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  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview
  • David Dymock v. Broome County, Broome County Department Of Social Services, Children'S Home Of Wyoming Conference, Wyoming Conference Of The United Methodist Church, The Upper New York Conference Of The United Methodist ChurchTorts - Child Victims Act document preview


FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NO. 44 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF BROOME DAVID DYMOCK, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF MOTION v. Index No. EFCA2021002702 BROOME COUNTY, BROOME COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, CHILDREN’S HOME OF WYOMING CONFERENCE, WYOMING CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, AND THE UPPER NEW YORK CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Defendants. MOTION BY: Defendants Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church DATE, TIME and ______________________ at 10:00 a.m., PLACE OF MOTION: Broome County Courthouse, 92 Court Street, Binghamton, New York 13901 SUPPORTING PAPERS: 1) Affidavit of Timothy N. McMahon, Esq., dated April 7, 2023, with Exhibits A - E; Affidavit of Rev. Mark Marino, dated April 4, 2023; Affidavit of Rev. William Gottschalk- Fielding, dated April 5, 2023, with Exhibit A; and 2) Memorandum of Law. OBJECT OF MOTION: An Order pursuant to CPLR 3212 dismissing the Complaint and any cross-claims, with prejudice. ANSWERING PAPERS: Pursuant to CPLR 2214. 15731783.1 1 of 2 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 12 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Respectfully submitted, Dated: April 7, 2023 BOND, SCHOENECK & KING, PLLC By:_____________________________ Timothy N. McMahon, Esq. Office and P.O. Address One Lincoln Center Syracuse, New York 13202 Telephone: (315) 218-8000 Attorneys for Defendants Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church and the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church 2 15731783.1 2 of 2 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT COLINTY OF BROOME DAVID DYMOCK, Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT OF REVEREI\D MARK MARINO BROOME COUNTY, BROOME COUNTY DEPARTMENT Index No. OF SOCIAL SERVICES, CHILDREN'S HOME OF 8FCA2021002702 WYOMTNC CONFERENCE, WYOMING CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, AND THE UPPER NEW YORK CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH. Defendants. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) SS. COUNTY OF BROOME ) REVEREIYD MARK MARINO, being duly swom, deposes, says: l. I am currently retired. The last position I held prior to retirement was in 2014 as Pastor ofthe Central United Methodist Church in Endicott, New York. 2. From 1999-2006,I rvas the District Superintendent of the Binghamton District of the Wyoming Conference. During this same time period, I was also ex officio member of the Board of Directors for the Children's Home of Wyoming Conference ("Children's Home"). I was on the Board of Directors for the Children's Home in the mid-to-late 1980's and also on their staff as Chaplain from 1988- 1992. 3. It is my understanding that a lawsuit has been commenced via Summons and Complaint ("Complaint") against, among others, the Broome County Department of Social Services ("DSS"), the Children's Home, the Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist 1 1 551 8231 1 of 4 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Church ("Wyoming Conference"), and the Upper New York Conference ("UNY") of the United Methodist Church (collectively the "Conference"). It is also my understanding that the named Plaintiff in this lawsuit has alleged that he was sexually abused and assaulted at the Children's Home by an unnamed Abuser between 2000 and 2A02, after being placed there by DSS. 4. During all of my time associated with the Children's Home and knowing its history, the Children's Home is and always has been a separate and distinct entity from the Wyoming Conference. The Children's Home has its own Board ofDirectors. The Wyoming Conference did not have any power or authority to hire, supervise, or give directions to anyone affiliated with the Children's Home. 5. The Wyoming Conference did not own the property where the alleged acts occurred (i.e., the Children's Home), and did not employ,hire, supervise, train, or retain the staffat the facility or property where the alleged acts occurred at any time relevant to the Complaint. 6. At all times relevant to the allegations in the Complaint, the Wyoming Conference could not have and did not create, oversee, supervise, manage, control, direct, or operate the children's Home or its faculty, staff, or any other employees at the children's Home. 7. The Wyoming Conference did not hire, retain, employ, oversee, supervise, provide, or control the staffor employees at the Children's Home, including the alleged Abuser, as he is described in the Complaint. 8. Because the Children's Home was independent of the Wyoming Conference at all times relevant to the allegations in the Complaint, the Wyoming Conference did not make any representations regarding the safety of the Children's Home or its faculty, staff, and employees and the Wyoming Conference did not have any relationship with those placed at the Children,s Home, including the named Plaintiffin the Complaint. 2 15518231 2 of 4 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 . Mark Marino Sworn to before me this ':gOurof ilfar, \ ,2a23' {', 1, i flrpires & 3 15518231 3 of 4 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 13 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 WORD COUNT CERTIFICATION I, TIMOTHY N. McMAHON, hereby affirm pursuant to Rule 202.8-b of the Uniform Civil Rules for the Supreme and County Court that the word count for the above Affidavit is 457 words, excluding the caption and signature block, according to the word count function on Microsoft Word, and therefore complies with the 7,000 word count limit. s/Timothy N. McMahon Timothy N. McMahon 4 15518231 4 of 4 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT COUNTY OF BROOME DAVID DYMOCK, Plaintiff, AFFIDAVIT OF REVEREND WILLIAM v. GOTTSCHALK- FIELDING BROOME COUNTY, BROOME COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES, CHILDREN'S HOME OF Index No. WYOMING CONFERENCE, WYOMING CONFERENCE EFCA2021002702 OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, AND THE UPPER NEW YORK CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, Defendants. STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss.: COUNTY OF ONONDAGA ) REVEREND WILLIAM GOTTSCHALK-FIELDING, being duly sworn, deposes, says: j i 1. I am the Assistant to the Bishop for the United Methodist Center of the Upper New York Conference, and am an ordained United Methodist elder serving in upstate New York since 1990, which includes 20-years as a parish pastor. 2. I make this affidavit in support of a motion for summary judgment dismissing the Complaint as against defendants Wyoming Conference of the United Methodist Church (Wyoming Conference") and the Upper New York Conference ("UNY Conference") of the United Methodist Church (collectively "the Conference"). 3. A defining attribute of the United Methodist Church is its organizational structure, outlined in The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church ("The Discipline"). The 1 15505848 1 of 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Discipline sets forth the law, plan, and polity of the United Methodist faith. In a legal sense, The United Methodist Church, as a denomination, is comprised of a series of separate entities - including local churches, conferences, agencies, councils and boards that share a common faith. There is no single, incorporated "United Methodist Church," nor are there any officers, employees or assets of "The United Methodist Church." However, through connectionalism, all of these disparate entities come together and form a worldwide religious system that - collectively - is United Methodism. This structure is "multi-leveled, global in scope and local in thrust" (The Disclipline, at 137, 701). 4. Tying the local churches together, and uniting them into a singular and connected ministry, are the Annual Conferences - the "basic body" of The United Methodist Church (The Disclipline, at ,r,r 11, 33, 369). Each Annual Conference is assigned a specific geographic area by the denomination, and charged with supporting, guiding and caring for all ministry and mission in that area, including overseeing the local churches and all aspects ofclergy membership, ordination, appointment, discipline and compensation (The Discipline, at / 603, 608-610, 2512; see Religious Corporation Law § 15). 5. In 201 O, the UNY Conference was created when the New York churches of four existing Conferences- North Central New York, Troy, Western New York, and Wyoming Conferences united to better serve the ministry needs of the local churches and their respective communities. More specifically, in 2010, the Wyoming Conference was dissolved and all of its assets in New York were transferred to the UNY Conference. Accordingly, the UNY Conference now serves all of the New York United Methodist Churches and clergy previously located in the Wyoming Conference area. Attached as Exhibit A are copies of the Plan of Union for the UNY 2 15505848 2 of 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Conference, and subsequent Supreme Court orders reflecting the consolidation and unification of the Conferences referenced above. 6. The UNY Conference is a religious corporation, formed under Religious Corporation Law § 15. The UNY conference covers approximately 134,000 members and 865 churches in 12 districts covering 49 of the 62 counties in New York State. _J 7. Beginning in 2010, I began serving the UNY Conference as its first Director of i Connectional Ministries. 8. The UNY Conference has no (and has never had any) responsibility for, or control over, the employment and financial decisions of the Children's Home of Wyoming Conference ("Children's Home"). The Children's Home is its own independent entity, presumably governed by its own separate, autonomous, and independent board of directors. 9. The UNY Conference has no power or authority to hire, supervise, or give directions to anyone affiliated with the Children's Home. 10. At all times relevant to my tenure with the UNY Conference, the UNY Conference never assumed any custody, care, or control of the named Plaintiff David Dymock. The UNY Conference has no record of Mr. Dymock or any relationship with him. 11. At all times relevant to my tenure with the UNY Conference, the UNY Conference never employed or had any relationship, including, but not limited to as a manager, counselor, representative, servant, agent, employee, or volunteer with the "Abuser," as defined in the Complaint. Ly, @tu kt Rev. William Gottschalk-Fielding 3 15505848 3 of 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Sworn to before me this 5 dry ot. 2o/ , 2023. Tracy A. Rickett NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF NEW YORK Registration No, 01RI6248942 egg &Peer N«dar ie Onondaga County Commission Expires September 26, 2023 15505848 4 4 of 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 14 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 WORD COUNT CERTIFICATION I, TIMOTHY N. McMAHON, hereby affirm pursuant to Rule 202.8-b of the Uniform Civil Rules for the Supreme and County Court that the word count for the above Affidavit is 656 words, excluding the caption and signature block, according to the word count function on Microsoft Word, and therefore complies with the 7,000 word count limit. s/Timothy N._McMahon Timothy N. McMahon 5 15505848 5 of 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 EXHIBIT A FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 i- I I ] THE UPPER NEW YORK ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Presented by the New Area/ Conference Team ("New ACT") 1689029.1 4/9/201 1689029.1 4/9/2010O FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 INTRODUCTION OUR JOURNEY TO THIS PLACE AND TIME For more than 200 years, the North Central New York, Western New York, Troy and Wyoming Annual Conferences, and their predecessors, have united us in ministry across Upstate New New York, Vermont and Northern Pennsylvania. Like John Wesley and others before us, we "connexion" and our organized systems of leadership, communication and recognize that the "connexion" accountability are fundamental to living out the Great Commission of Matthew's Gospel: Gospel: to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our Annual Conferences function as the building blocks of our denomination, providing pastoral support, guidance and care to the local United Methodist churches within their boundaries. boundaries. Yet, in our time, changes in church membership, technology, and the world itself have spurred our conversations about ways to better serve the Church's core mission of Discipleship. More More recently, these conversations have revolved around anticipated changes in the deployment of Bishops and the resulting unification of Annual Conferences and Episcopal Areas. As the 2004 General Conference came to pass, it was clear that declines in local church membership within the Northeastern Jurisdiction would result in a reduction in the number of Bishops. Specifically, the number of Bishops deployed to each Jurisdictional Conference Conference is determined by the General Conference, using a formula set forth in The Book of Discipline of ¶ 405.2, which is based, primarily, upon The United Methodist Church ("The Discipline"), 405.2, church membership and missional needs. needs. In addition, the General Council on Finance and Administration proposed reducing the number of Bishops in every Jurisdiction by one, as a cost- saving measure. Certainly, changes in deployment would require reconfiguration of Episcopal Areas and, quite possibly, Annual Conferences, within the Northeastern Jurisdiction. Jurisdiction. Cognizant of this, and the need to make a fully informed decision that would enhance ministry, and not detract from it, the General Conference chose to defer taking action until a study of the Episcopacy could be completed. Such a study was set to be presented at the 2008 General Conference, at which time the General Conference would consider the issue of changes in the deployment of Bishops. Anticipating that the 2008 2008 General Conference would recommend reducing the number of Bishops deployed to the Northeastern Jurisdiction by at least one, Bishops Violet Fisher and Susan Morrison lead an active role in visioning the future of their Annual Conferences. At the time, Bishops Fisher and Morrison were assigned to the North Central New York, Western New York, Troy, and Wyoming Annual Conferences. Knowing that these four Annual Conferences the smallest in the Northeastern Jurisdiction, and included the most recently created were among the_ Episcopal Area, Bishops Fisher and Morrison faithfully believed that a reduction in the deployment of Bishops to the Northeastern Jurisdiction would likely result in a reconfiguration of one of more of these Conferences' boundaries. FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Providentially, the Northeastern Jurisdiction also desired its Annual Conferences to propose reconfigurations. Seizing upon this, Bishops Fisher and Morrison urged their Annual Conferences (North Central New York, Western New York, Troy and Wyoming) to form Boundary Task Forces to help shape the future of The United Methodist Church across New York, Vermont and Pennsylvania. These Boundary Task Forces were established and charged with exploring new ways the Annual Conferences could work together and unite. In addition, the Wyoming and Troy Conferences were encouraged to explore unification or alignment with the adjoining Conferences outside of New York, in New England and Pennsylvania. For the next three years, both within and outside the auspices of the Boundary Task Forces, the four Annual Conferences engaged in intentional conversation, discernment and prayer. A wide variety of meetings, listening and brainstorming sessions took place, not only within each Conference and Episcopal Area, but between and amongst them. As this course unfolded, a historical record reflecting a high level of interaction and mutual ministry among the Conferences was unveiled. Indeed, the Conferences of the New York West Area (the North Central New York and Western New York Conferences) had already had intentional conversations about enhancing their ministries together in the past. Unification of these Conferences was not merely a vision. Itlt was already happening. CREATING ONE OUT OF MANY And so it was, that on October 6, 2007, all clergy and lay members of the North Central New York, Western New York, Troy and Wyoming Conferences were called together in simultaneous Special Sessions, under the supervision of their respective Bishops, to discuss unification. Each of the four Upstate Annual Conferences separately considered, voted upon, and approved, unification. This mutual approval was embodied in a request to the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference, asking it to create a new, single Annual Conference and corresponding Episcopal Area that would cover all of Upstate New York. As part of this unification, the local churches of the Troy Conference in Vermont would be realigned into the New England Annual Conference, and the local churches in the Wyoming Conference in Pennsylvania would be realigned into the Central Pennsylvania Conference, to be renamed the Susquehanna Conference (the "Susquehanna Conference"). After the 2007 Special Sessions, in anticipation of the Northeastern Jurisdiction's approval, the Conferences dissolved their Boundary Task Forces, and created a joint New Area/Conference ACT) to lead them forward with the unification process. A copy of the New ACT Team ("New ACT") enabling resolution, approved by the four Upstate Annual Conferences, is attached as "l." New ACT consists of 18 people: the two presiding Bishops, three members at Exhibit "1." 2 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 large from each of the Annual Conferences, and each Conference's Director of Connectional Ministry: Rev. Larry Baird Nick Keeney Rev. Daryl R. Barrow Rev. Larry Lundgren Rev. Beth O. Benham Rev. Mark Marino Desiree Chaires Rev. Jan Marsi Kristen Dart Bishop Marcus Matthews Rev. Steve Deckard Rev. George F. Nicholas Christine Doran Rev. Holly Nye Evie Doyon Rev. Deborah O'Connor-Slater Rev. William Gottschalk-Fielding Jarrett Roan Bishop Susan W. W. Hassinger FIassinger Rev. Sherri Rood Karina Huber Rev. Scott Tyler Rev. The primary charge of New ACT was to coordinate the development of the new Conference, not from whole cloth, but through unification. That process was guided by New ACT's strategic vision to: • Prayerfully seek God's leading as mission and vision emerge; emerge; • Become a covenant community; • Affirm that vision is the driving force; • Consult with other Conferences; Conferences; 4 • Nurture relationships between common entities; entities; 1 • • Form supporting task groups; Seek to be inclusive; inclusive; and • Focus on new birth, not "merger." • Meanwhile, the Boundaries Committee of the Northeastern Jurisdiction reviewed the Conferences' joint request for the creation of a new, single Annual Conference and corresponding Episcopal Area that would cover all of Upstate New York. On February 13, 2008, the Boundaries Committee met and, in strong support of the reconfiguration, forwarded the matter to the full Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference. Thereafter, on July 16, 2008, the Northeastern Jurisdictional Conference met and, after careful consideration, approved the Boundaries Committee's recommendation, and adopted a resolution reconfiguring the boundaries of the Annual Conferences and Episcopal Areas in and around Upstate New York. York. Under this resolution, the Jurisdictional Conference directed the creation of a new Annual Conference and Episcopal Area to provide support, guidance and care to all of the local churches in the North Central New York and Western New York Conferences, as well as all of the local churches in the Troy and Wyoming Conferences located in New York State. The local churches in Vermont would be realigned with the New England Conference, and the local churches in Pennsylvania would be realigned into the Sisquehanna Conference. A copy of the Northeastern 3 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 Jurisdictional Conference's Resolution is attached as Exhibit "2." "2." The union and boundaries realignment will take effect on July 1, 2010. In addition to granting New ACT authority to guide the unification process, the Annual Conferences also established a Joint Distribution Committee ("JDC"), charged by The Discipline ( 1509) 1509) with allocating, apportioning and distributing the pension responsibility funds during a consolidation. Under The Discipline, the determinations of the JDC with respect to pension liabilities and distributions are binding, and are, in that regard, incorporated into this Plan of Union. Furthermore, the Annual Conferences also created an Asset Allocation Task Force ("AATF") to serve as an advisory body to New ACT and make recommendations on, among other matters, the equitable allocation of resources during the reconfiguration of the Troy and Wyoming Conferences, hazard and liability insurance policies, the consolidation of the Conference centers and camp and retreat centers, and the care of denominational records records and history. Together these entities worked to identify the issues relating to unification, and developed recommendations for the organizational structure, administration and program ministries of the new Annual Conference. The due diligence of New ACT, JDC, AATF and others has laid the foundation for unification. The assets of all four Conferences have been thoroughly investigated, as have their liabilities, operating structures, programs, committees, mission, members and staff. staff. Policies, plans and procedures for addressing each were developed. This Plan of Union embodies and summarizes, as much as possible, the work of New ACT, JDC and AATF. It is a compilation of the various recommendations and proposals that; that; together, are our "road map" to new things and life as the Upper New York Annual Conference. 4 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 THE UNION PROCESS THE VISION AND PURPOSE OF THE NEW ANNUAL CONFERENCE A. Vision and Purpose. The Vision and Purpose of the new Annual Conference is: Vision. To live the gospel of Jesus Christ and to be God's love with our neighbors in all places. Purpose. Growing in our relationship with God, Being the body of Christ within the world, and Living in accordance with the example of Jesus Christ by: by: • Engaging, equipping and empowering local churches to be in ministry with and to our Global Neighborhood; • Encouraging and developing leadership within the laity and clergy that is diverse and engaged with the vision of Christ; and •• Building relationships with our neighbors, particularly with those who have been I disenfranchised by mainstream society. +j 1 B. Meaning. In accepting this Vision and Purpose, one must understand both what it is, and l what it is not. It is a first word; not the last. It looks at missionary planners; not potential converts. And it is designed to help us prepare for the future; not define it. The Vision and Purpose Statement is a continuously evolving document, both shaping and being shaped by the mission and ministry of The Church. It is our starting point. THE NAME OF THE NEW ANNUAL CONFERENCE A. Name. The name of the new Annual Conference will be: The Upper New York Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. 5 FILED: BROOME COUNTY CLERK 04/12/2024 03:07 PM INDEX NO. INDEX NO. EFCA2021002072 EFCA2021002072 NYSCEF DOC. NYSCEF DOC. NO. NO. 44 15 RECEIVED NYSCEF: RECEIVED NYSCEF: 04/12/2024 04/07/2023 THE NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTION'S EPISCOPAL AREA CHANGES A. Current Episcopal Areas. The North Central, Western, Troy and Wyoming Conferences currently fall within two Episcopal Areas: 1, l. The New York West Area, to which Bishop Marcus Matthews is assigned (covering the North Central and Western Conferences). 2. The Albany Area, to which Bishop Susan Hassinger is assigned (covering the Troy and Wyoming Conferences). B. New Episcopal Area. As of July 1, 1, 2010, pursuant to the 2008 Resolution of the Northeastern Jurisdiction, the New York West and Albany Episcopal Areas will cease to exist. In their place will be a single, unified Episcopal Area: The Upper New York Episcopal Area. It will encompass the same boundaries as the Upper New York Conference. C. Bishop. Bishop Marcus Matthews is assigned as the sole Bishop to the Upper New York