD’s default in that case. 8 When RAD’s pleas to their insurer and the adjuster Amtrust went unanswered, RAD retained 9 the services of private counsel Kerry Zeiler, Zeiler Law Group (herein “Zeiler”). 10 13. Zeiler negotiated with Gercinta for RAD to file an Answer and prepared and filed 11 one on RAD’s behalf. He then proceeded to litigate the defense of the Gercinta lawsuit on 12 RAD's behalf, conducting discovery and negotiating with the Gercinta plaintiffs and Mastec. 13 14. Mastec’s seizure of more than $400,000 for receivables owed to RAD on work 14 already completed in order to “secure its interests,” was devastating. RAD purchased the 15 policy of insurance for the same reason it was sold by the defendants: to prevent such an 16 occurrence imperiling RAD’s assets. RAD was left unable to pay sub-contractors, had to 17 abandon already bid upon work, lay off crews, and shut down its operations in the State of 18 Washington, all to its general loss subject to proof at the time of trial. 19 15. RAD suffered significant reputational harm from the defendants’ failure to abide by 20 their insurance contracts, resulting in additional, lasting reputational harm and general 21 damages in an amount subject to proof at trial. 22 16. RAD’s business was forcibly reduced because it could not collect on its outstanding 23 receivables from one of its largest customers because its insurer, Security National, refused to 24 provide a defense and indemnify the additional insured, Mastec. This has resulted in a 25 demonstrable loss of opportunity and consequential damages, all in an amount subject to 26 proof at the time of trial. 27 17. Zeiler contacted AmTrust multiple times, demanding on RAD’s behalf that 28 AmTrust identify its rationale for not providing a defense when a duty to do so exists under 3 COMPLAINT 1 the policy. RAD also requested that the defendants provide a duplicate of the entire insurance 2 policy and any riders that might support the defendants’ conduct. Defendants took no action 3 and provided no evidence, decision letters, or other documentation. 4 18. On May 16, 2022, Zeiler sent correspondence to AmTrust and Security National 5 demanding they immediately provide the policy benefits to RAD and also defend the 6 additional insured, Mastec. 7 19. In response, on June 22, 2022, the defendants sent coverage letters to RAD and 8 Mastec indicating there was likely coverage for the Gercinta action but claimed they were “still 9 investigating.” 10 20. Defendants took no other action. 11 21. On October 31, 2022, Zeiler sent a certified letter to Security National stating that 12 RAD would separately sue the defendants for their bad faith failure to defend, failure to 13 indemnify, for loss and harm suffered by RAD due to the defendants’ failure to meet the 14 obligations of their policy of insurance, and for all consequential damages, pointing out that 15 the aggregate damages were estimated to exceed $2,000,000.00. (See Exhibit 3). 16 22. On December 21, 2022, the defendants sent RAD a letter indicating they were 17 providing a defense to RAD in the Gercinta case with a reservation of rights. (See Exhibit 4). 18 23. By this time, Zeiler had negotiated the resolution of the cross-complaint by Mastec, 19 had agreed to file an amended Answer admitting liability to the Gercinta complaint, and 20 Gercinta agreed it would then dismiss Mastec from the action. Because the dismissal was 21 without prejudice, Mastec refused to return the seized receivables to RAD until the defendants 22 completely indemnified Mastec for all its incurred fees and costs. 23 24. Zeiler then sent correspondence to the defendants indicating receipt of the notice it 24 was now providing defense counsel barely three months before trial, but stating that RAD had 25 elected under Cal. Civ. Code § 2860 to retain Zeiler as conflict counsel. Zeiler’s 26 correspondence provided his billable rates, asserted cooperation with retained panel counsel, 27 and indicated he would accept as a reduced fee the hourly rate of a partner of equivalent 28 4 COMPLAINT 1 experience the defendants would routinely pay to its panel counsel. No response from the 2 defendants was forthcoming. 3 25. Zeiler provided separately calculated monthly invoicing to the defendants 4 commencing on the date they’d retained panel counsel and notified RAD they were providing 5 separate counsel: December 21, 2022. Defendants did not pay these sums. 6 26. The Gercinta case was resolved following a full-day mediation negotiated by Zeiler 7 and panel counsel with the Gercinta plaintiffs. The defendants sent a claims representative; 8 panel counsel attended, and RAD’s principals and Zeiler also attended. 9 27. The case was resolved when the defendants agreed to pay the Gercinta plaintiffs a 10 sum of money under the policy. However, those sums were not paid until May 2023. 11 28. RAD learned in June of 2023 that the defendants had paid all Mastec’s outstanding 12 private attorney’s fees incurred in the Gercinta case in January 2023, but did not provide a 13 release. 14 29. On or about July 20, 2023, Zeiler negotiated the release of RAD’s retained 15 receivables from Mastec, which had been held due to the defendants' failure to provide the 16 benefits of the insurance policy and indemnify Mastec. 17 30. RAD continued to urge the defendants to pay for its incurred private attorney’s fees, 18 since the Gercinta case settled in April 2023, but defendants did not. 19 31. On or about October 2023, the defendants paid a portion of Zeiler’s outstanding fees 20 incurred by RAD in the Gercinta case but refused to pay for any fees incurred by Zeiler after 21 the date the defendants say they retained panel counsel to defend RAD in the Gercinta action. 22 VENUE ALLEGATIONS 23 32. Venue is appropriate in Los Angeles County because the contractor was entered into 24 in this county. 25 33. The insurance policy was purchased to cover jobs in the State of California, and the 26 contract was entered into in California. 27 34. The issue of Cumis or conflict counsel and the obligation of the insurer to pay the 28 fees for such counsel is resolved by way of arbitration per Cal. Civ. Code § 2860 (c)(2). A request for arbitration to the defendants was ignored. 5 COMPLAINT 1 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION— BAD FAITH (Against Defendants). 2 3 35. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference each allegation in paragraphs 1 through 34, 4 inclusive, as though fully set forth herein. 5 36. The defendants issued a general liability insurance policy to RAD 6 Communications, Inc., which provided a duty to defend and included Mastec as an 7 additional insured. 8 37. The defendants did not provide a defense to RAD, forcing RAD to obtain private 9 counsel. 10 38. The defendants did not provide a defense to Mastec, an additional insured under 11 the policy, resulting in Mastec seizing more than $400,000 in receivables owed to RAD to 12 “secure their interests,” causing economic havoc to RAD resulting in tremendous, 13 accumulated damages, including the shuttering of RAD’s operations in the State of 14 Washington. 15 39. The defendants finally provided a defense to RAD on December 21, 2022 after 16 private counsel Zeiler threatened a bad faith action, but the Gercinta case was nearly 17 resolved by that point with the trial less than three months away. 18 40. The defendants did not pay Mastec’s incurred private attorney fees despite being 19 obligated to provide a defense under the terms of the policy and continuously delayed doing 20 so until January 2023 or later. 21 41. The defendants did not pay any portion of RAD’s incurred attorney’s fees for the 22 defense of the Gercinta case and delayed doing so until October 2023, at least six months 23 after the Gercinta case was settled. 24 42. A failure or delay in providing policy benefits due to an insured is actionable as the 25 tort of bad faith or a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. 26 43. The plaintiffs have been damaged and seek an award of their incurred losses, 27 expectation damages, costs, and attorney’s fees in an amount subject to proof at trial. 28 44. The defendants’ failure and delay to provide benefits that they owed to their insured under the insurance contract is prima facie evidence of their bad faith and breach, but the 6 COMPLAINT 1 failure to provide benefits due under the policy in light of RAD’s communication to the 2 defendants of the harm they were suffering because Mastec seized RAD’s assets to “make it 3 whole” is reprehensible conduct sufficient to justify an award of punitive damages. The very 4 purpose of purchasing a policy of insurance is to prevent RAD’s assets from being taken or 5 encumbered for a covered loss. The facts here evidence both a corporate policy and practice 6 by the insurer defendants of refusing to provide insurance policy benefits, using facile 7 subterfuge such as claiming an “investigation” was ongoing after RAD had tendered the 8 Gercinta lawsuit. 9 45. Further, only after being warned that RAD would bring a bad faith claim on 10 October 31, 2022, did the defendants finally fulfill their duty to defend and provide policy 11 benefits to RAD. This occurred more than a year and a half after the Gercinta lawsuit was 12 tendered. Worse, the defendants refused to provide a bargained-for defense to the additional 13 insured, Mastec. Their apathy and reckless disregard for the financial repercussions suffered 14 by RAD, leading to the shutdown of its operations in Washington state and employee 15 layoffs, serve as clear evidence of a reckless disregard for the rights of their own insured. This 16 conduct stems from the defendant’s refusal to adhere to policy requirements, prioritizing 17 profit maximization over fulfilling their obligations. 18 19 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION— BAD FAITH FAILURE TO SETTLE 20 (Against Defendants). 21 22 46. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference each allegation in paragraphs 1 through 45, 23 inclusive, as though fully set forth herein. 24 47. The defendants are insurers contracted to provide policy benefits under the terms of 25 a general liability policy. (See Exhibit 1). 26 48. On or about April 2021, RAD tendered the Gercinta lawsuit to the defendants and 27 requested a defense under the terms of the policy. The same month, the additional insured, 28 Mastec, also tendered the Gercinta lawsuit and requested a defense under the policy. 7 COMPLAINT 1 49. Mastec then cross-complained against RAD for indemnity, demanding RAD 2 indemnify them from the Gercinta action, provide counsel to them, and pay all expenses. 3 50. Defendants refused to settle the claims against RAD, for which RAD was required 4 to pay counsel. 5 51. The defendants finally provided a defense to RAD on December 21, 2022, after 6 private counsel Zeiler threatened a bad faith action. But the Gercinta case was nearly 7 resolved by that point with the trial less than three months away, and RAD had to incur the 8 cost, expense and impact to its operations of the defendants’ failure to settle the claims 9 against it within the policy limits. 10 52. Based on information and belief, no effort was made to pay the sums owing to 11 Mastec were forthcoming until after the case had been settled and resolved, in or about July 12 of 2023. 13 53. Defendants engaged in bad faith conduct by refusing to settle the claims against 14 RAD from Mastec, all to their general damage in an amount subject to proof at trial. 15 16 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION— INTENTIONAL INTERFERENCE WITH CONTRACTUAL ADVANTAGE 17 (Against Defendants). 18 19 54. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference each allegation in paragraphs 1 through 53, 20 inclusive, as though fully set forth herein. 21 55. The defendants are insurers contracted to provide policy benefits under the terms of 22 a general liability policy. (See Exhibit 1). 23 56. On or about April 2021, RAD tendered the Gercinta lawsuit to the defendants and 24 requested a defense under the terms of the policy. The same month, the additional insured, 25 Mastec, also tendered the Gercinta lawsuit and requested a defense under the policy. 26 57. The defendants refused to provide the bargained-for policy benefits to RAD or to 27 indemnify and provide a defense to the additional insured, Mastec. 28 8 COMPLAINT 1 58. Mastec then seized over $400,000 in receivables it owed RAD for work already 2 performed and refused to pay any additional invoices for services until the Gercinta 3 plaintiff’s claims were resolved and its out-of-pocket attorney’s fees were paid. Mastec and 4 its wholly owned subsidiary, Sefnco, also a RAD client, likewise froze payments to RAD. 5 59. This reaction by Mastec to protect itself from the harms for which RAD purchased 6 a policy of insurance from the defendants and named Mastec as an additional insured 7 damaged RAD’s business and resulted in the loss of hundreds of thousands of dollars in 8 revenue RAD had routinely received from Mastec and Sefnco. 9 60. The defendants' intentional refusal to delay and fail to provide benefits under the 10 insurance policy undermined the relationships between RAD and both Mastec and Sefnco. 11 Those companies would continue to seek RAD’s assistance on projects for which RAD had 12 developed industry expertise, but while its receivables were being held, RAD was forced to 13 refuse the work and lost already bid on and accepted jobs. 14 61. RAD has been permanently damaged by the defendant’s knowing interference in its 15 contractual relationship with Mastec, the additional insured, and Mastec’s subsidiaries. 16 62. A failure to provide benefits due to an insured under the policy is actionable as the 17 tort of bad faith or a breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing. 18 63. The plaintiffs have been damaged, and seek an award of their incurred losses, 19 expectation damages, costs, and fees in an amount subject to proof at trial. 20 64. The defendants’ failure and delay to provide benefits that they owed to their insured 21 under the insurance contract is prima facie evidence of their bad faith and breach, but the 22 failure to provide benefits due under the policy in light of RAD’s communication to the 23 defendants of the harm they were suffering because Mastec seized RAD’s assets to “make it 24 whole” is reprehensible conduct sufficient to justify an award of punitive damages. The very 25 purpose of purchasing a policy of insurance is to prevent RAD’s assets from being taken or 26 encumbered for a covered loss. The facts here evidence both a corporate policy and practice 27 by the insurer defendants of refusing to provide insurance policy benefits, using facile 28 9 COMPLAINT 1 subterfuge such as claiming an “investigation” was ongoing after RAD had tendered the 2 Gercinta lawsuit. 3 65. Further, only after being warned that RAD would bring a bad faith claim on 4 October 31, 2022, did the defendants finally fulfill their duty to defend and provide policy 5 benefits to RAD. This occurred more than a year and a half after the Gercinta lawsuit was 6 tendered. Worse, the defendants refused to provide a bargained-for defense to the additional 7 insured, Mastec. Their apathy and reckless disregard for the financial repercussions suffered 8 by RAD, leading to the shutdown of its operations in Washington state and employee 9 layoffs, serve as clear evidence of a reckless disregard for the rights of their own insured. This 10 conduct stems from the defendant’s refusal to adhere to policy requirements, prioritizing 11 profit maximization over fulfilling their obligations. 12 13 FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION— CONFLICT COUNSEL ARBITRATION 14 (CAL. CIV. CODE § 2860 (C)). (Against Defendants). 15 16 66. Plaintiffs incorporate by reference each allegation in paragraphs 1 through 65, 17 inclusive, as though fully set forth herein. 18 67. RAD tendered the Gercinta lawsuit to the defendants in April of 2021 and 19 requested a defense. 20 68. The defendants did not agree to provide RAD defense counsel until December 21, 21 2022, and did so with a reservation of rights. 22 69. The plaintiff notified the defendants that it intended to keep its privately retained 23 attorney, Zeiler, since RAD had already informed the defendants that it intended to sue for 24 bad faith, and the defendants were providing a defense with a reservation of rights. 25 70. Zeiler sent the defendants notice under Cal. Civ. Code § 2860 that he was staying in 26 the Gercinta case at RAD’s insistence and that since there was a reservation of rights, the 27 insurer was obligated under that code section to pay Zeiler’s fees at a comparable rate to 28 those for their panel counsel. 10 COMPLAINT 1 71. Zeiler participated in all matters and proceedings and had already negotiated a 2 resolution to Mastec's cross-complaint and refined the case issues for a pending resolution 3 by the time the defendants bothered to provide RAD with its policy benefits. The trial was 4 imminent, set to occur in March 2023. 5 72. Zeiler requested that the defendants either pay an equivalent rate they would pay 6 panel counsel with Zeiler’s experience or pay Zeiler’s contractual rate agreed to by RAD. 7 73. The defendants made no payments toward RAD’s incurred attorney’s fees, or 8 Zeiler’s invoices for conflict counsel work. 9 74. Zeiler billed RAD and copied the defendants monthly for all work performed on 10 the Gercinta case. 11 75. Zeiler cooperated with the defendants’ retained panel counsel and participated in 12 every proceeding and conference. 13 76. The case was resolved at a mediation on April 25, 2023, and a final settlement was 14 entered into shortly thereafter. Zeiler participated in the all-day mediation and drafted 15 settlement documents. 16 77. In October 2023, the defendants finally made a payment toward RAD’s incurred 17 attorney’s fees. Still, they did not pay the entire sum RAD incurred to Zeiler for defense of 18 the Gercinta case and refused to pay any incurred fees after December 21, 2022. 19 78. By the statute's terms requiring the defendants to compensate Zeiler as conflict 20 counsel, Cal. Civ. Code § 2860 (c), disputes must be arbitrated. RAD’s request that the 21 defendants proceed with an arbitration was ignored. 22 79. The plaintiff seeks an award of such damages and relief as the arbitrators deem just 23 and proper, including all of the damage remedies available to plaintiffs and their incurred 24 attorney’s fees and costs for having to litigate this issue. 25 26 27 28 11 COMPLAINT 1 2 PRAYER 3 PLAINTIFFS pray for damages and relief against the defendants, as follows: 4 1) All general damages proven at trial. 5 2) All special damages proven at trial. 6 3) Attorney’s fees and costs. 7 4) Punitive damages. 8 5) Such other relief as the court may deem just and proper. 9 Dated this 5th Day of July 2024 10 Respectfully, 11 By: 12 Kerry P. Zeiler (SBN 233944) Attorney for Plaintiff, 13 RAD COMMUNICATIONS, INC. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 12 COMPLAINT EXHIBIT 1 EXHIBIT 2 Christopher T. Sakauye One Embarcadero Center, Suite 2600 Associate San Francisco, CA 94111 Direct Line: (415) 677-5510 Telephone: (415) 398-3344 Facsimile: (415) 956-0439 April 16, 2021 Via Electronic Mail: David Arias Anthony Mano AmTrust North America RAD Communications P.O. Box 89404 8255 Quinault Road Cleveland, OH 44101 Blaine, WA 98230 Re: Property Damage at 305 Kearny Street, San Francisco, CA 94108 ESIS Claim No. 49344958701880 Date of Incident: November 4, 2018 Our File No.: 72013-0003 Dear Mr. Arias and Mr. Mano: We represent MasTec North America (“MasTec”) in connection with the above- referenced claim. This letter serves as a further request to RAD Communications (“RAD”) to defend and indemnify MasTec in connection with the following accident. ACCIDENT FACTS This property damage claim arises from work done by RAD at the Cinta Aveda Institute located at 305 Kearny St., San Francisco, CA 94108 (“property”). The Cinta Aveda Institute (“Cinta Aveda”) contracted with Verizon to install fiber optic cable in the alleyway of its property. Verizon contracted with MasTec to perform the underground work of placing the fiber optic cable. MasTec, in turn, contracted with RAD to perform the trenching for this project. From our review of previous correspondence related to the tender of defense and indemnity, it appears that there is some confusion regarding the timeline of events regarding this claim. We have done our best to summarize the correct timeline for your consideration. If you dispute these facts, we ask that you produce evidence supporting any dispute. From October 22, 2018 to November 2, 2018, RAD performed the trenching to place a “hand hole” on the property. Reggie Herrera was the RAD supervisor and Sandro Gutierrez was the RAD foreman. The “hand hole” was not placed due to complications with the job and RAD was told to patch up the trench and restore the surrounding area. (Exhibit A.) 72013.0003/15737948.1 San Francisco ~ Orange County AmTrust North America April 16, 2021 Page 2 On November 4, 2018, RAD supervisor Reggie Herrera was contacted by Gerard Gibbons, landlord for the property, who complained of expired construction signs, “black road surface” that was ruining the floors of the property and a puddle of water that had developed due to the work RAD performed. (Exhibit B.) On November 8, 2018, Mr. Gibbons took the attached picture of the affected area. (Exhibit C.) It is our understanding that RAD performed this work. On November 11, 2018 and November 13, 2018 Mr. Gibbons again reached out to Mr. Herrera with updates about the damage. On Wednesday, November 14, 2018 (mistakenly stated as November 13 in the report), the conditions became worse when a hole developed where RAD had previously performed patchwork on the property. This resulted in water leaking onto the property which caused damage. (Exhibit B.) Below are pictures of the damages from the water intrusion: A copy of the Demand Letter sent by Cinta Aveda’s attorney is attached for your consideration. (Exhibit D.) 72013.0003/15737948.1 AmTrust North America April 16, 2021 Page 3 WRITTEN CONTRACTS AND INDEMNITY PROVISIONS Prior to the work RAD performed on the property, RAD entered into a written contract with MasTec. We have attached the contract for your review. (Exhibit E.) Under the contract, RAD was to perform “underground construction.” The contract between MasTec and RAD also contained an indemnity provision in paragraph 16. It states in relevant part: The contract also required RAD to carry certain types and levels of insurance including Commercial General Liability insurance with limits of at least $2 million. The contract required RAD to include MasTec as an additional insured. A copy of the insurance certificate is attached. (Exhibit F.) Under its contract with MasTec, RAD promised to defend and indemnify MasTec for any claim for “damage to or destruction or loss of any property arising out of, resulting from, or in connection with (i) the performance of nonperformance of the Work contemplated” by the contract. RAD performed trenching work at the property and sent the attached invoice to MasTec for the work it performed. (Exhibit G.) This claim arises out of property damage 72013.0003/15737948.1 AmTrust North America April 16, 2021 Page 4 arising out of, resulting from and caused by the work of RAD. Thus, RAD must defend and indemnify MasTec pursuant to the contract. RAD also procured an insurance policy that named MasTec as an additional insured under the policy. Thus, AmTrust is required to defend and indemnify MasTec pursuant to the terms and conditions of the policy. To date, AmTrust has not confirmed its obligations to defend and indemnify MasTec in connection with this claim. Your previous correspondence with ESIS indicates that you believe that the “underground construction” work RAD performed at the site “may” not have been the same work that caused the damage or that a different party “may” have performed the trenching work that caused the water intrusion. We are not aware of any evidence that would support such a contention. If this is your contention, please immediately forward any evidence you have to support this claim. We know that RAD was informed of the property damage shortly after it occurred. RAD supervisor Reggie Herrera told Cinta Aveda that he would take care of the problem, admitting responsibility on RAD’s part. RAD even performed an inspection of the property on November 29, 2018 where it was agreed that there was damage to the property. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Herrera scheduled a restoration company to inspect the property as well on December 3, 2018. It has not been disputed by any party that the water leakage was caused by RAD’s work at the property. In light of the forgoing, MasTec hereby demands that RAD immediately agree to defend and indemnify MasTec in the above-referenced claim. MasTec also requests that RAD inform its insurance carrier or carriers of the claim and MasTec’s demand for defense and indemnification, and demand that each carrier agree to provide MasTec with a defense and indemnity. We would request that you kindly respond to this letter to advise of the agreement to defend and indemnify MasTec and to provide us with the identity and contact information for the liability insurance carrier or carriers whose coverage extends to MasTec as an additional named insured. Sincerely, Christopher T. Sakauye NBK/CTS Enclosures cc: MasTec North America 72013.0003/15737948.1 EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT A EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT B EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT D EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT E EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT F EXHIBIT G EXHIBIT G EXHIBIT 3 ZEILER LAW GROUP ATTORNEYS AT LAW October 31, 2022 14205 SE 36th Street, Suite 100 Sent via Overnight Mail Bellevue, WA 98006 (888) 752-1270 Security National Insurance MAPFRE Insurance Company (951) 963-1260 FAX Company Attn: Amanda Garcia, Reg. Agent Attn: Sarah Clemens, Reg. Agent 330 N. Brand Blvd., Ste. 700 4640 Admiralty Way, 5th Floor Glendale, CA 91203 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 National Union Fire Insurance Co. AMTrust North America of Pittsburgh, PA David Arias, Adjuster Offices in California, Minnesota Attn: Melissa DeKoven, Reg. Agent PO Box 4026 & Washington State 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste. 150N Concord, CA 94524 Sacramento, CA 95833 Re: Gercinta, LLC, et al. v. Mastec North America, Inc., et al. San Francisco case number Policy numbers NA155442100, QEXR4697201 To Whom It May Concern, I write to assert claims on behalf of my client, your insured, RAD Litigation in the courts of: Communications, Inc. under the general liability and umbrella policies State Trial Courts identified here. State Appellate Courts Federal District Courts In 2021, RAD Communications, Inc. was sued in the San Francisco Superior U.S. Bankruptcy Courts Court on a liability claim for work covered under the policies at issue. RAD Administrative Courts Communications, Inc. were also sued in the same action by Mastec North America, Inc., the general contractor, on claims for a contractual and equitable indemnity. Under the same insurance policies, you insured Mastec North America, Inc. as an additional insured. RAD Communications, Inc. and Mastec North America, Inc. both tendered this lawsuit and asserted claims for their policy benefits. Security National Insurance Company assigned the claim to an adjuster, David Arias of AmTrust North America, who is also copied on this correspondence. Mr. Arias’s involvement has been virtually non-existent, and his communications have likewise facile. You have failed to tender a defense to either RAD Communications, Inc., your primary insured, or Mastec North America, Inc. To date, RAD Communications has incurred $53,153.76 in SEND ALL MAIL TO BELLEVUE OFFICE Letter to Insurers Re: Gercinta, LLC, et al. v. Mastec North America, Inc. October 31, 2022 Page 2 of 2 legal fees and costs to my office related to this case. A demand is made for payment of that entire sum. Each of you, has already failed to provide a defense. That will be pursued as a claim for bad faith. In mitigation, remit the entire incurred attorney’s fees to: Zeiler Law Group Attorney-Client Trust. My office requires an evergreen retainer of $10,000.00, and this is the clause agreed to by RAD Communications in their attorney-client fee agreement regarding the San Francisco lawsuit. To ensure that RAD Communications, Inc. remains represented as you have failed to provide them a defense, please also replenish RAD’s deposit to my office of $10,000.00 and keep that sum on deposit at all times while the litigation remains pending. Further, your additional insured, Mastec North America, Inc., has seized receivables owed to my client through one of its subsidiaries of over $400,000.00 because of your knowing and willful failure to provide policy benefits to your additional insured related to this case. As a result, RAD Communications has been devastated in its business; they are small business tradesmen not able to absorb a loss of $400,000.00 being held because the insurers they contracted with to insure the loss at issue are ignoring the claim and refuse to provide benefits. My client has authorized my office to bring suit against you for your bad faith failure to provide insurance policy benefits, as well as your failure to defend. This is your notice of these claims. In mitigation, please remit the outstanding attorney’s fees incurred by your insured regarding this action in the amount of $53,153.76. If you wish my office to continue to represent RAD in this litigation instead of panel counsel, deposit $10,000.00 and provide my office with your particulars for invoicing (we use UTBMS coding and can issue LEDES 98B invoices). Please provide your claim representative's information and any claim numbers regarding this claim or my client’s asserted bad faith claims. Should you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, Kerry P. Zeiler KPZ/nbm EXHIBIT 4 AmTrust North America Post Office Box 89404 • Cleveland, OH 44101 (p) 888.239.3909 • (f) 678.258.8395 Email: December 21, 2022 Sent Via E-mail only RAD Communications, Inc. Attn: Anthony Mano and Ron Singh 150 S. Ann Street Monroe, WA 98272 Re: Gercinta, LLC ; and Cinta Aveda Institute, Inc v Mastec North America, Inc. ; and RAD Communications, Inc. Superior Court, San Francisco County – Case No. CGC-21-591432 Our Named Insured: RAD Communications, Inc. Underwriting Company: Security National Insurance Company Policy Number(s): XXXXX4421-00 (eff. 07/11/2018 to 07/11/2019) Our Claim Number: 3118409-1 Loss Location: Cinta Aveda Institute – 305 Kearny Street, San Francisco CA 94108 Dear Mr. Mano and Mr. Singh: AmTrust North America is the claims administrator for Security National Insurance Company with respect to the above-referenced policies issued to RAD Communications, Inc. (hereinafter, RADCI) Please be advised that Security National Insurance Company will provide a defense to RADCI, pursuant to a reservation of rights as more fully set forth in this letter. We have retained Colette Stone of Stone & Associates, APC to represent RADCI. Colette Stone may be reached at and (925) 938-1555. Please cooperate fully with your attorney in furtherance of your defense pursuant to the terms of the policies. Please note that Security National Insurance Company is not obligated to fund the cost of affirmative claims against any third party, nor is it the obligation of assigned counsel to do so. If any insured has claims against a third party, it should consult counsel of its own selection at its own expense regarding those claims. RAD Communications, Inc. Page 2 December 21, 2022 BACKGROUND Security National Insurance Company recounts the relevant facts, based on information received to date, and based on the allegations made in the claim. In so doing, we do not intend to suggest that the allegations are true but do so only as they are relevant to Security National Insurance Company’s coverage determination. Cinta Aveda Institute is the building that experienced water intrusion into their basement causing alleged damages. The alleged source of the damage was the trench created by RADCI in their reported scope of digging a trench under a subcontract with MasTec North America, Inc., following MasTec’s purported contract with Verizon for placement of fiber optic lines. The general master contract between RADCI and MasTec is dated April 17, 2018, wherein RADCI is noted as being engaged in the business of Underground Construction. RADCI provided a Purchase Order dated 11-14-2018 / PO#121232654, directed to MasTec and titled Job# Belden Place NFID#1706ALZA.021 - 80 feet – C-100 Trench $14,629.60 / 1 – C-100 Handhole Large $550.00 - Total: $15,179.60. The map shared for the project shows the subject trench beginning on Bush Street and ending in St. George Alley, which presumably terminates in the area adjacent to 305 Kearny, the Cinta Aveda Institute. The trench work allegedly allowed water to enter into the basement of the Cinta Aveda Institute causing damages to the basement classroom area. THE POLICY In this letter, we may paraphrase the policy language or quote only part of a provision/endorsement. We do so to make the letter clearer and easier to read. We do not intend to misquote, misstate, or misrepresent any part of the policies. If there is a discrepancy between this letter and the policy language, the policy language governs. In addressing only certain terms, conditions, and exclusions, Security National Insurance Company neither waives nor intends to waive its right to assert any other terms, conditions, and exclusions that might apply to limit or defeat coverage. The policy provides General Liability coverage subject to form CG 00 01 12 07. The applicable limits are $1,000,000 per Occurrence with a General Aggregate Limit of $2,000,000 and a Products/Completed Operations Aggregate Limit of $2,000,000. According to the policies’ declarations, RADCI’s business description is “Satellite Dish Installation, Service or Repair”. RAD Communications, Inc. Page 3 December 21, 2022 Commercial General Liability Form CG 00 01 12 07, states in relevant part: SECTION I - COVERAGES COVERAGE A – BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY 1. Insuring Agreement a. We will pay those sums that the insured becomes legally obligated to pay as damages because of “bodily injury” or “property damage” to which this insurance applies. We will have the right and duty to defend the insured against any “suit” seeking those damages. However, we will have no duty to defend the insured against any “suit” seeking damages for “bodily injury” or “property damage” to which this insurance does not apply. * * * b. This insurance applies to “bodily injury” and “property damage” only if: (1) The “bodily injury” or “property damage” is caused by an “occurrence” that takes place in the “coverage territory”; (2) The “bodily injury” or “property damage” occurs during the policy period; (3) Prior to the policy period, no insured listed under Paragraph 1. of Section II – Who Is An Insured and no “employee” authorized by you to give or receive notice of an “occurrence” or claim, knew that the “bodily injury” or “property damage” had occurred, in whole or in part. If such a listed insured or authorized “employee” knew, prior to the policy period, that the “bodily injury” or “property damage” occurred, then any continuation, change or resumption of such “bodily injury” or “property damage” during or after the policy period will be deemed to have been known prior to the policy period. c. “Bodily Injury” or “property damage” which occurs during the policy period and was not, prior to the policy period, known to have occurred by any insured listed under Paragraph 1. of Section II – Who Is An Insured or any “employee” authorized by you to give or receive notice of an “occurrence” or claim, includes any continuation, change or resumption of that “bodily injury” or “property damage” after the end of the policy period. d. “Bodily injury” or “property damage” will be deemed to have been known to have occurred at the earliest time when any insured listed under Paragraph 1. of Section II – Who Is An Insured or any “employee” authorized by you to give or receive notice of an “occurrence” or claim: RAD Communications, Inc. Page 4 December 21, 2022 (1) Reports all, or any part, of the “bodily injury” or “property damage” to us or any other insurer; (2) Receives a written or verbal demand or claim for damages because of the “bodily injury” or “property damage”; or (3) Becomes aware by any other means that “bodily injury” or “property damage” has occurred or has begun to occur. * * * Additionally, policy form CG 00 01 12 07, contains paragraph 2. Exclusions, which states in part: 2. Exclusions This insurance does not apply to: * * * b. Contractual Liability "Bodily injury" or "property damage" for which the insured is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement. This exclusion does not apply to liability for damages: (1) That the insured would have in the absence of the contract or agreement; or (2) Assumed in a contract or agreement that is an "insured contract", provided the "bodily injury" or "property damage" occurs subsequent to the execution of the contract or agreement. Solely for the purposes of liability assumed in an "insured contract", reasonable attorney fees and necessary litigation expenses incurred by or for a party other than an insured are deemed to be damages because of "bodily injury" or "property damage", provided: (a) Liability to such party for, or for the cost of, that party's defense has also been assumed in the same "insured contract"; and (b) Such attorney fees and litigation expenses are for defense of that party against a civil or alternative dispute resolution proceeding in which damages to which this insurance applies are alleged. * * * j. Damage To Property RAD Communications, Inc.